Source code for ladybug_geometry_polyskel.polygraph

# coding=utf-8
Implementation of a Directed Graph.

from __future__ import division

# Geometry classes
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.line import LineSegment2D
from ladybug_geometry import intersection2d
from math import log10

def _vector2hash(vector, tol):
    """Hashes spatial coordinates for use in dictionary.

        vector: A Vector2D object.
        tol: floating point precision tolerance.

        Hash of vector as a string of rounded coordinates.
        rtol = int(log10(tol)) * -1
    except ValueError:
        rtol = 0

    return str((round(vector.x, rtol), round(vector.y, rtol)))

class _Node(object):
    """Private class to handle nodes in PolygonDirectedGraph.

            val: A Point2D object.
            key: Hash of Point2D object.
            order: integer counting order of Node (based on dg propagation)
            adj_lst: list of keys adjacent to this node.
            exterior: Node boundary condition. None if not set by user, else True
                or False according to user.

        * pt: A Point2D object.
        * key: Hash of Point2D object.
        * adj_lst: A list of keys adjacent to this node.
        * exterior: Node boundary condition. None if not set by user, else True or
            False according to user.
        * adj_count: Number of adjacent nodes to this node.
    __slots__ = ('key', 'pt', '_order', 'adj_lst', 'exterior')

    def __init__(self, key, val, order, adj_lst, exterior):
        """Initialize _Node"""

        self.key = key = val
        self._order = order
        self.adj_lst = adj_lst
        # Potentially change exterior to data (similar to networkX)
        # and pass conditional function to get_exterior
        # this resolves redundancy between unidirect and exterior
        # node/edge properties.
        self.exterior = exterior

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}: {}'.format(self._order, self.key)

    def adj_count(self):
        """Number of adjacent nodes"""
        return len(self.adj_lst)

[docs]class PolygonDirectedGraph(object): """A directed graph for point and edge adjacency relationships. This class assumes that exterior edges are naked (unidirectional), oriented counter-clockwise, and interior edges are bidirectional. Args: tol: floating point precision used for hashing points. Properties: * outer_root_key: Root key for outside exterior boundary (i.e not holes). * hole_root_keys: List of root keys for inside exterior boundary (holes). * num_nodes: Number of nodes in graph. * nodes: An iterable of nodes in graph. * ordered_nodes: An iterable of nodes in graph in order they were added. * exterior_cycles: A list of unidirectional edge arrays. """ def __init__(self, tol): """Initialize a PolygonDirectedGraph.""" self._directed_graph = {} self._tol = tol self.outer_root_key = None self.hole_root_keys = [] def __repr__(self): s = '' for n in self.ordered_nodes: s += '{}, [{}]\n'.format(, ', '.join([str( for _n in n.adj_lst])) return s
[docs] @classmethod def from_polygon(cls, polygon, tol): """Generate a directed graph from a polygon. Args: polygon: A Polygon2D object. """ return cls.from_point_array(polygon.vertices, tol, loop=True)
[docs] @classmethod def from_point_array(cls, point_array, tol, loop=True): """Generate a directed graph from a 1-dimensional array of points. Args: point_array: Array of Point2D objects. loop: Optional parameter to connect 1d array tol: Tolerance for point equivalence. """ dg = cls(tol) for i in range(len(point_array) - 1): dg.add_node(point_array[i], [point_array[i + 1]], exterior=True) if loop: dg.add_node(point_array[-1], [point_array[0]], exterior=True) return dg
@property def num_nodes(self): return len(self.nodes) @property def nodes(self): """Get an iterable of pt nodes""" return self._directed_graph.values() @property def ordered_nodes(self): """Get an iterable of pt nodes in order of addition""" nodes = list(self.nodes) nodes.sort(key=lambda v: v._order) return nodes @property def exterior_cycles(self): """Computes all exterior boundaries. Returns: List of boundaries as list of nodes. The first polygon will be the outer exterior edge (in counter-clockwise order), and subsequent edges will be the edges of the holes in the graph (in clockwise order). """ exterior_poly_lst = [] exterior_check = {} for root_node in self.ordered_nodes: # Store node in check exterior_check[root_node.key] = None # Get next exterior adjacent node next_node = self.next_exterior_node(root_node) is_valid = (next_node is not None) and \ (next_node.key not in exterior_check) if not is_valid: continue # Create list of exterior points exterior_poly = [root_node] # Add to dict to prevent repetition exterior_check[next_node.key] = None # CWM: hard-code a max iteration count to avoid endless loops MAX_ITER_COUNT = 10000 iter_i = 0 while next_node.key != root_node.key: exterior_poly.append(next_node) exterior_check[next_node.key] = None next_node = self.next_exterior_node(next_node) iter_i += 1 if iter_i > MAX_ITER_COUNT: return [] exterior_poly_lst.append(exterior_poly) return exterior_poly_lst
[docs] def node(self, key): """Retrieves the node based on passed value. Args: val: The key for a node in the directed graph. Returns: The node for the passed key. """ try: return self._directed_graph[key] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def add_adj(self, node, adj_val_lst): """Adds nodes to node.adj_lst. This method will ensure no repetitions will occur in adj_lst. Args: node: _Node to add adjacencies to. adj_val_lst: List of Point2D objects to add as adjacent nodes. """ adj_keys = {n.key: None for n in node.adj_lst} adj_keys[node.key] = None for adj_val in adj_val_lst: adj_key = _vector2hash(adj_val, self._tol) if adj_key in adj_keys: continue self._add_node(adj_key, adj_val, exterior=None) adj_keys[adj_key] = None node.adj_lst.append(self.node(adj_key))
[docs] def remove_adj(self, node, adj_key_lst): """Removes nodes in node.adj_lst. Args: node: _Node to remove adjacencies to. adj_val_lst: List of adjacency keys to remove as adjacent nodes. """ node.adj_lst = [n for n in node.adj_lst if n.key not in set(adj_key_lst)]
def _add_node(self, key, val, exterior=None): """If key doesn't exist, add to dg. Helper function for add_node. """ if key not in self._directed_graph: self._directed_graph[key] = _Node(key, val, self.num_nodes, [], exterior) return self._directed_graph[key]
[docs] def add_node(self, val, adj_lst, exterior=None): """Consumes a polygon point, and computes its key value, and adds it in the graph if it doesn't exist. If it does exist it appends adj_lst to existing pt. Args: val: A Point2D object adj_lst: A list of Point2D objects Returns: The hashed key from the existing or new node. """ # Get key key = _vector2hash(val, self._tol) # Get node if it exists self._add_node(key, val, exterior) node = self._directed_graph[key] # Add the adj_lst to dg, and leave exterior None self.add_adj(node, adj_lst) # If pass exterior boolean, change node attribute if exterior is not None: node.exterior = exterior return node.key
[docs] def insert_node(self, node, new_val, next_node, exterior=None): """Insert node in the middle of an edge defined by node and next_node. Args: node: _Node to left. new_val: Value for middle node. next_node: _Node to right. exterior: Optional boolean for exterior attribute. Returns: key of new_val node. """ # Add new_val as a node, with next_node as an adjacency new_key = self.add_node(new_val, [], exterior=exterior) # Update parent by adding new adjacency, and removing old adjacency self.add_adj(node, [self.node(new_key).pt]) # Edge case where the new point is coincident to parent or next_point. # This occurs when intersection passes through a corner. if (new_key == next_node.key) or (new_key == node.key): return new_key self.remove_adj(node, [next_node.key]) return new_key
[docs] def node_exists(self, key): """True if node in directed graph else False""" return key in self._directed_graph
[docs] def pt_exists(self, pt): """True if a point (as Point2D) in directed graph exists as node else False. """ return self.node_exists(_vector2hash(pt, self._tol))
[docs] def polygon_exists(self, polygon): """Check if polygon is in directed graph. Args: polygons: A Polygon2D object. dg: A PolygonDirectedGraph. Return: True if exists, else False. """ vertices_loop = list(polygon.vertices) vertices_loop = vertices_loop + [vertices_loop[0]] for i in range(len(vertices_loop) - 1): pt1 = vertices_loop[i] pt2 = vertices_loop[i + 1] if not self.pt_exists(pt1): return False node1 = self.node(_vector2hash(pt1, self._tol)) node2 = self.node(_vector2hash(pt2, self._tol)) if node2.key in [n.key for n in node1.adj_lst]: return False return True
[docs] def adj_matrix(self): """Gets an adjacency matrix of the directed graph where: * 1 = adjacency from row node to col node. * 0 = no adjacency. Returns: N x N square matrix where N is number of nodes. """ nodes = self.ordered_nodes # Initialize amtx with no adjacencies amtx = [[0 for i in range(self.num_nodes)] for j in range(self.num_nodes)] for i in range(self.num_nodes): adj_indices = [adj._order for adj in nodes[i].adj_lst] for adj_idx in adj_indices: amtx[i][adj_idx] = 1 return amtx
[docs] def adj_matrix_labels(self): """Returns a dictionary where label key corresponds to index in adj_matrix and value is node key""" return {i: node.key for i, node in enumerate(self.ordered_nodes)}
[docs] def intersect_graph_with_segment(self, segment): """Update graph with intersection of partial segment that crosses through polygon. Args: segment: LineSegment2D to intersect. Does not need to be contained within polygon. """ int_key_lst = [] for node in self.ordered_nodes: # Convert graph edge to trimming segment next_node = node.adj_lst[0] trim_seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(, int_pt = intersection2d.intersect_line2d_infinite(trim_seg, segment) # Add intersection point as new node in graph if int_pt: int_key = self.insert_node( node, int_pt, next_node, exterior=False) int_key_lst.append(int_key) # Add intersection edges if len(int_key_lst) == 2: # Typical case with convex cases # Make edge between intersection nodes n1, n2 = self.node(int_key_lst[0]), self.node(int_key_lst[1]) self.add_node(, [], exterior=False) self.add_node(, [], exterior=False) elif len(int_key_lst) > 2: # Edge case with concave geometry creates multiple intersections # Sort distance and add adjacency n = self.node(int_key_lst[0]) distances = [(0, 0.0)] for i, k in enumerate(int_key_lst[1:]): distance = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(, self.node(k).pt).length distances.append((i + 1, distance)) distances = sorted(distances, key=lambda t: t[1]) for i in range(len(distances) - 1): k1, k2 = distances[i][0], distances[i + 1][0] n1, n2 = self.node(int_key_lst[k1]), self.node(int_key_lst[k2]) # Add bidirection so the min cycle works self.add_node(, [], exterior=False) self.add_node(, [], exterior=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_edge_bidirect(node1, node2): """Are two nodes bidirectional. Args: node1: _Node object node2: _Node object Returns: True if node1 and node2 are in each other's adjacency list, else False. """ return node1.key in (n.key for n in node2.adj_lst) and \ node2.key in (n.key for n in node1.adj_lst)
[docs] @staticmethod def next_unidirect_node(node): """Retrieves the first unidirectional point adjacent to consumed point. They define an exterior or naked edge. Args: node: _Node Returns: Next node that defines unidirectional edge, or None if all adjacencies are bidirectional. """ # Check bidirectionality next_node = None for _next_node in node.adj_lst: if not PolygonDirectedGraph.is_edge_bidirect(node, _next_node): next_node = _next_node break return next_node
[docs] @staticmethod def next_exterior_node(node): """Retrieves the first exterior node adjacent to consumed node. They define an exterior or naked edge. Args: node: _Node Returns: Next node that defines exterior edge, or None if all adjacencies are bidirectional. """ # Check bidirectionality next_node = None for _next_node in node.adj_lst: if _next_node.exterior is None: # If user-assigned attribute isn't defined, check bidirectionality. if not PolygonDirectedGraph.is_edge_bidirect(node, _next_node): next_node = _next_node break elif _next_node.exterior is True: next_node = _next_node break return next_node
[docs] @staticmethod def exterior_cycle(cycle_root): """Computes exterior boundary from a given node. This method assumes that exterior edges are naked (unidirectional) and interior edges are bidirectional. Args: cycle_root: Starting _Node in exterior cycle. Returns: List of nodes on exterior if a cycle exists, else None. """ # Get the first exterior edge curr_node = cycle_root next_node = PolygonDirectedGraph.next_exterior_node(curr_node) if not next_node: return None ext_cycle = [curr_node] while next_node.key != cycle_root.key: ext_cycle.append(next_node) next_node = PolygonDirectedGraph.next_exterior_node(next_node) if not next_node: return None return ext_cycle
@staticmethod def _min_ccw_cycle(curr_node, next_node, cycle): """Identify the counter-clockwise adjacent node with the minimum angle. Args: curr_node: A node that defines first point of a counter-clockwise polygon edge. next_node: A node connected to the curr_node that defines the second point of a counter-clockwise polygon edge. cycle: Current list of nodes that will form a polygon. Returns: The next connected node that contains the minimum counter-clockwise angle by the edge defined by the curr_node and next_node. """ # Get current edge direction vector # N.B point subtraction or addition results in Vector2D edge_dir = - # Initialize values for comparison min_theta = float("inf") min_node = None # Identify the node with the smallest ccw angle for adj_node in next_node.adj_lst: # Make sure this node isn't backtracking by checking # new node isn't parent of next_node if adj_node.key == cycle[-2].key: continue # Get next edge direction vector next_edge_dir = - theta = edge_dir.angle_clockwise(next_edge_dir * -1) if theta < min_theta: min_theta = theta min_node = adj_node return min_node
[docs] @staticmethod def min_ccw_cycle(curr_node, next_node, recurse_limit=3000, print_recurse=False): """Recursively identify most counter-clockwise adjacent node and get closed loop. Args: curr_node: The first node, for first edge. next_node: The node next to ref_node that constitutes a polygon edge. recurse_limit: optional parameter to limit the number of while loop cycles. Default: 3000. print_recurse: optional boolean to print cycle loop cycles, for debugging. Default: False. Returns: A list of nodes that form a polygon if the cycle exists, else None. """ # Set parameters count = 0 cycle = [curr_node, next_node] while next_node.key != cycle[0].key: if print_recurse: print('"recursion" cycle: {}'.format(count)) # Checks to ensure not trapped in while loop by degenerate skeleton. if recurse_limit and count >= recurse_limit: # Base case 1: recursion limit is hit raise RuntimeError('Error finding the minimum counterclockwise cycle ' 'in this polygon. Recursion limit of {} is ' 'exceeded.'.format(recurse_limit)) elif next_node is None: # Base case 2: No node exists in adjacency list raise RuntimeError('Error finding the minimum counterclockwise cycle ' 'in this polygon') # Calculate minimum counter-clockwise cycle min_ccw_node = PolygonDirectedGraph._min_ccw_cycle( curr_node, next_node, cycle) # Update parameter names curr_node = next_node next_node = min_ccw_node cycle.append(next_node) count += 1 # Remove final node which is duplicate of first node cycle.pop(0) return cycle