Source code for honeybee_energy_standards.extension.schedule.ruleset

# coding=utf-8
"""Classmethods for honeybee-energy ScheduleRuleset."""
from import ScheduleDay
from honeybee_energy.schedule.rule import ScheduleRule
import honeybee_energy.lib.scheduletypelimits as _type_lib

from ladybug.dt import Date

[docs]def from_standards_dict(cls, data): """Create a ScheduleRuleset from an OpenStudio standards gem dictionary. Args: data: A list of individual ScheduleDay dictionary descriptions from the standards gem that together define a complete ScheduleRuleset. """ # map standards gem day types to integers _standards_gem_day_types = { 'Sun': [1], 'Mon': [2], 'Tue': [3], 'Wed': [4], 'Thu': [5], 'Fri': [6], 'Sat': [7], 'Hol': [8], 'Wknd': [1, 7], 'Wkdy': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]} # empty variables to be replaced default_day = None holiday = None summer_day = None winter_day = None schedule_rules = [] # build the ScheduleDay objects and determine rules for when to apply them for day_sch_dict in data: schedule_day = ScheduleDay.from_standards_dict(day_sch_dict) day_types = day_sch_dict['day_types'].split('|') if 'Default' in day_types: default_day = schedule_day.duplicate() default_day.identifier = '{}_Default'.format(schedule_day.identifier) day_types.remove('Default') if 'Hol' in day_sch_dict['day_types']: holiday = schedule_day.duplicate() holiday.identifier = '{}_Hol'.format(schedule_day.identifier) day_types.remove('Hol') if 'SmrDsn' in day_sch_dict['day_types']: summer_day = schedule_day.duplicate() summer_day.identifier = '{}_SmrDsn'.format(schedule_day.identifier) day_types.remove('SmrDsn') if 'WntrDsn' in day_sch_dict['day_types']: winter_day = schedule_day.duplicate() winter_day.identifier = '{}_WntrDsn'.format(schedule_day.identifier) day_types.remove('WntrDsn') if len(day_types) != 0: # there are rules for when to apply the schedule schedule_day.identifier = \ '{}_{}'.format(schedule_day.identifier, '|'.join(day_types)) rule = ScheduleRule(schedule_day) for apply_day in day_types: apply_dows = _standards_gem_day_types[apply_day] for dow in apply_dows: rule.apply_day_by_dow(dow) rule.start_date = _process_date_string(day_sch_dict['start_date']) rule.end_date = _process_date_string(day_sch_dict['end_date']) schedule_rules.append(rule) # attempt to determine a ScheduleTypeLimit from the units and category schedule_type = _type_from_standards_gem( day_sch_dict['units'], day_sch_dict['category']) # check that there is a default day if default_day is None: # just try to pick one of the rules to be the default try: default_day = schedule_rules[0].schedule_day del schedule_rules[0] except IndexError: raise ValueError('No default_day_schedule or schedule rules were ' 'found in the standards gem dictionary.') # return the schedule return cls(data[0]['name'], default_day, schedule_rules, schedule_type, holiday, summer_day, winter_day)
def _process_date_string(date_string): """Process DateTime strings from the OpenStudio standards gem format. Args: date_string: Examples: "2014-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", "01-01" """ date_str = date_string.split('T')[0].split('-') return Date(int(date_str[-2]), int(date_str[-1])) def _type_from_standards_gem(units, category): """Get ScheduleTypeLimit from 'units' and 'category' keys of standards gem.""" fraction_categories = ('Lighting', 'Equipment', 'Infiltration', 'Occupancy', 'Elevator') on_off_categories = ('Operation', 'OA Air', 'Fan') if category in fraction_categories: return _type_lib.fractional if category in on_off_categories: return _type_lib.on_off if category == 'Activity': return _type_lib.activity_level if units == 'C': return _type_lib.temperature if units == 'W': return _type_lib.power if units == 'FRACTION': return _type_lib.fractional return None