Source code for honeybee.radiance.material.plasdata

"""Radiance Plasdata Material.
from materialbase import RadianceMaterial

# TODO(): Implement the class. It's currently creates this material as generic Radiance
# material
[docs]class Plasdata(RadianceMaterial): """Radiance Plasdata Material. Plasdata is used for arbitrary BRDF's that are most conveniently given as interpolated data. The arguments to this material are the data file and coordinate index functions, as well as a function to optionally modify the data values. mod plasdata id 3+n+ func datafile funcfile x1 x2 .. xn transform 0 4+ red green blue spec A5 .. The coordinate indices (x1, x2, etc.) are themselves functions of the x, y and z direction to the incident light, plus the solid angle subtended by the light source (usually ignored). The data function (func) takes five variables, the interpolated value from the n-dimensional data file, followed by the x, y and z direction to the incident light and the solid angle of the source. The light source direction and size may of course be ignored by the function. """ pass