
honeybee-radiance-postprocess leed

Commands for LEED post-processing of Radiance results.

honeybee-radiance-postprocess leed [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Calculate credits for LEED v4.1 Daylight Option 1.

Use the shade-transmittance option to set a shade transmittance values for aperture groups. The shade-transmittance-file option takes precedence over the shade-transmittance, however, if any aperture groups are missing in the JSON file given to the shade-transmittance-file option, the value from shade-transmittance will be used for those aperture groups.

folder: Results folder. This folder is an output folder of annual daylight
recipe. The daylight simulation must include aperture groups.
honeybee-radiance-postprocess leed daylight-option-one [OPTIONS] FOLDER


-gf, --grids-filter <grids_filter>

A pattern to filter the grids.



-st, --shade-transmittance <shade_transmittance>

A value to use as a multiplier in place of solar shading. Value for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0.



-stf, --shade-transmittance-file <shade_transmittance_file>

A JSON file with a dictionary where aperture groups are keys, and the value for each key is the shade transmittance. Values for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0. If any aperture groups are missing in the JSON file, its shade transmittance value will be set to the value of the shade transmittance option (0.05 by default).

-sf, --sub-folder <sub_folder>

Relative path for subfolder to write output files.



Required argument