Source code for butterfly.recipe

# coding=utf-8
"""Butterfly recipes."""
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from .turbulenceProperties import TurbulenceProperties
from .transportProperties import TransportProperties
from .fvSolution import FvSolution, ResidualControl, RelaxationFactors
from .fvSchemes import FvSchemes

from .g import G

# 0 folder objects
from .U import U
from .k import K
from .p import P
from .nut import Nut
from .epsilon import Epsilon
from .T import T
from .alphat import Alphat
from .p_rgh import P_rgh

class _Recipe(object):
    """Base class for recipes.

        commands: A list of OpenFOAM commands. You can pass arguments for each
            command with each command as a string. e.g. ('blockMesh',
            'snappyHexMesh -constant')
        turbulenceProperties: Turbulence properties.
        fvSolution: Optional input for fvSolution to overwrite default fvSolution.
        fvSchemes: Optional input for fvSchemes to overwrite default fvSchemes.
        quantities: A collection of strings for quantities in this solution.
            ('U', 'p', 'k', 'epsilon')
        residualControl: A dictionary of values for residualControl of quantities.
        relaxationFactors: A list of values for relaxationFactors of quantities.

    __foamfilescollection = {'g': G, 'U': U, 'k': K, 'p': P, 'nut': Nut,
                             'epsilon': Epsilon, 'T': T, 'alphat': Alphat,
                             'p_rgh': P_rgh,
                             'transportProperties': TransportProperties}

    __globalConvergence = 10 ** -4

    def __init__(self, commands, turbulenceProperties, fvSolution=None,
                 fvSchemes=None, quantities=None, residualControl=None,
        """Initiate recipe."""
        self.commands = commands
        self.turbulenceProperties = turbulenceProperties
        self.fvSolution = fvSolution
        self.fvSchemes = fvSchemes
        self.quantities = quantities
        self.residualControl = residualControl
        self.relaxationFactors = relaxationFactors

    def isRecipe(self):
        """Return True for recipe."""
        return True

    def commands(self):
        """List of openfoam commands for this recipe."""
        return self.__commands

    def commands(self, cmds):
        """List of openfoam commands for this recipe."""
        if isinstance(cmds, str):
            cmds = (cmds,)

        assert isinstance(cmds, (tuple, list)), \
            'Invalid input for commands: {}. Should be a list or a tuple.' \

        self.__commands = cmds

    def turbulenceProperties(self):
        """Get the OpenFOAM case."""
        return self.__turbulenceProperties

    def turbulenceProperties(self, tp):
        """Update turbulence file for the case."""
        if not tp:
            tp = TurbulenceProperties.RAS()

        assert hasattr(tp, 'isTurbulenceProperties'), \
            'Expected turbulencePropertise not {}.'.format(type(tp))

        self.__turbulenceProperties = tp

    def fvSolution(self):
        """Get or set fvSolution."""
        return self.__fvSolution

    def fvSolution(self, fvsln):
        if fvsln:
            assert hasattr(fvsln, 'isFvSolution'), \
                'fvSolution should be from type FvSolution not {}.' \

        self.__fvSolution = fvsln

    def fvSchemes(self):
        """Get fvSchemes."""
        return self.__fvSchemes

    def fvSchemes(self, fvschm):
        if fvschm:
            assert hasattr(fvschm, 'isFvSchemes'), \
                'fvSolution should be from type FvSchemes not {}.' \

        self.__fvSchemes = fvschm

    def quantities(self):
        """List of quantities for the recipe."""
        return self.__quantities

    def quantities(self, q):
        """List of quantities for the recipe."""
        if not q:
            q = ('p', 'U', 'k', 'epsilon')
            self.__quantities = q

    def residualControl(self):
        """A dictionary of residuals as quantity: residualValue."""
        return self.__residualControl

    def residualControl(self, res):
        if res is None:
            res = dict.fromkeys(self.quantities, self.__globalConvergence)

        # check the input to be dictionary and have values for all the input
        # otherwise use default value
        if isinstance(res, dict):
            self.__residualControl = ResidualControl(res)
        elif isinstance(res, ResidualControl):
            self.__residualControl = res
            raise TypeError(
                'residualControl should be a dictionary not a {}.'.format(type(res))
        # update fvSolution
        self.fvSolution.residualControl = self.residualControl

    def relaxationFactors(self):
        """A dictionary of residuals as quantity: residualValue."""
        return self.__relaxationFactors

    def relaxationFactors(self, relax_fact):
        if relax_fact is None:
            relax_fact = {}

        # check the input to be dictionary and have values for all the input
        # otherwise use default value
        if isinstance(relax_fact, dict):
            self.__relaxationFactors = RelaxationFactors(relax_fact)
        elif isinstance(relax_fact, RelaxationFactors):
            self.__relaxationFactors = relax_fact
            raise TypeError(
                'relaxationFactors should be a dictionary not a {}.'

        # update fvSolution
        self.fvSolution.relaxationFactors = self.relaxationFactors

    def prepare_case(self, case, overwrite=False, remove=False):
        """Prepare a case for this recipe.

        This method double checks files under Zero folder for each quantities.
        It creates, overwrites or removes the files if needed. Solution class
        calls this method on initialization.

            case: A Butterfly case.
            overwrite: Set to True to overwrite current files.
            remove: Set to True to remove extra files in the folder.
        print('Preparing {} for {} study...'.format(case, self.__class__.__name__))

        if self.fvSchemes and case.fvSchemes != self.fvSchemes:
            case.fvSchemes = self.fvSchemes

        if self.fvSolution and case.fvSolution != self.fvSolution:
            case.fvSolution = self.fvSolution

        if self.turbulenceProperties and \
                case.turbulenceProperties != self.turbulenceProperties:
            case.turbulenceProperties = self.turbulenceProperties

        if case.decomposeParDict:

        if hasattr(case, 'probes'):

        if hasattr(case, 'ABLConditions'):
  , overwrite=overwrite)

        if hasattr(case, 'initialConditions'):
  , overwrite=overwrite)

        # check neccasary files.
        for q in (self.quantities + ('transportProperties', 'g')):

            if not hasattr(case, q):
                # try to create the quantity
                assert q in self.__foamfilescollection, \
                    'Failed to find {0} method in {1}.' \
                    '{2} needs {0} foamfile to execute.'.format(
                        q, case, self.__class__.__name__)

                case.__dict__[q] = \

            case.__dict__[q].save(case.project_dir, overwrite=overwrite)

        # remove extra files.
        if remove:
            for f in os.listdir(case.zero_folder):
                if f in self.quantities:
                if f.endswith('Conditions'):
                    # do not remove ABLConditions and initialConditions
                p = os.path.join(case.zero_folder, f)
                if not os.path.isfile(p):
                except Exception as e:
                    raise IOError('Unable to remove {}:\n{}'.format(p, e))

    def duplicate(self):
        """Return a copy of this object."""
        return deepcopy(self)

    def ToString(self):
        """Overwrite .NET ToString method."""
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{} Recipe'.format(self.__class__.__name__)

class _SingleCommandRecipe(_Recipe):
    """Recipe for recipe's with a single OpenFOAM command (e.g. simpleFoam).

        commands: An OpenFOAM command (e.g. 'simpleFoam')
        turbulenceProperties: Turbulence properties.
        fvSolution: Optional input for fvSolution to overwrite default fvSolution.
        fvSchemes: Optional input for fvSchemes to overwrite default fvSchemes.
        quantities: A collection of strings for quantities in this solution. A
            separate file will be created in 0 folder for each quantity.
        residualControl: A dictionary of values for residualControl of residuals.
        relaxationFactors: A list of values for relaxationFactors of residuals.
        residual_fields: List of quantities that should be watched during solution
            run ('Ux', 'Uy', 'Uz', 'p', 'k', 'epsilon').

    def __init__(self, command, turbulenceProperties, fvSolution=None,
                 fvSchemes=None, quantities=None, residualControl=None,
                 relaxationFactors=None, residual_fields=None):
        """Initiate recipe."""
        _Recipe.__init__(self, (command,), turbulenceProperties, fvSolution,
                         fvSchemes, quantities, residualControl,

        self.__command = command
        self.__residual_fields = residual_fields or ('p')

    def application(self):
        """OpenFOAM application."""
        return self.__command

    def prepare_case(self, case, overwrite=False, remove=False):
        """Prepare a case for this recipe.

        This method sets up the application in control dict and double checks
        files under Zero folder for each quantities. It creates, overwrites or
        removes the files if needed. Solution class calls this method on

            case: A Butterfly case.
            overwrite: Set to True to overwrite current files.
            remove: Set to True to remove extra files in the folder.
        # update controlDict
        if case.controlDict.application != self.application:
            case.controlDict.application = self.application

        super(_SingleCommandRecipe, self).prepare_case(case, overwrite, remove)

    def residual_fields(self):
        """List of values for residual plot."""
        return self.__residual_fields

    def log_file(self):
        """Return log file name."""
        return '%s.log' % self.application

    def err_file(self):
        """Return error file name."""
        return '%s.err' % self.application

[docs]class SteadyIncompressible(_SingleCommandRecipe): """Recipe for Steady Incompressible flows. This recipe excutes simpleFoam for the input case. Attributes: turbulenceProperties: Turbulence properties. fvSolution: Optional input for fvSolution to overwrite default fvSolution. fvSchemes: Optional input for fvSchemes to overwrite default fvSchemes. residualControl: A dictionary of values for residualControl of quantities. relaxationFactors: A list of values for relaxationFactors of quantities. """ __command = 'simpleFoam' # foam files in zero folder __quantities = ('epsilon', 'k', 'nut', 'U', 'p') # Values for residual plot. __residual_fields = ('Ux', 'Uy', 'Uz', 'p', 'k', 'epsilon') def __init__(self, turbulenceProperties=None, fvSolution=None, fvSchemes=None, residualControl=None, relaxationFactors=None): """Initiate recipe.""" turbulenceProperties = turbulenceProperties or TurbulenceProperties.RAS() # add inputs here, and initiate the class. fvSolution = fvSolution or FvSolution.from_recipe(0) fvSchemes = fvSchemes or FvSchemes.from_recipe(0) quantities = self.__quantities _SingleCommandRecipe.__init__( self, self.__command, turbulenceProperties, fvSolution, fvSchemes, quantities, residualControl, relaxationFactors, self.__residual_fields)
[docs]class HeatTransfer(_SingleCommandRecipe): """Recipe for heat transfer. This recipe excutes buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam for the input case. Attributes: turbulenceProperties: Turbulence properties. fvSolution: Optional input for fvSolution to overwrite default fvSolution. fvSchemes: Optional input for fvSchemes to overwrite default fvSchemes. residualControl: A dictionary of values for residualControl of quantities. relaxationFactors: A list of values for relaxationFactors of quantities. """ __command = 'buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam' # foam files in zero folder __quantities = ('alphat', 'epsilon', 'k', 'nut', 'p_rgh', 'T', 'U') # values for residual plot. __residual_fields = ('Ux', 'Uy', 'Uz', 'p_rgh', 'T', 'k', 'epsilon') def __init__(self, turbulenceProperties=None, fvSolution=None, fvSchemes=None, residualControl=None, relaxationFactors=None, TRef=None): """Initiate recipe.""" turbulenceProperties = turbulenceProperties or TurbulenceProperties.RAS() # add inputs here, and initiate the class. fvSolution = fvSolution or FvSolution.from_recipe(1) fvSchemes = fvSchemes or FvSchemes.from_recipe(1) self.temperature = TRef or 300 quantities = self.__quantities _SingleCommandRecipe.__init__( self, self.__command, turbulenceProperties, fvSolution, fvSchemes, quantities, residualControl, relaxationFactors, self.__residual_fields)
[docs] def prepare_case(self, case, overwrite=False, remove=False): """Prepare a case for this recipe. This method sets up the application in control dict and double checks files under Zero folder for each quantities. It creates, overwrites or removes the files if needed. Solution class calls this method on initialization. Args: case: A Butterfly case. overwrite: Set to True to overwrite current files. remove: Set to True to remove extra files in the folder. """ # update pRefPoint to center locationInMesh for snappyHexMeshDict self.fvSolution.values['SIMPLE']['pRefPoint'] = \ str(case.snappyHexMeshDict.locationInMesh).replace(',', ' ') # updated TRef if it is provided case.T.update_values({'internalField': 'uniform %f' % self.temperature}) super(HeatTransfer, self).prepare_case(case, overwrite, remove)