Source code for butterfly.parser

"""OpenFOAM/c++ dictionary parser."""
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class CppDictParser(object): """Parse OpenFOAM dictionary to Python dictionary. Use values property to get the dictionary. Attributes: text: OpenFOAM dictionary as a single multiline string. """ def __init__(self, text): """Init an OpenFOAMDictParser.""" _t = self.remove_comments(text) _t = ''.join(_t.replace('\r\n', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')) self.__values = self._convert_to_dict(self._parse_nested(_t))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath): """Create a parser from an OpenFOAM file.""" with open(filepath) as f: return cls('\n'.join(f.readlines()))
@property def values(self): """Get OpenFOAM dictionary values as a python dictionary.""" return self.__values
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_comments(code): """Remove comments from c++ codes.""" # remove all occurance streamed comments (/*COMMENT */) from string text = re.sub(re.compile('/\*.*?\*/', re.DOTALL), '', code) # remove all occurance singleline comments (//COMMENT\n ) from string return re.sub(re.compile('//.*?\n'), '', text)
def _convert_to_dict(self, parsed): """Convert parsed list to a dictionary.""" d = dict() itp = iter(parsed) for pp in itp: if not isinstance(pp, list): if pp.find(';') == -1: # if not a list and doesn't include ';' it's a key and # next item is the value d[pp.strip()] = self._convert_to_dict(next(itp)) else: s = pp.split(';') if not pp.endswith(';'): # last item is a key and next item is the value d[s[-1].strip()] = self._convert_to_dict(next(itp)) s = s[:-1] for ppp in s: ss = ppp.split() if ss: d[ss[0].strip()] = ' '.join(ss[1:]).strip() return d @staticmethod def _parse_nested(text, left=r'[{]', right=r'[}]', sep='#'): """Parse nested. """ pat = r'({}|{}|{})'.format(left, right, sep) tokens = re.split(pat, text) stack = [[]] for x in tokens: if not x.strip() or re.match(sep, x): continue if re.match(left, x): # Nest a new list inside the current list current = [] stack[-1].append(current) stack.append(current) elif re.match(right, x): stack.pop() if not stack: raise ValueError('error: opening bracket is missing') else: stack[-1].append(x.strip()) if len(stack) > 1: print(stack) raise ValueError('error: closing bracket is missing') return stack.pop()
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Class representation.""" return '{}'.format(self.values)
[docs]class ResidualParser(object): """Paeser for residual values from a log file. Attributes: filepath: Full file path to .log file. parser: If ture Parser will start parsing the values once initiated. """ def __init__(self, filepath, parse=True): """Init residual parser.""" self.filepath = filepath self.__residuals = OrderedDict() if parse: self.parse()
[docs] def parse(self): """Parse the log file.""" # open the file # try to find the first line with Time = # send the file to a recursive residualParser try: with open(self.filepath, 'rb') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('Time ='): self.timestep = self.__get_time(line) self.__residuals[self.timestep] = {} self.__parse_residuals(f) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Failed to parse {}:\n\t{}'.format(self.filepath, e))
@property def residuals(self): """Get residuals as a dictionary.""" return self.__residuals @property def time_range(self): """Get time range as a tuple.""" _times = self.get_times() return _times[0], _times[-1]
[docs] def get_times(self): """Get time steps.""" return self.__residuals.keys()
[docs] def get_residuals(self, quantity, time_range): """Get residuals for a quantity.""" if quantity not in self.quantities: print ('Invalid quantity [{}]. Try from the list below:\n{}' .format(quantity, self.quantities)) return () if not time_range: return (v[quantity] for v in self.__residuals.itervalues()) else: available_time_range = self.time_range try: t0 = max(available_time_range[0], time_range[0]) t1 = min(available_time_range[1], time_range[1]) except IndexError as e: raise ValueError('Failed to read time_range:\n{}'.format(e)) return (self.__residuals[int(t)][quantity] for t in xrange(t0, t1))
@staticmethod def __get_time(line): return int(line.split('Time =')[-1]) def __parse_residuals(self, f): for line in f: if not line.startswith('Time ='): try: # quantity, Initial residual, Final residual, No Iterations q, ir, fr, ni = line.split(': Solving for ')[1].split(',') self.__residuals[self.timestep][q] = ir.split('= ')[-1] except IndexError: pass else: self.timestep = self.__get_time(line) self.__residuals[self.timestep] = {} self.quantities = self.__residuals[self.timestep].keys()