Source code for ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.face

# coding=utf-8
"""Planar Face in 3D Space"""
from __future__ import division
import math
import sys
if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):  # python 3
    xrange = range

from .pointvector import Point3D, Vector3D
from .ray import Ray3D
from .line import LineSegment3D
from .polyline import Polyline3D
from .plane import Plane
from .mesh import Mesh3D
from ._2d import Base2DIn3D

from ..intersection3d import closest_point3d_on_line3d

from ..geometry2d.pointvector import Point2D, Vector2D
from ..geometry2d.ray import Ray2D
from ..geometry2d.polygon import Polygon2D
from ..geometry2d.mesh import Mesh2D

import ladybug_geometry.boolean as pb

[docs]class Face3D(Base2DIn3D): """Planar Face in 3D space. Args: boundary: A list or tuple of Point3D objects representing the outer boundary vertices of the face. plane: A Plane object indicating the plane in which the face exists. If None, the Plane normal will automatically be calculated by analyzing the input vertices and the origin of the plane will be the first vertex of the input vertices. Default: None. holes: Optional list of lists with one list for each hole in the face. Each hole should be a list of at least 3 Point3D objects. If None, it will be assumed that there are no holes in the face. The boundary and holes are stored as separate lists of Point3Ds on the `boundary` and `holes` properties of this object. However, the `vertices` property will always contain all vertices across the shape. For a Face3D that has holes, it will trace out a single shape that turns inwards from the boundary to cut out the holes. enforce_right_hand: Boolean to note whether a check should be run to ensure that input vertices are counterclockwise within the input plane, thereby enforcing the right-hand rule. By default, this is True and ensures that all Face3D objects adhere to the right-hand rule. It is recommended that this only be set to False in cases where you are certain that the input vertices are counter-clockwise within the input plane and you would like to avoid the extra unnecessary check. Properties: * vertices * plane * boundary * holes * polygon2d * boundary_polygon2d * hole_polygon2d * triangulated_mesh2d * triangulated_mesh3d * boundary_segments * hole_segments * normal * min * max * center * perimeter * area * centroid * altitude * azimuth * is_clockwise * is_convex * is_self_intersecting * self_intersection_points * is_valid * has_holes * upper_left_corner * lower_left_corner * upper_right_corner * lower_right_corner * upper_left_counter_clockwise_vertices * lower_left_counter_clockwise_vertices * lower_right_counter_clockwise_vertices * upper_right_counter_clockwise_boundary * upper_left_counter_clockwise_boundary * lower_left_counter_clockwise_boundary * lower_right_counter_clockwise_boundary * upper_right_counter_clockwise_boundary """ __slots__ = ('_plane', '_polygon2d', '_mesh2d', '_mesh3d', '_boundary', '_holes', '_boundary_segments', '_hole_segments', '_boundary_polygon2d', '_hole_polygon2d', '_perimeter', '_area', '_centroid', '_is_convex', '_is_self_intersecting') HOLE_VERTEX_THRESHOLD = 400 # threshold at which faster hole merging method is used def __init__(self, boundary, plane=None, holes=None, enforce_right_hand=True): """Initialize Face3D.""" # process the boundary and plane inputs self._boundary = self._check_vertices_input(boundary) if plane is not None: assert isinstance(plane, Plane), 'Expected Plane for Face3D.' \ ' Got {}.'.format(type(plane)) else: plane = self._plane_from_vertices(boundary) self._plane = plane # process boundary and holes input if holes: assert isinstance(holes, (tuple, list)), \ 'holes should be a tuple or list. Got {}'.format(type(holes)) self._holes = tuple( self._check_vertices_input(hole, 'hole') for hole in holes) # create a Polygon2D from the vertices _boundary2d = [self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in boundary] _holes2d = [[self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in hole] for hole in holes] v_count = len(_boundary2d) # count the vertices for hole merging method for h in _holes2d: v_count += len(h) _polygon2d = Polygon2D.from_shape_with_holes_fast(_boundary2d, _holes2d) \ if v_count > self.HOLE_VERTEX_THRESHOLD else \ Polygon2D.from_shape_with_holes(_boundary2d, _holes2d) # convert Polygon2D vertices to 3D to become the vertices of the face. self._vertices = tuple(self._plane.xy_to_xyz(_v) for _v in _polygon2d.vertices) self._polygon2d = _polygon2d else: self._holes = None self._vertices = self._boundary self._polygon2d = None # perform a check of vertex orientation and enforce counter clockwise vertices if enforce_right_hand is True: if self.is_clockwise is True: self._boundary = tuple(reversed(self._boundary)) self._vertices = tuple(reversed(self._vertices)) if self._polygon2d is not None: self._polygon2d = self._polygon2d.reverse() # set other properties to None for now self._mesh2d = None self._mesh3d = None self._boundary_polygon2d = None self._hole_polygon2d = None self._boundary_segments = None self._hole_segments = None self._min = None self._max = None self._center = None self._perimeter = None self._area = None self._centroid = None self._is_convex = None self._is_self_intersecting = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create a Face3D from a dictionary. Args: data: A python dictionary in the following format .. code-block:: python { "type": "Face3D", "boundary": [(0, 0, 0), (10, 0, 0), (0, 10, 0)], "plane": {"n": (0, 0, 1), "o": (0, 0, 0), "x": (1, 0, 0)}, "holes": [[(2, 2, 0), (5, 2, 0), (2, 5, 0)]] } """ holes = None if 'holes' in data and data['holes'] is not None: holes = tuple(tuple( Point3D.from_array(pt) for pt in hole) for hole in data['holes']) plane = None if 'plane' in data and data['plane'] is not None: plane = Plane.from_dict(data['plane']) return cls(tuple(Point3D.from_array(pt) for pt in data['boundary']), plane, holes)
[docs] @classmethod def from_extrusion(cls, line_segment, extrusion_vector): """Initialize Face3D by extruding a line segment. Initializing a face this way has the added benefit of having its properties quickly computed. Args: line_segment: A LineSegment3D to be extruded. extrusion_vector: A vector denoting the direction and distance to extrude the line segment. """ assert isinstance(line_segment, LineSegment3D), \ 'line_segment must be LineSegment3D. Got {}.'.format(type(line_segment)) assert isinstance(extrusion_vector, Vector3D), \ 'extrusion_vector must be Vector3D. Got {}.'.format(type(extrusion_vector)) _p1 = line_segment.p1 _p2 = line_segment.p2 _verts = (_p1, _p2, _p2 + extrusion_vector, _p1 + extrusion_vector) _plane = Plane(line_segment.v.cross(extrusion_vector), _p1) face = cls(_verts, _plane, enforce_right_hand=False) _base = line_segment.length _dist = extrusion_vector.magnitude _height = _dist * math.sin(extrusion_vector.angle(line_segment.v)) face._perimeter = _base * 2 + _dist * 2 face._area = _base * _height face._centroid = _p1 + (line_segment.v * 0.5) + (extrusion_vector * 0.5) face._is_convex = True face._is_self_intersecting = False return face
[docs] @classmethod def from_rectangle(cls, base, height, base_plane=None): """Initialize Face3D from rectangle parameters (base + height) and a base plane. Initializing a face this way has the added benefit of having its properties quickly computed. Args: base: A number indicating the length of the base of the rectangle. height: A number indicating the length of the height of the rectangle. base_plane: A Plane object in which the rectangle will be created. The origin of this plane will be the lower left corner of the rectangle and the X and Y axes will form the sides. Default is the world XY plane. """ assert isinstance(base, (float, int)), 'Rectangle base must be a number.' assert isinstance(height, (float, int)), 'Rectangle height must be a number.' if base_plane is not None: assert isinstance(base_plane, Plane), \ 'base_plane must be Plane. Got {}.'.format(type(base_plane)) else: base_plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(0, 0, 0)) _o = base_plane.o _b_vec = base_plane.x * base _h_vec = base_plane.y * height _verts = (_o, _o + _b_vec, _o + _h_vec + _b_vec, _o + _h_vec) face = cls(_verts, base_plane, enforce_right_hand=False) face._perimeter = base * 2 + height * 2 face._area = base * height face._centroid = _o + (_b_vec * 0.5) + (_h_vec * 0.5) face._is_convex = True face._is_self_intersecting = False return face
[docs] @classmethod def from_regular_polygon(cls, side_count, radius=1, base_plane=None): """Initialize Face3D from regular polygon parameters and a base_plane. Args: side_count: An integer for the number of sides on the regular polygon. This number must be greater than 2. radius: A number indicating the distance from the polygon's center where the vertices of the polygon will lie. The default is set to 1. base_plane: A Plane object for the plane in which the face exists. The origin of this plane will be used as the center of the polygon. If None, the default will be the WorldXY plane. """ # set the default base_plane if base_plane is not None: assert isinstance(base_plane, Plane), 'Expected Plane. Got {}'.format( type(base_plane)) else: base_plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(0, 0, 0)) # create the regular polygon face _polygon2d = Polygon2D.from_regular_polygon(side_count, radius) _vert3d = tuple(base_plane.xy_to_xyz(_v) for _v in _polygon2d.vertices) _face = cls(_vert3d, base_plane, enforce_right_hand=False) # assign extra properties that we know to the face _face._polygon2d = _polygon2d _face._center = base_plane.o _face._centroid = base_plane.o _face._is_convex = True _face._is_self_intersecting = False return _face
[docs] @classmethod def from_punched_geometry(cls, base_face, sub_faces): """Create a face with holes punched in it from sub-faces. Args: base_face: A Face3D that acts as a parent to the sub_faces, completely encircling them. sub_faces: A list of Face3D objects that will be punched into the base_face. These faces must lie completely within the base_face for the result to be valid. The is_sub_face() method can be used to check sub_faces before they are input here. """ assert isinstance(base_face, Face3D), \ 'base_face should be a Face3D. Got {}'.format(type(base_face)) for hole in sub_faces: assert isinstance(hole, Face3D), \ 'sub_face should be a list. Got {}'.format(type(hole)) hole_verts = [list(sf.boundary) for sf in sub_faces] if base_face.has_holes: hole_verts.extend([list(h) for h in base_face.holes]) return cls(base_face.boundary, base_face.plane, hole_verts, enforce_right_hand=False)
@property def vertices(self): """Tuple of all vertices in this face. Note that, in the case of a face with holes, some vertices will be repeated since this property effectively traces out a single boundary around the whole shape, winding inward to cut out the holes. """ return self._vertices @property def plane(self): """Tuple of all vertices in this face.""" return self._plane @property def polygon2d(self): """A Polygon2D of this face in the 2D space of the face's plane. Note that this is a single polygon object even when there are holes in the face since such a polygon can be made by drawing a line from the holes to the outer boundary. """ if self._polygon2d is None: _vert2d = tuple(self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in self.vertices) self._polygon2d = Polygon2D(_vert2d) return self._polygon2d @property def triangulated_mesh2d(self): """A triangulated Mesh2D in the 2D space of the face's plane.""" if self._mesh2d is None: self._mesh2d = Mesh2D.from_polygon_triangulated( self.boundary_polygon2d, self.hole_polygon2d) return self._mesh2d @property def triangulated_mesh3d(self): """A triangulated Mesh3D of this face.""" if self._mesh3d is None: _vert3d = tuple(self._plane.xy_to_xyz(_v) for _v in self.triangulated_mesh2d.vertices) self._mesh3d = Mesh3D(_vert3d, self.triangulated_mesh2d.faces) return self._mesh3d @property def boundary(self): """Tuple of vertices on the boundary of this face. For most Face3D objects, this will be identical to the vertices property. However, when the Face3D has holes within it, this property stores the outer boundary of the shape. """ return self._boundary @property def holes(self): """Tuple with one tuple of vertices for each hole within this face. This property will be None when the face has no holes in it. """ return self._holes @property def boundary_segments(self): """Tuple of all line segments bordering the face. Note that this does not include segments for any holes in the face. Just the outer boundary. """ if self._boundary_segments is None: _segs = [] for i, vert in enumerate(self.boundary): _seg = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(self.boundary[i - 1], vert) _segs.append(_seg) _segs.append(_segs.pop(0)) # segments will start from the first vertex self._boundary_segments = tuple(_segs) return self._boundary_segments @property def hole_segments(self): """Tuple with a tuple of line segments for each hole in the face. This will be None if there are no holes in the face. """ if self._holes is not None and self._hole_segments is None: _all_segs = [] for hole in self.holes: _segs = [] for i, vert in enumerate(hole): _seg = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(hole[i - 1], vert) _segs.append(_seg) _segs.append(_segs.pop(0)) # segments will start from the first vertex _all_segs.append(_segs) self._hole_segments = tuple(tuple(_s) for _s in _all_segs) return self._hole_segments @property def boundary_polygon2d(self): """A Polygon2D of the face boundary in the 2D space of the face's plane. Note that this does not include any holes in the face. Just the outer boundary. """ if self._boundary_polygon2d is None: _vert2d = tuple(self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in self.boundary) self._boundary_polygon2d = Polygon2D(_vert2d) return self._boundary_polygon2d @property def hole_polygon2d(self): """A list of Polygon2D for the face holes in the 2D space of the face's plane. """ if self._holes is not None and self._hole_polygon2d is None: self._hole_polygon2d = [] for hole in self.holes: _vert2d = tuple(self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in hole) self._hole_polygon2d.append(Polygon2D(_vert2d)) return self._hole_polygon2d @property def normal(self): """Normal vector for the plane in which the face exists.""" return self._plane.n @property def perimeter(self): """The perimeter of the face. This includes the length of holes in the face.""" if self._perimeter is None: self._perimeter = sum([seg.length for seg in self.boundary_segments]) if self._holes is not None: for hole in self.hole_segments: self._perimeter += sum([seg.length for seg in hole]) return self._perimeter @property def area(self): """The area of the face.""" if self._area is None: self._area = self.polygon2d.area return self._area @property def centroid(self): """The centroid of the face as a Point3D (aka. center of mass). Note that the centroid is more time consuming to compute than the center (or the middle point of the face bounding box). So the center might be preferred over the centroid if you just need a rough point for the middle of the face. """ if self._centroid is None: _cent2d = self.triangulated_mesh2d.centroid self._centroid = self._plane.xy_to_xyz(_cent2d) return self._centroid @property def azimuth(self): """Get the azimuth of the Face3D (between 0 and 2 * Pi). This will be zero if the Face3D is perfectly horizontal. """ return self.plane.azimuth @property def altitude(self): """Get the altitude of the Face3D. Between Pi/2 (up) and -Pi/2 (down).""" return self.plane.altitude @property def tilt(self): """Get the tilt of the Face3D. Between 0 (up) and Pi (down).""" return self.plane.tilt @property def is_clockwise(self): """Boolean for whether the face vertices and boundary are in clockwise order. Note that all Face3D objects should have counterclockwise vertices (meaning that this property should always be False). This property exists largely for testing / debugging purposes. """ return self.polygon2d.is_clockwise @property def is_convex(self): """Boolean noting whether the face is convex (True) or non-convex (False). Note that any face with holes will be automatically considered non-convex since the underlying polygon_2d is always non-convex in this case. """ if self._is_convex is None: self._is_convex = self.polygon2d.is_convex return self._is_convex @property def is_self_intersecting(self): """Boolean noting whether the face has self-intersecting edges. Note that this property is relatively computationally intense to obtain compared to properties like area and is_convex. Also, most CAD programs forbid geometry with self-intersecting edges. So it is recommended that this property only be used in quality control scripts where the origin of the geometry is unknown. """ if self._is_self_intersecting is None: self._is_self_intersecting = False if self.boundary_polygon2d.is_self_intersecting: self._is_self_intersecting = True if self.has_holes: for hp in self.hole_polygon2d: if hp.is_self_intersecting: self._is_self_intersecting = True break return self._is_self_intersecting @property def self_intersection_points(self): """A tuple of Point3Ds for the locations where the Face3D intersects itself. This will be an empty tuple if the Face3D is not self-intersecting and it is generally recommended that the Face3D.is_self_intersecting property be checked before using this property. """ if self.is_self_intersecting: int_pts = [] for pt2 in self.boundary_polygon2d.self_intersection_points: int_pts.append(self.plane.xy_to_xyz(pt2)) if self.has_holes: for hp in self.hole_polygon2d: for pt2 in hp.self_intersection_points: int_pts.append(self.plane.xy_to_xyz(pt2)) return tuple(int_pts) return () @property def is_valid(self): """Boolean noting whether the face is valid (having a non-zero area). Note that faces are still considered valid if they have out-of-plane vertices, self-intersecting edges, or duplicate/colinear vertices. The check_planar method can be used to detect if there are out-of-plane vertices. The is_self_intersecting property identifies self-intersecting edges, and the remove_colinear_vertices method will remove duplicate/colinear vertices.""" return not self.area == 0 @property def has_holes(self): """Boolean noting whether the face has holes within it.""" return self._holes is not None @property def upper_left_corner(self): """Get the vertex in the upper-left corner of the face's bounding box.""" return self._corner_point('min', 'max') @property def lower_left_corner(self): """Get the vertex in the lower-left corner of the face's bounding box.""" return self._corner_point('min', 'min') @property def upper_right_corner(self): """Get the vertex in the upper-right corner of the face's bounding box.""" return self._corner_point('max', 'max') @property def lower_right_corner(self): """Get the vertex in the lower-right corner of the face's bounding box.""" return self._corner_point('max', 'min') @property def upper_left_counter_clockwise_vertices(self): """Get face vertices starting from the upper left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._vertices, 'min', 'max') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def lower_left_counter_clockwise_vertices(self): """Get face vertices starting from the lower left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._vertices, 'min', 'min') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def lower_right_counter_clockwise_vertices(self): """Get face vertices starting from the lower left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._vertices, 'max', 'min') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def upper_right_counter_clockwise_vertices(self): """Get face vertices starting from the lower left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._vertices, 'max', 'max') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def upper_left_counter_clockwise_boundary(self): """Get face boundary starting from the upper left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._boundary, 'min', 'max') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def lower_left_counter_clockwise_boundary(self): """Get face boundary starting from the lower left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._boundary, 'min', 'min') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def lower_right_counter_clockwise_boundary(self): """Get face boundary starting from the lower left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._boundary, 'max', 'min') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @property def upper_right_counter_clockwise_boundary(self): """Get face boundary starting from the lower left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._boundary, 'max', 'max') verts3d, verts2d = self._counter_clockwise_verts(polygon) return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d)
[docs] def pole_of_inaccessibility(self, tolerance): """Get the pole of inaccessibility for the Face3D. The pole of inaccessibility is the most distant internal point from the Face3D outline. It is not to be confused with the centroid, which represents the "center of mass" of the shape and may be outside of the Face3D if the shape is concave. The poly of inaccessibility is useful for optimal placement of a text label on the Face3D. Args: tolerance: The precision to which the pole of inaccessibility will be computed. """ return self.plane.xy_to_xyz(self.polygon2d.pole_of_inaccessibility(tolerance))
[docs] def is_horizontal(self, tolerance): """Check whether a this face is horizontal within a given tolerance. Args: tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. Returns: True if the face is horizontal. False if it is not. """ return self.max.z - self.min.z <= tolerance
[docs] def is_geometrically_equivalent(self, face, tolerance): """Check whether a given face is geometrically equivalent to this Face. Geometrical equivalence is defined as being coplanar with this face, having the same number of vertices, and having each vertex map-able between the faces. Clockwise relationships do not have to match nor does the normal direction of the face. However, all other properties must be matching to within the input tolerance. This is useful for identifying matching surfaces when solving for adjacency and you need to ensure that two faces match perfectly in their area and vertices. Note that you may also want to use the remove_colinear_vertices() method on input faces before using this method in order to count faces with the same non-colinear vertices as geometrically equivalent. Args: face: Another face for which geometric equivalency will be tested. tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered geometrically equivalent. Returns: True if geometrically equivalent. False if not geometrically equivalent. """ # rule out surfaces if they don't fit key criteria if not, tolerance): return False if len(self.vertices) != len(face.vertices): return False # see if we can find a matching vertex match_i = None for i, pt in enumerate(self.vertices): if pt.is_equivalent(face[0], tolerance): match_i = i break # check equivalency of each vertex if match_i is None: return False elif self[match_i - 1].is_equivalent(face[1], tolerance): for i in xrange(len(self.vertices)): if self[match_i - i].is_equivalent(face[i], tolerance) is False: return False elif self[match_i + 1].is_equivalent(face[1], tolerance): for i in xrange(0, -len(self.vertices), -1): if self[match_i + i].is_equivalent(face[i], tolerance) is False: return False else: return False return True
[docs] def is_centered_adjacent(self, face, tolerance): """Check whether a given face is centered adjacent with this Face. Centered adjacency is defined as sharing the same center point as this face and being next to one another to within the tolerance. This is useful for identifying matching faces when you want to quickly solve for adjacency and you are not concerned about false positives in cases where one face does not perfectly match the other in terms of vertex ordering. Args: face: Another face for which centered adjacency will be tested. tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two centers at which they can be considered centered adjacent. Returns: True if centered adjacent. False if not centered adjacent. """ if not, tolerance): # center check return False # construct a ray using this face's normal and a point just behind this face point_on_face = self._point_on_face(tolerance) point_on_face = point_on_face - (self.normal * tolerance) # move below test_ray = Ray3D(point_on_face, self.normal) # shoot ray from this face to the other to verify adjacency if face.intersect_line_ray(test_ray): return True return False
[docs] def is_sub_face(self, face, tolerance, angle_tolerance): """Check whether a given face is a sub-face of this face. Sub-faces will lie in the same plane as this one and have all of their vertices completely within the boundary of this face. This is useful for identifying whether a given sub-face (ie. a window or door) can be assigned as a child to this face. Args: face: Another face for which sub-face equivalency will be tested. tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. angle_tolerance: The max angle in radians that the plane normals can differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar. Returns: True if it can be a valid sub-face. False if it is not a valid sub-face. """ # test whether the surface is coplanar if not self.plane.is_coplanar_tolerance(face.plane, tolerance, angle_tolerance): return False # if it is, convert sub-face to a polygon in this face's plane return self._is_sub_face(face)
[docs] def polygon_in_face(self, sub_face, origin=None, flip=False): """Get a Polygon2D for a sub_face within the plane of this Face3D. Note that there is no check within this method to determine whether the the sub_face is coplanar with this Face3D or is fully bounded by it. So the is_sub_face method should be used to evaluate this before using this method. Args: sub_face: A Face3D for which a Polygon2D in the plane of this Face3D will be returned. origin: An optional Point3D to set the origin of the plane in which the sub_face will be evaluated. Plugging in values like the Face's lower_left_corner can standardize the geometry rules for the resulting polygon. If None, this face's own plane will be used. (Default: None). flip: Boolean to note whether the x-axis of the plane should be flipped when translating this the sub_face vertices. """ # set the process the origin into a plane if origin is None: plane = self.plane if not flip else self.plane.flip() else: if self._plane.n.z in (1, -1): plane = Plane(self._plane.n, origin, Vector3D(1, 0, 0)) if not flip \ else Plane(self._plane.n, origin, Vector3D(-1, 0, 0)) else: proj_y = Vector3D(0, 0, 1).project(self._plane.n) proj_x = proj_y.rotate(self._plane.n, math.pi / -2) plane = Plane(self._plane.n, origin, proj_x) pts_2d = tuple(plane.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in sub_face.boundary) return Polygon2D(pts_2d)
[docs] def is_point_on_face(self, point, tolerance): """Check whether a given point is on this face. This includes both a check to be sure that the point is in the plane of this face and a check to ensure that point lies in the boundary of the face. Args: point: A Point3D to evaluate whether it lies on the face. tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. Returns: True if the point is on the face. False if it is not. """ # test whether the point is in the plane of the face if self.plane.distance_to_point(point) > tolerance: return False # if it is, convert the point into this face's plane vert2d = self.plane.xyz_to_xy(point) return self.polygon2d.is_point_inside(vert2d)
[docs] def check_planar(self, tolerance, raise_exception=True): """Check that all of the face's vertices lie within the face's plane. This check is not done by default when creating the face since it is assumed that there is likely a check for planarity before the face is created (ie. in CAD software where the face likely originates from). This method is intended for quality control checking when the origin of face geometry is unknown or is known to come from a place where no planarity check was performed. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance between a given vertex and a the face's plane at which the vertex is said to lie in the plane. raise_exception: Boolean to note whether an exception should be raised if a vertex does not lie within the face's plane. If True, an exception message will be given in such cases, which notes the non-planar vertex and its distance from the plane. If False, this method will simply return a False boolean if a vertex is found that is out of plane. Default is True to raise an exception. Returns: True if planar within the tolerance. False if not planar. """ for _v in self.vertices: if self._plane.distance_to_point(_v) >= tolerance: if raise_exception is True: raise ValueError( 'Vertex {} is out of plane with its parent face.\nDistance ' 'to plane is {}'.format(_v, self._plane.distance_to_point(_v))) else: return False return True
[docs] def non_planar_vertices(self, tolerance): """Get a tuple of Point3D for any vertices that lie outside the face's plane. This will be an empty tuple when the Face3D is planar and it is recommended that the Face3D.check_planar method be used before calling this one. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance between a given vertex and a the face's plane at which the vertex is said to lie in the plane. """ np_verts = [] for _v in self.vertices: if self._plane.distance_to_point(_v) >= tolerance: np_verts.append(_v) return tuple(np_verts)
[docs] def remove_duplicate_vertices(self, tolerance): """Get a version of this face without duplicate vertices. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance between a two vertices at which they are considered co-located or duplicated. """ if not self.has_holes: # we only need to evaluate one list of vertices new_vertices = tuple( pt for i, pt in enumerate(self._vertices) if not pt.is_equivalent(self._vertices[i - 1], tolerance)) _new_face = Face3D(new_vertices, self.plane, enforce_right_hand=False) return _new_face # the face has holes _boundary = tuple( pt for i, pt in enumerate(self._boundary) if not pt.is_equivalent(self._boundary[i - 1], tolerance)) _holes = tuple( tuple(p for i, p in enumerate(h) if not p.is_equivalent(h[i - 1], tolerance)) for j, h in enumerate(self._holes)) _new_face = Face3D(_boundary, self.plane, _holes, enforce_right_hand=False) return _new_face
[docs] def remove_colinear_vertices(self, tolerance): """Get a version of this face without colinear or duplicate vertices. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance between a vertex and the boundary segments at which point the vertex is considered colinear. """ if not self.has_holes: # we only need to evaluate one list of vertices new_vertices = self._remove_colinear( self._vertices, self.polygon2d, tolerance) _new_face = Face3D(new_vertices, self.plane, enforce_right_hand=False) return _new_face # the face has holes _boundary = self._remove_colinear( self._boundary, self.boundary_polygon2d, tolerance) _holes = tuple(self._remove_colinear(hole, self.hole_polygon2d[i], tolerance) for i, hole in enumerate(self._holes)) _new_face = Face3D(_boundary, self.plane, _holes, enforce_right_hand=False) return _new_face
[docs] def flip(self): """Get a face with a flipped direction from this one.""" _new_face = Face3D(reversed(self.vertices), self.plane.flip(), enforce_right_hand=False) self._transfer_properties(_new_face) if self._holes is not None: _new_face._boundary = tuple(reversed(self._boundary)) _new_face._holes = self._holes return _new_face
[docs] def move(self, moving_vec): """Get a face that has been moved along a vector. Args: moving_vec: A Vector3D with the direction and distance to move the face. """ _verts = self._move(self.vertices, moving_vec) _new_face = self._face_transform(_verts, self.plane.move(moving_vec)) if self._holes is not None: _new_face._boundary = self._move(self._boundary, moving_vec) _new_face._holes = tuple(self._move(hole, moving_vec) for hole in self._holes) return _new_face
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, angle, origin): """Rotate a face by a certain angle around an axis and origin. Right hand rule applies: If axis has a positive orientation, rotation will be clockwise. If axis has a negative orientation, rotation will be counterclockwise. Args: axis: A Vector3D axis representing the axis of rotation. angle: An angle for rotation in radians. origin: A Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated. """ _verts = self._rotate(self.vertices, axis, angle, origin) _new_face = self._face_transform(_verts, self.plane.rotate(axis, angle, origin)) if self._holes is not None: _new_face._boundary = self._rotate(self._boundary, axis, angle, origin) _new_face._holes = tuple(self._rotate(hole, axis, angle, origin) for hole in self._holes) return _new_face
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, angle, origin): """Get a face rotated counterclockwise in the world XY plane by a certain angle. Args: angle: An angle in radians. origin: A Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated. """ _verts = self._rotate_xy(self.vertices, angle, origin) _new_face = self._face_transform(_verts, self.plane.rotate_xy(angle, origin)) if self._holes is not None: _new_face._boundary = self._rotate_xy(self._boundary, angle, origin) _new_face._holes = tuple(self._rotate_xy(hole, angle, origin) for hole in self._holes) return _new_face
[docs] def reflect(self, normal, origin): """Get a face reflected across a plane with the input normal vector and origin. Args: normal: A Vector3D representing the normal vector for the plane across which the face will be reflected. THIS VECTOR MUST BE NORMALIZED. origin: A Point3D representing the origin from which to reflect. """ _verts = self._reflect(self.vertices, normal, origin) _new_face = self._face_transform_reflect( _verts, self.plane.reflect(normal, origin)) if self._holes is not None: _new_face._boundary = self._reflect(self._boundary, normal, origin) _new_face._holes = tuple(self._reflect(hole, normal, origin) for hole in self._holes) return _new_face
[docs] def scale(self, factor, origin=None): """Scale a face by a factor from an origin point. Args: factor: A number representing how much the face should be scaled. origin: A Point3D representing the origin from which to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0). """ _verts = self._scale(self.vertices, factor, origin) _new_face = self._face_transform_scale(_verts, None, factor) if self._holes is not None: _new_face._boundary = self._scale(self._boundary, factor, origin) _new_face._holes = tuple(self._scale(hole, factor, origin) for hole in self._holes) return _new_face
[docs] def split_through_holes(self): """Get this Face3D split through its holes to get Face3D without holes. This method attempts to return the minimum number of non-holed shapes that are needed to represent the original Face3D. If this fails, the result will be derived from a triangulated shape. If getting a minimum number of constituent Face3D is not important, it is more efficient to just use all of the triangles in Face3D.triangulated_mesh3d instead of the result of this method. Returns: A list of Face3D without holes that together form a geometric representation of this Face3D. If this Face3D has no holes a list with a single Face3D is returned. """ def _shared_vertex_count(vert_set, verts): """Get the number of shared vertices.""" in_set = tuple(v for v in verts if v in vert_set) return len(in_set) def _shared_edge_count(edge_set, verts): """Get the number of shared edges.""" edges = tuple((verts[i], verts[i - 1]) for i in range(3)) in_set = tuple(e for e in edges if e in edge_set) return len(in_set) if not self.has_holes: return (self,) # check that the direction of vertices for the hole is opposite the boundary boundary = list(self.boundary_polygon2d.vertices) holes = [list(hole.vertices) for hole in self.hole_polygon2d] bound_direction = Polygon2D._are_clockwise(boundary) for hole in holes: if Polygon2D._are_clockwise(hole) is bound_direction: hole.reverse() # try to split the polygon neatly in two s_result = Polygon2D._merge_boundary_and_holes(boundary, holes, split=True) if s_result is not None: poly_1, poly_2 = s_result vert_1 = tuple(self.plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in poly_1) vert_2 = tuple(self.plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in poly_2) face_1 = Face3D(vert_1, plane=self.plane) face_2 = Face3D(vert_2, plane=self.plane) return face_1, face_2 # if splitting in two did not work, then triangulate it and merge them together tri_mesh = self.triangulated_mesh3d tri_verts = tri_mesh.vertices rel_f = tri_mesh.faces[0] tri_faces = [[tuple(tri_verts[pt] for pt in rel_f)]] tri_face_sets = [set(rel_f)] tri_edge_sets = [set((rel_f[i - 1], rel_f[i]) for i in range(3))] faces_to_test = list(tri_mesh.faces[1:]) # group the faces along matched edges for f in faces_to_test: connected = False for tfs, fs, es in zip(tri_faces, tri_face_sets, tri_edge_sets): svc = _shared_vertex_count(fs, f) sec = _shared_edge_count(es, f) if svc == 2 and sec == 1: # matched edge tfs.append(tuple(tri_verts[pt] for pt in f)) for i, v in enumerate(f): fs.add(v) es.add((f[i - 1], f[i])) break elif svc == 3: # definitely a new shape connected = True else: # not ready to be merged; put it to the back if connected: tri_faces.append([tuple(tri_verts[pt] for pt in f)]) tri_face_sets.append(set(f)) tri_edge_sets.append(set((f[i - 1], f[i]) for i in range(3))) else: faces_to_test.append(f) # create Face3Ds from the triangle groups final_faces = [] for tf in tri_faces: t_mesh = Mesh3D.from_face_vertices(tf) ed_len = (seg.length for seg in t_mesh.naked_edges) tol = min(ed_len) / 10 f_bound = Polyline3D.join_segments(t_mesh.naked_edges, tol) final_faces.append(Face3D(f_bound[0].vertices, plane=self.plane)) return final_faces
[docs] def intersect_line_ray(self, line_ray): """Get the intersection between this face and the input Line3D or Ray3D. Args: line_ray: A Line3D or Ray3D object for which intersection will be computed. Returns: Point3D for the intersection. Will be None if no intersection exists. """ _plane_int = self._plane.intersect_line_ray(line_ray) if _plane_int is not None: _int2d = self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_plane_int) if self.polygon2d.is_point_inside_bound_rect(_int2d): return _plane_int return None
[docs] def intersect_plane(self, plane): """Get the intersection between this face and the input plane. Args: plane: A Plane object for which intersection will be computed. Returns: List of LineSegment3D objects for the intersection. Will be None if no intersection exists. """ _plane_int_ray = self._plane.intersect_plane(plane) if _plane_int_ray is not None: _p12d = self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_plane_int_ray.p) _p22d = self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_plane_int_ray.p + _plane_int_ray.v) _v2d = _p22d - _p12d _int_ray2d = Ray2D(_p12d, _v2d) _int_pt2d = self.polygon2d.intersect_line_infinite(_int_ray2d) if len(_int_pt2d) != 0: if len(_int_pt2d) > 2: # sort the points along the intersection line _int_pt2d.sort(key=lambda pt: pt.x) _int_pt3d = [self._plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in _int_pt2d] _int_seg3d = [] for i in xrange(0, len(_int_pt3d) - 1, 2): _int_seg3d.append(LineSegment3D.from_end_points( _int_pt3d[i], _int_pt3d[i + 1])) return _int_seg3d return None
[docs] def project_point(self, point): """Project a Point3D onto this face. Note that this method does a check to see if the point can be projected to within this face's boundary. If all that is needed is a point projected into the plane of this face, the Plane.project_point() method should be used with this face's plane property. Args: point: A Point3D object to project. Returns: Point3D for the point projected onto this face. Will be None if the point cannot be projected to within the boundary of the face. """ _plane_int = point.project(self._plane.n, self._plane.o) _plane_int2d = self._plane.xyz_to_xy(_plane_int) if self.polygon2d.is_point_inside_bound_rect(_plane_int2d): return _plane_int return None
[docs] def mesh_grid(self, x_dim, y_dim=None, offset=None, flip=False, generate_centroids=True): """Get a gridded Mesh3D over this face. This method generates a mesh grid over the domain of the face and then removes any vertices that do not lie within it. Note that the x_dim and y_dim refer to dimensions within the X and Y coordinate system of this faces's plane. So rotating this plane will result in rotated grid cells. Args: x_dim: The x dimension of the grid cells as a number. y_dim: The y dimension of the grid cells as a number. Default is None, which will assume the same cell dimension for y as is set for x. offset: A number for how far to offset the grid from the base face. Default is None, which will not offset the grid at all. flip: Set to True to have the mesh normals reversed from the direction of this face and to have the offset input move the mesh in the opposite direction from this face's normal. generate_centroids: Set to True to have the face centroids generated alongside the grid of vertices, which is much faster than having them generated upon request as they typically are. However, if you have no need for the face centroids, you would save time and memory by setting this to False. Default is True. """ # check the inputs and set defaults self._check_number_mesh_grid(x_dim, 'x_dim') if y_dim is not None: self._check_number_mesh_grid(y_dim, 'y_dim') else: y_dim = x_dim if offset is not None: self._check_number_mesh_grid(offset, 'offset') # generate the mesh grid and convert it to a 3D mesh grid_mesh2d = Mesh2D.from_polygon_grid( self.polygon2d, x_dim, y_dim, generate_centroids) if offset is None or offset == 0: vert_3d = tuple(self._plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in grid_mesh2d.vertices) else: _off_num = -1 * offset if flip is True else offset _off_plane = self.plane.move(self.plane.n * _off_num) vert_3d = tuple(_off_plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in grid_mesh2d.vertices) grid_mesh3d = Mesh3D(vert_3d, grid_mesh2d.faces) grid_mesh3d._face_areas = grid_mesh2d._face_areas # assign the face plane normal to the mesh normals if flip is True: grid_mesh3d._face_normals = self._plane.n.reverse() grid_mesh3d._vertex_normals = self._plane.n.reverse() grid_mesh3d._faces = tuple( tuple(reversed(face)) for face in grid_mesh3d._faces) # right-hand rule else: grid_mesh3d._face_normals = self._plane.n grid_mesh3d._vertex_normals = self._plane.n # transform the centroids to 3D space if they were generated if generate_centroids is True: _conv_plane = self._plane if offset is None or offset == 0 else _off_plane grid_mesh3d._face_centroids = tuple(_conv_plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in grid_mesh2d.face_centroids) return grid_mesh3d
[docs] def contour_by_number(self, contour_count, direction_vector, flip_side, tolerance): """Generate a list of LineSegment3D objects contouring the face. Args: contour_count: A positive integer for the number of contours to generate over the face. direction_vector: A Vector2D for the direction along which contours are generated. This 2D vector will be interpreted into a 3D vector within the plane of this Face. (0, 1) will usually generate horizontal contours in 3D space, (1, 0) will generate vertical contours, and (1, 1) will generate diagonal contours. Recommended value is Vector2D(0, 1). flip_side: Boolean to note whether the side the contours start from should be flipped. Recommended value is False to have contours on top or right. Setting to True will start contours on the bottom or left. tolerance: An optional value to remove any contours with a length less than the tolerance. """ # interpret the 2D direction_vector into one that exists in 3D space ref_plane = Plane(self._plane.n, Point3D(0, 0, 0), self._plane.x) if ref_plane.y.z < 0: ref_plane = ref_plane.rotate(ref_plane.n, math.pi, ref_plane.o) plane_normal = ref_plane.xy_to_xyz(direction_vector).normalize() # get a diagonal going across the face diagonal = self._diagonal_along_self(direction_vector, tolerance) if not flip_side: diagonal = diagonal.flip() # flip diagonal if user has requested it # generate the contours contours = [] for pt in diagonal.subdivide_evenly(contour_count)[:-1]: result = self.intersect_plane(Plane(plane_normal, pt)) if result is not None: contours.extend(result) # remove any contours that are smaller than the tolerance. if tolerance != 0: contours = [l_seg for l_seg in contours if l_seg.length >= tolerance] return contours
[docs] def contour_by_distance_between(self, distance, direction_vector, flip_side, tolerance): """Generate a list of LineSegment3D objects contouring the face. Args: distance: A number for the distance between each contour. direction_vector: A Vector2D for the direction along which contours are generated. This 2D vector will be interpreted into a 3D vector within the plane of this Face. (0, 1) will usually generate horizontal contours in 3D space, (1, 0) will generate vertical contours, and (1, 1) will generate diagonal contours. Recommended value is Vector2D(0, 1). flip_side: Boolean to note whether the side the contours start from should be flipped. Recommended value is is False to have contours start on top or right. Setting to True will start contours on the bottom or left. tolerance: An optional value to remove any contours with a length less than the tolerance. """ # interpret the 2D direction_vector into one that exists in 3D space ref_plane = Plane(self._plane.n, Point3D(0, 0, 0), self._plane.x) if ref_plane.y.z < 0: ref_plane = ref_plane.rotate(ref_plane.n, math.pi, ref_plane.o) plane_normal = ref_plane.xy_to_xyz(direction_vector).normalize() # get a diagonal going across the face diagonal = self._diagonal_along_self(direction_vector, tolerance) if not flip_side: diagonal = diagonal.flip() # flip diagonal if user has requested it # compute the diagonal subdivision distance using the plane_normal angle = plane_normal.angle(diagonal.v) angle = abs(angle - math.pi) if angle > math.pi / 2 else angle proj_dist = distance / math.cos(angle) # generate the contours contours = [] for pt in diagonal.subdivide(proj_dist)[:-1]: pass result = self.intersect_plane(Plane(plane_normal, pt)) if result is not None: contours.extend(result) # remove any contours that are smaller than the tolerance. if tolerance != 0: contours = [l_seg for l_seg in contours if l_seg.length >= tolerance] return contours
[docs] def contour_fins_by_number(self, fin_count, depth, offset, angle, contour_vector, flip_side, tolerance): """Generate a list of Fac3D objects over this face (like louvers or fins). Args: fin_count: A positive integer for the number of fins to generate. depth: A number for the depth to extrude the fins. offset: A number for the distance to offset fins from this face. Recommended value is 0 for no offset. angle: A number for the for an angle to rotate the fins in radians. Recommended value is 0 for no rotation. contour_vector: A Vector2D for the direction along which contours are generated. This 2D vector will be interpreted into a 3D vector within the plane of this Face. (0, 1) will usually generate horizontal contours in 3D space, (1, 0) will generate vertical contours, and (1, 1) will generate diagonal contours. Recommended value is Vector2D(0, 1). flip_side: Boolean to note whether the side the fins start from should be flipped. Recommended value is False to have contours start on top or right. Setting to True will start contours on the bottom or left. tolerance: An optional value to remove any contours with a length less than the tolerance. """ extru_vec = self._get_fin_extrusion_vector(depth, angle, contour_vector) contours = self.contour_by_number( fin_count, contour_vector, flip_side, tolerance) return self._get_extrusion_fins(contours, extru_vec, offset)
[docs] def contour_fins_by_distance_between(self, distance, depth, offset, angle, contour_vector, flip_side, tolerance): """Generate a list of Fac3D objects over this face (like louvers or fins). Args: distance: A number for the approximate distance between each contour. depth: A number for the depth to extrude the fins. offset: A number for the distance to offset fins from this face. Recommended value is 0 for no offset. angle: A number for the for an angle to rotate the fins in radians. Recommended value is 0 for no rotation. contour_vector: A Vector2D for the direction along which contours are generated. This 2D vector will be interpreted into a 3D vector within the plane of this Face. (0, 1) will usually generate horizontal contours in 3D space, (1, 0) will generate vertical contours, and (1, 1) will generate diagonal contours. Recommended value is Vector2D(0, 1). flip_side: Boolean to note whether the side the fins start from should be flipped. Recommended value is False to have contours start on top or right. Setting to True will start contours on the bottom or left. tolerance: An optional value to remove any contours with a length less than the tolerance. """ extru_vec = self._get_fin_extrusion_vector(depth, angle, contour_vector) contours = self.contour_by_distance_between( distance, contour_vector, flip_side, tolerance) return self._get_extrusion_fins(contours, extru_vec, offset)
[docs] def sub_faces_by_ratio(self, ratio): """Get a list of faces with a combined area equal to ratio times this face area. All sub faces will lie inside the boundaries of this face and will have the same normal as this face. Args: ratio: A number between 0 and 1 for the ratio between the area of the sub faces and the area of this face. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. """ scale_factor = ratio ** .5 if self.is_convex: return [self.scale(scale_factor, self.centroid)] else: _tri_mesh = self.triangulated_mesh3d _tri_faces = [[_tri_mesh[i] for i in face] for face in _tri_mesh.faces] _scaled_verts = [] for i, _tri in enumerate(_tri_faces): _scaled_verts.append( [pt.scale(scale_factor, _tri_mesh.face_centroids[i]) for pt in _tri]) return [Face3D(_t, self.plane) for _t in _scaled_verts]
[docs] def sub_faces_by_ratio_gridded(self, ratio, x_dim, y_dim=None): """Get a list of faces with a combined area equal to ratio times this face area. All sub faces will lie inside the boundaries of this face and have the same normal as this face. Sub faces will be arranged in a grid derived from this face's plane property. Because the x_dim and y_dim refer to dimensions within the X and Y coordinate system of this faces's plane, rotating this plane will result in rotated grid cells. If the x_dim and/or y_dim are too large for this face, this method will return essentially the same result as the sub_faces_by_ratio method. Args: ratio: A number between 0 and 1 for the ratio between the area of the sub faces and the area of this face. x_dim: The x dimension of the grid cells as a number. y_dim: The y dimension of the grid cells as a number. Default is None, which will assume the same cell dimension for y as is set for x. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. """ try: # get the gridded mesh derived from this face grid_mesh = self.mesh_grid(x_dim, y_dim) except AssertionError: # there are no faces; just return sub_faces_by_ratio return self.sub_faces_by_ratio(ratio) # compute the area that each of the mesh faces need to be scaled to _verts, _faces = grid_mesh.vertices, grid_mesh.faces _x_dim = _verts[_faces[0][0]].distance_to_point(_verts[_faces[0][1]]) _y_dim = _verts[_faces[0][1]].distance_to_point(_verts[_faces[0][2]]) fac = (self.area * ratio) / (_x_dim * _y_dim * len(_faces)) # if the factor is greater than 1, sub-faces will be overlapping if fac >= 1: return self.sub_faces_by_ratio(ratio) s_fac = fac ** 0.5 # generate the Face3D objects while scaling them to the correct size sub_faces = [] for face, centr in zip(_faces, grid_mesh.face_centroids): _f = Face3D(tuple(_verts[i].scale(s_fac, centr) for i in face), self.plane) if self._is_sub_face(_f): # catch edge cases sub_faces.append(_f) return sub_faces
[docs] def sub_faces_by_ratio_rectangle(self, ratio, tolerance): """Get a list of faces with a combined area equal to ratio times this face area. This function is virtually equivalent to the sub_faces_by_ratio method but a check will be performed to see if any rectangles can be pulled out of this face's geometry. This tends to make the result a bit cleaner, especially for concave faces that have rectangles (like L-shaped faces). Args: ratio: A number between 0 and 1 for the ratio between the area of the sub faces and the area of this face. tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered a part of a rectangle. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. If there is a rectangle in this shape, the scaled rectangle will be the first item in this list. """ rect_res = self.extract_rectangle(tolerance) if rect_res is None: return self.sub_faces_by_ratio(ratio) bottom_seg, top_seg, other_faces = rect_res rect_face = Face3D((bottom_seg.p1, bottom_seg.p2, top_seg.p2, top_seg.p1), self.plane) scale_factor = ratio ** .5 sub_faces = [rect_face.scale(scale_factor,] for face in other_faces: sfs = face.sub_faces_by_ratio(ratio) for sf in sfs: if sf.area > tolerance: sub_faces.append(sf) return sub_faces
[docs] def sub_faces_by_ratio_sub_rectangle(self, ratio, sub_rect_height, sill_height, horizontal_separation, vertical_separation, tolerance): """Get a list of faces with a combined area equal to ratio times this face area. This function is virtually equivalent to the sub_faces_by_ratio_rectangle method but any rectangles that are found will be broken down into sub-rectangles using the other inputs (sub_rect_height, sill_height, horizontal_separation, vertical_separation). This allows for the creation of a wide array of rectangular sub-face geometries. Args: ratio: A number between 0 and 1 for the ratio between the area of the sub faces and the area of this face. sub_rect_height: A number for the target height of the output sub- rectangles. Note that, if the ratio is too large for the height, the ratio will take precedence and the sub-rectangle height will be larger than this value. sill_height: A number for the target height above the bottom edge of the rectangle to start the sub-rectangles. Note that, if the ratio is too large for the height, the ratio will take precedence and the sub-rectangle height will be smaller than this value. horizontal_separation: A number for the target separation between individual sub-rectangle centerlines. If this number is larger than the parent rectangle base, only one sub-rectangle will be produced. vertical_separation: An optional number to create a single vertical separation between top and bottom sub-rectangles. The default is 0 for no separation. tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered a part of a rectangle. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. If there is a rectangle in this shape, the scaled rectangle will be the first item in this list. """ rect_res = self.extract_rectangle(tolerance) if rect_res is None: return self.sub_faces_by_ratio(ratio) bottom_seg, top_seg, other_faces = rect_res height_seg = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(bottom_seg.p, top_seg.p) norm_tup = self._normal_from_3pts(bottom_seg.p, bottom_seg.p2, top_seg.p) norm = Vector3D(*norm_tup).normalize() base_plane = Plane(norm, bottom_seg.p, bottom_seg.v) sub_faces = Face3D.sub_rects_from_rect_ratio( base_plane, bottom_seg.length, height_seg.length, ratio, sub_rect_height, sill_height, horizontal_separation, vertical_separation) for face in other_faces: sfs = face.sub_faces_by_ratio(ratio) for sf in sfs: if sf.area > tolerance: sub_faces.append(sf) return sub_faces
[docs] def sub_faces_by_dimension_rectangle(self, sub_rect_height, sub_rect_width, sill_height, horizontal_separation, tolerance): """Get a list of rectangular faces within this Face3D. Note that this method will only yield results if there is a rectangle to be extracted from this Face3D's geometry. Args: sub_rect_height: A number for the target height of the output rectangles. sub_rect_width: A number for the target width of the output rectangles. sill_height: A number for the target height above the bottom edge of the rectangle to start the sub-rectangles. If the sub_rect_height is too large for the sill_height to fit within the rectangle, the sub_rect_height will take precedence. horizontal_separation: A number for the target separation between individual sub-rectangle centerlines. If this number is larger than the parent rectangle base, only one sub-rectangle will be produced. tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered a part of a rectangle. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. """ rect_res = self.extract_rectangle(tolerance) if rect_res is None: return [] bottom_seg, top_seg, _ = rect_res height_seg = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(bottom_seg.p, top_seg.p) norm_tup = self._normal_from_3pts(bottom_seg.p, bottom_seg.p2, top_seg.p) norm = Vector3D(*norm_tup).normalize() base_plane = Plane(norm, bottom_seg.p, bottom_seg.v) sub_faces = Face3D.sub_rects_from_rect_dimensions( base_plane, bottom_seg.length, height_seg.length, sub_rect_height, sub_rect_width, sill_height, horizontal_separation) return sub_faces
[docs] def get_top_bottom_horizontal_edges(self, tolerance): """Get top and bottom horizontal edges of this Face if they exist. Args: tolerance: The maximum difference between the z values of the start and end coordinates at which an edge is considered horizontal. Returns: (bottom_edge, top_edge) with each as LineSegment3D if they exist. None if they do not exist. """ # test if each of the edges are vertical. horizontal_edges = [] for edge in self.boundary_segments: if edge.is_horizontal(tolerance): horizontal_edges.append(edge) if len(horizontal_edges) < 2: return None else: sorted_edges = sorted(horizontal_edges, key=lambda edge: edge.p.z) return sorted_edges[0], sorted_edges[1]
[docs] def get_left_right_vertical_edges(self, tolerance): """Get left and right vertical edges of this Face if they exist. Args: tolerance: The maximum difference between the x any y values of the start and end coordinates at which an edge is considered vertical. Returns: (left_edge, right_edge) with each as LineSegment3D if they exist. Left in this case is defined as the edge with the lower X coordinates. Result will be None if vertical edges do not exist. """ # test if each of the edges are vertical. vertical_edges = [] for edge in self.boundary_segments: if edge.is_vertical(tolerance): vertical_edges.append(edge) if len(vertical_edges) < 2: return None else: if abs(self.normal.x) != 1: sorted_edges = sorted(vertical_edges, key=lambda edge: edge.p.x) else: sorted_edges = sorted(vertical_edges, key=lambda edge: edge.p.y) return sorted_edges[0], sorted_edges[-1]
[docs] def extract_rectangle(self, tolerance): """Extract top and bottom line segments of a rectangle within this Face. This method will only return geometry if: 1) There are no holes in the face. 2) The face is not parallel to the World XY plane. 3) There are two parallel edges to this face, which are either oriented horizontally or vertically. 4) There must be enough overlap between these edges for a rectangle to be drawn between them. If this Face does not satisfy this criteria, None will be returned. Args: tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered a part of a rectangle. Returns: A tuple with three elements - bottom_edge: A LineSegment3D representing the bottom of the rectangle. - top_edge: A LineSegment3D representing the top of the rectangle. - other_faces: A list of Face3D objects for the parts of this face not included in the rectangle. The length of this list will be between 0 (if this face is already rectangular) and 2 (if there are non- rectangular geometries on either side of the rectangle.) """ # perform checks on the face to see if a rectangle is extractable if self.has_holes: return None if abs(self.normal.x) <= tolerance and abs(self.normal.y) <= tolerance: # face lies within a horizontal plane; we cannot distinguish top and bottom return None clean_face = self.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) # try to extract a rectangle from horizontal curves horiz_result = clean_face.get_top_bottom_horizontal_edges(tolerance) if horiz_result is not None: bottom_seg, top_seg = horiz_result split_res = clean_face._split_with_rectangle(bottom_seg, top_seg, tolerance) if split_res is not None: return LineSegment3D.from_end_points(split_res[0][1], split_res[0][3]), \ LineSegment3D.from_end_points(split_res[0][0], split_res[0][2]), \ split_res[1] # try to extract a rectangle from vertical curves vert_result = clean_face.get_left_right_vertical_edges(tolerance) if vert_result is not None: left_seg, right_seg = vert_result split_res = clean_face._split_with_rectangle(left_seg, right_seg, tolerance) if split_res is not None: seg_1 = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(split_res[0][0], split_res[0][1]) seg_2 = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(split_res[0][2], split_res[0][3]) sorted_edges = sorted([seg_1, seg_2], key=lambda edge: edge.p.z) return sorted_edges[0], sorted_edges[1], split_res[1] return None
[docs] @staticmethod def sub_rects_from_rect_ratio( base_plane, parent_base, parent_height, ratio, sub_rect_height, sill_height, horizontal_separation, vertical_separation=0): """Get a list of rectangular Face3D objects using an area ratio and parameters. All of the resulting Face3D objects lie within a parent rectangle defined by the parent_base, parent_height, and base_plane. The combined area of the resulting rectangles is equal to the area of the larger rectangle multiplied by the input ratio. This method is particularly useful for generating rectangular window surfaces. Args: base_plane: A Plane object in which the rectangle exists. The origin of this plane will be the lower left corner of the rectangle and the X and Y axes will form the sides. parent_base: A number indicating the length of the base of the parent rectangle. parent_height: A number indicating the length of the height of the parent rectangle. ratio: A number between 0 and 1 for the ratio between the area of the sub rectangle faces and the area of this face. sub_rect_height: A number for the target height of the output sub- rectangles. Note that, if the ratio is too large for the height, the ratio will take precedence and the sub-rectangle height will be larger than this value. sill_height: A number for the target height above the bottom edge of the rectangle to start the sub-rectangles. Note that, if the ratio is too large for the height, the ratio will take precedence and the sub-rectangle height will be smaller than this value. horizontal_separation: A number for the target separation between individual sub-rectangle center lines. If this number is larger than the parent rectangle base, only one sub-rectangle will be produced. vertical_separation: An optional number to create a single vertical separation between top and bottom sub-rectangles. The default is 0 for no separation. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. """ # calculate the target area to make the combined sub-rectangles target_area = parent_base * parent_height * ratio # find the maximum area for subdivision into smaller, taller sub-rectangles max_area_subdiv = parent_base * 0.98 * sub_rect_height # if sub_rect_height > parent_height, set it to just under parent_height max_subh = 0.98 * parent_height sub_rect_height = max_subh if sub_rect_height > max_subh else sub_rect_height # if sill_height is close to 0, set it to just above 0. min_sill = 0.01 * parent_height sill_height = min_sill if sill_height < min_sill else sill_height # properties used throughout the computation of sub-rectangles bottom_seg = LineSegment3D.from_sdl(base_plane.o, base_plane.x, parent_base) if target_area < max_area_subdiv: # divide up the rectangle into points on the bottom. if parent_base > (horizontal_separation / 2): num_div = round(parent_base / horizontal_separation, 0) else: num_div = 1 btm_div_pts = bottom_seg.subdivide_evenly(num_div) btm_div_segs = tuple(LineSegment3D.from_end_points(pt, btm_div_pts[i + 1]) for i, pt in enumerate(btm_div_pts[:-1])) # move the segments to the sill height max_sill_h = parent_height * 0.99 - sub_rect_height sill_vec = base_plane.y * sill_height if sill_height < max_sill_h \ else base_plane.y * max_sill_h div_segs = tuple(seg.move(sill_vec) for seg in btm_div_segs) # scale the segments along their center points seg_width = div_segs[0].length subrect_width = (target_area / sub_rect_height) / num_div scale_fac = subrect_width / seg_width scaled_segs = [seg.scale(scale_fac, seg.midpoint) for seg in div_segs] # find the maximum acceptable area for splitting the glazing vertically. if vertical_separation != 0: max_split_vert = parent_height - sill_height - sub_rect_height \ - (0.02 * parent_height) if vertical_separation < 0 or max_split_vert < 0: vertical_separation = 0 elif vertical_separation > max_split_vert: vertical_separation = max_split_vert # generate the vertices by 'extruding' along a window height vector. final_faces = [] if vertical_separation != 0: sub_rect_height = sub_rect_height / 2 h_vec = base_plane.y * sub_rect_height vert_move_vec = base_plane.y * (sub_rect_height + vertical_separation) vert_segs = [seg.move(vert_move_vec) for seg in scaled_segs] for seg in scaled_segs + vert_segs: final_faces.append(Face3D( (seg.p1, seg.p2, seg.p2 + h_vec, seg.p1 + h_vec), base_plane)) else: h_vec = base_plane.y * sub_rect_height for seg in scaled_segs: final_faces.append(Face3D( (seg.p1, seg.p2, seg.p2 + h_vec, seg.p1 + h_vec), base_plane)) else: # make a single sub-rectangle at an appropriate sill height max_sill_h = parent_height * 0.99 - (target_area / (parent_base * 0.98)) sill_vec = base_plane.y * sill_height if sill_height < max_sill_h \ else base_plane.y * max_sill_h seg_init = bottom_seg.move(sill_vec) seg = seg_init.scale(0.98, seg_init.midpoint) # find the maximum acceptable area for splitting the glazing vertically. if vertical_separation != 0: max_split_vert = parent_height - sill_height - \ (target_area / (parent_base * 0.98)) - (0.02 * parent_height) if vertical_separation < 0 or max_split_vert < 0: vertical_separation = 0 elif vertical_separation > max_split_vert: vertical_separation = max_split_vert # generate the vertices by 'extruding' along a window height vector. if vertical_separation != 0: sub_rect_height = (target_area / (parent_base * 0.98)) / 2 h_vec = base_plane.y * sub_rect_height vert_move_vec = base_plane.y * (sub_rect_height + vertical_separation) vert_seg = seg.move(vert_move_vec) final_faces = [] for seg in [seg, vert_seg]: final_faces.append(Face3D( (seg.p1, seg.p2, seg.p2 + h_vec, seg.p1 + h_vec), base_plane)) else: h_vec = base_plane.y * (target_area / (parent_base * 0.98)) final_faces = [Face3D((seg.p1, seg.p2, seg.p2 + h_vec, seg.p1 + h_vec), base_plane)] return final_faces
[docs] @staticmethod def sub_rects_from_rect_dimensions( base_plane, parent_base, parent_height, sub_rect_height, sub_rect_width, sill_height, horizontal_separation): """Get a list of rectangular Face3D objects from dimensions and parameters. All of the resulting Face3D objects lie within a parent rectangle defined by the parent_base, parent_height, and base_plane. Args: base_plane: A Plane object in which the rectangle exists. The origin of this plane will be the lower left corner of the rectangle and the X and Y axes will form the sides. parent_base: A number indicating the length of the base of the parent rectangle. parent_height: A number indicating the length of the height of the parent rectangle. sub_rect_height: A number for the target height of the output rectangles. sub_rect_width: A number for the target width of the output rectangles. sill_height: A number for the target height above the bottom edge of the rectangle to start the sub-rectangles. If the sub_rect_height is too large for the sill_height to fit within the rectangle, the sub_rect_height will take precedence. horizontal_separation: A number for the target separation between individual sub-rectangle center lines. If this number is larger than the parent rectangle base, only one sub-rectangle will be produced. Returns: A list of Face3D objects for sub faces. """ # if sub_rect_height > parent_height, set it to just under parent_height sub_rect_height = parent_height - 0.02 * parent_height if \ sub_rect_height >= parent_height else sub_rect_height # if sill_height is close to 0, set it to just above 0 sill_hgt = 0.01 * parent_height if sill_height < 0.01 * parent_height \ else sill_height # adjust sill_hgt if sum of it and sub_rect_height > parent_height if sub_rect_height + sill_hgt >= parent_height: sill_hgt = parent_height - sub_rect_height - (parent_height * 0.01) # ensure that the horizontal_separation is always greater than sub_rect_width if sub_rect_width >= horizontal_separation: horizontal_separation = sub_rect_width * 1.02 # determine if the parameters should yield multiple sub-windows or just one max_width_break_up = parent_base / 2 num_div = round(parent_base / horizontal_separation) if \ parent_base > horizontal_separation / 2 else 1 # properties used throughout the computation of sub-rectangles sill_vec = base_plane.y * sill_hgt bottom_seg = LineSegment3D.from_sdl(base_plane.o, base_plane.x, parent_base) if sub_rect_width < max_width_break_up: # determine the number of times that the rectangle should be subdivided div_dist = parent_base / 2 if num_div == 1 else horizontal_separation if num_div * sub_rect_width + (num_div - 1) * \ (horizontal_separation - sub_rect_width) > parent_base: num_div = math.floor(parent_base / horizontal_separation) # Get a segment in the center of the bottom scale_fac = (div_dist * num_div) / parent_base rect_seg = bottom_seg.scale(scale_fac, bottom_seg.point_at(0.5)) rect_seg = rect_seg.move(sill_vec) btm_div_pts = rect_seg.subdivide_evenly(num_div) if len(btm_div_pts) == num_div: btm_div_pts.append(rect_seg.p2) # divide up the rectangle into points on the bottom btm_div_segs = tuple(LineSegment3D.from_end_points(pt, btm_div_pts[i + 1]) for i, pt in enumerate(btm_div_pts[:-1])) # scale the line segments along their center points line_cent_pt = tuple(line.point_at(0.5) for line in btm_div_segs) scale_factor = sub_rect_width / div_dist btm_div_segs = tuple(line.scale(scale_factor, mid_pt) for line, mid_pt in zip(btm_div_segs, line_cent_pt)) # generate the vertices by 'extruding' along window height vector h_vec = base_plane.y * sub_rect_height final_faces = [Face3D((line.p2, line.p1, line.p1 + h_vec, line.p2 + h_vec), base_plane) for line in btm_div_segs] else: # make a single sub-rectangle at an appropriate sill height if sub_rect_width >= parent_base: sub_rect_width = parent_base * 0.98 scale_fac = sub_rect_width / parent_base rect_seg = bottom_seg.scale(scale_fac, bottom_seg.point_at(0.5)) seg = rect_seg.move(sill_vec) # generate the vertices by 'extruding' along window height vector h_vec = base_plane.y * sub_rect_height final_faces = [Face3D((seg.p2, seg.p1, seg.p1 + h_vec, seg.p2 + h_vec), base_plane)] return final_faces
[docs] def coplanar_difference(self, faces, tolerance, angle_tolerance): """Subtract one or more coplanar Face3D from this Face3D. Note that, when the faces are not coplanar or they do not overlap, the original face will be returned. Args: faces: A list of Face3D for which will be subtracted from this Face3D. tolerance: The minimum difference between X, Y and Z values at which vertices are considered distinct from one another. angle_tolerance: The max angle in radians that the plane normals can differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar. Returns: A List of Face3D representing the original Face3D with the input faces subtracted from it. """ # define the primary boolean polygon prim_pl = self.plane f1_poly = self.boundary_polygon2d try: f1_poly = f1_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate face input return self f1_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in f1_poly.vertices)] if self.has_holes: for hole in self.hole_polygon2d: f1_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole.vertices)) b_poly1 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f1_polys) # pre-process the Face3Ds to be intersected relevant_b_polys = [] for face2 in faces: # test whether the faces are coplanar if not prim_pl.is_coplanar_tolerance(face2.plane, tolerance, angle_tolerance): continue # test whether the two polygons have any overlap in 2D space f2_poly = Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in face2.boundary)) if f1_poly.polygon_relationship(f2_poly, tolerance) == -1: continue # snap the polygons to one another to avoid tolerance issues try: f2_poly = f2_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate faces input continue s2_poly = f1_poly.snap_to_polygon(f2_poly, tolerance) # get BooleanPolygons of the two faces f2_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in s2_poly.vertices)] if face2.has_holes: for hole in face2.holes: h_pt2d = (prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in hole) f2_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in h_pt2d)) b_poly2 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f2_polys) relevant_b_polys.append(b_poly2) # if no relevant polygons were found, return self if len(relevant_b_polys) == 0: return self # loop through the boolean polygons and subtract them int_tol = tolerance / 100 for b_poly2 in relevant_b_polys: # subtract the boolean polygons try: b_poly1 = pb.difference(b_poly1, b_poly2, int_tol) except Exception: return self # typically a tolerance issue causing failure # rebuild the Face3D from the result of the subtraction return Face3D._from_bool_poly(b_poly1, prim_pl)
[docs] @staticmethod def coplanar_union(face1, face2, tolerance, angle_tolerance): """Boolean Union two coplanar Face3D with one another. Args: face1: A Face3D for the first face that will be unioned with the second face. face2: A Face3D for the second face that will be unioned with the first face. tolerance: The minimum difference between X, Y and Z values at which vertices are considered distinct from one another. angle_tolerance: The max angle in radians that the plane normals can differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar. Returns: A single Face3D for the Union of the two input Face3D. When the faces are not coplanar or they do not overlap, None will be returned. """ # test whether the faces are coplanar prim_pl = face1.plane if not prim_pl.is_coplanar_tolerance(face2.plane, tolerance, angle_tolerance): return None # test whether the two polygons have any overlap in 2D space f1_poly = face1.boundary_polygon2d f2_poly = Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in face2.boundary)) if f1_poly.polygon_relationship(f2_poly, tolerance) == -1: return None # snap the polygons to one another to avoid tolerance issues try: f1_poly = f1_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) f2_poly = f2_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate faces input return None s2_poly = f1_poly.snap_to_polygon(f2_poly, tolerance) # get BooleanPolygons of the two faces f1_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in f1_poly.vertices)] f2_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in s2_poly.vertices)] if face1.has_holes: for hole in face1.hole_polygon2d: f1_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole.vertices)) if face2.has_holes: for hole in face2.holes: h_pt2d = (prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in hole) f2_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in h_pt2d)) b_poly1 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f1_polys) b_poly2 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f2_polys) # union the two boolean polygons with one another int_tol = tolerance / 100 try: poly_result = pb.union(b_poly1, b_poly2, int_tol) except Exception: return None # typically a tolerance issue causing failure # rebuild the Face3D from the results and return them union_faces = Face3D._from_bool_poly(poly_result, prim_pl) return union_faces[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def coplanar_intersection(face1, face2, tolerance, angle_tolerance): """Boolean Intersection two coplanar Face3D with one another. Args: face1: A Face3D for the first face that will be intersected with the second face. face2: A Face3D for the second face that will be intersected with the first face. tolerance: The minimum difference between X, Y and Z values at which vertices are considered distinct from one another. angle_tolerance: The max angle in radians that the plane normals can differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar. Returns: A list of Face3D for the Intersection of the two input Face3D. When the faces are not coplanar or they do not overlap, None will be returned. """ # test whether the faces are coplanar prim_pl = face1.plane if not prim_pl.is_coplanar_tolerance(face2.plane, tolerance, angle_tolerance): return None # test whether the two polygons have any overlap in 2D space f1_poly = face1.boundary_polygon2d f2_poly = Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in face2.boundary)) if f1_poly.polygon_relationship(f2_poly, tolerance) == -1: return None # snap the polygons to one another to avoid tolerance issues try: f1_poly = f1_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) f2_poly = f2_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate faces input return None s2_poly = f1_poly.snap_to_polygon(f2_poly, tolerance) # get BooleanPolygons of the two faces f1_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in f1_poly.vertices)] f2_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in s2_poly.vertices)] if face1.has_holes: for hole in face1.hole_polygon2d: f1_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole.vertices)) if face2.has_holes: for hole in face2.holes: h_pt2d = (prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in hole) f2_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in h_pt2d)) b_poly1 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f1_polys) b_poly2 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f2_polys) # intersect the two boolean polygons with one another int_tol = tolerance / 100 try: poly_result = pb.intersect(b_poly1, b_poly2, int_tol) except Exception: return None # typically a tolerance issue causing failure # rebuild the Face3D from the results and return them int_faces = Face3D._from_bool_poly(poly_result, prim_pl) return int_faces
[docs] @staticmethod def coplanar_split(face1, face2, tolerance, angle_tolerance): """Split two coplanar Face3D with one another (ensuring matching overlapped area) When the faces are not coplanar or they do not overlap, the original faces will be returned. Args: face1: A Face3D for the first face that will be split with the second face. face2: A Face3D for the second face that will be split with the first face. tolerance: The minimum difference between X, Y and Z values at which vertices are considered distinct from one another. angle_tolerance: The max angle in radians that the plane normals can differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar. Returns: A tuple with two elements - face1_split: A list of Face3D for the split version of the input face1. - face2_split: A list of Face3D for the split version of the input face2. """ # test whether the faces are coplanar prim_pl = face1.plane if not prim_pl.is_coplanar_tolerance(face2.plane, tolerance, angle_tolerance): return [face1], [face2] # test whether the two polygons have any overlap in 2D space f1_poly = face1.boundary_polygon2d f2_poly = Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in face2.boundary)) if f1_poly.polygon_relationship(f2_poly, tolerance) == -1: return [face1], [face2] # snap the polygons to one another to avoid tolerance issues try: f1_poly = f1_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) f2_poly = f2_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate faces input return [face1], [face2] s2_poly = f1_poly.snap_to_polygon(f2_poly, tolerance) # get BooleanPolygons of the two faces f1_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in f1_poly.vertices)] f2_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in s2_poly.vertices)] if face1.has_holes and face2.has_holes: # snap corresponding holes together f1h_polys = face1.hole_polygon2d f2h_polys = [Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in h_pts)) for h_pts in face2.holes] for f1hp in f1h_polys: for hi, f2hp in enumerate(f2h_polys): if < tolerance: f2h_polys[hi] = f1hp.snap_to_polygon(f2hp, tolerance) for hole in f1h_polys: f1_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole.vertices)) for hole in f2h_polys: f2_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole.vertices)) elif face1.has_holes: for hole in face1.hole_polygon2d: f1_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole.vertices)) elif face2.has_holes: for hole in face2.holes: h_pt2d = (prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in hole) f2_polys.append((pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in h_pt2d)) b_poly1 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f1_polys) b_poly2 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f2_polys) # split the two boolean polygons with one another int_tol = tolerance / 100 try: int_result, poly1_result, poly2_result = pb.split(b_poly1, b_poly2, int_tol) except Exception: return [face1], [face2] # typically a tolerance issue causing failure # rebuild the Face3D from the results and return them int_faces = Face3D._from_bool_poly(int_result, prim_pl) poly1_faces = Face3D._from_bool_poly(poly1_result, prim_pl) poly2_faces = Face3D._from_bool_poly(poly2_result, prim_pl) face1_split = poly1_faces + int_faces face2_split = poly2_faces + int_faces return face1_split, face2_split
[docs] @staticmethod def coplanar_union_all(faces, tolerance, angle_tolerance): """Boolean Union several coplanar Face3D together. Note that this method does not perform any check for whether the input faces overlap before it performs the unioning operation. So it is recommended that the Face3D.group_by_coplanar_overlap method be run before using this method to union each group together. Args: faces: A list of Face3D that will be unioned together. tolerance: The minimum difference between X, Y and Z values at which vertices are considered distinct from one another. angle_tolerance: The max angle in radians that the plane normals can differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar. Returns: A list of Face3D for the Union of all the input Face3D. When the faces are not coplanar, None will be returned. """ # test whether the faces are coplanar prim_pl = faces[0].plane for of in faces[1:]: if not prim_pl.is_coplanar_tolerance(of.plane, tolerance, angle_tolerance): return None # convert all boundaries and holes to 2D space hole_decoder = [False] all_poly = [faces[0].boundary_polygon2d] if faces[0].has_holes: for hole in faces[0].hole_polygon2d: all_poly.extend(hole) hole_decoder.append(True) for of in faces[1:]: of_poly = Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in of.boundary)) all_poly.append(of_poly) hole_decoder.append(False) if of.has_holes: for hole in of.holes: h_poly = Polygon2D(tuple(prim_pl.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in hole)) all_poly.extend(h_poly) hole_decoder.append(True) # snap the polygons to one another to avoid tolerance issues try: all_poly = [ply.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) for ply in all_poly] except AssertionError: # degenerate faces input return None all_poly = Polygon2D.snap_polygons(all_poly, tolerance) # create BooleanPolygons of the faces bool_polys = [] prev_poly = None for ply, is_hole in zip(all_poly, hole_decoder): bool_pts = (pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in ply.vertices) if not is_hole: if prev_poly is not None: bool_polys.append(pb.BooleanPolygon(prev_poly)) prev_poly = [bool_pts] else: prev_poly.append(bool_pts) bool_polys.append(pb.BooleanPolygon(prev_poly)) # union the boolean polygons with one another int_tol = tolerance / 100 try: poly_result = pb.union_all(bool_polys, int_tol) except Exception: return None # typically a tolerance issue causing failure # rebuild the Face3D from the results and return them union_faces = Face3D._from_bool_poly(poly_result, prim_pl) return union_faces
@staticmethod def _from_bool_poly(bool_polygon, plane): """Get a list of Face3D from a BooleanPolygon. This method will automatically check whether any of the regions is meant to be a hole within the others when it creates the Face3D. Args: bool_polygon: A BooleanPolygon to be interpreted to Face3D. plane: The Plane in which the resulting Face3Ds exist. """ # serialize the BooleanPolygon into Polygon2D polys = [Polygon2D(tuple(Point2D(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in new_poly)) for new_poly in bool_polygon.regions if len(new_poly) > 2] if len(polys) == 0: return [] if len(polys) == 1: verts_3d = tuple(plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in polys[0].vertices) return [Face3D(verts_3d, plane)] # sort the polygons by area and check if any are inside the others polys.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True) poly_groups = [[polys[0]]] for sub_poly in polys[1:]: for i, pg in enumerate(poly_groups): if pg[0].is_polygon_inside(sub_poly): # it's a hole poly_groups[i].append(sub_poly) break else: # it's a separate Face3D poly_groups.append([sub_poly]) # convert all vertices to 3D and return the Face3D face_3d = [] for pg in poly_groups: pg_3d = [] for shp in pg: pg_3d.append(tuple(plane.xy_to_xyz(pt) for pt in shp.vertices)) face_3d.append(Face3D(pg_3d[0], plane, holes=pg_3d[1:])) return face_3d
[docs] @staticmethod def group_by_coplanar_overlap(faces, tolerance): """Group coplanar Face3Ds depending on whether they overlap one another. This is useful as a pre-step before running Face3D.coplanar_union() in order to assess whether union-ing is necessary and to ensure that it is only performed among the necessary groups of faces. This method will return the minimal number of overlapping polygon groups thanks to a recursive check of whether groups can be merged. Args: faces: A list of Face3D to be grouped by their overlapping. tolerance: The minimum distance from the edge of a neighboring Face3D at which a point is considered to overlap with that Face3D. Returns: A list of lists where each sub-list represents a group of Face3Ds that all overlap with one another. """ # sort the faces by area to ensure larger ones grab smaller ones faces = list(sorted(faces, key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)) # create polygons for all of the faces r_plane = faces[0].plane polygons = [Polygon2D([r_plane.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in face.vertices]) for face in faces] # loop through the polygons and check to see if it overlaps with the others grouped_polys, grouped_faces = [[polygons[0]]], [[faces[0]]] for poly, face in zip(polygons[1:], faces[1:]): group_found = False for poly_group, face_group in zip(grouped_polys, grouped_faces): for oth_poly in poly_group: if poly.polygon_relationship(oth_poly, tolerance) >= 0: poly_group.append(poly) face_group.append(face) group_found = True break if group_found: break if not group_found: # the polygon does not overlap with any of the others grouped_polys.append([poly]) # make a new group for the polygon grouped_faces.append([face]) # make a new group for the face # if some groups were found, recursively merge groups together old_group_len = len(polygons) while len(grouped_polys) != old_group_len: new_poly_groups, new_face_groups = grouped_polys[:], grouped_faces[:] g_to_remove = [] for i, group_1 in enumerate(grouped_polys): try: zip_obj = zip(grouped_polys[i + 1:], grouped_faces[i + 1:]) for j, (group_2, f2) in enumerate(zip_obj): if Polygon2D._groups_overlap(group_1, group_2, tolerance): new_poly_groups[i] = new_poly_groups[i] + group_2 new_face_groups[i] = new_face_groups[i] + f2 g_to_remove.append(i + j + 1) except IndexError: pass # we have reached the end of the list of polygons if len(g_to_remove) != 0: g_to_remove = list(set(g_to_remove)) g_to_remove.sort() for ri in reversed(g_to_remove): new_poly_groups.pop(ri) new_face_groups.pop(ri) old_group_len = len(grouped_polys) grouped_polys = new_poly_groups grouped_faces = new_face_groups return grouped_faces
[docs] @staticmethod def join_coplanar_faces(faces, tolerance): """Join a list of coplanar Face3Ds together to get as few as possible. Note that this method does not perform any boolean union operations on the input faces. It will only join the objects together along shared edges. Args: faces: A list of Face3D objects to be joined together. These should all be coplanar but they do not need to have their colinear vertices removed or be intersected for matching segments along which they are joined. tolerance: The maximum difference between values at which point vertices are considered to be the same. Returns: A list of Face3Ds for the minimum number joined together. """ # get polygons for the faces that all lie within the same plane face_polys, base_plane = [], faces[0].plane for fg in faces: verts2d = tuple(base_plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in fg.boundary) face_polys.append(Polygon2D(verts2d)) if fg.has_holes: for hole in fg.holes: verts2d = tuple(base_plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in hole) face_polys.append(Polygon2D(verts2d)) # remove colinear vertices clean_face_polys = [] for geo in face_polys: try: clean_face_polys.append(geo.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance)) except AssertionError: # degenerate geometry to ignore pass # get the joined boundaries around the Polygon2D joined_bounds = Polygon2D.joined_intersected_boundary( clean_face_polys, tolerance) # convert the boundary polygons back to Face3D if len(joined_bounds) == 1: # can be represented with a single Face3D verts3d = tuple(base_plane.xy_to_xyz(_v) for _v in joined_bounds[0]) return [Face3D(verts3d, plane=base_plane)] else: # need to separate holes from distinct Face3Ds bound_faces = [] for poly in joined_bounds: verts3d = tuple(base_plane.xy_to_xyz(_v) for _v in poly) bound_faces.append(Face3D(verts3d, plane=base_plane)) return Face3D.merge_faces_to_holes(bound_faces, tolerance)
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_faces_to_holes(faces, tolerance): """Take of list of Face3Ds and merge any sub-faces into the others as holes. This is particularly useful when translating 2D Polygons back into a 3D space and it is unknown whether certain polygons represent holes in the others. Args: faces: A list of Face3D which will be merged into fewer faces with any sub-faces represented as holes. tolerance: The tolerance to be used for evaluating sub-faces. """ # sort the faces by area and separate base face from the remaining faces = sorted(faces, key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True) base_face = faces[0] remain_faces = list(faces[1:]) # merge the smaller faces into the larger faces merged_face3ds = [] while len(remain_faces) > 0: merged_face3ds.append( Face3D._match_holes_to_face(base_face, remain_faces, tolerance)) if len(remain_faces) > 1: base_face = remain_faces[0] del remain_faces[0] elif len(remain_faces) == 1: # lone last Face3D merged_face3ds.append(remain_faces[0]) del remain_faces[0] return merged_face3ds
@staticmethod def _match_holes_to_face(base_face, other_faces, tol): """Attempt to merge other faces into a base face as holes. Args: base_face: A Face3D to serve as the base. other_faces: A list of other Face3D objects to attempt to merge into the base_face as a hole. This method will delete any faces that are successfully merged into the output from this list. tol: The tolerance to be used for evaluating sub-faces. Returns: A Face3D which has holes in it if any of the other_faces is a valid sub face. """ holes = [] more_to_check = True while more_to_check: for i, r_face in enumerate(other_faces): if base_face.is_sub_face(r_face, tol, 1): holes.append(r_face) del other_faces[i] break else: more_to_check = False if len(holes) == 0: return base_face else: hole_verts = [hole.vertices for hole in holes] return Face3D(base_face.vertices, Plane(n=Vector3D(0, 0, 1)), hole_verts)
[docs] def to_dict(self, include_plane=True, enforce_upper_left=False): """Get Face3D as a dictionary. Args: include_plane: Set to True to include the Face3D plane in the dictionary, which will preserve the underlying orientation of the face plane. Default True. enforce_upper_left: Set to True to ensure that the boundary vertices all start from the upper-left corner. This takes extra time to compute but ensures that the vertices in the dictionary are directly usable in an EnergyPlus simulations. Default: False. """ base = {'type': 'Face3D'} if not enforce_upper_left: base['boundary'] = [pt.to_array() for pt in self.boundary] else: base['boundary'] = [pt.to_array() for pt in self._upper_left_counter_clockwise_boundary()] if include_plane: base['plane'] = self.plane.to_dict() if self.has_holes: base['holes'] = [[pt.to_array() for pt in hole] for hole in self.holes] return base
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_all_from_stl(file_path): """Get a list of Face3Ds imported from all of the triangles in an STL file. Args: file_path: Path to an STL file as a text string. The STL file can be in either ASCII or binary format. """ from ladybug_geometry.interop.stl import STL # avoid circular import stl_obj = STL.from_file(file_path) all_faces = [] for verts, normal in zip(stl_obj.face_vertices, stl_obj.face_normals): all_faces.append(Face3D(verts, plane=Plane(normal, verts[0]))) return all_faces
def _check_vertices_input(self, vertices, loop_name='boundary'): if not isinstance(vertices, tuple): vertices = tuple(vertices) assert len(vertices) >= 3, 'There must be at least 3 vertices for a Face3D {}.' \ ' Got {}'.format(loop_name, len(vertices)) for vert in vertices: assert isinstance(vert, Point3D), \ 'Expected Point3D for Face3D {} vertex. Got {}.'.format( loop_name, type(vert)) return vertices def _check_number_mesh_grid(self, input, name): assert isinstance(input, (float, int)), '{} for Face3D.get_mesh_grid' \ ' must be a number. Got {}.'.format(name, type(input)) def _move(self, vertices, mov_vec): return tuple(pt.move(mov_vec) for pt in vertices) def _rotate(self, vertices, axis, angle, origin): return tuple(pt.rotate(axis, angle, origin) for pt in vertices) def _rotate_xy(self, vertices, angle, origin): return tuple(pt.rotate_xy(angle, origin) for pt in vertices) def _reflect(self, vertices, normal, origin): return tuple(pt.reflect(normal, origin) for pt in reversed(vertices)) def _scale(self, vertices, factor, origin): if origin is None: return tuple( Point3D(pt.x * factor, pt.y * factor, pt.z * factor) for pt in vertices) else: return tuple(pt.scale(factor, origin) for pt in vertices) def _face_transform(self, verts, plane): """Transform face in a way that transfers properties and avoids checks.""" _new_face = Face3D(verts, plane, enforce_right_hand=False) self._transfer_properties(_new_face) _new_face._polygon2d = self._polygon2d _new_face._mesh2d = self._mesh2d return _new_face def _face_transform_reflect(self, verts, plane): """Reflect face in a way that transfers properties and avoids checks.""" _new_face = Face3D(verts, plane, enforce_right_hand=False) self._transfer_properties(_new_face) return _new_face def _face_transform_scale(self, verts, plane, factor): """Scale face in a way that transfers properties and avoids checks.""" _new_face = Face3D(verts, plane, enforce_right_hand=False) self._transfer_properties_scale(_new_face, factor) return _new_face def _transfer_properties(self, new_face): """Transfer properties from this face to a new face. This is used by the transform methods that don't alter the relationship of face vertices to one another (move, rotate, reflect). """ new_face._perimeter = self._perimeter new_face._area = self._area new_face._is_convex = self._is_convex new_face._is_self_intersecting = self._is_self_intersecting def _transfer_properties_scale(self, new_face, factor): """Transfer properties from this face to a new face. This is used by the methods that scale the face. """ new_face._is_convex = self._is_convex new_face._is_self_intersecting = self._is_self_intersecting if self._perimeter is not None: new_face._perimeter = self._perimeter * factor if self._area is not None: new_face._area = self._area * factor ** 2 def _calculate_min_max(self): """Calculate maximum and minimum Point3D for this object.""" min_pt = [self.boundary[0].x, self.boundary[0].y, self.boundary[0].z] max_pt = [self.boundary[0].x, self.boundary[0].y, self.boundary[0].z] for v in self.boundary[1:]: if v.x < min_pt[0]: min_pt[0] = v.x elif v.x > max_pt[0]: max_pt[0] = v.x if v.y < min_pt[1]: min_pt[1] = v.y elif v.y > max_pt[1]: max_pt[1] = v.y if v.z < min_pt[2]: min_pt[2] = v.z elif v.z > max_pt[2]: max_pt[2] = v.z self._min = Point3D(min_pt[0], min_pt[1], min_pt[2]) self._max = Point3D(max_pt[0], max_pt[1], max_pt[2]) def _remove_colinear(self, pts_3d, pts_2d, tolerance): """Remove colinear vertices from a list of Point2D. This method determines co-linearity by checking whether the area of the triangle formed by 3 vertices is less than the tolerance. """ new_vertices = [] # list to hold the new vertices skip = 0 # track the number of vertices being skipped/removed # loop through vertices and remove all cases of colinear verts for i, _v in enumerate(pts_2d): _a = pts_2d[i - 2 - skip].determinant(pts_2d[i - 1]) + \ pts_2d[i - 1].determinant(_v) + _v.determinant(pts_2d[i - 2 - skip]) if abs(_a) >= tolerance: # vertex is not colinear new_vertices.append(pts_3d[i - 1]) skip = 0 else: # vertex is colinear skip += 1 # catch case of last two vertices being equal but distinct from first point if skip != 0 and pts_3d[-2].is_equivalent(pts_3d[-1], tolerance): _a = pts_2d[-3].determinant(pts_2d[-1]) + \ pts_2d[-1].determinant(pts_2d[0]) + pts_2d[0].determinant(pts_2d[-3]) if abs(_a) >= tolerance: new_vertices.append(pts_3d[-1]) return new_vertices def _is_sub_face(self, face): """Check if a face is a sub-face of this face, bypassing coplanar check. Args: face: Another face for which sub-face equivalency will be tested. """ verts2d = tuple(self.plane.xyz_to_xy(_v) for _v in face.vertices) sub_poly = Polygon2D(verts2d) if not self.has_holes: return self.polygon2d.is_polygon_inside(sub_poly) else: if not self.boundary_polygon2d.is_polygon_inside(sub_poly): return False for hole_poly in self.hole_polygon2d: if not hole_poly.is_polygon_outside(sub_poly): return False return True def _vertices_between_points(self, start_pt, end_pt, tolerance): """Get the vertices between a start and end point. This method is used by the extract_rectangle method. """ new_verts = [start_pt] vert_ind = self.vertices.index(start_pt) found_other = False while found_other is False: vert_ind -= 1 new_verts.append(self[vert_ind]) if self[vert_ind].is_equivalent(end_pt, tolerance): found_other = True return new_verts def _diagonal_along_self(self, direction_vector, tolerance): """Get the diagonal oriented along this face and always starts on the left.""" tol_pt = Vector3D(1.0e-7, 1.0e-7, 1.0e-7) # closer than float tolerance diagonal = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(self.min + tol_pt, self.max - tol_pt) # invert the diagonal XY if it is not oriented with the face plane if self._plane.distance_to_point(diagonal.p) > tolerance: start = Point3D(diagonal.p1.x, diagonal.p2.y, diagonal.p1.z) end = Point3D(diagonal.p2.x, diagonal.p1.y, diagonal.p2.z) diagonal = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(start, end) # flip if there's a horizontal direction_vector to ensure always starts on left if direction_vector.x != 0 and self.normal.y > 0: diagonal = diagonal.flip() return diagonal def _get_fin_extrusion_vector(self, depth, angle, contour_vector): """Get the vector with which to extrude fins.""" extru_vec = self.plane.n * depth if angle != 0: # interpret the complement of the 2D contour_vector into a 3D axis cont_vec_complement = Vector2D(contour_vector.y, -contour_vector.x) ref_plane = Plane(self._plane.n, Point3D(0, 0, 0), self._plane.x) if ref_plane.y.z < 0: ref_plane = ref_plane.rotate(ref_plane.n, math.pi, ref_plane.o) axis = ref_plane.xy_to_xyz(cont_vec_complement).normalize() # rotate the extrusion vector around the axis extru_vec = extru_vec.rotate(axis, angle) return extru_vec def _get_extrusion_fins(self, contours, extru_vec, offset): """Get fins from the contours and extrusion vector.""" if offset != 0: off_vec = self.plane.n * offset contours = tuple(seg.move(off_vec) for seg in contours) return tuple(Face3D.from_extrusion(seg, extru_vec) for seg in contours) def _split_with_rectangle(self, edge_1, edge_2, tolerance): """Split this shape using two parallel edges of the face. Result will be None if no rectangle can be obtained. Returns: rectangle_points: A tuple of 4 points that make the rectangle. other_faces: A list of faces for the other parts of this Face that are not a part of the rectangle. """ # compute the 4 points defining the rectangle close_pt_1 = closest_point3d_on_line3d(edge_1.p1, edge_2) close_pt_2 = closest_point3d_on_line3d(edge_2.p2, edge_1) close_pt_3 = closest_point3d_on_line3d(edge_1.p2, edge_2) close_pt_4 = closest_point3d_on_line3d(edge_2.p1, edge_1) # check that there is overlap between the top and bottom curves if close_pt_1.is_equivalent(edge_2.p1, tolerance) or \ close_pt_3.is_equivalent(edge_2.p2, tolerance): return None # check that the two sides of the rectangle are inside the polygon. mid_pt_1 = self.plane.xyz_to_xy( LineSegment3D.from_end_points(close_pt_1, close_pt_2).midpoint) mid_pt_2 = self.plane.xyz_to_xy( LineSegment3D.from_end_points(close_pt_3, close_pt_4).midpoint) if self.polygon2d.point_relationship(mid_pt_1, tolerance) == -1 or \ self.polygon2d.point_relationship(mid_pt_2, tolerance) == -1: return None # get extra faces outside of the rectangle other_faces = [] edge_pts_1 = self._vertices_between_points(edge_1.p1, edge_2.p2, tolerance) if close_pt_1.is_equivalent(edge_2.p2, tolerance) is False: edge_pts_1.append(close_pt_1) other_faces.append(Face3D(edge_pts_1, self.plane)) elif close_pt_2.is_equivalent(edge_1.p1, tolerance) is False: edge_pts_1.append(close_pt_2) other_faces.append(Face3D(edge_pts_1, self.plane)) elif len(edge_pts_1) > 2: other_faces.append(Face3D(edge_pts_1, self.plane)) edge_pts_2 = self._vertices_between_points(edge_2.p1, edge_1.p2, tolerance) if close_pt_3.is_equivalent(edge_2.p1, tolerance) is False: edge_pts_2.append(close_pt_3) other_faces.append(Face3D(edge_pts_2, self.plane)) elif close_pt_4.is_equivalent(edge_1.p2, tolerance) is False: edge_pts_2.append(close_pt_4) other_faces.append(Face3D(edge_pts_2, self.plane)) elif len(edge_pts_2) > 2: other_faces.append(Face3D(edge_pts_2, self.plane)) # check that any new faces are not self intersecting for new_face in other_faces: if new_face.is_self_intersecting: return None # return the rectangle edges and the extra faces return (close_pt_1, close_pt_2, close_pt_3, close_pt_4), other_faces def _point_on_face(self, tolerance): """Get a point that is always reliably on this face. The point will be close to the edge of the Face but it will always be inside its boundary for all concave and holed geometries. Furthermore, it is relatively fast compared with computing the pole_of_inaccessibility. """ try: face = self.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) move_vec = self._inward_pointing_vec(face) except (AssertionError, ZeroDivisionError): # zero area Face3D; use center return move_vec = move_vec * (tolerance + 0.00001) point_on_face = face.boundary[0] + move_vec vert2d = face.plane.xyz_to_xy(point_on_face) if not face.polygon2d.is_point_inside(vert2d): point_on_face = face.boundary[0] - move_vec return point_on_face def _upper_oriented_plane(self): """Get a version of this Face3D's plane where Y is oriented towards positive Z. If the Face3D is horizontal, the plane will be the World XY. """ if self._plane.n.z == 1 or self._plane.n.z == -1: # no vertex is above another ref_plane = Plane(self._plane.n, self._plane.o, Vector3D(1, 0, 0)) else: proj_y = Vector3D(0, 0, 1).project(self._plane.n) proj_x = proj_y.rotate(self._plane.n, math.pi / -2) ref_plane = Plane(self._plane.n, self._plane.o, proj_x) return ref_plane def _corner_point(self, x_corner='min', y_corner='min'): """Get a Point3D that is in a particular corner of this Face3D. Args: x_corner: Either "min" or "max" depending on the desired corner. y_corner: Either "min" or "max" depending on the desired corner. """ # get a correctly-oriented polygon ref_plane = self._upper_oriented_plane() polygon = Polygon2D(tuple(ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(v) for v in self._boundary)) # sort points so that they start with the correct corner x_pt = getattr(polygon, x_corner) y_pt = getattr(polygon, y_corner) return ref_plane.xy_to_xyz(Point2D(x_pt.x, y_pt.y)) def _corner_point_and_polygon(self, points_3d, x_corner='min', y_corner='min'): """Get a Point2D and corresponding Polygon in a particular corner of this Face3D. Args: points_3d: A list of Point3Ds for the output Polygon. x_corner: Either "min" or "max" depending on the desired corner. y_corner: Either "min" or "max" depending on the desired corner. """ if self.is_horizontal(0.01): # EnergyPlus tolerance polygon = Polygon2D(tuple(Point2D(v.x, v.y) for v in points_3d)) if self._plane.n.z < 0: # flip the direction of what counts as "right" x_corner = 'max' if x_corner == 'min' else 'min' x_pt = getattr(self, x_corner) y_pt = getattr(self, y_corner) else: # get a 2d polygon in the face plane that has a positive Y axis. proj_y = Vector3D(0, 0, 1).project(self._plane.n) proj_x = proj_y.rotate(self._plane.n, math.pi / -2) ref_plane = Plane(self._plane.n, self._plane.o, proj_x) polygon = Polygon2D(tuple(ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(v) for v in points_3d)) x_pt = getattr(polygon, x_corner) y_pt = getattr(polygon, y_corner) return Point2D(x_pt.x, y_pt.y), polygon def _counter_clockwise_verts(self, polygon): """Get aligned lists of counter-clockwise 2D and 3D vertices.""" if self.is_clockwise: return tuple(reversed(self.vertices)), tuple(reversed(polygon.vertices)) else: return self.vertices, polygon.vertices def _upper_left_counter_clockwise_boundary(self): """Get this face's boundary starting from upper left and moving counterclockwise. Horizontal faces will treat the positive Y axis as up. All other faces treat the positive Z axis as up. Unlike the upper_left_counter_clockwise_vertices property, this property does not include any holes in the Face3D. """ corner_pt, polygon = self._corner_point_and_polygon(self._boundary, 'min', 'max') if self.is_clockwise: verts3d, verts2d = \ tuple(reversed(self.boundary)), tuple(reversed(polygon.vertices)) else: verts3d, verts2d = self.boundary, polygon.vertices return self._corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d) @staticmethod def _inward_pointing_vec(face): """Get a unit vector pointing inward/outward from the first vertex of a face.""" v1 = face.boundary[-1] - face.boundary[0] v2 = face.boundary[1] - face.boundary[0] if v1.angle(v2) == math.pi: # colinear vertices; prevent averaging to zero return v1.rotate(face.normal, math.pi / 2).normalize() else: # average the two edge vectors together avg_coords = ((v1.x + v2.x) / 2), ((v1.y + v2.y) / 2), ((v1.z + v2.z) / 2) return Vector3D(*avg_coords).normalize() @staticmethod def _plane_from_vertices(verts): """Get a plane from a list of vertices. Args: verts: The vertices to be used to extract the normal. """ try: # walk around the shape and get cross products cprods, base_vert = [], verts[0] for i in range(len(verts) - 2): verts_3 = (base_vert, verts[i + 1], verts[i + 2]) cprods.append(Face3D._normal_from_3pts(*verts_3)) # sum together the cross products normal = [0, 0, 0] for cprodx in cprods: normal[0] += cprodx[0] normal[1] += cprodx[1] normal[2] += cprodx[2] # normalize the vector if normal != [0, 0, 0]: ds = math.sqrt(normal[0] ** 2 + normal[1] ** 2 + normal[2] ** 2) normal_vec = Vector3D(normal[0] / ds, normal[1] / ds, normal[2] / ds) else: # zero area Face3D; default to positive Z axis normal_vec = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Incorrect vertices input for Face3D:\n\t{}'.format(e)) return Plane(normal_vec, verts[0]) @staticmethod def _normal_from_3pts(pt1, pt2, pt3): """Get a tuple representing a normal vector from 3 vertices. The vector will have a magnitude of 0 if vertices are colinear. This method effectively performs the cross product of two unit vectors but the ladybug_geometry objects are not used in order to remove assertions and increase speed. """ # get two vectors for the two edges the 3 points form v1 = (pt2.x - pt1.x, pt2.y - pt1.y, pt2.z - pt1.z) v2 = (pt3.x - pt1.x, pt3.y - pt1.y, pt3.z - pt1.z) # get the cross product of the two edge vectors return (v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1], -v1[0] * v2[2] + v1[2] * v2[0], v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]) @staticmethod def _corner_pt_verts(corner_pt, verts3d, verts2d): """Get verts3d starting from the one closes to the corner_pt.""" first_pt_index = 0 min_dist = verts2d[0].distance_to_point(corner_pt) for pt_index, pt in enumerate(verts2d[1:]): new_dist = pt.distance_to_point(corner_pt) if new_dist < min_dist: first_pt_index = pt_index + 1 min_dist = new_dist if first_pt_index != 0: verts3d = verts3d[first_pt_index:] + verts3d[:first_pt_index] return verts3d def __copy__(self): _new_face = Face3D(self.vertices, self.plane) self._transfer_properties(_new_face) _new_face._holes = self._holes _new_face._polygon2d = self._polygon2d _new_face._mesh2d = self._mesh2d _new_face._mesh3d = self._mesh3d return _new_face def __key(self): """A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing.""" return tuple(hash(pt) for pt in self._vertices) + (hash(self._plane),) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Face3D) and self.__key() == other.__key() def __repr__(self): return 'Face3D ({} vertices)'.format(len(self))