Source code for lbt_recipes.recipe

# coding: utf-8
"""Class to handle recipe inputs and outputs."""
from __future__ import division

import os
import json
import re
import importlib
import shutil
import subprocess

from ladybug.futil import preparedir, nukedir, copy_file_tree
from honeybee.config import folders
from honeybee_radiance.config import folders as rad_folders
from honeybee.model import Model

from .settings import RecipeSettings
from .version import check_radiance_date, check_openstudio_version, \

[docs]class Recipe(object): """Recipe class to be used as a base for all Ladybug Tools recipes. Note that this class is only intended for recipes that have a single output called "results", which is typically a folder containing all of the result files of the recipe. Args: recipe_name: Text for the name of the recipe folder within this python package (eg. daylight_factor). This can also be the full path to a recipe folder (the folder containing the package.json and file). If the input does not correspond to an installed package or a valid recipe folder, an exception will be raised. Properties: * name * tag * path * default_project_folder * simulation_id * inputs * outputs """ MODEL_EXTENSIONS = ('.hbjson', '.hbpkl', '.dfjson', '.dfpkl', '.json', '.pkl') def __init__(self, recipe_name): # check to be sure that the requested recipe is installed install_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) recipe_folder = os.path.join(install_folder, recipe_name.replace('-', '_')) if os.path.isdir(recipe_folder): # it's a recipe in this package self._name = recipe_name.replace('-', '_') self._path = recipe_folder elif os.path.isdir(recipe_name): # it's an externally-installed recipe self._name = os.path.basename(recipe_name) self._path = recipe_name else: raise ValueError('Recipe "{}" is not installed.'.format(recipe_name)) # load the package.json file to extract the recipe attributes package_json = os.path.join(self._path, 'package.json') assert os.path.isfile(package_json), \ 'Recipe "{}" lacks a package.json.'.format(self._name) with open(package_json) as json_file: package_data = json.load(json_file) # set the recipe attributes self._tag = package_data['metadata']['tag'] self._default_project_folder = None self._simulation_id = None self._inputs = [RecipeInput(inp) for inp in package_data['inputs']] self._outputs = [RecipeOutput(outp) for outp in package_data['outputs']] @property def name(self): """Get text for recipe name.""" return self._name @property def tag(self): """Get text for recipe tag (aka. its version number).""" return self._tag @property def path(self): """Get the path to the recipe's folder. This folder contains a package.json with metadata about the recipe as well as a, which is used to execute the recipe. """ return self._path @property def default_project_folder(self): """Get or set the directory in which the recipe's results will be written. If unset, this will be a folder called unnamed_project within the user's default simulation folder """ if self._default_project_folder is not None: return self._default_project_folder else: def_sim = folders.default_simulation_folder for inp in self._inputs: if == 'model': if isinstance(inp.value, Model): clean_name = \ re.sub(r'[^.A-Za-z0-9_-]', '_', inp.value.display_name) return os.path.join(def_sim, clean_name) elif isinstance(inp.value, str) and os.path.isfile(str(inp.value)): model = os.path.basename(inp.value) for ext in self.MODEL_EXTENSIONS: model = model.replace(ext, '') return os.path.join(def_sim, model) return os.path.join(def_sim, 'unnamed_project') @default_project_folder.setter def default_project_folder(self, path): self._default_project_folder = path @property def simulation_id(self): """Get or set text for the simulation ID to use within the project folder. If unset, this will be the same as the name of the recipe. """ return self._simulation_id if self._simulation_id is not None else self._name @simulation_id.setter def simulation_id(self, value): self._simulation_id = value @property def inputs(self): """Get a tuple of RecipeInput objects for the recipe's inputs.""" return tuple(self._inputs) @property def outputs(self): """Get a tuple of RecipeOutput objects for the recipe's outputs.""" return tuple(self._outputs) @property def input_names(self): """Get a tuple of text for the recipe's input names.""" return tuple( for inp in self._inputs) @property def output_names(self): """Get a tuple of text for the recipe's output names.""" return tuple( for otp in self._outputs)
[docs] def input_value_by_name(self, input_name, input_value): """Set the value of an input given the input name. Args: input_name: Text for the name of the input to be set. For example, 'radiance-parameters'. input_value: The value to which the input will be set. Note that setting a value will ensure it is passed through any of the input's handlers and cast to an appropriate data type. """ for inp in self._inputs: if == input_name: inp.value = input_value break else: raise ValueError( 'Input "{}" was not found for recipe "{}".'.format( input_name,
[docs] def handle_inputs(self): """Run the handlers of all inputs to ensure they are ready for simulation.""" for inp in self._inputs: inp.handle_value()
[docs] def write_inputs_json(self, project_folder=None, indent=4, cpu_count=None): """Write the inputs.json file that gets passed to queenbee luigi. Note that running this method will automatically handle all of the inputs. Args: project_folder: The full path to where the inputs json file will be written. If None, the default_project_folder on this recipe will be used. indent: The indent at which the JSON will be written (Default: 4). cpu_count: An optional integer to override any inputs that are named "cpu-count". This can be used to coordinate such recipe inputs with the number of workers specified in recipe settings. If None, no overriding will happen. (Default: None). """ # create setup the project folder in which the inputs json will be written p_fold = project_folder if project_folder else self.default_project_folder if not os.path.isdir(p_fold): preparedir(p_fold) file_path = os.path.join(p_fold, '{}_inputs.json'.format(self.simulation_id)) # create the inputs dictionary, ensuring all inputs are handled in the process inp_dict = {} for inp in self.inputs: inp.handle_value() if inp.is_path and inp.value is not None and inp.value != '': # copy artifact to project folder path_basename = os.path.basename(inp.value) dest = os.path.join(p_fold, path_basename) if os.path.isfile(inp.value): try: shutil.copyfile(inp.value, dest) except shutil.SameFileError: pass # the file is already in the right place; no need to copy elif os.path.isdir(inp.value): copy_file_tree(inp.value, dest, overwrite=True) inp_dict[] = path_basename elif inp.is_path and (inp.value is None or inp.value == ''): # conditional artifact; ignore it pass elif == 'cpu-count' and cpu_count is not None: inp_dict[] = cpu_count else: inp_dict[] = inp.value # write the inputs dictionary to a file with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(inp_dict, fp, indent=indent) return file_path
[docs] def run(self, settings=None, radiance_check=False, openstudio_check=False, energyplus_check=False, queenbee_path=None, silent=False, debug_folder=None): """Run the recipe using the queenbee local run command. Args: settings: An optional RecipeSettings object or RecipeSettings string to dictate the settings of the recipe run (eg. the number of workers or the project folder). If None, default settings will be assumed. (Default: None). radiance_check: Boolean to note whether the installed version of Radiance should be checked before executing the recipe. If there is no compatible version installed, an exception will be raised with a clear error message. (Default: False). openstudio_check: Boolean to note whether the installed version of OpenStudio should be checked before executing the recipe. If there is no compatible version installed, an exception will be raised with a clear error message. (Default: False). energyplus_check: Boolean to note whether the installed version of EnergyPlus should be checked before executing the recipe. If there is no compatible version installed, an exception will be raised with a clear error message. (Default: False). queenbee_path: Optional path to the queenbee executable. If None, the queenbee within the ladybug_tools Python folder will be used. Setting this to just 'queenbee' will use the system Python. silent: Boolean to note whether the recipe should be run silently on Windows (True) or with a command window (False). (Default: False). debug_folder: An optional path to a debug folder. If debug folder is provided all the steps of the simulation will be executed inside the debug folder which can be used for further inspection. Note that this argument here will override the debug folder specified in the settings. (Default: None). Returns: Path to the project folder containing the recipe results. """ # perform any simulation engine checks if radiance_check: check_radiance_date() if openstudio_check: check_openstudio_version() if energyplus_check: check_energyplus_version() # parse the settings or use default ones if settings is not None: settings = RecipeSettings.from_string(settings) \ if isinstance(settings, str) else settings else: settings = RecipeSettings() # get the folder out of which the recipe will be executed folder = self.default_project_folder if settings.folder is None \ else settings.folder if not os.path.isdir(folder): preparedir(folder) # create the directory if it's not there # delete any existing result files unless reload_old is True if not settings.reload_old and self.simulation_id is not None: wf_folder = os.path.join(folder, self.simulation_id) if os.path.isdir(wf_folder): nukedir(wf_folder, rmdir=True) # write the inputs JSON for the recipe and set up the environment variables inputs_json = self.write_inputs_json(folder, cpu_count=settings.workers) genv = {} genv['PATH'] = rad_folders.radbin_path genv['RAYPATH'] = rad_folders.radlib_path env_args = ['--env {}="{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in genv.items()] # create command qb_path = os.path.join(folders.python_scripts_path, 'queenbee') \ if queenbee_path is None else queenbee_path command = '"{qb_path}" local run "{recipe_folder}" ' \ '"{project_folder}" -i "{user_inputs}" --workers {workers} ' \ '{environment} --name {simulation_name}'.format( qb_path=qb_path, recipe_folder=self.path, project_folder=folder, user_inputs=inputs_json, workers=settings.workers, environment=' '.join(env_args), simulation_name=self.simulation_id ) if debug_folder is not None: command += ' --debug "{}"'.format(debug_folder) elif settings.debug_folder is not None: command += ' --debug "{}"'.format(settings.debug_folder) # execute command shell = False if == 'nt' and not silent else True custom_env = os.environ.copy() custom_env['PYTHONHOME'] = '' if settings.report_out: process = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell, env=custom_env ) result = process.communicate() print(result[0]) print(result[1]) else: process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, env=custom_env) result = process.communicate() # freeze the canvas while running return folder
[docs] def output_value_by_name(self, output_name, project_folder=None): """Set the value of an input given the input name. Args: output_name: Text for the name of the output to be obtained. project_folder: The full path to the project folder containing completed recipe results. If None, the default_project_folder on this recipe will be assumed. (Default: None). """ proj = self.default_project_folder if project_folder is None else project_folder sim_path = os.path.join(proj, self.simulation_id) for outp in self._outputs: if == output_name: return outp.value(sim_path) else: raise ValueError( 'Output "{}" was not found for recipe "{}".'.format( output_name,
[docs] def luigi_execution_summary(self, project_folder=None): """Get a string of the luigi execution summary after the recipe has run. Args: project_folder: The full path to the project folder containing completed recipe logs. If None, the default_project_folder on this recipe will be assumed. (Default: None). """ # determine the log file path from the project folder proj = self.default_project_folder if project_folder is None else project_folder sim_path = os.path.join(proj, self.simulation_id) log_file = os.path.join(sim_path, '__logs__', 'logs.log') # open the file and load the summary read_lines, summary_lines = False, [] with open(log_file) as lf: for line in lf: if line.strip() == '===== Luigi Execution Summary =====': read_lines = not read_lines continue elif read_lines: summary_lines.append(line) return ''.join(summary_lines)
[docs] def error_summary(self, project_folder=None): """Get a string of the error summary after the recipe has run. Args: project_folder: The full path to the project folder containing completed recipe logs. If None, the default_project_folder on this recipe will be assumed. (Default: None). """ # determine the log file path from the project folder proj = self.default_project_folder if project_folder is None else project_folder sim_path = os.path.join(proj, self.simulation_id) log_file = os.path.join(sim_path, '__logs__', 'err.log') if not os.path.isfile(log_file): return '' # open the file and load the summary error_lines = [] with open(log_file) as lf: for line in lf: if line == '\n': continue error_lines.append(line) return ''.join(error_lines)
[docs] def failure_message(self, project_folder=None): """Get a string of a recipe failure message that gives a summary of failed tasks. Args: project_folder: The full path to the project folder containing completed recipe logs. If None, the default_project_folder on this recipe will be assumed. (Default: None). """ st_msg = '\nThe recipe failed to run with the following error(s):\n\n' return ''.join([ st_msg, self.error_summary(project_folder), '\nExecution Summary', self.luigi_execution_summary(project_folder) ])
[docs] def ToString(self): return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Represent recipe.""" return '{}:\n {}'.format(, '\n '.join([str(inp) for inp in self.inputs]))
class _RecipeParameter(object): """Base class for managing recipe inputs and outputs. Args: spec_dict: Dictionary representation of an input or output, taken from the package.json and following the RecipeInterface schema. Properties: * name * description * handlers """ def __init__(self, spec_dict): # set the properties based on the output specification self._name = spec_dict['name'] self._description = spec_dict['description'] # load any of the handlers if they are specified handlers = [] if 'alias' in spec_dict: for alias in spec_dict['alias']: if 'grasshopper' in alias['platform'] and 'handler' in alias: for hand_dict in alias['handler']: if hand_dict['language'] == 'python': module = importlib.import_module(hand_dict['module']) hand_func = getattr(module, hand_dict['function']) handlers.append(hand_func) self._handlers = None if len(handlers) == 0 else tuple(handlers) @property def name(self): """Get text for the name.""" return self._name @property def description(self): """Get text for the description.""" return self._description @property def handlers(self): """Get an array of handler functions for this object. This will be None if the object has no alias or Grasshopper handler. """ return self._handlers def __repr__(self): return 'RecipeParameter: {}'.format(
[docs]class RecipeInput(_RecipeParameter): """Object to represent and manage recipe inputs. Args: input_dict: Dictionary representation of an input, taken from the package.json and following the RecipeInterface schema. Properties: * name * description * value * default_value * is_required * is_handled * handlers * is_path """ INPUT_TYPES = { 'DAGStringInput': str, 'DAGIntegerInput': int, 'DAGNumberInput': float, 'DAGBooleanInput': bool, 'DAGFolderInput': str, 'DAGFileInput': str, 'DAGPathInput': str, 'DAGArrayInput': tuple, 'DAGJSONObjectInput': dict } PATH_TYPES = ('DAGFileInput', 'DAGFolderInput', 'DAGPathInput') def __init__(self, input_dict): # check to be sure that we have the right object and initialize basic properties _RecipeParameter.__init__(self, input_dict) assert input_dict['type'] in self.INPUT_TYPES, 'Input specification "{}" is ' \ 'not valid. Must be one of the following:\n{}'.format( input_dict['type'], '\n'.join(self.INPUT_TYPES.keys())) self._type = self.INPUT_TYPES[input_dict['type']] self._is_path = True if input_dict['type'] in self.PATH_TYPES else False # set the value to None by default and import any default values self._value, self._default_value = None, None if 'default' in input_dict and input_dict['default'] is not None: self._default_value = input_dict['default'] if 'alias' in input_dict: for al in input_dict['alias']: if 'grasshopper' in al['platform']: if 'default' in al and al['default'] is not None: d_val = al['default'] if self._handlers is not None: for handler in self._handlers: d_val = handler(d_val) self._default_value = self._type(d_val) self._is_required = input_dict['required'] self._is_handled = True # will be set to false if a user specifies a value @property def value(self): """Get or set a value for this input. This will be the default_value if it has not been specified. Note that setting a value will ensure it is passed through any of the handlers and cast to an appropriate data type. """ return self._value if self._value is not None else self._default_value @value.setter def value(self, value): if value is not None: if self._handlers is not None: self._is_handled = False # set to false so we can handle it later else: value = self._type(value) self._value = value else: self._value = None @property def default_value(self): """Get the default value for this input.""" return self._default_value @property def is_required(self): """Get a boolean for whether this input is required to run the recipe.""" return self._is_required @property def is_handled(self): """Get a boolean for whether this input is handled and is ready for simulation. """ return self._is_handled @property def is_path(self): """Get a boolean noting whether this input is a file or folder path.""" return self._is_path
[docs] def handle_value(self): """Run the handlers of this input to yield a correct input for simulation.""" if not self._is_handled: for handler in self._handlers: self._value = handler(self._value) self._value = self._type(self._value)
def __repr__(self): """Represent recipe input.""" return '{}: {}'.format(, self.value)
[docs]class RecipeOutput(_RecipeParameter): """Object to represent and manage recipe outputs. Args: output_dict: Dictionary representation of an output, taken from the package.json and following the RecipeInterface schema. Properties: * name * description * handlers """ def __init__(self, output_dict): _RecipeParameter.__init__(self, output_dict) # process properties related to the output type self._type = output_dict['from']['type'] try: self._path = output_dict['from']['path'] except Exception: # not a file or a folder; type of output not yet supported self._path = None
[docs] def value(self, simulation_folder): """Get the value of this output given the path to a simulation folder. Args: simulation_folder: The path to a simulation folder that has finished running. This is the path of a project folder joined with the simulation ID. """ assert self._type in ('FileReference', 'FolderReference'), \ 'Parsing output type "{}" is not yet supported.'.format(self._type) result = os.path.join(simulation_folder, self._path) if self._handlers is not None: for handler in self._handlers: result = handler(result) return result
def __repr__(self): """Represent recipe output.""" return 'Output: {}'.format(