uwg.cli package


Module contents

Command Line Interface (CLI) entry point for uwg and uwg extensions. Use this file only to add command related to uwg. For adding extra commands from each extention see below. .. note:

Do not import this module in your code directly unless you are extending the command
line interface. For running the commands execute them from the command line or as a
subprocess (e.g. ``subprocess.call(['uwg', 'viz'])``)

uwg is using click (https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/) for creating the CLI. You can extend the command line interface from inside each extention by following these steps: 1. Create a cli.py file in your extension. 2. Import the main function from this uwg.cli. 3. Add your commands and command groups to main using add_command method. 4. Add import [your-extention].cli to __init__.py file to the commands are added

to the cli when the module is loaded.

The good practice is to group all your extention commands in a command group named after the extension. This will make the commands organized under extension namespace. For instance commands for uwg-radiance will be called like uwg radiance [radiance-command]. .. code-block:: python

import click from uwg.cli import main @click.group() def radiance():


# add commands to radiance group @radiance.command(‘daylight-factor’) # … def daylight_factor():


# finally add the newly created commands to uwg cli main.add_command(radiance) # do not forget to import this module in __init__.py otherwise it will not be added # to uwg commands.


For extension with several commands you can use a folder structure instead of a single file. Refer to uwg-radiance for an example.