Source code for ladybug.stat

from .location import Location

import os
import re
import codecs
import platform

[docs]class Stat(object): """Import data from a local .stat file. args: file_path: Local file address to a .stat file. properties: location ashrae_climate_zone koppen_climate_zone monthly_tau_beam monthly_tau_diffuse """ def __init__(self, file_path=None): """Initalize the class.""" self.file_path = file_path self._is_data_loaded = False self._header = None # epw header @property def file_path(self): """Get or set path to stat file.""" return self._file_path @property def folder(self): """Get stat file folder.""" return self._folder @property def file_name(self): """Get stat file name.""" return self._file_name @file_path.setter def file_path(self, stat_file_path): self._file_path = os.path.normpath(stat_file_path) if not os.path.isfile(self._file_path): raise ValueError( 'Cannot find an stat file at {}'.format(self._file_path)) if not stat_file_path.lower().endswith('stat'): raise TypeError(stat_file_path + ' is not an .stat file.') self._folder, self._file_name = os.path.split(self.file_path) @property def is_data_loaded(self): """Return True if data is loaded.""" return self._is_data_loaded # TODO: import heating + cooling design temperatures # TODO: import hot, cold and typical weeks
[docs] def import_data(self): """Import data from a stat file. """ try: iron_python = True if platform.python_implementation() == 'IronPython' \ else False except ValueError as e: # older version of IronPython failse to parse version correctly # failed to parse IronPython sys.version: '2.7.5 (IronPython 2.7.5 ( # on .NET 4.0.30319.42000 (64-bit))' if 'IronPython' in str(e): iron_python = True if iron_python: statwin =, 'r') else: statwin =, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') try: line = statwin.readline() # import header with location self._header = [line] + [statwin.readline() for i in range(9)] except Exception as e: import traceback raise Exception('{}\n{}'.format(e, traceback.format_exc())) else: # import location data loc_name = self._header[2].strip().replace('Location -- ', '') if ' - ' in loc_name: city = ' '.join(loc_name.split(' - ')[:-1]) else: # for US stat files it is full name separated by spaces # Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA city = ' '.join(loc_name.split()[:-2]) country = loc_name.split(' ')[-1] source = self._header[6].strip().replace('Data Source -- ', '') station_id = self._header[8].strip().replace('WMO Station ', '') if iron_python: # IronPython coord_pattern = re.compile(r"{([NSEW])(\s*\d*)deg(\s*\d*)'}") matches = coord_pattern.findall(self._header[3].replace('\xb0', 'deg')) else: # CPython coord_pattern = re.compile(r"{([NSEW])(\s*\d*) (\s*\d*)'}") matches = coord_pattern.findall(self._header[3]) lat_sign = -1 if matches[0][0] == 'S' else 1 latitude = lat_sign * (float(matches[0][1]) + (float(matches[0][2]) / 60)) lon_sign = -1 if matches[1][0] == 'W' else 1 longitude = lon_sign * (float(matches[1][1]) + (float(matches[1][2]) / 60)) tz_pattern = re.compile(r"{GMT\s*(\S*)\s*Hours}") time_zone = float(tz_pattern.findall(self._header[3])[0]) elev_pattern = re.compile(r"Elevation\s*[-]*\s*(\d*)m\s*(\S*)") elev_matches = elev_pattern.findall(self._header[4]) elev_sign = -1 if elev_matches[0][-1].lower() == 'below' else 1 elevation = elev_sign * float(elev_matches[0][0]) self._location = Location() = city = country self._location.source = source self._location.station_id = station_id self._location.latitude = latitude self._location.longitude = longitude self._location.time_zone = time_zone self._location.elevation = elevation # defaults in case the climate is unclassifiable self._ashrae_climate_zone = None self._koppen_climate_zone = None # move through the document and pull out the climate zone and tau values for line in statwin: if 'taub (beam)' in line: taub_raw = line.replace('taub (beam)', '').strip().split('\t') self._monthly_tau_beam = [float(i) if 'N' not in i else None for i in taub_raw] elif 'taud (diffuse)' in line: taud_raw = line.replace('taud (diffuse)', '').strip().split('\t') self._monthly_tau_diffuse = [float(i) if 'N' not in i else None for i in taud_raw] elif 'Climate type' in line and 'ASHRAE' in line: self._ashrae_climate_zone = line.split('"')[1] elif 'Climate type' in line: self._koppen_climate_zone = line.split('"')[1] finally: statwin.close() self._is_data_loaded = True
@property def header(self): """Return stat file header.""" if not self.is_data_loaded: self.import_data() return self._header @property def location(self): """Return ladybug location object.""" if not self.is_data_loaded: self.import_data() return self._location @property def ashrae_climate_zone(self): """Return a text string indicating the ASHRAE climate zone. ASHRAE climate zones are frequently used to make suggestions for heating and cooling systems and correspond to recommendations for insulation levels of a building. """ if not self.is_data_loaded: self.import_data() return self._ashrae_climate_zone @property def koppen_climate_zone(self): """Return a text string indicating the Koppen climate zone. The Koppen climate classification is the most widely used climate classification system and combines average annual and monthly temperatures, precipitation, and the seasonality of precipitation. """ if not self.is_data_loaded: self.import_data() return self._koppen_climate_zone @property def monthly_tau_beam(self): """Return a list of 12 float values for monthly beam optical depth. These values can be used to generate ASHRAE Revised Clear Skies, which are intended to determine peak solar load and sizing parmeters for HVAC systems. """ if not self.is_data_loaded: self.import_data() return self._monthly_tau_beam @property def monthly_tau_diffuse(self): """Return a list of 12 float values for monthly diffuse optical depth. These values can be used to generate ASHRAE Revised Clear Skies, which are intended to determine peak solar load and sizing parmeters for HVAC systems. """ if not self.is_data_loaded: self.import_data() return self._monthly_tau_diffuse
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """stat file representation.""" return "STAT [%s]" %