Source code for ladybug.sunpath

# coding=utf-8
import math
from collections import namedtuple
from .location import Location
from .dt import DateTime

import sys
if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
    # python 3
    from euclid3 import Vector3
    xrange = range
    from euclid import Vector3

import ladybug
    import sunpathplus as plus
except ImportError as e:
    if ladybug.isplus:
        raise ImportError(e)

[docs]class Sunpath(object): """ Calculates sun path. Attributes: latitude: The latitude of the location in degrees. Values must be between -90 and 90. Default is set to the equator. longitude: The longitude of the location in degrees (Default: 0) time_zone: A number representing the time zone of the location you are constructing. This can improve the accuracy of the resulting sun plot. The time zone should follow the epw convention and should be between -12 and +12, where 0 is at Greenwich, UK, positive values are to the East of Greenwich and negative values are to the West. north_angle: Angle to north (0-360). 90 is west and 270 is east (Default: 0) daylight_saving_period: An analysis period for daylight saving. (Default: None) Usage: import ladybug.sunpath as sunpath # initiate sunpath sp = sunpath.Sunpath(50) sun = sp.calculate_sun(1, 1, 12) # calculate sun data for Jan 1 at noon print(sun.azimuth, sun.altitude) """ __slots__ = ('_longitude', '_latitude', 'north_angle', 'time_zone', 'daylight_saving_period', '_is_leap_year') PI = math.pi def __init__(self, latitude=0, longitude=0, time_zone=0, north_angle=0, daylight_saving_period=None): """Init sunpath. Args: latitude: The latitude of the location in degrees. Values must be between -90 and 90. Default is set to the equator. longitude: The longitude of the location in degrees (Default: 0) time_zone: A number representing the time zone of the location you are constructing. This can improve the accuracy of the resulting sun plot. The time zone should follow the epw convention and should be between -12 and +12, where 0 is at Greenwich, UK, positive values are to the East of Greenwich and negative values are to the West. north_angle: Angle to north (0-360). 90 is west and 270 is east (Default: 0). daylight_saving_period: An analysis period for daylight saving. (Default: None). """ self.time_zone = time_zone self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.north_angle = north_angle self.daylight_saving_period = daylight_saving_period self._is_leap_year = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_location(cls, location, north_angle=0, daylight_saving_period=None): """Create a sun path from a LBlocation.""" location = Location.from_location(location) return cls(location.latitude, location.longitude, location.time_zone, north_angle, daylight_saving_period)
@property def latitude(self): """Get/set latitude in degrees.""" return math.degrees(self._latitude) @latitude.setter def latitude(self, value): """Set latitude value.""" self._latitude = math.radians(float(value)) assert -self.PI / 2 <= self._latitude <= self.PI / 2, \ "latitude value should be between -90..90." @property def longitude(self): """Get longitude in degrees.""" return math.degrees(self._longitude) @longitude.setter def longitude(self, value): """Set longitude value in degrees.""" self._longitude = math.radians(float(value)) # update time_zone if abs((value / 15.0) - self.time_zone) > 1: # if time_zone doesn't match the longitude update the time_zone self.time_zone = value / 15.0 @property def is_leap_year(self): """Indicate is sunpath calculated for a leap year.""" return self._is_leap_year @is_leap_year.setter def is_leap_year(self, value): """set sunpath to be calculated for a leap year.""" self._is_leap_year = bool(value)
[docs] def is_daylight_saving_hour(self, datetime): """Check if a datetime is a daylight saving time.""" if not self.daylight_saving_period: return False return self.daylight_saving_period.isTimeIncluded(datetime.hoy)
[docs] def calculate_sun(self, month, day, hour, is_solar_time=False): """Get Sun data for an hour of the year. Args: month: An integer between 1-12 day: An integer between 1-31 hour: A positive number between 0..23 is_solar_time: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False) Returns: A sun object for this particular time """ datetime = DateTime(month, day, *self._calculate_hour_and_minute(hour), leap_year=self.is_leap_year) return self.calculate_sun_from_date_time(datetime, is_solar_time)
[docs] def calculate_sun_from_hoy(self, hoy, is_solar_time=False): """Get Sun data for an hour of the year. Args: datetime: Ladybug datetime is_solar_time: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time (Default: False). Returns: A sun object for this particular time """ datetime = DateTime.from_hoy(hoy, self.is_leap_year) return self.calculate_sun_from_date_time(datetime, is_solar_time)
[docs] def calculate_sun_from_date_time(self, datetime, is_solar_time=False): """Get Sun for an hour of the year. This code is originally written by Trygve Wastvedt \ ( based on (NOAA) and modified by Chris Mackey and Mostapha Roudsari Args: datetime: Ladybug datetime is_solar_time: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False) Returns: A sun object for this particular time """ # TODO(mostapha): This should be more generic and based on a method if datetime.year != 2016 and self.is_leap_year: datetime = DateTime(datetime.month,, datetime.hour, datetime.minute, True) sol_dec, eq_of_time = self._calculate_solar_geometry(datetime) hour = datetime.float_hour is_daylight_saving = self.is_daylight_saving_hour(datetime.hoy) hour = hour + 1 if self.is_daylight_saving_hour(datetime.hoy) else hour # minutes sol_time = self._calculate_solar_time(hour, eq_of_time, is_solar_time) * 60 # degrees if sol_time / 4 < 0: hour_angle = sol_time / 4 + 180 else: hour_angle = sol_time / 4 - 180 # Degrees zenith = math.degrees(math.acos (math.sin(self._latitude) * math.sin(math.radians(sol_dec)) + math.cos(self._latitude) * math.cos(math.radians(sol_dec)) * math.cos(math.radians(hour_angle)))) altitude = 90 - zenith # Approx Atmospheric Refraction if altitude > 85: atmos_refraction = 0 else: if altitude > 5: atmos_refraction = 58.1 / math.tan(math.radians(altitude)) - 0.07 / (math.tan(math.radians(altitude)))**3 + 0.000086 / (math.tan(math.radians(altitude)))**5 else: if altitude > -0.575: atmos_refraction = 1735 + altitude * (-518.2 + altitude * (103.4 + altitude * (-12.79 + altitude * 0.711))) else: atmos_refraction = -20.772 / math.tan( math.radians(altitude)) atmos_refraction /= 3600 altitude += atmos_refraction # Degrees if hour_angle > 0: azimuth = (math.degrees( math.acos( ( (math.sin(self._latitude) * math.cos(math.radians(zenith))) - math.sin(math.radians(sol_dec))) / (math.cos(self._latitude) * math.sin(math.radians(zenith))) ) ) + 180) % 360 else: azimuth = (540 - math.degrees(math.acos(( (math.sin(self._latitude) * math.cos(math.radians(zenith))) - math.sin(math.radians(sol_dec))) / (math.cos(self._latitude) * math.sin(math.radians(zenith)))) )) % 360 altitude = math.radians(altitude) azimuth = math.radians(azimuth) # create the sun for this hour return Sun(datetime, altitude, azimuth, is_solar_time, is_daylight_saving, self.north_angle)
[docs] def calculate_sunrise_sunset(self, month, day, depression=0.833, is_solar_time=False): """Calculate sunrise, noon and sunset. Return: A dictionary. Keys are ("sunrise", "noon", "sunset") """ datetime = DateTime(month, day, hour=12, leap_year=self.is_leap_year) return self.calculate_sunrise_sunset_from_datetime(datetime, depression, is_solar_time)
# TODO: implement solar time
[docs] def calculate_sunrise_sunset_from_datetime(self, datetime, depression=0.833, is_solar_time=False): """Calculate sunrise, sunset and noon for a day of year.""" # TODO(mostapha): This should be more generic and based on a method if datetime.year != 2016 and self.is_leap_year: datetime = DateTime(datetime.month,, datetime.hour, datetime.minute, True) sol_dec, eq_of_time = self._calculate_solar_geometry(datetime) # calculate sunrise and sunset hour if is_solar_time: noon = .5 else: noon = (720 - 4 * math.degrees(self._longitude) - eq_of_time + self.time_zone * 60 ) / 1440.0 try: sunrise_hour_angle = self._calculate_sunrise_hour_angle( sol_dec, depression) except ValueError: # no sun rise and sunset at this hour noon = 24 * noon return { "sunrise": None, "noon": DateTime(datetime.month,, *self._calculate_hour_and_minute(noon), leap_year=self.is_leap_year), "sunset": None } else: sunrise = noon - sunrise_hour_angle * 4 / 1440.0 sunset = noon + sunrise_hour_angle * 4 / 1440.0 noon = 24 * noon sunrise = 24 * sunrise sunset = 24 * sunset return { "sunrise": DateTime(datetime.month,, *self._calculate_hour_and_minute(sunrise), leap_year=self.is_leap_year), "noon": DateTime(datetime.month,, *self._calculate_hour_and_minute(noon), leap_year=self.is_leap_year), "sunset": DateTime(datetime.month,, *self._calculate_hour_and_minute(sunset), leap_year=self.is_leap_year) }
def _calculate_solar_geometry(self, datetime): """Calculate Solar geometry for an hour of the year. Attributes: datetime: A Ladybug datetime Returns: Solar declination: Solar declination in radians eq_of_time: Equation of time as minutes """ month = datetime.month day = hour = datetime.hour minute = datetime.minute year = 2016 if self.is_leap_year else 2017 def find_fraction_of_24(hour, minute): """ This function calculates the fraction of the 24 hour the provided time represents 1440 is total the number of minutes in a 24 hour cycle. args hour: Integer. Hour between 0 - 23 minute: Integer. Minute between 0 - 59 return: Float. The fraction of the 24 hours the provided time represents """ return round((minute + hour * 60) / 1440.0, 2) def days_from_010119(year, month, day): """ This function calculates the number of days from 01-01-1900 \ to the provided date args : year: Integer. The year in the date month: Integer. The month in the date day: Integer. The date return: The number of days from 01-01-1900 to the date provided """ # Making a list of years from the year 1900 years = range(1900, year) def is_leap_year(year): """Determine whether a year is a leap year.""" return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0) # Number of days in a year are 366 if it is a leap year days_in_year = [] for item in years: if is_leap_year(item): days_in_year.append(366) else: days_in_year.append(365) # Making the total of all the days in preceding years days_in_precending_years = 0 for days in days_in_year: days_in_precending_years += days if is_leap_year(year): month_dict = {1: 31, 2: 29, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30, 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31} else: month_dict = {1: 31, 2: 28, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30, 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31} """Making the total of all the days in preceding months\ in the same year""" keys = tuple(month_dict.keys()) days_in_precending_months = 0 for i in range(month - 1): days_in_precending_months += month_dict[keys[i]] return days_in_precending_years + days_in_precending_months + day + 1 julian_day = days_from_010119(year, month, day) + 2415018.5 + \ find_fraction_of_24(hour, minute) - (float(self.time_zone) / 24) julian_century = (julian_day - 2451545) / 36525 # degrees geom_mean_long_sun = (280.46646 + julian_century * (36000.76983 + julian_century * 0.0003032) ) % 360 # degrees geom_mean_anom_sun = 357.52911 + julian_century * \ (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * julian_century) eccent_orbit = 0.016708634 - julian_century * \ (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * julian_century) sun_eq_of_ctr = math.sin( math.radians(geom_mean_anom_sun)) * \ (1.914602 - julian_century * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * julian_century) ) +\ math.sin(math.radians(2 * geom_mean_anom_sun)) * \ (0.019993 - 0.000101 * julian_century) + \ math.sin(math.radians(3 * geom_mean_anom_sun)) * \ 0.000289 # degrees sun_true_long = geom_mean_long_sun + sun_eq_of_ctr # degrees sun_app_long = sun_true_long - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * \ math.sin(math.radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * julian_century)) # degrees mean_obliq_ecliptic = 23 + \ (26 + ((21.448 - julian_century * (46.815 + julian_century * (0.00059 - julian_century * 0.001813)))) / 60) / 60 # degrees oblique_corr = mean_obliq_ecliptic + 0.00256 * \ math.cos(math.radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * julian_century)) # RADIANS sol_dec = math.degrees(math.asin(math.sin(math.radians(oblique_corr)) * math.sin(math.radians(sun_app_long)))) var_y = math.tan(math.radians(oblique_corr / 2)) * \ math.tan(math.radians(oblique_corr / 2)) # minutes eq_of_time = 4 \ * math.degrees( var_y * math.sin(2 * math.radians(geom_mean_long_sun)) - 2 * eccent_orbit * math.sin(math.radians(geom_mean_anom_sun)) + 4 * eccent_orbit * var_y * math.sin(math.radians(geom_mean_anom_sun)) * math.cos(2 * math.radians(geom_mean_long_sun)) - 0.5 * (var_y ** 2) * math.sin(4 * math.radians(geom_mean_long_sun)) - 1.25 * (eccent_orbit ** 2) * math.sin(2 * math.radians(geom_mean_anom_sun)) ) return sol_dec, eq_of_time def _calculate_sunrise_hour_angle(self, solar_dec, depression=0.833): """Calculate hour angle for sunrise time in degrees.""" hour_angle_arg = math.degrees(math.acos( math.cos(math.radians(90 + depression)) / (math.cos(math.radians(self.latitude)) * math.cos( math.radians(solar_dec))) - math.tan(math.radians(self.latitude)) * math.tan(math.radians(solar_dec)) )) return hour_angle_arg def _calculate_solar_time(self, hour, eq_of_time, is_solar_time): """Calculate Solar time for an hour.""" if is_solar_time: return hour return ( (hour * 60 + eq_of_time + 4 * math.degrees(self._longitude) - 60 * self.time_zone) % 1440) / 60 def _calculate_solar_time_by_doy(self, hour, doy): """This is how radiance calculates solar time. This is a place holder and \ need to be validated against calculateSolarTime. """ raise NotImplementedError() return (0.170 * math.sin((4 * math.pi / 373) * (doy - 80)) - 0.129 * math.sin((2 * math.pi / 355) * (doy - 8)) + 12 * (-(15 * self.time_zone) - self.longitude) / math.pi) @staticmethod def _calculate_hour_and_minute(float_hour): """Calculate hour and minutes as integers from a float hour.""" hour = int(float_hour) minute = int(round((float_hour - int(float_hour)) * 60)) if minute == 60: return hour + 1, 0 else: return hour, minute
[docs] def draw_sunpath(self, hoys=None, origin=None, scale=1, sun_scale=1, annual=True, rem_night=True): """Create sunpath geometry. \ This method should only be used from the + libraries. Args: hoys: An optional list of hours of the year(default: None). origin: Sunpath origin(default: (0, 0, 0)). scale: Sunpath scale(default: 1). sun_scale: Scale for the sun spheres(default: 1). annual: Set to True to draw an annual sunpath. Otherwise a daily sunpath is drawn. rem_night: Remove suns which are under the horizon(night!). Returns: base_curves: A collection of curves for base plot. analemma_curves: A collection of analemma_curves. daily_curves: A collection of daily_curves. suns: A list of suns. """ # check and make sure the call is coming from inside a plus library assert ladybug.isplus, \ '"draw_sunpath" method can only be used in the [+] libraries.' hoys = hoys or () origin = origin or (0, 0, 0) try: origin = tuple(origin) except TypeError as e: # dynamo try: origin = origin.X, origin.Y, origin.Z except AttributeError: raise TypeError(str(e)) scale = scale or 1 sun_scale = sun_scale or 1 assert annual or hoys, 'For daily sunpath you need to provide at least one hour.' radius = 200 * scale # draw base circles and lines base_curves = plus.base_curves(origin, radius, self.north_angle) # draw analemma # calculate date times for analemma curves if annual: asuns = self._analemma_suns() analemma_curves = plus.analemma_curves(asuns, origin, radius) else: analemma_curves = () # add sun spheres if hoys: suns = tuple(self.calculate_sun_from_hoy(hour) for hour in hoys) else: suns = () if rem_night: suns = tuple(sun for sun in suns if sun.is_during_day) sun_geos = plus.sun_geometry(suns, origin, radius) # draw daily sunpath if annual: dts = (DateTime(m, 21) for m in xrange(1, 13)) else: dts = (sun.datetime for sun in suns) dsuns = self._daily_suns(dts) daily_curves = plus.daily_curves(dsuns, origin, radius) SPGeo = namedtuple( 'SunpathGeo', ('compass_curves', 'analemma_curves', 'daily_curves', 'suns', 'sun_geos')) # return outputs return SPGeo(base_curves, analemma_curves, daily_curves, suns, sun_geos)
def _analemma_position(self, hour): """Check what the analemma position is for an hour. This is useful for calculating hours of analemma curves. Returns: -1 if always night, 0 if both day and night, 1 if always day. """ # check for 21 dec and 21 jun low = self.calculate_sun(12, 21, hour).is_during_day high = self.calculate_sun(6, 21, hour).is_during_day if low and high: return 1 elif low or high: return 0 else: return -1 def _analemma_suns(self): """Calculate times that should be used for drawing analemma_curves. Returns: A list of list of analemma suns. """ for h in xrange(0, 24): if self._analemma_position(h) < 0: continue elif self._analemma_position(h) == 0: chours = [] # this is an hour that not all the hours are day or night prevhour = self.latitude <= 0 num_of_days = 8760 if not self.is_leap_year else 8760 + 24 for hoy in xrange(h, num_of_days, 24): thishour = self.calculate_sun_from_hoy(hoy).is_during_day if thishour != prevhour: if not thishour: hoy -= 24 dt = DateTime.from_hoy(hoy, self.is_leap_year) chours.append((dt.month,, dt.hour)) prevhour = thishour tt = [] for hcount in range(int(len(chours) / 2)): st = chours[2 * hcount] en = chours[2 * hcount + 1] if self.latitude >= 0: tt = [self.calculate_sun(*st)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(st[0], d, h) for d in xrange(st[1] + 1, 29, 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(m, d, h) for m in xrange(st[0] + 1, en[0]) for d in xrange(3, 29, 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(en[0], d, h) for d in xrange(3, en[1], 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(*en)] else: tt = [self.calculate_sun(*en)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(en[0], d, h) for d in xrange(en[1] + 1, 29, 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(m, d, h) for m in xrange(en[0] + 1, 13) for d in xrange(3, 29, 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(m, d, h) for m in xrange(1, st[0]) for d in xrange(3, 29, 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(st[0], d, h) for d in xrange(3, st[1], 7)] + \ [self.calculate_sun(*st)] yield tt else: yield tuple(self.calculate_sun((m % 12) + 1, d, h) for m in xrange(0, 13) for d in (7, 14, 21))[:-2] def _daily_suns(self, datetimes): """Get sun curve for multiple days of the year.""" for dt in datetimes: # calculate sunrise sunset and noon nss = self.calculate_sunrise_sunset(dt.month, dts = tuple(nss[k] for k in ('sunrise', 'noon', 'sunset')) if dts[0] is None: # circle yield (self.calculate_sun(dt.month,, h) for h in (0, 12, 15)), \ False else: # Arc yield (self.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt) for dt in dts), True
[docs]class Sun(object): """Sun. Attributes: datetime: A DateTime that represents the datetime for this sun_vector altitude: Solar Altitude in **radians** azimuth: Solar Azimuth in **radians** is_solar_time: A Boolean that indicates if datetime represents the solar time. is_daylight_saving: A Boolean that indicates if datetime is calculated for Daylight saving period north_angle: North angle of the sunpath in Degrees. This will be only used to calculate the solar vector. """ __slots__ = ('_datetime', '_altitude', '_azimuth', '_is_solar_time', '_is_daylight_saving', '_north_angle', '_hourlyData', '_data', '_sun_vector') PI = math.pi def __init__(self, datetime, altitude, azimuth, is_solar_time, is_daylight_saving, north_angle, data=None): """Init sun.""" assert hasattr(datetime, 'isDateTime'), \ "datetime must be a DateTime (not {})".format(type(datetime)) self._datetime = datetime # read-only assert -self.PI <= altitude <= self.PI, \ "altitude({}) must be between {} and {}." \ .format(altitude, -self.PI, self.PI) self._altitude = altitude # read-only assert -2 * self.PI <= azimuth <= 2 * self.PI, \ "azimuth({}) should be between {} and {}." \ .format(azimuth, -self.PI, self.PI) self._azimuth = azimuth # read-only self._is_solar_time = is_solar_time self._is_daylight_saving = is_daylight_saving # useful to calculate sun vector - sun angle is in degrees self._north_angle = north_angle = data # Place holder for hourly data self._calculate_sun_vector() @property def datetime(self): """Return datetime.""" return self._datetime @property def north_angle(self): """Return north angle for +YAxis.""" return self._north_angle @property def hoy(self): """Return Hour of the year.""" return self._datetime.hoy @property def altitude(self): """Return solar altitude in degrees.""" return math.degrees(self._altitude) @property def azimuth(self): """Return solar azimuth in degrees.""" return math.degrees(self._azimuth) @property def altitude_in_radians(self): """Return solar altitude in radians.""" return self._altitude @property def azimuth_in_radians(self): """Return solar azimuth in radians.""" return self._azimuth @property def is_solar_time(self): """Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time.""" return self._is_solar_time @property def is_daylight_saving(self): """Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time.""" return self._is_daylight_saving @property def data(self): """Get or set data to this sun position.""" return self._data @data.setter def data(self, d): self._data = d @property def is_during_day(self): """Check if this sun position is during day.""" # sun vector is flipped to look to the center return self.sun_vector.z <= 0 @property def sun_vector(self): """Sun vector for this sun. Sun vector faces downward(e.g. z will be negative.) """ return self._sun_vector def _calculate_sun_vector(self): """Calculate sun vector for this sun.""" z_axis = Vector3(0., 0., -1.) x_axis = Vector3(1., 0., 0.) north_vector = Vector3(0., 1., 0.) # rotate north vector based on azimuth, altitude, and north _sun_vector = north_vector \ .rotate_around(x_axis, self.altitude_in_radians) \ .rotate_around(z_axis, self.azimuth_in_radians) \ .rotate_around(z_axis, math.radians(-1 * self.north_angle)) _sun_vector.normalize() try: _sun_vector.flip() except AttributeError: # euclid3 _sun_vector = Vector3(-1 * _sun_vector.x, -1 * _sun_vector.y, -1 * _sun_vector.z) self._sun_vector = _sun_vector
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Sun representation.""" # sun at datetime (X, Y, Z) return "Sun at {} (x:{}, y:{}, z:{})".format( self.datetime, self.sun_vector.x, self.sun_vector.y, self.sun_vector.z )