honeybee_vtk.scene module

A VTK scene.

class honeybee_vtk.scene.Scene(background_color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, actors: Optional[List[honeybee_vtk.actor.Actor]] = None, cameras: Optional[List[honeybee_vtk.camera.Camera]] = None, text_actor: Optional[honeybee_vtk.text_actor.TextActor] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Initialize a Scene object.

Vtk derives inspiration from a movie set in naming its objects. Imagine a scene being prepared at a movie set. The scene has a background. It has a few actors, there are assistants running around making sure everything is ready, and there are a few cameras setup to capture the scene from different angles. A scene in vtk is defined in the similar fashion. It has a background color, some actors i.e. geometry objects from model, a few cameras around the scene, and assistants equal the number of cameras setup in the scene.

  • background_color – A tuple of three integers that represent RGB values of the color that you’d like to set as the background color. Defaults to white.

  • actors – A list of Actor objects to be added to the scene. Defaults to None.

  • cameras – A list of Camera objects to be added to the scene. Defaults to None.

  • text_actor – A TextActor object to be added to the scene. Defaults to None.

add_actors(val: Union[honeybee_vtk.actor.Actor, List[honeybee_vtk.actor.Actor]]) → None[source]

add honeybee-vtk Actor objects to a Scene.


val – Either a list of Actors objects or a single Actor object.

add_cameras(val: Union[honeybee_vtk.camera.Camera, List[honeybee_vtk.camera.Camera]]) → None[source]

Add a honeybee-vtk Camera objects to a Scene.


val – Either a list of Camera objects or a single Camera object.

add_text_actor(val: honeybee_vtk.text_actor.TextActor) → None[source]

Add a TextActor object to the scene.

export_gltf(folder: str, name: str = 'Camera') → str[source]

Export a scene to a glTF file.

  • folder – A valid path to where you’d like to write the gltf file.

  • name – Name of the gltf file as a text string.


A text string representing the path to the gltf file.

legend_parameter(name: str)honeybee_vtk.legend_parameter.LegendParameter[source]

Get a legend parameter object by name.


name – A string for the name of the legend parameters you are looking for.


A legend parameter object.

update_scene() → None[source]

Update the scene.

This method will use the latest cameras, actors, and visible legend parameters to create assistant object.

property actors

Actors in the scene.

property assistants

A list of honeybee-vtk assistants working in the scene.

property background_color

background_color for the scene.

property cameras

A list of honeybee-vtk cameras setup in the scene.

property legend_parameters

Legends in the scene that can be added to the images.

property text_actor

TextActor object in the scene.