honeybee_display.colorobj module

Method to translate a Color Room/Face objects to a VisualizationSet.

honeybee_display.colorobj.color_face_to_vis_set(color_face, include_wireframe=True, text_labels=False, units=None, tolerance=0.01)[source]

Translate a Honeybee ColorFace to a VisualizationSet.

  • color_face – A Honeybee ColorFace object to be converted to a VisualizationSet.

  • include_wireframe – Boolean to note whether a ContextGeometry just for the Wireframe (in LineSegment3D) should be included. (Default: True).

  • text_labels – A boolean to note whether the attribute assigned to the ColorFace should be expressed as a colored AnalysisGeometry (False) or a ContextGeometry as text labels (True). (Default: False).

  • units – Optional text, which will be used to set the default maximum text height and the distance of the text to the ground. If None, some generic defaults will be used. (Default: None).

  • tolerance – Tolerance value, which is used to eliminate very small text. (Default: 0.01).


A VisualizationSet object that represents the ColorFace with an AnalysisGeometry when text_labels is False or a ContextGeometry when text_labels is True. It can also optionally include a ContextGeometry for the wireframe.

honeybee_display.colorobj.color_room_to_vis_set(color_room, include_wireframe=True, text_labels=False, units=None, tolerance=0.01)[source]

Translate a Honeybee ColorRoom to a VisualizationSet.

  • color_room – A Honeybee ColorRoom object to be converted to a VisualizationSet.

  • include_wireframe – Boolean to note whether a ContextGeometry just for the Wireframe (in LineSegment3D) should be included. (Default: True).

  • text_labels – A boolean to note whether the attribute assigned to the ColorRoom should be expressed as a colored AnalysisGeometry (False) or a ContextGeometry as text labels (True). (Default: False).

  • units – Optional text, which will be used to set the default maximum text height and the distance of the text to the ground. If None, some generic defaults will be used. (Default: None).

  • tolerance – Tolerance value, which is used to compute the text label point for concave geometries. (Default: 0.01).


A VisualizationSet object that represents the ColorRoom with an AnalysisGeometry when text_labels is False or a ContextGeometry when text_labels is True. It can also optionally include a ContextGeometry for the wireframe.