Source code for honeybee.radiance.parameters.rcollate

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from _advancedparametersbase import AdvancedRadianceParameters

[docs]class RcollateParameters(AdvancedRadianceParameters): """Radiance parameters for rcollate. Note: As on Apr-10-2016, this class has been implemented to facilitate it's use for 3-Phase and 5-Phase method calculations. Not all the possible options of rcollate have been added at present. Read more:\ pdfs/rcollate.pdf Attributes: remove_header: [-h[io]] -hi turns input header off, -ho turns ouput header off. -h turns both off. warnings_off: [-w] turn off non fatal warnings. output_format: [-f[afdb[N]]. Specify an output format. transpose: [-t] Transpose the matrix. input_columns: [-ic col] Size of the columns of the input matrix. output_columns: [-oc col] Size of the columns of the output matrix. input_rows: [-ir row] Size of the rows of the input matrix. output_rows: [-or row] Size of the rows of output matrix. * For the full list of attributes try self.keys ** values between []'s indicate Radiance equivalent keys for advanced users Usage: #Rearrange an input 10x10 matrix to 20x5 matrix. rcolparam = RcollateParameters() rcolparam.input_columns = 10 rcolpara.input_rows = 10 rcolparam.output_rows = 20 rcolparam.output_columns = 5 #Check the values. print(rcolparam.to_rad_string()) > -ic 10 -ir 10 -oc 5 -or 20 """ def __init__(self, remove_header=None, warnings_off=None, output_format=None, transpose=None, input_columns=None, output_columns=None, input_rows=None, output_rows=None): self.remove_header = None """ remove_header: [-h[io]] -hi turns input header off, -ho turns ouput header off. -h turns both off. """ self.warnings_off = None """warnings_off: [-w] turn off non fatal warnings.""" self.output_format = None """output_format: [-f[afdb[N]]. Specify an output format.""" self.transpose = None """transpose: [-t] Transpose the matrix.""" self.input_columns = None """input_columns: [-ic col] Size of the columns of the input matrix.""" self.output_columns = None """output_columns: [-oc col] Size of the columns of the output matrix.""" self.input_rows = None """input_rows: [-ir row] Size of the rows of the input matrix.""" self.output_rows = None """output_rows: [-or row] Size of the rows of output matrix.""" self.add_radiance_value('h', 'remove_header', accepted_inputs=[True, 'i', 'o'], default_value=remove_header, is_joined=True) self.add_radiance_bool_flag('w', 'warnings_off', default_value=warnings_off) self.add_radiance_bool_flag('t', 'transpose', default_value=transpose) self.add_radiance_number('ic', 'input_columns', default_value=input_columns, num_type=int) self.add_radiance_number('oc', 'output_columns', default_value=output_columns, num_type=int) self.add_radiance_number('ir', 'input_rows', default_value=input_rows, num_type=int) self.add_radiance_number('or', 'output_rows', default_value=output_rows, num_type=int)