Source code for butterfly.stl.types

import math

[docs]class Solid(object): """A solid object; the root element of an STL file.""" #: The name given to the object by the STL file header. name = None #: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`stl.Facet` objects representing the #: facets (triangles) that make up the exterior surface of this object. facets = [] def __init__(self, name=None, facets=None): = name self.facets = facets if facets is not None else []
[docs] def add_facet(self, *args, **kwargs): """Append a new facet to the object. Takes the same arguments as the :py:class:`stl.Facet` type. """ self.facets.append(Facet(*args, **kwargs))
@property def normals(self): """Get facet normals.""" return tuple(facet.normal for facet in self.facets) @property def surface_area(self): """The sum of the areas of all facets in the object.""" return reduce( lambda accum, facet: accum + facet.area, self.facets, 0.0, ) @property def vertices(self): """Unique vertices for all facets.""" return tuple(set(ver for facet in self.facets for ver in facet.vertices))
[docs] def write_binary(self, file): """Write this object to a file in STL *binary* format. ``file`` must be a file-like object (supporting a ``write`` method), to which the data will be written. """ from stl.binary import write write(self, file)
[docs] def write_ascii(self, file): """Write this object to a file in STL *ascii* format. ``file`` must be a file-like object (supporting a ``write`` method), to which the data will be written. """ from stl.ascii import write write(self, file)
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Solid): if != return False if len(self.facets) != len(other.facets): return False for i, self_facet in enumerate(self.facets): if self_facet != other.facets[i]: return False return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '<stl.types.Solid name=%r, facets=%r>' % (, self.facets, )
[docs]class Facet(object): """A facet (triangle) from a :py:class:`stl.Solid`.""" #: Raw binary attribute bytes. According to the STL spec these are unused #: and thus this should always be empty, but some modeling software #: encodes non-standard data in here which callers may wish to access. #: #: At present these attribute bytes are populated only when reading binary #: STL files (since ASCII STL files have no place for this data) *and* #: they are ignored when *writing* a binary STL file, so round-tripping #: a file through this library will lose the non-standard attribute data. attributes = None #: The 'normal' vector of the facet, as a :py:class:`stl.Vector3d`. normal = None #: 3-element sequence of :py:class:`stl.Vector3d` representing the #: facet's three vertices, in order. vertices = None def __init__(self, normal, vertices, attributes=None): self.normal = Vector3d(*normal) self.vertices = tuple( Vector3d(*x) for x in vertices ) if len(self.vertices) != 3: raise ValueError('Must pass exactly three vertices') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Facet): return ( self.normal == other.normal and self.vertices == other.vertices ) else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '<stl.types.Facet normal=%r, vertices=%r, area=%r>' % ( self.normal, self.vertices, self.area, ) @property def a(self): """The length the side of the facet between vertices[0] and vertices[1].""" return abs( math.sqrt( pow((self.vertices[0].x - self.vertices[1].x), 2) + pow((self.vertices[0].y - self.vertices[1].y), 2) + pow((self.vertices[0].z - self.vertices[1].z), 2) ) ) @property def b(self): """The length of the side of the facet between vertices[0] and vertices[2].""" return abs( math.sqrt( pow((self.vertices[0].x - self.vertices[2].x), 2) + pow((self.vertices[0].y - self.vertices[2].y), 2) + pow((self.vertices[0].z - self.vertices[2].z), 2) ) ) @property def c(self): """The length of the side of the facet between vertices[1] and vertices[2].""" return abs( math.sqrt( pow((self.vertices[1].x - self.vertices[2].x), 2) + pow((self.vertices[1].y - self.vertices[2].y), 2) + pow((self.vertices[1].z - self.vertices[2].z), 2) ) ) @property def perimeter(self): """The length of the perimeter of the facet.""" return self.a + self.b + self.c @property def area(self): """The surface area of the facet, as computed by Heron's Formula.""" p = self.perimeter / 2.0 return abs(math.sqrt(p * (p - self.a) * (p - self.b) * (p - self.c)))
[docs]class Vector3d(tuple): """Three-dimensional vector. Used to represent both normals and vertices of :py:class:`stl.Facet` objects. This is a subtype of :py:class:`tuple`, so can also be treated like a three-element tuple in (``x``, ``y``, ``z``) order. """ def __new__(cls, x, y, z): return tuple.__new__(cls, (x, y, z)) def __init__(self, x, y, z): pass @property def x(self): """The X value of the vector. which most applications interpret as the left-right axis. """ return self[0] @x.setter def x(self, value): self[0] = value @property def y(self): """The Y value of the vector. which most applications interpret as the in-out axis. """ return self[1] @y.setter def y(self, value): self[1] = value @property def z(self): """The Z value of the vector. which most applications interpret as the up-down axis. """ return self[2] @z.setter def z(self, value): self[2] = value