Source code for ladybug_geometry_polyskel.polysplit

# coding=utf-8
"""Functions for splitting a polygon into subpolygons based on skeleton topology."""
from __future__ import division

from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.polygon import Polygon2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.line import LineSegment2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.pointvector import Vector3D
from ladybug_geometry.intersection2d import does_intersection_exist_line2d

from ladybug_geometry_polyskel import polyskel
from ladybug_geometry_polyskel.polygraph import PolygonDirectedGraph, _vector2hash

    'The straight skeleton topology calculated for this geometry is incorrect.'

[docs]def skeleton_subpolygons(polygon, holes=None, tol=1e-8, recurse_limit=3000, print_recurse=False): """Compute the polygon straight skeleton as a list of polygon point arrays. Args: polygon: list of Polygon2D objects. holes: list of Polygon2D objects representing holes in cw order. (Default: None). tol: Tolerance for point equivalence. (Default: 1e-10). recurse_limit: optional parameter to limit the number of cycles looking for polygons in skeleton graph. (Default: 3000). print_recurse: optional boolean to print cycle loop cycles, for debugging. (Default: False). Returns: A list of the straight skeleton subpolygons as Polygon2D objects. """ subs1, subs2 = perimeter_core_subpolygons( polygon, float('inf'), holes=holes, tol=tol, recurse_limit=recurse_limit, print_recurse=print_recurse) return subs1 + subs2
[docs]def perimeter_core_subpolygons(polygon, distance, holes=None, tol=1e-8, recurse_limit=3000, print_recurse=False): """Compute the perimeter and core sub-polygons from the polygon straight skeleton. Args: polygon: A Polygon2D to split into perimeter and core subpolygons. distance: Distance in model units to offset perimeter subpolygon. holes: A list of Polygon2D objects representing holes in the polygon. (Default: None). tol: Tolerance for point equivalence. (Default: 1e-10). recurse_limit: optional parameter to limit the number of cycles looking for polygons in skeleton graph. (Default: 3000). print_recurse: optional boolean to print cycle loop cycles, for debugging. (Default: False). Returns: A tuple with two lists. * perimeter_sub_polys -- A list of perimeter subpolygons as Polygon2D objects. * core_sub_polys -- A list of core subpolygons as Polygon2D objects. In the event of a core sub-polygon with a hole, a list with be returned with the first item being a boundary and successive items as hole polygons. """ # Initialize sub polygon lists perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_polys, hole_sub_polys = [], [], [] # Compute the straight skeleton of the polygon and get exterior edges dg = _skeleton_as_directed_graph(polygon, holes, tol) if holes is not None: holes_exist = all([_hole_exists_in_skeleton(hole, dg) for hole in holes]) if not holes_exist: # try to get the polygons simply by offsetting (works for shallow offsets) perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_poly = \ perimeter_core_by_offset(polygon, distance, holes) if core_sub_poly is not None: return perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_poly else: # the offset distance was too deep raise RuntimeError( POLYSKELETON_ERROR_MSG + ' Error calculating the ' 'holes for the polygon. Try changing the geometry ' 'of the hole.') # Make list of roots for graph traversal of just the exterior cycles root_keys = [dg.outer_root_key] + dg.hole_root_keys for i, root_key in enumerate(root_keys): try: # Compute the polygons on the perimeter of the polygon _perimeter_sub_polys, _perimeter_sub_dg = \ _split_perimeter_subpolygons( dg, distance, root_key, tol, recurse_limit, print_recurse) except (RuntimeError, TypeError) as e: # self-intersecting skeleton # try to get the polygons simply by offsetting (works for shallow offsets) perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_poly = \ perimeter_core_by_offset(polygon, distance, holes) if core_sub_poly is not None: return perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_poly else: # the offset distance was too deep raise RuntimeError( 'Generating perimeter_core_subpolygons failed.\n{}'.format(e)) # Add perimeter subpolygons perimeter_sub_polys.extend(_perimeter_sub_polys) # Compute the polygons on the core of the polygon _core_sub_polys = _exterior_cycles_as_polygons(_perimeter_sub_dg) if len(_core_sub_polys) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Generating perimeter_core_subpolygons failed.') # Reverse polygons b/c graph traversals will put interior polys as cw _core_sub_polys = [p.reverse() for p in _core_sub_polys] # Add to lists if i == 0: # If polygon is not a hole, get rid of largest area core_sub_polys.extend(_core_sub_polys[:-1]) else: # If polygon is a hole, get rid of smallest area hole_sub_polys.extend(_core_sub_polys[1:]) if len(hole_sub_polys) > 0: # Remake cores w/ holes core_sub_polys = _add_holes_to_polygons(core_sub_polys, hole_sub_polys) return perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_polys
[docs]def perimeter_core_by_offset(polygon, distance, holes=None): """Compute perimeter and core sub-polygons using a simple offset method. This method will only return polygons when the distance is shallow enough that the perimeter offset does not intersect itself or turn inward on itself. Otherwise, the method will simple return None. This means that there will only ever be one core polygon. Args: polygon: A Polygon2D to split into perimeter and core subpolygons. distance: Distance in model units to offset perimeter subpolygon. holes: A list of Polygon2D objects representing holes in the polygon. (Default: None). Returns: A tuple with two items. * perimeter_sub_polys -- A list of perimeter subpolygons as Polygon2D objects. Will be None if the offset distance is too deep. * core_sub_polys -- A list of core subpolygons as Polygon2D objects. In the event of a core sub-polygon with a hole, a list with be returned with the first item being a boundary and successive items as hole polygons. Will be None if the offset distance is too deep. """ # extract the core polygon and make sure it doesn't intersect itself core_sub_poly = polygon.offset(distance, check_intersection=True) if core_sub_poly is None: return None, None # generate the perimeter polygons if holes is None: perimeter_sub_polys = [] for out_seg, in_seg in zip(polygon.segments, core_sub_poly.segments): pts = (out_seg.p1, out_seg.p2, in_seg.p2, in_seg.p1) perimeter_sub_polys.append(Polygon2D(pts)) return perimeter_sub_polys, [core_sub_poly] else: # offset all of the holes into the shape core_sub_polys = [core_sub_poly] for hole in holes: hole_sub_poly = hole.offset(-distance, check_intersection=True) if hole_sub_poly is None: return None, None core_sub_polys.append(hole_sub_poly) # check that None of the holes intersect one another for i, c_pgon in enumerate(core_sub_polys): for other_pgon in core_sub_polys[i + 1:]: if _do_polygons_intersect(c_pgon, other_pgon): return None, None # if nothing intersects, we can build the perimeter polygons out_polys = [polygon] + list(holes) perimeter_sub_polys = [] for p_count, (out_poly, in_poly) in enumerate(zip(out_polys, core_sub_polys)): for out_seg, in_seg in zip(out_poly.segments, in_poly.segments): if p_count == 0: pts = (out_seg.p1, out_seg.p2, in_seg.p2, in_seg.p1) else: if not out_poly.is_clockwise: pts = (out_seg.p1, in_seg.p1, in_seg.p2, out_seg.p2) else: (out_seg.p1, out_seg.p2, in_seg.p2, in_seg.p1) perimeter_sub_polys.append(Polygon2D(pts)) return perimeter_sub_polys, core_sub_polys
def _do_polygons_intersect(polygon_1, polygon_2): """Test to see if two polygons intersect one another.""" for seg in polygon_1.segments: for _s in polygon_2.segments: if does_intersection_exist_line2d(seg, _s): return True return False def _skeleton_as_directed_graph(_polygon, holes, tol): """Compute the straight skeleton of a polygon as a PolygonDirectedGraph. Args: polygon: polygon as Polygon2D. holes: holes as list of Polygon2Ds. tol: Tolerance for point equivalence. Returns: A PolygonDirectedGraph object. """ if _polygon.is_clockwise: # Exterior polygon must be in counter-clockwise order. _polygon = _polygon.reverse() if holes is not None: # Interior polygon must be in counter-clockwise order. for i, hole in enumerate(holes): if hole.is_clockwise: holes[i] = hole.reverse() # Make directed graph dg = PolygonDirectedGraph(tol=tol) # Reverse order to ensure cw order for input holes_array = [] if holes is None else [hole.to_array() for hole in holes] polygon = _polygon.reverse() # flip to cw order slav = polyskel._SLAV(polygon.to_array(), holes_array, tol) # Get the exterior polygon coordinates making sure to flip back to ccw for lav in slav._lavs: vertices = list(reversed(list(lav))) # Get order, account for the fact we flip outer polygons back to ccw order is_lav_cw_order = not Polygon2D.from_array( [v.point for v in vertices]).is_clockwise # Start with last point to be consistent with order of point input, and then # add rest of vertices in order. for j in range(len(vertices) - 1): curr_v = vertices[j] next_v = vertices[j + 1] k = dg.add_node(curr_v.point, [next_v.point], exterior=True) # Add roots if j == 0: if is_lav_cw_order: # Outer polygon if dg.outer_root_key is None: dg.outer_root_key = k else: raise RuntimeError('Outer root key is already assigned. ' 'Cannot reassign outer root key.') else: dg.hole_root_keys.append(k) # Close loop dg.add_node(vertices[-1].point, [vertices[0].point], exterior=True) # Compute the skeleton subtree_list = polyskel._skeletonize(slav) for subtree in subtree_list: event_pt = subtree.source for sink_pt in subtree.sinks: # Add a bidirectional edge to represent skeleton edges dg.add_node(sink_pt, [event_pt]) dg.add_node(event_pt, [sink_pt], exterior=False) return dg def _split_polygon_graph(node1, node2, distance, poly_graph, tol, recurse_limit=3000, print_recurse=False): """Split the PolygonDirectedGraph by an edge offset at a distance. Args: node1: A node defining the edge to offset for splitting. If the graph defines a counter-clockwise polygon, this node should represent the left hand-most point. node2: A node defining the edge to offset for splitting. If the graph defines a counter-clockwise polygon, this node should represent the right hand-most point. distance: The distance to offset the splitting edge, in model units. poly_graph: A PolygonDirectedGraph representing a single polygon. tol: Tolerance for point equivalence. recurse_limit: optional parameter to limit the number of cycles looking for polygons in skeleton graph. (Default: 3000). print_recurse: optional boolean to print cycle loop cycles, for debugging. (Default: False). Returns: A list of nodes representing the split polygon adjacent to the exterior edge defined by node1 and node2. """ ext_seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(, # Compute normal facing into the polygon ext_arr = ext_seg.v.to_array() ext_seg_v = Vector3D(ext_arr[0], ext_arr[1], 0) normal = ext_seg_v.cross(Vector3D(0, 0, -1)).normalize() * distance # Move segment by normal to get offset segment offset_seg = ext_seg.move(normal) poly_graph = PolygonDirectedGraph.from_point_array( [ for n in poly_graph], tol=tol) poly_graph.outer_root_key = poly_graph.ordered_nodes[0].key # Update graph by intersecting offset segment with other edges poly_graph.intersect_graph_with_segment(offset_seg) # Get the minimum cycle. Since we start at the exterior edge, this will # return the perimeter offset. root_node = poly_graph.node(poly_graph.outer_root_key) next_node = root_node.adj_lst[0] split_poly_nodes = poly_graph.min_ccw_cycle( root_node, next_node, recurse_limit=recurse_limit, print_recurse=print_recurse) return split_poly_nodes def _split_perimeter_subpolygons(dg, distance, root_key, tol, recurse_limit=3000, print_recurse=False): """ Split polygons in the PolygonDirectedGraph into perimeter subpolygons. Args: dg: A PolygonDirected Graph. distance: The distance to offset the perimeter in model units. root_key: A key representing any node that identifies the polygon to be split. This will be used as the starting point for the graph traversal. tol: A number representing the tolerance for point equivalence. recurse_limit: optional parameter to limit the number of cycles looking for polygons in skeleton graph. (Default: 3000). print_recurse: Flag to print loop cycles. (Default: False). Returns: A tuple with two lists: A list of perimeter subpolygons as Polygon2D objects. A PolygonDirectedGraph of just the perimeter subpolygons. The edges of this graph that are not bidirectional (exterior edges) define the exterior of the polygon and it's core subpolygons. """ # Start an empty directed graph, and extract exterior cycle associated # with the root_key perimeter_subpolygons = [] perimeter_sub_dg = PolygonDirectedGraph(tol=tol) exterior = dg.exterior_cycle(dg.node(root_key)) if exterior is None: raise RuntimeError(POLYSKELETON_ERROR_MSG + ' Error traversing the skeleton ' 'for the following polygon:\n{}'.format( [ for n in exterior])) # Cycle through exterior nodes and split polygons by distance for exterior_node in exterior: next_node = exterior_node.adj_lst[0] # Find the smallest polygon defined by the exterior node min_ccw_poly_graph = PolygonDirectedGraph.min_ccw_cycle( exterior_node, next_node, recurse_limit=recurse_limit, print_recurse=print_recurse) # Offset edge from specified distance, and cut a perimeter polygon split_poly_graph = _split_polygon_graph( exterior_node, next_node, distance, min_ccw_poly_graph, tol, recurse_limit=recurse_limit, print_recurse=print_recurse) # Store perimeter nodes in DG pts = [ for node in split_poly_graph] for i in range(len(pts) - 1): perimeter_sub_dg.add_node(pts[i], [pts[i + 1]]) perimeter_sub_dg.add_node(pts[-1], [pts[0]]) # Store perimeter points in list as polygon perimeter_subpolygons.append(Polygon2D(pts)) return perimeter_subpolygons, perimeter_sub_dg def _exterior_cycles_as_polygons(dg): """Convert and sort exterior cycles in a PolygonDirectedGraph to a list of polygons. Args: dg: A PolygonDirectedGraph. Returns: A list of Polygon2D objects sorted by area. """ # Get all exterior cycles as polygons ext_cycles = dg.exterior_cycles exterior_polys = [Polygon2D([ for node in cycle]) for cycle in ext_cycles] # Sort by area and return return sorted(exterior_polys, key=lambda p: p.area) def _add_holes_to_polygons(polys, hole_polys): """Add holes to a list of polygons. Note that this method will add holes to the polygon only if it is inside or partially inside the polygon. Args: polys: A list of Polygon2Ds to add holes to. hole_polys: A list of Polygon2Ds representing the holes. Returns: A list of the Polygon2D polygons with holes. """ holed_polys = [] for poly in polys: # Check to see if hole is not outside of core # Often, the hole is only partially inside the core, so # we can't check if it's inside inside_holes = [hole for hole in hole_polys if not poly.is_polygon_outside(hole)] if len(inside_holes) == 0: holed_polys.append(poly) else: holed_polys.append([poly] + inside_holes) return holed_polys def _hole_exists_in_skeleton(polygon, dg): """Check if polygon is in directed graph skeleton. This method is based on the PolygonDirectedGraph.polygon_exist method, with modifications to detect incorrect straight skeletons. Args: polygons: A Polygon2D object. dg: A PolygonDirectedGraph. Return: True if exists, else False. """ vertices_loop = list(polygon.vertices) vertices_loop = vertices_loop + [vertices_loop[0]] for i in range(len(vertices_loop) - 1): pt1 = vertices_loop[i] pt2 = vertices_loop[i + 1] if not dg.pt_exists(pt1): return False node1 = dg.node(_vector2hash(pt1, dg._tol)) node2 = dg.node(_vector2hash(pt2, dg._tol)) key_lst = [n.key for n in node1.adj_lst] if node2.key in key_lst: return False if len(key_lst) == 1: # Check to make sure hole is connected to skeleton return False return True