Source code for butterfly.runmanager_bluecfd

# coding=utf-8
"""Runmanager for butterfly.

Run Butterfly on Windows using blueCFD:

This class has been tested against blueCFD-Core 2017-2:
import os
import ctypes
import platform
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from .runmanagerenv import bluecfd as bcfdenv
import butterfly

[docs]class UserNotAdminError(Exception): """Exception for non-admin users.""" pass
[docs]class RunManagerBlueCFD(object): """RunManager BlueCFD to write and run OpenFOAM commands through batch files.""" shellinit = None __containerId = None def __init__(self, project_name): u"""Init run manager for project. Project path will be set to: C:/Users/%USERNAME%/butterfly/project_name Args: project_name: A string for project name. """ assert == 'nt', "Currently RunManager is only supported on Windows." self._blue_folder = butterfly.config['of_folder'] self._env = bcfdenv(self._blue_folder) self._project_name = project_name self._project_folder = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), 'butterfly', self._project_name ) self.log_folder = './log' self.errFolder = './log' self._process = None @property def process(self): """Return PID for the latest command.""" return self._process @property def is_user_admin(self): """Return True if user is admin.""" if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin(): return True else: return False
[docs] def ensure_user_is_admin(self): """Ensure user is logged in as admin. If user is not admin raise UserNotAdminError. """ if self.is_user_admin: raise UserNotAdminError( 'In order to run OpenFOAM using butterfly you must use an admin ' 'account or run the program as administrator.') else: return True
[docs] def terminate(self, pid=None, force=False): """Kill the command using the pid.""" process = pid or self.process if not pid: return process.terminate()
@property def is_ironpython(self): """Check if the platform is IronPython.""" iron_python = True try: iron_python = True if platform.python_implementation() == 'IronPython' \ else False except ValueError as e: # older versions of IronPython fail to parse version correctly # failed to parse IronPython sys.version: '2.7.5 (IronPython 2.7.5 ( # on .NET 4.0.30319.42000 (64-bit))' if 'IronPython' in str(e): iron_python = True return iron_python # TODO(): Update controlDict.application for multiple commands
[docs] def command(self, cmd, args=None, decomposeParDict=None, include_header=True): """Get command line for an OpenFOAM command in parallel or serial. Args: cmd: An OpenFOAM command. args: List of optional arguments for command. e.g. ('c', 'latestTime') decomposeParDict: decomposeParDict for parallel runs (default: None). include_header: Include header lines to set up the environment (default: True). Returns: (cmd, logfiles, errorfiles) """ if isinstance(cmd, str): return self.__command(cmd, args, decomposeParDict, include_header) elif isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple)): # a list of commands res = namedtuple('log', 'cmd logfiles errorfiles') logs = list(range(len(cmd))) # create a place holder for commands for count, c in enumerate(cmd): if count > 0: include_header = False if c == 'blockMesh': decomposeParDict = None try: arg = args[count] except TypeError: arg = args logs[count] = self.__command(c, (arg,), decomposeParDict, include_header) command = tuple(log.cmd for log in logs) logfiles = tuple(ff for log in logs for ff in log.logfiles) errorfiles = tuple(ff for log in logs for ff in log.errorfiles) return res(command, logfiles, errorfiles)
def __command(self, cmd, args=None, decomposeParDict=None, include_header=True): """Get command line for an OpenFOAM command in parallel or serial. Args: cmd: An OpenFOAM command. args: List of optional arguments for command. e.g. ('-c', '-latestTime') decomposeParDict: decomposeParDict for parallel runs (default: None). include_header: Include header lines to set up the environment (default: True). tee: Include tee in command line. Returns: (cmd, logfiles, errorfiles) """ res = namedtuple('log', 'cmd logfiles errorfiles') # join arguments for the command arguments = '' if not args else '{}'.format(' '.join(args)) if decomposeParDict: # run in parallel n = decomposeParDict.numberOfSubdomains arguments = arguments + ' -parallel' if cmd == 'snappyHexMesh': cmd_list = ('decomposePar', 'mpirun -np %s %s' % (n, cmd), 'reconstructParMesh', 'rm') arg_list = ('', arguments, '-constant', '-r proc*') cmd_name_list = ('decomposePar', cmd, 'reconstructParMesh', 'rm') else: cmd_list = ('decomposePar', 'mpirun -np %s %s' % (n, cmd), 'reconstructPar', 'rm') arg_list = ('', arguments, '', '-r proc*') cmd_name_list = ('decomposePar', cmd, 'reconstructPar', 'rm') cmds = tuple(' '.join((c, arg)) for c, arg in zip(cmd_list, arg_list)) # join commands together errfiles = tuple('{}/{}.err'.format(self.errFolder, name) for name in cmd_name_list) logfiles = tuple('{}/{}.log'.format(self.log_folder, name) for name in cmd_name_list) else: # run is serial cmds = (cmd,) errfiles = ('{}/{}.err'.format(self.errFolder, cmd),) logfiles = ('{}/{}.log'.format(self.log_folder, cmd),) return res(cmds, logfiles, errfiles) def _run_ironpython(self, cmds, logfiles, errfiles, wait): """Run commands in IronPython. The command is running from inside Grasshopper or Dynamo make a batch file and run the command from inside batch file so it pops up in the screen. """ log = namedtuple('log', 'process logfiles errorfiles') envfile = os.path.join(self._blue_folder, 'setvars.bat') header = \ 'call "{}"\nset PATH=%HOME%\\msys64\\usr\\bin;%PATH%\n' \ 'cd {}\n'.format(envfile, self._project_folder) commands = [cmd + ' | tee log\\%s.log' % cmd.split()[0] for cmd in cmds] # write all the commnds in one go! cmd = '\n'.join(commands) with open('ir.bat', 'w') as batchfile: batchfile.write(header) batchfile.write(cmd) process = Popen('ir.bat', stderr=PIPE, shell=False) if not wait: return log(process, logfiles, errfiles) self._handle_process(process, logfiles[0], errfiles[0], True) return log(process, logfiles, errfiles)
[docs] def run(self, command, args=None, decomposeParDict=None, wait=True): """Run OpenFOAM command.""" # get the command as a single line cmds, logfiles, errfiles = self.command( command, args, decomposeParDict) is_ironpython = self.is_ironpython # run the command. log = namedtuple('log', 'process logfiles errorfiles') # update env variables env = os.environ.copy() full_path = self._env["PATH"] + env["PATH"] env.update(self._env) env["PATH"] = full_path os.chdir(self._project_folder) if is_ironpython: return self._run_ironpython(cmds, logfiles, errfiles, wait) elif not wait and len(cmds) > 1: # put all commands in a single line otherwise it won't wait for all of them # it is Winsows so I use && cmds = ['&&'.join(cmds)] for counter, cmd in enumerate(cmds): try: process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, env=env, encoding='utf8') except TypeError: # python 2 process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, env=env) if not wait: return log(process, logfiles, errfiles) self._handle_process( process, logfiles[counter], errfiles[counter], False) return log(process, logfiles, errfiles)
def _handle_process(self, process, logfile, errfile, is_ironpython): # wait for process to finish while printing and logging with open(logfile, 'w') as outf: while True: if is_ironpython: output = '' else: output = process.stdout.readline() if output == '' and process.poll() is not None: err = break if output: outf.write(output.strip()) print(output.strip()) if process.returncode != 0: if str(err).strip(): # pass cases that the user closes the window with open(errfile, 'w') as outf: outf.write(err) raise Exception(err) else: self.terminate() print('The process is interrupted by user!') else: with open(errfile, 'w') as outf: # create an empty file pass
[docs] def check_file_contents(self, files, mute=False): """Check files for content and print them out if any. args: files: A list of ASCII files. returns: (hasContent, content) hasContent: A boolean that shows if there is any contents. content: Files content if any """ def read_file(f): try: with open(f, 'rb') as log: return except Exception as e: err = 'Failed to read {}:\n\t{}'.format(f, e) print(err) return '' _lines = '\n'.join(tuple(read_file(f) for f in files)).strip() if len(_lines) > 0: if not mute: print(_lines) return True, _lines else: return False, _lines
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Return a copy of this object.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Run manager representation.""" return """RunManager::{}""".format(self._project_name)