Source code for honeybee.radiance.geometry

"""A collection of methods for writing Radiance geometry file."""

def __norm_name(name):
    """Replace white spaces in names."""
    return name.replace(" ", "_")

# TODO: Change polygon to a class
[docs]def polygon(name, material_name, pts, minimal=False): """return a string for radiance polygon. Args: name:Surface name. Surface name can't have white space. material_name: Name of the radiance material. Material name can't have white space. pts: List of points as (x, y, z). Number of points can't be less than 3. minimal: Set to True to get the definition in as single line. """ __base_string = "%s polygon %s\n0\n0\n%d\n%s" assert len(pts) >= 3, \ "Insufficient number of points for %s: %d" % (name, len(pts)) try: pt_coordinates = "\n".join( [" ".join(map(str, (pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z))) for pt in pts]) except AttributeError: pt_coordinates = "\n".join([" ".join(map(str, pt)) for pt in pts]) definition = __base_string % ( __norm_name(material_name), __norm_name(name), 3 * len(pts), pt_coordinates ) return definition.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", " ") if minimal else definition
if __name__ == "__main__": # test code pts = ((10, 0, 0), (20, 0, 0), (20, 10, 0), (10, 10, 0)) # notice white spaces are replaced by _ print(polygon("surface 001", "white material", pts, True)) print(polygon("surface 002", "white material", pts))