Source code for ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.line

# coding=utf-8
"""3D Line Segment"""
from __future__ import division

from .pointvector import Point3D, Vector3D
from ._1d import Base1DIn3D

[docs]class LineSegment3D(Base1DIn3D): """3D line segment object. Args: p: A Point3D representing the first point of the line segment. v: A Vector3D representing the vector to the second point. Properties: * p * v * p1 * p2 * min * max * midpoint * endpoints * length * vertices """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, p, v): """Initialize LineSegment3D.""" Base1DIn3D.__init__(self, p, v)
[docs] @classmethod def from_end_points(cls, p1, p2): """Initialize a line segment from a start point and and end point. Args: p1: A Point3D representing the first point of the line segment. p2: A Point3D representing the second point of the line segment. """ return cls(p1, p2 - p1)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sdl(cls, s, d, length): """Initialize a line segment from a start point, direction, and length. Args: s: A Point3D representing the start point of the line segment. d: A Vector3D representing the direction of the line segment. length: A number representing the length of the line segment. """ return cls(s, d * length / d.magnitude)
[docs] @classmethod def from_array(cls, line_array): """ Create a LineSegment3D from a nested array of two endpoint coordinates. Args: line_array: Nested tuples ((pt1.x, pt1.y, pt.z), (pt2.x, pt2.y, pt.z)), where pt1 and pt2 represent the endpoints of the line segment. """ return LineSegment3D.from_end_points(*tuple(Point3D(*pt) for pt in line_array))
[docs] @classmethod def from_line_segment2d(cls, line2d, z=0): """Initialize a new LineSegment3D from an LineSegment2D and a z value. Args: line2d: A LineSegment2D to be used to generate the LineSegment3D. z: A number for the Z coordinate value of the line. """ base_p = Point3D(line2d.p.x, line2d.p.y, z) base_v = Vector3D(line2d.v.x, line2d.v.y, 0) return cls(base_p, base_v)
@property def p1(self): """First point (same as p).""" return self.p @property def p2(self): """Second point.""" return Point3D(self.p.x + self.v.x, self.p.y + self.v.y, self.p.z + self.v.z) @property def midpoint(self): """Midpoint.""" return self.point_at(0.5) @property def endpoints(self): """Tuple of endpoints """ return (self.p1, self.p2) @property def length(self): """The length of the line segment.""" return self.v.magnitude @property def vertices(self): """Tuple of both vertices in this object.""" return (self.p1, self.p2)
[docs] def is_horizontal(self, tolerance): """Test whether this line segment is horizontal within a certain tolerance. Args: tolerance: The maximum difference between the z values of the start and end coordinates at which the line segment is considered horizontal. """ return abs(self.v.z) <= tolerance
[docs] def is_vertical(self, tolerance): """Test whether this line segment is vertical within a certain tolerance. Args: tolerance: The maximum difference between the x and y values of the start and end coordinates at which the line segment is considered horizontal. """ return abs(self.v.x) <= tolerance and abs(self.v.y) <= tolerance
[docs] def flip(self): """Get a copy of this line segment that is flipped.""" return LineSegment3D(self.p2, self.v.reverse())
[docs] def move(self, moving_vec): """Get a line segment that has been moved along a vector. Args: moving_vec: A Vector3D with the direction and distance to move the ray. """ return LineSegment3D(self.p.move(moving_vec), self.v)
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, angle, origin): """Rotate a line segment by a certain angle around an axis and origin. Right hand rule applies: If axis has a positive orientation, rotation will be clockwise. If axis has a negative orientation, rotation will be counterclockwise. Args: axis: A Vector3D axis representing the axis of rotation. angle: An angle for rotation in radians. origin: A Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated. """ return LineSegment3D(self.p.rotate(axis, angle, origin), self.v.rotate(axis, angle))
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, angle, origin): """Get a line segment rotated counterclockwise in the XY plane by a certain angle. Args: angle: An angle in radians. origin: A Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated. """ return LineSegment3D(self.p.rotate_xy(angle, origin), self.v.rotate_xy(angle))
[docs] def reflect(self, normal, origin): """Get a line segment reflected across a plane with the input normal vector and origin. Args: normal: A Vector3D representing the normal vector for the plane across which the line segment will be reflected. THIS VECTOR MUST BE NORMALIZED. origin: A Point3D representing the origin from which to reflect. """ return LineSegment3D(self.p.reflect(normal, origin), self.v.reflect(normal))
[docs] def scale(self, factor, origin=None): """Scale a line segment by a factor from an origin point. Args: factor: A number representing how much the line segment should be scaled. origin: A Point3D representing the origin from which to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0). """ return LineSegment3D(self.p.scale(factor, origin), self.v * factor)
[docs] def subdivide(self, distances): """Get Point3D values along the line that subdivide it based on input distances. Args: distances: A list of distances along the line at which to subdivide it. This can also be a single number that will be repeated until the end of the line. """ if isinstance(distances, (float, int)): distances = [distances] # this assert prevents the while loop from being infinite assert sum(distances) > 0, 'Segment subdivisions must be greater than 0' line_length = self.length dist = distances[0] index = 0 sub_pts = [self.p] while dist < line_length: sub_pts.append(self.point_at_length(dist)) if index < len(distances) - 1: index += 1 dist += distances[index] sub_pts.append(self.p2) return sub_pts
[docs] def subdivide_evenly(self, number): """Get Point3D values along the line that divide it into evenly-spaced segments. Args: number: Integer for the number of segments into which the line will be divided. """ # this assert prevents the while loop from being infinite assert number > 0, 'Segment subdivisions must be greater than 0' interval = 1 / number parameter = interval sub_pts = [self.p] while parameter <= 1: sub_pts.append(self.point_at(parameter)) parameter += interval if len(sub_pts) != number + 1: # tolerance issue with last point sub_pts.append(self.p2) return sub_pts
[docs] def point_at(self, parameter): """Get a Point3D at a given fraction along the line segment. Args: parameter: The fraction between the start and end point where the desired point lies. For example, 0.5 will yield the midpoint. """ return self.p + self.v * parameter
[docs] def point_at_length(self, length): """Get a Point3D at a given distance along the line segment. Args: length: The distance along the line from the start point where the desired point lies. """ return self.p + self.v * (length / self.length)
[docs] def split_with_plane(self, plane): """Split this LineSegment3D in 2 smaller LineSegment3Ds using a Plane. Args: plane: A Plane that will be used to split this line segment. Returns: A list of two LineSegment3D objects if the split was successful. Will be a list with 1 LineSegment3D if no intersection exists. """ _plane_int = self.intersect_plane(plane) if _plane_int is not None: return [LineSegment3D.from_end_points(self.p1, _plane_int), LineSegment3D.from_end_points(_plane_int, self.p2)] return [self]
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Get LineSegment3D as a dictionary.""" base = Base1DIn3D.to_dict(self) base['type'] = 'LineSegment3D' return base
[docs] def to_array(self): """ A nested list representing the two line endpoint coordinates.""" return (self.p1.to_array(), self.p2.to_array())
def _u_in(self, u): return u >= 0.0 and u <= 1.0 def __abs__(self): return abs(self.v) def __copy__(self): return LineSegment3D(self.p, self.v) def __key(self): """A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing.""" return (hash(self.p), hash(self.v)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, LineSegment3D) and self.__key() == other.__key() def __repr__(self): return 'LineSegment3D (<%.2f, %.2f, %.2f> to <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f>)' % \ (self.p.x, self.p.y, self.p.z, self.p.x + self.v.x, self.p.y + self.v.y, self.p.z + self.v.z)