Source code for butterfly.blockMeshDict

# coding=utf-8
"""BlockMeshDict class."""
from .boundarycondition import BoundingBoxBoundaryCondition, EmptyBoundaryCondition
from .foamfile import FoamFile
import vectormath
from .grading import SimpleGrading, Grading, MultiGrading
from .parser import CppDictParser
from .geometry import BFGeometry
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, radians
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class BlockMeshDict(FoamFile): """BlockMeshDict.""" __default_values = OrderedDict() __default_values['convertToMeters'] = 1 __default_values['vertices'] = None __default_values['blocks'] = None __default_values['boundary'] = {} def __init__(self, values=None): """Init class.""" FoamFile.__init__(self, name='blockMeshDict', cls='dictionary', location='system', default_values=self.__default_values, values=values) self._bf_block_geometries = None # this will be overwritten in classmethods self._vertices = [] self._is_from_vertices = False self._x_axis = None # variables for 2d blockMeshDict self._is_2d_in_x_dir = False self._is_2d_in_y_dir = False self._is_2d_in_z_dir = False self._original_3d_vertices = None self._order = [] self.n_div_xyz = None self.grading = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepah, convertToMeters=1): """Create a blockMeshDict from file. Args: filepah: Full path to blockMeshDict. converToMeters: converToMeters for the new document. This values will be used to update the vertices to the new units. Default is 1 which means blockMeshDict will be converted to meters. """ _cls = cls() with open(filepah, 'rb') as bf: lines = CppDictParser.remove_comments( bmd = ' '.join(lines.replace('\r\n', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').split()) _cls.values['convertToMeters'] = convertToMeters original_convertToMeters = float( bmd.split('convertToMeters')[-1].split(';')[0]) conversion = convertToMeters / original_convertToMeters # find vertices vertices = list(eval(','.join(bmd.split('vertices')[-1] .split(';')[0] .strip()[1:-1] .split()))) _cls._vertices = list(tuple(i / conversion for i in v) for v in vertices) # get blocks, order of vertices, n_div_xyz, grading blocks = bmd.split('blocks')[-1].split(';')[0].strip() xyz, simpleGrading = blocks.split('simpleGrading') _cls._order, _cls.n_div_xyz = eval(','.join(xyz.split('hex')[-1].split())) simpleGrading = eval(','.join(simpleGrading.strip()[:-1] .replace('( ', '(') .replace(' )', ')') .split())) _cls.grading = SimpleGrading( *(MultiGrading(tuple(Grading(*i) for i in g)) if isinstance(g, tuple) else Grading(g) for g in simpleGrading)) # recreate boundary faces boundary_string = bmd.replace(' (', '(').replace(' )', ')') \ .split('boundary(')[-1].strip().replace('});', '}') \ .replace('));', ');').replace('((', ' (').replace(')(', ') (') _cls.values['boundary'] = {} for key, values in CppDictParser(boundary_string).values.iteritems(): if isinstance(values, dict) and 'type' in values and 'faces' in values: values['faces'] = eval(str(values['faces']).replace(' ', ',')) _cls.values['boundary'][key] = values del((lines, bmd)) return _cls
[docs] @classmethod def from_origin_and_size(cls, origin, width, length, height, convertToMeters=1, n_div_xyz=None, grading=None, x_axis=None): """Create BlockMeshDict from bf_block_geometries. Args: origin: Minimum point of bounding box as (x, y, z). width: Width in x direction. length: Length in y direction. height: Height in y direction. convertToMeters: Scaling factor for the vertex coordinates. n_div_xyz: Number of divisions in (x, y, z) as a tuple (default: 5, 5, 5). grading: A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)). x_axis: An optional tuple that indicates the x_axis direction (default: (1, 0)). """ _x_axis = vectormath.normalize( (x_axis[0], x_axis[1], 0) if x_axis else (1, 0, 0)) _z_axis = (0, 0, 1) _y_axis = vectormath.cross_product(_z_axis, _x_axis) vertices = [ vectormath.move(origin, vectormath.sums((vectormath.scale(_x_axis, i * width), vectormath.scale(_y_axis, j * length), vectormath.scale(_z_axis, k * height)) )) for i in range(2) for j in range(2) for k in range(2)] return cls.from_vertices(vertices, convertToMeters, n_div_xyz, grading, x_axis)
[docs] @classmethod def from_min_max(cls, min_pt, max_pt, convertToMeters=1, n_div_xyz=None, grading=None, x_axis=None): """Create BlockMeshDict from minimum and maximum point. Args: min_pt: Minimum point of bounding box as (x, y, z). max_pt: Maximum point of bounding box as (x, y, z). convertToMeters: Scaling factor for the vertex coordinates. n_div_xyz: Number of divisions in (x, y, z) as a tuple (default: 5, 5, 5). grading: A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)). x_axis: An optional tuple that indicates the x_axis direction (default: (1, 0)). """ _x_axis = vectormath.normalize( (x_axis[0], x_axis[1], 0) if x_axis else (1, 0, 0)) _z_axis = (0, 0, 1) _y_axis = vectormath.cross_product(_z_axis, _x_axis) diagonal2_d = tuple(i - j for i, j in zip(max_pt, min_pt))[:2] _angle = radians(vectormath.angle_anitclockwise(_x_axis[:2], diagonal2_d)) width = cos(_angle) * vectormath.length(diagonal2_d) length = sin(_angle) * vectormath.length(diagonal2_d) height = max_pt[2] - min_pt[2] vertices = [ vectormath.move(min_pt, vectormath.sums((vectormath.scale(_x_axis, i * width), vectormath.scale(_y_axis, j * length), vectormath.scale(_z_axis, k * height)) )) for i in range(2) for j in range(2) for k in range(2)] return cls.from_vertices(vertices, convertToMeters, n_div_xyz, grading, x_axis)
[docs] @classmethod def from_vertices(cls, vertices, convertToMeters=1, n_div_xyz=None, grading=None, x_axis=None): """Create BlockMeshDict from vertices. Args: vertices: 8 vertices to define the bounding box. convertToMeters: Scaling factor for the vertex coordinates. n_div_xyz: Number of divisions in (x, y, z) as a tuple (default: 5, 5, 5). grading: A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)). x_axis: An optional tuple that indicates the x_axis direction (default: (1, 0)). """ _cls = cls() _cls.values['convertToMeters'] = convertToMeters _cls._rawvertices = vertices # sort vertices _cls.x_axis = x_axis _cls._vertices = _cls._sort_vertices() _cls._order = tuple(range(8)) # update self.values['boundary'] _cls._update_boundary_from_sorted_vertices() _cls.n_div_xyz = n_div_xyz # assign grading _cls.grading = grading _cls._is_from_vertices = True return _cls
[docs] @classmethod def from_bf_block_geometries(cls, bf_block_geometries, convertToMeters=1, n_div_xyz=None, grading=None, x_axis=None): """Create BlockMeshDict from bf_block_geometries. Args: bf_block_geometries: A collection of boundary surfaces for bounding box. convertToMeters: Scaling factor for the vertex coordinates. n_div_xyz: Number of divisions in (x, y, z) as a tuple (default: 5, 5, 5). grading: A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)). x_axis: An optional tuple that indicates the x_axis direction (default: (1, 0)). """ _cls = cls() _cls.values['convertToMeters'] = convertToMeters _cls._bf_block_geometries = bf_block_geometries try: # collect uniqe vertices from all bf_geometries _cls._rawvertices = tuple( set(v for f in _cls._bf_block_geometries for vgroup in f.border_vertices for v in vgroup)) except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError('At least one of the input geometries is not a ' 'Butterfly block geometry:\n\t{}'.format(e)) # sort vertices _cls.x_axis = x_axis[:2] if x_axis else (1, 0) _cls._vertices = _cls._sort_vertices() # update self.values['boundary'] _cls.__update_boundary_from_bf_block_geometries() _cls._order = tuple(range(8)) _cls.n_div_xyz = n_div_xyz # assign grading _cls.grading = grading return _cls
@property def convertToMeters(self): """Get convertToMeters.""" return self.values['convertToMeters'] @property def boundary(self): """Get boundaries and a dictionary.""" return self.values['boundary'] @property def is2d_in_x_direction(self): """Return True if the case is 2d in X direction.""" return self._is_2d_in_x_dir @property def is2d_in_y_direction(self): """Return True if the case is 2d in Y direction.""" return self._is_2d_in_y_dir @property def is2d_in_z_direction(self): """Return True if the case is 2d in Z direction.""" return self._is_2d_in_z_dir @property def vertices(self): """Get the sorted list of vertices.""" return self._vertices @property def x_axis(self): """X axis as a tuple.""" if self._x_axis: return self._x_axis else: self._x_axis = vectormath.normalize( vectormath.subtract(self.vertices[1], self.vertices[0]) ) return self._x_axis @x_axis.setter def x_axis(self, v): """X axis.""" v = v or (1, 0, 0) self._x_axis = vectormath.normalize((v[0], v[1], 0)) @property def y_axis(self): """Y axis.""" return vectormath.cross_product(self.z_axis, self.x_axis) @property def z_axis(self): """Z axis.""" return (0, 0, 1)
[docs] def update_vertices(self, vertices, x_axis=None): """Update blockMeshDict vertices.""" self._rawvertices = vertices # sort vertices if x_axis: self.x_axis = x_axis self._vertices = self._sort_vertices() self._order = tuple(range(8)) # update self.values['boundary'] self._update_boundary_from_sorted_vertices()
@property def vertices_order(self): """Get order of vertices in blocks.""" return self._order @property def geometry(self): """A tuple of bf_geometries for BoundingBox faces.""" def _get_bf_geometry(name, attr): if name == 'boundingbox_empty': bc = EmptyBoundaryCondition() else: bc = BoundingBoxBoundaryCondition() ind = attr['faces'] if hasattr(attr['faces'][0], '__iter__') else \ (attr['faces'],) # unique indecies uniuqe = tuple(set(i for inx in ind for i in inx)) renumbered_indx = tuple(tuple(uniuqe.index(i) for i in inx) for inx in ind) return BFGeometry(name, tuple(self.vertices[i] for i in uniuqe), renumbered_indx, boundary_condition=bc) if not self._bf_block_geometries: self._bf_block_geometries = tuple( _get_bf_geometry(name, attr) for name, attr in self.boundary.iteritems()) return self._bf_block_geometries @property def width(self): """Length of block in X direction.""" return self._distance(self.vertices[self.vertices_order[0]], self.vertices[self.vertices_order[1]]) @property def length(self): """Length of block in Y direction.""" return self._distance(self.vertices[self.vertices_order[0]], self.vertices[self.vertices_order[3]]) @property def height(self): """Length of block in Z direction.""" return self._distance(self.vertices[self.vertices_order[0]], self.vertices[self.vertices_order[4]]) @property def center(self): """Get center of the block.""" return self._average_verices() @property def min_pt(self): """Return minimum pt x, y, z in this block.""" return self.vertices[self.vertices_order[0]] @property def max_pt(self): """Return maximum pt x, y, z in this block.""" return self.vertices[self.vertices_order[6]] @property def min_z(self): """Return minimum Z value of vertices in this block.""" return self.vertices[self.vertices_order[0]][2] @property def n_div_xyz(self): """Number of divisions in (x, y, z) as a tuple (default: 5, 5, 5).""" return self._n_div_xyz @n_div_xyz.setter def n_div_xyz(self, d_xyz): self._n_div_xyz = tuple(int(v) for v in d_xyz) if d_xyz else (5, 5, 5) if self._is_2d_in_x_dir: self._n_div_xyz = 1, self._n_div_xyz[1], self._n_div_xyz[2] elif self._is_2d_in_y_dir: self._n_div_xyz = self._n_div_xyz[0], 1, self._n_div_xyz[2] elif self._is_2d_in_z_dir: self._n_div_xyz = self._n_div_xyz[0], self._n_div_xyz[1], 1 @property def grading(self): """A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)).""" return self._grading @grading.setter def grading(self, g): self._grading = g if g else SimpleGrading() assert hasattr(self.grading, 'isSimpleGrading'), \ 'grading input ({}) is not a valid simpleGrading.'.format(g)
[docs] def make3d(self): """Reload the 3d blockMeshDict if it has been converted to 2d.""" if not self._original_3d_vertices: print('This blockMeshDict is already a 3d blockMeshDict.') return self._vertices = self._original_3d_vertices self._is_2d_in_x_dir = False self._is_2d_in_y_dir = False self._is_2d_in_z_dir = False
[docs] def make2d(self, plane_origin, plane_normal, width=0.1): """Make the blockMeshDict two dimensional. Args: plane_origin: Plane origin as (x, y, z). plane_normal: Plane normal as (x, y, z). width: width of 2d blockMeshDict (default: 01). """ # copy original vertices if not self._original_3d_vertices: self._original_3d_vertices = self.vertices else: # load original 3d vertices self.make3d() n = vectormath.normalize(plane_normal) # project all vertices to plane and move them in direction of normal # by half of width self._vertices = [ self._calculate2d_points(v, plane_origin, n, width) for v in self.vertices] # set boundary condition to empty # and number of divisions to 1 in shortest side minimum = min(self.width, self.length, self.height) if self.width == minimum: self.n_div_xyz = (1, self.n_div_xyz[1], self.n_div_xyz[2]) self._is_2d_in_x_dir = True # set both sides to empty self._set_boundary_to_empty(4) self._set_boundary_to_empty(5) elif self.length == minimum: self.n_div_xyz = (self.n_div_xyz[0], 1, self.n_div_xyz[2]) self._is_2d_in_y_dir = True # set inlet and outlet to empty self._set_boundary_to_empty(0) self._set_boundary_to_empty(1) elif self.height == minimum: self.n_div_xyz = (self.n_div_xyz[0], self.n_div_xyz[1], 1) self._is_2d_in_z_dir = True # set top and bottom to empty self._set_boundary_to_empty(2) self._set_boundary_to_empty(3)
[docs] def expand_uniform_by_cells_count(self, count, renumber_division=True): """Expand blockMeshDict boundingbox for n cells from all sides. This method will increase the number of divisions by 2 to keep the size of the cells unchanged unless renumber_division is set to False. Use a negative count to shrink the bounding box. """ x, y, z = self.n_div_xyz self.expand_x((self.width / float(x)) * count) self.expand_y((self.length / float(y)) * count) self.expand_z((self.height / float(z)) * count) if renumber_division: self.n_div_xyz = (x + 2 * count, y + 2 * count, z + 2 * count)
[docs] def expand_by_cells_count(self, x_count, y_count, z_count, renumber_division=True): """Expand blockMeshDict boundingbox for n cells from all sides. This method will increase the number of divisions by 2 to keep the size of the cells unchanged unless renumber_division is set to False. Use a negative count to shrink the bounding box. """ x, y, z = self.n_div_xyz self.expand_x((self.width / float(x)) * x_count) self.expand_y((self.length / float(y)) * y_count) self.expand_z((self.height / float(z)) * z_count) if renumber_division: self.n_div_xyz = (x + 2 * x_count, y + 2 * y_count, z + 2 * z_count)
[docs] def expand_uniform(self, dist): """Expand blockMeshDict boundingbox for dist in all directions.""" if not dist: return self.expand_x(dist) self.expand_y(dist) self.expand_z(dist)
[docs] def expand_x(self, dist): """Expand blockMeshDict boundingbox for dist in x and -x directions.""" _x_axis = self.x_axis for i in (0, 3, 7, 4): self.vertices[i] = vectormath.move( self.vertices[i], vectormath.scale(_x_axis, -dist)) for i in (1, 2, 6, 5): self.vertices[i] = vectormath.move( self.vertices[i], vectormath.scale(_x_axis, dist))
[docs] def expand_y(self, dist): """Expand blockMeshDict boundingbox for dist in y and -y directions.""" _y_axis = self.y_axis for i in (0, 1, 5, 4): self.vertices[i] = vectormath.move( self.vertices[i], vectormath.scale(_y_axis, -dist)) for i in (3, 2, 6, 7): self.vertices[i] = vectormath.move( self.vertices[i], vectormath.scale(_y_axis, dist))
[docs] def expand_z(self, dist): """Expand blockMeshDict boundingbox for dist in z and -z directions.""" _z_axis = (0, 0, 1) for i in (0, 1, 2, 3): self.vertices[i] = vectormath.move( self.vertices[i], vectormath.scale(_z_axis, -dist)) for i in (4, 5, 6, 7): self.vertices[i] = vectormath.move( self.vertices[i], vectormath.scale(_z_axis, dist))
@staticmethod def _calculate2d_points(v, o, n, w): # project point p = vectormath.project(v, o, n) # move the projected point backwards for half of the width t = vectormath.scale(vectormath.normalize(vectormath.subtract(v, p)), w / 2.0) return vectormath.move(p, t)
[docs] def n_div_xyz_by_cell_size(self, cell_size_xyz): """Set number of divisions by cell size.""" x, y, z = cell_size_xyz self.n_div_xyz = int(round(self.width / x)), int(round(self.length / y)), \ int(round(self.height / z))
[docs] def update_meshing_parameters(self, meshing_parameters): """Update meshing parameters for blockMeshDict.""" if not meshing_parameters: return assert hasattr(meshing_parameters, 'isMeshingParameters'), \ 'Expected MeshingParameters not {}'.format(type(meshing_parameters)) if meshing_parameters.cell_size_xyz: self.n_div_xyz_by_cell_size(meshing_parameters.cell_size_xyz) if meshing_parameters.grading: self.grading = meshing_parameters.grading
@property def bottom_face_indices(self): """Get indecies for bottom face.""" return (self.vertices_order[0], self.vertices_order[3], self.vertices_order[2], self.vertices_order[1]) @property def top_face_indices(self): """Get indecies for top face.""" return (self.vertices_order[4], self.vertices_order[5], self.vertices_order[6], self.vertices_order[7]) @property def right_face_indices(self): """Get indecies for right face.""" return (self.vertices_order[1], self.vertices_order[2], self.vertices_order[6], self.vertices_order[5]) @property def left_face_indices(self): """Get indecies for left face.""" return (self.vertices_order[3], self.vertices_order[0], self.vertices_order[4], self.vertices_order[7]) @property def front_face_indices(self): """Get indecies for front face.""" return (self.vertices_order[0], self.vertices_order[1], self.vertices_order[5], self.vertices_order[4]) @property def back_face_indices(self): """Get indecies for back face.""" return (self.vertices_order[2], self.vertices_order[3], self.vertices_order[7], self.vertices_order[6])
[docs] def get_face_indices(self, face_index): """Update boundary to empty for one of the faces. Args: face_index: 0 - front, 1 - back, 2 - bottom, 3 - top, 4 - right, 5 - left. """ face_indices = {0: self.front_face_indices, 1: self.back_face_indices, 2: self.bottom_face_indices, 3: self.top_face_indices, 4: self.right_face_indices, 5: self.left_face_indices} return face_indices[face_index]
@property def bottom_face_vertices(self): """Get vertices for bottom face.""" return tuple(self.vertices[o] for o in self.bottom_face_indices) @property def top_face_vertices(self): """Get vertices for top face.""" return tuple(self.vertices[o] for o in self.top_face_indices) @property def right_face_vertices(self): """Get vertices for right face.""" return tuple(self.vertices[o] for o in self.right_face_indices) @property def left_face_vertices(self): """Get vertices for left face.""" return tuple(self.vertices[o] for o in self.left_face_indices) @property def front_face_vertices(self): """Get vertices for front face.""" return tuple(self.vertices[o] for o in self.front_face_indices) @property def back_face_vertices(self): """Get vertices for back face.""" return tuple(self.vertices[o] for o in self.back_face_indices)
[docs] def get_face_vertices(self, face_index): """Update boundary to empty for one of the faces. Args: face_index: 0 - front, 1 - back, 2 - bottom, 3 - top, 4 - right, 5 - left. """ face_vertices = {0: self.front_face_vertices, 1: self.back_face_vertices, 2: self.bottom_face_vertices, 3: self.top_face_vertices, 4: self.right_face_vertices, 5: self.left_face_vertices} return face_vertices[face_index]
def _set_boundary_to_empty(self, face_index): """Update boundary to empty for the face based on index. Args: face_index: 0 - front, 1 - back, 2 - bottom, 3 - top, 4 - right, 5 - left. """ # get indices and vertices for the face_index ind = self.get_face_indices(face_index) if self._is_from_vertices: if 'boundingbox_empty' not in self.values['boundary']: self.values['boundary']['boundingbox_empty'] = \ {'type': 'empty', 'faces': ()} self.values['boundary']['boundingbox_empty']['faces'] += (ind,) self.values['boundary']['boundingbox']['faces'] = tuple( o for o in self.values['boundary']['boundingbox']['faces'] if o != ind ) else: # update boundary condition for the geometry if the boundary is created # from geometry for name, v in self.values['boundary'].iteritems(): if ind in v['faces']: v['type'] = 'empty' for geo in self._bf_block_geometries: if == name: geo.boundary_condition = EmptyBoundaryCondition() break def _update_boundary_from_sorted_vertices(self): """Update boundary dictionary based ordered vertices.""" self.values['boundary']['boundingbox'] = { 'type': 'wall', 'faces': (self.bottom_face_indices, self.top_face_indices, self.right_face_indices, self.left_face_indices, self.front_face_indices, self.back_face_indices, ) } def __update_boundary_from_bf_block_geometries(self): """Update boundary dictionary based on bf_block_geometries input.""" for geo in self._bf_block_geometries: try: self.values['boundary'][] = { 'type': geo.boundary_condition.type, 'faces': tuple(tuple(self.vertices.index(v) for v in verGroup) for verGroup in geo.border_vertices) } except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError('Wrong input geometry!\n{}'.format(e)) def __boundary_to_openfoam(self): _body = " %s\n" \ " {\n" \ " type %s;\n" \ " faces\n" \ " (" \ " %s\n" \ " );\n" \ " }\n" col = (_body % (name, attr['type'], '\n' + '\n'.join('\t' + str(indices).replace(",", "") for indices in attr['faces'])) if isinstance(attr['faces'][0], tuple) else _body % (name, attr['type'], '\n\t' + str(attr['faces']).replace(",", "")) for name, attr in self.boundary.iteritems()) return 'boundary\n(%s);\n' % '\n'.join(col) @staticmethod def _distance(v1, v2): return sqrt(sum((x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(v1, v2))) def _average_verices(self): _x, _y, _z = 0, 0, 0 for ver in self._rawvertices: _x += ver[0] _y += ver[1] _z += ver[2] numofver = len(self._rawvertices) return _x / numofver, _y / numofver, _z / numofver def _sort_vertices(self): """sort input vertices.""" groups = {} for p in self._rawvertices: if p[2] not in groups: groups[p[2]] = [] groups[p[2]].append((p[0], p[1])) z_values = sorted(groups.keys()) point_groups = groups.values() assert len(z_values) == 2, \ 'Number of Z values must be 2 not {}: {}.'.format(len(z_values), z_values) for g in point_groups: assert len(g) == 4 # the points in both height are identical so I just take the first group # and sort them x_axis_reversed = (-self.x_axis[0], -self.x_axis[1]) center_pt =[:2] sorted_points2d = \ sorted(point_groups[0], key=lambda x: vectormath.angle_anitclockwise( x_axis_reversed, tuple(c1 - c2 for c1, c2 in zip(x, center_pt)))) sorted_points = [(pt[0], pt[1], z) for z in z_values for pt in sorted_points2d] return sorted_points
[docs] def to_openfoam(self): """Return OpenFOAM representation as a string.""" _hea = self.header() _body = "\nconvertToMeters %.4f;\n" \ "\n" \ "vertices\n" \ "(\n\t%s\n);\n" \ "\n" \ "blocks\n" \ "(\nhex %s %s %s\n);\n" \ "\n" \ "edges\n" \ "(%s);\n" \ "\n" \ "%s" \ "\n" \ "mergePatchPair\n" \ "(%s);\n" return _hea + \ _body % ( self.convertToMeters, "\n\t".join(tuple(str(ver).replace(",", "") for ver in self.vertices)), str(self.vertices_order).replace(",", ""), str(self.n_div_xyz).replace(",", ""), self.grading, # blocks "\n", # edges self.__boundary_to_openfoam(), # boundary "\n") # merge patch pair
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """BlockMeshDict representation.""" return self.to_openfoam()