Source code for honeybee.radiance.parameters.raTiff

# coding=utf-8
from ._advancedparametersbase import AdvancedRadianceParameters
from ._frozen import frozen

[docs]@frozen class RaTiffParameters(AdvancedRadianceParameters): def __init__(self, create_grayscale=None, reverse_conversion=None, exposure=None, gamma=None, compression_type=None, xyze_output_type=None): AdvancedRadianceParameters.__init__(self) self.add_radiance_bool_flag('b', 'create an 8-bit gray scale image', attribute_name='create_grayscale') self.create_grayscale = create_grayscale """Create an eight bit grayscale image instead of a color image.""" self.add_radiance_bool_flag('r', 'convert a bitmap to hdr', attribute_name='reverse_conversion') self.reverse_conversion = reverse_conversion """Do a reverse conversion and convert bitmap to hdr""" self.add_radiance_value('e', 'exposure value', attribute_name='exposure') self.exposure = exposure """Specify tonemapping method or exposure value. Accepted tone mapping methods are 'auto', 'human' or 'linear. Accepted exposure values are any number prefixed with a + or - sign (e.g. -1.2, +1.4, -3.4 etc).""" self.add_radiance_number('g', 'gamma correction', attribute_name='gamma') self.gamma = gamma """Gamma correction for the monitor. Default value is 2.2""" self.add_radiance_value('compress', 'compression value', accepted_inputs=('z', 'L', 'l', 'f', 'w'), attribute_name='compression_type') self.compression_type = compression_type """Compression type for the output TIFF file. Accepted values are z,L,l,f and w for LZW,SIGLOG,SIGLOG24,IEEE-floating-point and 16bit formats respectively.""" self.add_radiance_bool_flag('x', 'XYZE Radiance format', attribute_name='xyze_output_type') self.xyze_output_type = xyze_output_type """Create an xyzeOutput format file."""