Source code for butterfly.utilities

# coding=utf-8
"""Collection of useful methods."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import collections
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import gzip

[docs]def list_files(folder, fullpath=False): """list files in a folder.""" if not os.path.isdir(folder): yield None for f in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, f)): if fullpath: yield os.path.join(folder, f) else: yield f else: yield
[docs]def load_case_files(folder, fullpath=False): """load openfoam files from a folder.""" files = [] for p in ('0', 'constant', 'system', 'constant/triSurface'): fp = os.path.join(folder, p) files.append(tuple(list_files(fp, fullpath))) Files = namedtuple('Files', 'zero constant system stl') return Files(*files)
[docs]def mkdir(directory, overwrite=True): """Make a directory. Args: directory: directory as a string. overwrite: A boolean to overwrite the folder if already exists. """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): try: os.mkdir(directory) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Failed to create %s:\n%s' % (directory, e)) return directory
[docs]def write_to_file(full_path, content): """write string content to a file.""" try: with open(full_path, 'wb') as outf: outf.write(content) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Failed to create %s:\n%s' % (full_path, e)) return full_path
[docs]def run_batch_file(filepath, wait=True): """run an executable .bat file. args: wait: Wait for analysis to finish (default: True). returns: Popen process. """ if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise ValueError('Cannot find %s' % filepath) sys.stdout.flush() p = Popen(filepath, shell=False, stdin=PIPE) if wait: (output, err) = p.communicate(input='Y\n') return p
[docs]def tail(file_path, lines=20): """Get tail of the file.""" with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: total_lines_wanted = lines BLOCK_SIZE = 1024, 2) block_end_byte = f.tell() lines_to_go = total_lines_wanted block_number = -1 # blocks of size BLOCK_SIZE, in reverse order starting from the end of # the file blocks = [] while lines_to_go > 0 and block_end_byte > 0: if (block_end_byte - BLOCK_SIZE > 0): # read the last block we haven't yet read * BLOCK_SIZE, 2) blocks.append( else: # file too small, start from begining, 0) # only read what was not read blocks.append( lines_found = blocks[-1].count('\n') lines_to_go -= lines_found block_end_byte -= BLOCK_SIZE block_number -= 1 all_read_text = ''.join(reversed(blocks)) return '\n'.join(all_read_text.splitlines()[-total_lines_wanted:])
[docs]def read_last_line(filepath, block_size=1024): """Read the last line of a file. Modified from: Args: filepath: path to file block_size: data is read in chunks of this size (optional, default=1024) Raises: IOError if file cannot be processed. """ # rU is to open it with Universal newline support f = open(filepath, 'rU') offset = block_size try:, 2) file_size = f.tell() while True: if file_size < offset: offset = file_size * offset, 2) read_str = # Remove newline at the end if read_str[offset - 1] == '\n': read_str = read_str[0:-1] lines = read_str.split('\n') if len(lines) > 1: # Got a line return lines[len(lines) - 1] if offset == file_size: # Reached the beginning return read_str offset += block_size except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) finally: f.close()
[docs]def update_dict(d, u): """Update a dictionary witout overwriting the currect values. source: Args: d: original dictionary. u: new dictionary. """ for k, v in u.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping): r = update_dict(d.get(k, {}), v) d[k] = r else: d[k] = u[k] return d
[docs]def get_snappyHexMesh_geometry_feild(project_name, bf_geometries, meshing_type='triSurfaceMesh', stl_file=None): """Get data for Geometry as a dictionary. Args: project_name: Name of OpenFOAM case. bf_geometries: List of Butterfly geometries. meshing_type: Meshing type. (Default: triSurfaceMesh) stl_file: Name of .stl file if it is different from project_name.stl Returns: A dictionary of data that can be passed to snappyHexMeshDict. """ stl_file = '{}.stl'.format(project_name) if not stl_file else stl_file _geo = {stl_file: OrderedDict()} _geo[stl_file]['type'] = meshing_type _geo[stl_file]['name'] = project_name _geo[stl_file]['regions'] = {} for bfgeo in bf_geometries: if not in _geo[stl_file]['regions']: _geo[stl_file]['regions'][] = {'name':} return _geo
[docs]def get_snappyHexMesh_refinement_surfaces( project_name, bf_geometries, global_levels=None): """Get data for MeshRefinementSurfaces as a dictionary. Args: project_name: Name of OpenFOAM case. bf_geometries: List of Butterfly geometries. global_levels: Default Min, max level of geometry mesh refinement. Returns: A dictionary of data that can be passed to snappyHexMeshDict. """ global_levels = (0, 0) if not global_levels else tuple(global_levels) _ref = {project_name: OrderedDict()} _ref[project_name]['level'] = '({} {})'.format(*(int(v) for v in global_levels)) _ref[project_name]['regions'] = {} for bfgeo in bf_geometries: if not bfgeo.refinementLevels: continue if not in _ref[project_name]['regions']: _ref[project_name]['regions'][] = \ {'level': '({} {})'.format(int(bfgeo.refinementLevels[0]), int(bfgeo.refinementLevels[1]))} return _ref
[docs]def get_snappyHexMesh_surface_layers(bf_geometries): """Get data for n_surface_layers as a dictionary. Args: bf_geometries: List of Butterfly geometries. Returns: A dictionary of data that can be passed to snappyHexMeshDict. """ _ref = OrderedDict() for bfgeo in bf_geometries: if not bfgeo.nSurfaceLayers: continue if not in _ref: _ref[] = {'nSurfaceLayers': str(bfgeo.nSurfaceLayers)} return _ref
[docs]def get_boundary_field_from_geometries(bf_geometries, field='U'): """Get data for boundaryField as a dictionary. Args: bf_geometries: List of Butterfly geometries. parameter: One of the fileds as a string (U , p, k , epsilon, nut) Returns: A dictionary of data that can be passed to snappyHexMeshDict. """ _bou = {} for bfgeo in bf_geometries: if not in _bou: if hasattr(bfgeo.boundary_condition, 'isBoundingBoxBoundaryCondition'): # bounding box for meshing. should not be included in files continue _bc = getattr(bfgeo.boundary_condition, field) _bou[] = _bc.value_dict return _bou
[docs]def load_skipped_probes(log_file): """Return list of skipped points as tuples.""" assert os.path.isfile(log_file), "Can't find {}.".format(log_file) _pts = [] with open(log_file, 'rb') as inf: line = inf.readline() while line and not line.startswith('Time = '): if line.startswith(' Did not find location'): _pts.append( tuple(float(i) for i in line.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split())) line = inf.readline() return _pts
[docs]def load_probes_from_postProcessing_file(probes_folder, field): """Return a generator of probes as tuples. Args: probes_folder: full path to probes folder. field: Probes field (e.g. U, p, T). """ if not os.path.isdir(probes_folder): raise ValueError( 'Failed to find probes folder folder at {}'.format(probes_folder)) folders = [os.path.join(probes_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(probes_folder) if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(probes_folder, f)) and f.isdigit())] # sort based on last modified folders = sorted(folders, key=lambda folder: max(tuple(os.stat(os.path.join(folder, f)).st_mtime for f in os.listdir(folder)))) # load the last line in the file _f = os.path.join(probes_folder, str(folders[-1]), field) assert os.path.isfile(_f), 'Cannot find {}!'.format(_f) with open(_f, 'rb') as inf: for line in inf: if line.startswith('# Probe'): break yield tuple(float(v) for v in line.strip().split('(')[-1][:-1].split())
[docs]def load_probe_values_from_folder(probes_folder, field): """Return OpenFOAM probe values for a field for the last timestep. Args: field: Probes field (e.g. U, p, T). """ if not os.path.isdir(probes_folder): raise ValueError( 'Failed to find probes folder folder at {}'.format(probes_folder)) folders = [os.path.join(probes_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(probes_folder) if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(probes_folder, f)) and f.isdigit())] # sort based on last modified folders = sorted(folders, key=lambda folder: max(tuple(os.stat(os.path.join(folder, f)).st_mtime for f in os.listdir(folder)))) # load the last line in the file _f = os.path.join(probes_folder, str(folders[-1]), field) assert os.path.isfile(_f), 'Cannot find {}!'.format(_f) _res = read_last_line(_f).split()[1:] # convert values to tuple or number _rawres = tuple(d.strip() for d in read_last_line(_f).split() if d.strip())[1:] try: # it's a number _res = tuple(float(r) for r in _rawres) except ValueError: try: # it's a vector _res = tuple(eval(','.join(_rawres[3 * i: 3 * (i + 1)])) for i in range(int(len(_rawres) / 3))) except Exception as e: raise Exception('\nFailed to load probes:\n{}'.format(e)) return _res
[docs]def load_probes_and_values_from_sample_file(fp): """Load probes and respected values from the results of a sample file.""" with open(fp, 'rb') as inf: for line in inf: res = (float(v) for v in line.split()) x = y = z = v = tuple(res) if len(v) == 1: yield (x, y, z), float(v[0]) else: yield (x, y, z), v
[docs]def load_of_points_file(path_to_file): """Return points as a generator of tuples.""" assert os.path.isfile(path_to_file), \ 'Failed to find points file at {}'.format(path_to_file) if path_to_file.endswith('.gz'): pfile =, 'rb') else: pfile = open(path_to_file, 'rb') try: for l in pfile: if l.strip().startswith('(') and l.strip().endswith(')'): yield eval(','.join(l.split())) finally: pfile.close()
[docs]def load_of_faces_file(path_to_file, inner_mesh=True): """Return faces indecies as a generator of tuples.""" assert os.path.isfile(path_to_file), \ 'Failed to find faces file: {}'.format(path_to_file) if path_to_file.endswith('.gz'): ffile =, 'rb') else: ffile = open(path_to_file, 'rb') if not inner_mesh: p, f = os.path.split(path_to_file) fins = load_of_boundary_file(os.path.join(p, f.replace('faces', 'boundary'))) try: fin = -1 for l in ffile: tl = l.strip() try: if tl[1] == '(' and tl.endswith(')'): fin += 1 # add to face number if fin in fins: yield eval(','.join(tl[1:].split())) except IndexError: continue finally: ffile.close() else: try: for l in ffile: tl = l.strip() try: if tl[1] == '(' and tl.endswith(')'): yield eval(','.join(tl[1:].split())) except IndexError: continue finally: ffile.close()
[docs]def load_of_boundary_file(path_to_file): """Return Face indecies for boundary faces as a set.""" assert os.path.isfile(path_to_file), \ 'Failed to find boundary file: {}'.format(path_to_file) ind = [] with open(path_to_file, 'rb') as bf: for line in bf: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('nFaces'): count = int(line.split()[-1][:-1]) nl = next(bf) st = int(nl.split()[-1][:-1]) ind.append(xrange(st, st + count)) return {i for rng in ind for i in rng}