Source code for honeybee.radiance.recipe.pointintime.gridbased

"""Radiance Grid-based Analysis Recipe."""
from .._gridbasedbase import GenericGridBased
from ..recipeutil import write_rad_files, write_extra_files
from ...parameters.rtrace import LowQuality
from ...command.oconv import Oconv
from ...command.rtrace import Rtrace
from ...command.rcalc import Rcalc
from ....futil import write_to_file
from ...analysisgrid import AnalysisGrid
from ....hbsurface import HBSurface
from import CIE
from ...parameters.rtrace import RtraceParameters

from ladybug.dt import DateTime

import os

[docs]class GridBased(GenericGridBased): """Grid base analysis base class. Attributes: sky: A honeybee sky for the analysis analysis_grids: List of analysis grids. simulation_type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) rad_parameters: Radiance parameters for grid based analysis (rtrace). (Default: gridbased.LowQuality) hb_objects: An optional list of Honeybee surfaces or zones (Default: None). sub_folder: Analysis subfolder for this recipe. (Default: "gridbased") Usage: # create the sky sky = SkyWithCertainIlluminanceLevel(2000) # initiate analysis_recipe analysis_recipe = GridBased( sky, testPoints, ptsVectors, simType ) # add honeybee object analysis_recipe.hb_objects = HBObjs # write analysis files to local drive analysis_recipe.write(_folder_, _name_) # run the analysis # get the results print(analysis_recipe.results()) """ # TODO: implemnt isChanged at AnalysisRecipe level to reload the results # if there has been no changes in inputs. def __init__(self, sky, analysis_grids, simulation_type=0, rad_parameters=None, hb_objects=None, sub_folder="gridbased"): """Create grid-based recipe.""" GenericGridBased.__init__( self, analysis_grids, hb_objects, sub_folder) = sky """A honeybee sky for the analysis.""" self.radiance_parameters = rad_parameters """Radiance parameters for grid based analysis (rtrace). (Default: gridbased.LowQuality)""" self.simulation_type = simulation_type """Simulation type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (wh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) """
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, rec_json): """Create the solar access recipe from json. { "id": "point_in_time", "type": "gridbased", "sky": null, // a honeybee sky "surfaces": [], // list of honeybee surfaces "analysis_grids": [] // list of analysis grids // [0] illuminance(lux), [1] radiation (kwh), [2] luminance (Candela). "analysis_type": 0 } """ sky = CIE.from_json(rec_json['sky']) analysis_grids = \ tuple(AnalysisGrid.from_json(ag) for ag in rec_json['analysis_grids']) hb_objects = tuple(HBSurface.from_json(srf) for srf in rec_json['surfaces']) rad_parameters = RtraceParameters.from_json(rec_json["rad_parameters"]) return cls(sky, analysis_grids, rec_json['analysis_type'], rad_parameters, hb_objects)
[docs] @classmethod def from_points_and_vectors(cls, sky, point_groups, vector_groups=None, simulation_type=0, rad_parameters=None, hb_objects=None, sub_folder="gridbased"): """Create grid based recipe from points and vectors. Args: sky: A honeybee sky for the analysis point_groups: A list of (x, y, z) test points or lists of (x, y, z) test points. Each list of test points will be converted to a TestPointGroup. If testPts is a single flattened list only one TestPointGroup will be created. vector_groups: An optional list of (x, y, z) vectors. Each vector represents direction of corresponding point in testPts. If the vector is not provided (0, 0, 1) will be assigned. simulation_type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0). rad_parameters: Radiance parameters for grid based analysis (rtrace). (Default: gridbased.LowQuality) hb_objects: An optional list of Honeybee surfaces or zones (Default: None). sub_folder: Analysis subfolder for this recipe. (Default: "gridbased") """ analysis_grids = cls.analysis_grids_from_points_and_vectors(point_groups, vector_groups) return cls(sky, analysis_grids, simulation_type, rad_parameters, hb_objects, sub_folder)
@property def simulation_type(self): """Get/set simulation Type. 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) """ return self._simType @simulation_type.setter def simulation_type(self, value): try: value = int(value) except TypeError: value = 0 assert 0 <= value <= 2, \ "Simulation type should be between 0-2. Current value: {}".format(value) # If this is a radiation analysis make sure the sky is climate-based if value == 1: assert, \ "The sky for radition analysis should be climate-based." self._simType = value if = value @property def sky(self): """Get and set sky definition.""" return self._sky @sky.setter def sky(self, new_sky): assert hasattr(new_sky, 'isRadianceSky'), \ '%s is not a valid Honeybee sky.' % type(new_sky) assert new_sky.is_point_in_time, \ TypeError('Sky must be one of the point-in-time skies.') self._sky = new_sky.duplicate() @property def radiance_parameters(self): """Get and set Radiance parameters.""" return self._radiance_parameters @radiance_parameters.setter def radiance_parameters(self, rad_parameters): if not rad_parameters: rad_parameters = LowQuality() assert hasattr(rad_parameters, "isRadianceParameters"), \ "%s is not a radiance parameters." % type(rad_parameters) self._radiance_parameters = rad_parameters
[docs] def write(self, target_folder, project_name='untitled', header=True): """Write analysis files to target folder. Files for a grid based analysis are: test points <project_name.pts>: List of analysis points. sky file <*.sky>: Radiance sky for this analysis. material file <*.mat>: Radiance materials. Will be empty if hb_objects is None. geometry file <*.rad>: Radiance geometries. Will be empty if hb_objects is None. sky file <*.sky>: Radiance sky for this analysis. batch file <*.bat>: An executable batch file which has the list of commands. oconve <*.sky> <project_name.mat> <project_name.rad> <additional rad_files> > <project_name.oct> rtrace <radiance_parameters> <project_name.oct> > <project_name.res> results file <*.res>: Results file once the analysis is over. Args: target_folder: Path to parent folder. Files will be created under target_folder/gridbased. use self.sub_folder to change subfolder name. project_name: Name of this project as a string. Returns: Full path to command.bat """ # 0.prepare target folder # create main folder target_folder/project_name project_folder = \ super(GenericGridBased, self).write_content(target_folder, project_name) # write geometry and material files opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles = write_rad_files( project_folder + '/scene', project_name, self.opaque_rad_file, self.glazing_rad_file, self.window_groups_rad_files ) # additional radiance files added to the recipe as scene extrafiles = write_extra_files(self.scene, project_folder + '/scene') # 1.write points points_file = self.write_analysis_grids(project_folder, project_name) # 2.write batch file if header: self.commands.append(self.header(project_folder)) # 3.write sky file self._commands.append('sky')) # 3.1. write ground and sky materials skyground =, 'sky')) # TODO(Mostapha): add window_groups here if any! # # 4.1.prepare oconv oct_scene_files = \ [os.path.join(project_folder, str('sky').output_file)), skyground] + opqfiles + glzfiles + wgsfiles + extrafiles.fp oct_scene_files_items = [] for f in oct_scene_files: if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): print('Point-in-time recipes cannot currently handle dynamic window' ' groups. The first state will be used for simulation.') oct_scene_files_items.append(f[0]) else: oct_scene_files_items.append(f) oc = Oconv(project_name) oc.scene_files = tuple(self.relpath(f, project_folder) for f in oct_scene_files_items) # # 4.2.prepare rtrace rt = Rtrace('result/' + project_name, simulation_type=self.simulation_type, radiance_parameters=self.radiance_parameters) rt.radiance_parameters.h = True rt.octree_file = str(oc.output_file) rt.points_file = self.relpath(points_file, project_folder) # # 4.3. add rcalc to convert rgb values to irradiance rc = Rcalc('result/{}.ill'.format(project_name), str(rt.output_file)) if == 'nt': rc.rcalc_parameters.expression = '"$1=(0.265*$1+0.67*$2+0.065*$3)*179"' else: rc.rcalc_parameters.expression = "'$1=(0.265*$1+0.67*$2+0.065*$3)*179'" # # 4.4 write batch file self._commands.append(oc.to_rad_string()) self._commands.append(rt.to_rad_string()) self._commands.append(rc.to_rad_string()) batch_file = os.path.join(project_folder, "commands.bat") write_to_file(batch_file, "\n".join(self.commands)) self._result_files = os.path.join(project_folder, str(rc.output_file)) return batch_file
[docs] def results(self): """Return results for this analysis.""" assert self._isCalculated, \ "You haven't run the Recipe yet. Use " + \ "to run the analysis before loading the results." print('Unloading the current values from the analysis grids.') for ag in self.analysis_grids: ag.unload() sky = dt = DateTime(sky.month,, int(sky.hour), int(60 * (sky.hour - int(sky.hour)))) rf = self._result_files start_line = 0 mode = 179 if self.simulation_type == 1 else 0 for count, analysisGrid in enumerate(self.analysis_grids): if count: start_line += len(self.analysis_grids[count - 1]) analysisGrid.set_values_from_file( rf, (int(dt.hoy),), start_line=start_line, header=False, mode=mode ) return self.analysis_grids
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
[docs] def to_json(self): """Create point-in-time recipe from json. { "id": "point_in_time", "type": "gridbased", "sky": null, // a honeybee sky "surfaces": [], // list of honeybee surfaces "analysis_grids": [] // list of analysis grids // [0] illuminance(lux), [1] radiation (kwh), [2] luminance (Candela). "analysis_type": 0 } """ return { "id": "point_in_time", "type": "gridbased", "sky":, "surfaces": [srf.to_json() for srf in self.hb_objects], "analysis_grids": [ag.to_json() for ag in self.analysis_grids], "analysis_type": self.simulation_type, "rad_parameters": self.radiance_parameters.to_json() }
def __repr__(self): """Represent grid based recipe.""" _analysisType = { 0: "Illuminance", 1: "Radiation", 2: "Luminance" } return "%s: %s\n#PointGroups: %d #Points: %d" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, _analysisType[self.simulation_type], self.analysis_grid_count, self.total_point_count)