Source code for honeybee_display.attr

"""Display attribute objects for creating visualization sets."""
from honeybee.facetype import Wall, RoofCeiling, Floor, AirBoundary
from honeybee.aperture import Aperture
from honeybee.shade import Shade
from honeybee.boundarycondition import Outdoors, Surface, Ground

[docs]class RoomAttribute(object): """A Room attribute object. Args: name: A name for this Room Attribute. attrs: A list of text strings of attributes that the Model Rooms have, which will be used to construct a visualization of this attribute in the resulting VisualizationSet. This can also be a list of attribute strings and a separate VisualizationData will be added to the AnalysisGeometry that represents the attribute in the resulting VisualizationSet (or a separate ContextGeometry layer if color is True). Attributes input here can have '.' that separates the nested attributes from one another. For example, '' or 'user_data.tag' color: A boolean to note whether the input room_attr should be expressed as a colored AnalysisGeometry. (Default: True) text: A boolean to note whether the input room_attr should be expressed as a a ContextGeometry as text labels. (Default: False) legend_par:An optional LegendParameter object to customize the display of the attribute. For text attribute only the text_height and font will be used to customize the text. """ def __init__( self, name, attrs, color=True, text=False, legend_par=None ): = name self.attrs = attrs self.color = color self.text = text self.legend_par = legend_par @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value @property def attrs(self): return self._attrs @attrs.setter def attrs(self, value): self._attrs = value @property def color(self): return self._color @color.setter def color(self, value): self._color = value @property def text(self): return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value): self._text = value @property def legend_par(self): return self._legend_par @legend_par.setter def legend_par(self, value): self._legend_par = value
[docs]class FaceAttribute(RoomAttribute): """A Face attribute object. Args: name: A name for this Face Attribute. attrs: A list of text strings of attributes the Model Faces have, which will be used to construct a visualization of this attribute in the resulting VisualizationSet. This can also be a list of attribute strings and a separate VisualizationData will be added to the AnalysisGeometry that represents the attribute in the resulting VisualizationSet (or a separate ContextGeometry layer if color is True). Attributes input here can have '.' that separates the nested attributes from one another. For example, '' or 'user_data.tag' color: A boolean to note whether the input room_attr should be expressed as a colored AnalysisGeometry. (Default: True) text: A boolean to note whether the input room_attr should be expressed as a a ContextGeometry as text labels. (Default: False) legend_par:An optional LegendParameter object to customize the display of the attribute. For text attribute only the text_height and font will be used to customize the text. face_types: List of face types to be included in the visualization set. By default all the faces will be exported to visualization set. Valid values are: * Wall * RoofCeiling * Floor * AirBoundary * Aperture * Shade boundary_conditions: List of face boundary conditions to be included in the visualization set. This condition will be applied as a secondary check for the face_types that are set using the face_types argument. Valid values are: * Outdoors * Surface * Ground """ def __init__( self, name, attrs, color=True, text=False, legend_par=None, face_types=None, boundary_conditions=None): super().__init__(name, attrs, color, text, legend_par) self.face_types = face_types self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions @property def face_types(self): return self._face_types @face_types.setter def face_types(self, types): types = types or [] for type in types: assert type in (Wall, RoofCeiling, Floor, AirBoundary, Aperture, Shade), \ f'Invalid face type: {type}' self._face_types = types @property def boundary_conditions(self): return self._boundary_conditions @boundary_conditions.setter def boundary_conditions(self, bcs): bcs = bcs or [] for bc in bcs: assert bc in (Outdoors, Surface, Ground), \ f'Invalid face boundary condition: {bc}. Valid values are Outdoors, ' \ 'Surface and Ground.' self._boundary_conditions = bcs