Source code for butterfly.meshingparameters

# coding=utf-8
"""Butterfly Meshing Parameters.

Collection of meshing parameters for blockMesh and snappyHexMesh.
from .grading import SimpleGrading
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class MeshingParameters(object): """Meshing parameters. Attributes: cell_size_xyz: Cell size in (x, y, z) as a tuple (default: length / 5). This value updates number of divisions in blockMeshDict. grading: A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)). This value updates grading in blockMeshDict. locationInMesh: A tuple for the location of the mesh to be kept. This value updates locationInMesh in snappyHexMeshDict. globRefineLevel: A tuple of (min, max) values for global refinment. This value updates globalRefinementLevel in snappyHexMeshDict. """ def __init__(self, cell_size_xyz=None, grading=None, locationInMesh=None, globRefineLevel=None): """Init meshing parameters.""" # blockMeshDict try: self.cell_size_xyz = None if not cell_size_xyz else tuple(cell_size_xyz) except TypeError: # Point in Dynamo is not iterable self.cell_size_xyz = (cell_size_xyz.X, cell_size_xyz.Y, cell_size_xyz.Z) self.grading = grading # blockMeshDict # snappyHexMeshDict try: self.locationInMesh = None if not locationInMesh else tuple( locationInMesh) except TypeError: # Point in Dynamo is not iterable self.locationInMesh = ( locationInMesh.X, locationInMesh.Y, locationInMesh.Z) # snappyHexMeshDict self.globRefineLevel = None if not globRefineLevel else tuple( globRefineLevel) @property def isMeshingParameters(self): """Return True.""" return True @property def grading(self): """A simpleGrading (default: simpleGrading(1, 1, 1)).""" return self.__grading @grading.setter def grading(self, g): self.__grading = g if g else SimpleGrading() assert hasattr(self.grading, 'isSimpleGrading'), \ 'grading input ({}) is not a valid simpleGrading.'.format(g)
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Return a copy of this object.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Meshing parameters representation.""" return "MeshingParameters::{}".format( '::'.join((str(i).replace('\n', '').replace('\t', ' ') for i in (self.cell_size_xyz, self.grading) if i)) )