Source code for

# coding=utf-8
"""Room2D Radiance Properties."""
from import RoomRadianceProperties
from honeybee_radiance.modifierset import ModifierSet
from honeybee_radiance.lib.modifiersets import generic_modifier_set_visible

import dragonfly_radiance.gridpar as sg_par
from ..gridpar import _GridParameterBase

[docs]class Room2DRadianceProperties(object): """Radiance Properties for Dragonfly Room2D. Args: host: A dragonfly_core Room2D object that hosts these properties. modifier_set: A honeybee ModifierSet object to specify all default modifiers for the Faces of the Room2D. If None, the Room2D will use the honeybee default modifier set, which is only representative of typical indoor conditions in the visible spectrum. (Default: None). grid_parameters: An optional list of GridParameter objects to describe how sensor grids should be generated for the Room2D. (Default: None). Properties: * host * modifier_set * grid_parameters """ __slots__ = ('_host', '_modifier_set', '_grid_parameters') def __init__(self, host, modifier_set=None, grid_parameters=None): """Initialize Room2D Radiance properties.""" self._host = host self.modifier_set = modifier_set self.grid_parameters = grid_parameters @property def host(self): """Get the Room2D object hosting these properties.""" return self._host @property def modifier_set(self): """Get or set the Room2D ModifierSet object. If not set, it will be set by the parent Story or will be the Honeybee default generic ModifierSet. """ if self._modifier_set is not None: # set by the user return self._modifier_set elif self._host.has_parent: # set by parent story return else: return generic_modifier_set_visible @modifier_set.setter def modifier_set(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, ModifierSet), \ 'Expected ModifierSet. Got {}'.format(type(value)) value.lock() # lock in case modifier set has multiple references self._modifier_set = value @property def grid_parameters(self): """Get or set a list of GridParameters to generate sensor grids for the room. """ return tuple(self._grid_parameters) @grid_parameters.setter def grid_parameters(self, value): if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, list): value = list(value) for sg in value: assert isinstance(sg, _GridParameterBase), \ 'Expected GridParameter. Got {}'.format(type(sg)) else: value = [] self._grid_parameters = value
[docs] def remove_grid_parameters(self): """Remove all grid_parameters from the Room2D.""" self._grid_parameters = []
[docs] def add_grid_parameter(self, grid_parameter): """Add a GridParameter to this Room2D. Args: grid_parameter: An GridParameter objects to describe how sensor grids should be generated for the Room2D. """ assert isinstance(grid_parameter, _GridParameterBase), \ 'Expected GridParameter. Got {}.'.format(type(grid_parameter)) self._grid_parameters.append(grid_parameter)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, host): """Create Room2DRadianceProperties from a dictionary. Note that the dictionary must be a non-abridged version for this classmethod to work. Args: data: A dictionary representation of Room2DRadianceProperties in the format below. host: A Room2D object that hosts these properties. .. code-block:: python { "type": 'Room2DRadianceProperties', "modifier_set": {}, # A ModifierSet dictionary "grid_parameters": [] # A list of GridParameter dictionaries } """ assert data['type'] == 'Room2DRadianceProperties', \ 'Expected Room2DRadianceProperties. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) new_prop = cls(host) if 'modifier_set' in data and data['modifier_set'] is not None: new_prop.modifier_set = ModifierSet.from_dict(data['modifier_set']) if 'grid_parameters' in data and data['grid_parameters'] is not None: grd_par = [] for gp in data['grid_parameters']: try: g_class = getattr(sg_par, gp['type']) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( 'GridParameter "{}" is not recognized.'.format(gp['type'])) grd_par.append(g_class.from_dict(gp)) new_prop.grid_parameter = grd_par return new_prop
[docs] def apply_properties_from_dict(self, abridged_data, modifier_sets): """Apply properties from a Room2DRadiancePropertiesAbridged dictionary. Args: abridged_data: A Room2DRadiancePropertiesAbridged dictionary (typically coming from a Model). modifier_sets: A dictionary of ModifierSets with identifiers of the sets as keys, which will be used to re-assign modifier_sets. """ if 'modifier_set' in abridged_data and abridged_data['modifier_set'] is not None: self.modifier_set = modifier_sets[abridged_data['modifier_set']] if 'grid_parameters' in abridged_data and \ abridged_data['grid_parameters'] is not None: grd_par = [] for gp in abridged_data['grid_parameters']: try: g_class = getattr(sg_par, gp['type']) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( 'GridParameter "{}" is not recognized.'.format(gp['type'])) grd_par.append(g_class.from_dict(gp)) self.grid_parameters = grd_par
[docs] def to_dict(self, abridged=False): """Return Room2D radiance properties as a dictionary. Args: abridged: Boolean for whether the full dictionary of the Room2D should be written (False) or just the identifier of the the individual properties (True). Default: False. """ base = {'radiance': {}} base['radiance']['type'] = 'Room2DRadianceProperties' if not \ abridged else 'Room2DRadiancePropertiesAbridged' # write the ModifierSet into the dictionary if self._modifier_set is not None: base['radiance']['modifier_set'] = \ self._modifier_set.identifier if abridged else \ self._modifier_set.to_dict() # write the GridParameters into the dictionary if len(self._grid_parameters) != 0: base['grid_parameters'] = [] for gdp in self._grid_parameters: base['grid_parameters'].append(gdp.to_dict()) return base
[docs] def to_honeybee(self, new_host): """Get a honeybee version of this object. Args: new_host: A honeybee-core Room object that will host these properties. """ mod_set = self.modifier_set # includes story and building-assigned sets hb_mods = mod_set if mod_set is not generic_modifier_set_visible else None hb_prop = RoomRadianceProperties(new_host, hb_mods) return hb_prop
[docs] def from_honeybee(self, hb_properties): """Transfer radiance attributes from a Honeybee Room to Dragonfly Room2D. Args: hb_properties: The RoomRadianceProperties of the honeybee Room that is being translated to a Dragonfly Room2D. """ self._modifier_set = hb_properties._modifier_set
[docs] def duplicate(self, new_host=None): """Get a copy of this object. Args: new_host: A new Room2D object that hosts these properties. If None, the properties will be duplicated with the same host. """ _host = new_host or self._host return Room2DRadianceProperties( _host, self._modifier_set, self._grid_parameters[:])
[docs] def ToString(self): return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): return 'Room2D Radiance Properties: {}'.format(