honeybee_radiance_postprocess.leed module

Functions for LEED post-processing.

honeybee_radiance_postprocess.leed.leed_option_one(results: Union[str, AnnualDaylight], grids_filter: str = '*', shade_transmittance: Union[float, dict] = 0.05, states_schedule: Optional[dict] = None, threshold: float = 300, direct_threshold: float = 1000, occ_hours: int = 250, target_time: float = 50, sub_folder: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Calculate credits for LEED v4.1 Daylight Option 1.

  • results – Path to results folder or a Results class object.

  • grids_filter – The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. Defaults to ‘*’.

  • shade_transmittance – A value to use as a multiplier in place of solar shading. This input can be either a single value that will be used for all aperture groups, or a dictionary where aperture groups are keys, and the value for each key is the shade transmittance. Values for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0. Defaults to 0.05.

  • states_schedule – A custom dictionary of shading states. In case this is left empty, the function will calculate a shading schedule by using the shade_transmittance input. If a states schedule is provided it will check that it is complying with the 2% rule. Defaults to None.

  • threshold – Threshold value for daylight autonomy. Default: 300.

  • direct_threshold – The threshold that determines if a sensor is overlit. Defaults to 1000.

  • occ_hours – The number of occupied hours that cannot receive more than the direct_threshold. Defaults to 250.

  • target_time – A minimum threshold of occupied time (eg. 50% of the time), above which a given sensor passes and contributes to the spatial daylight autonomy. Defaults to 50.

  • sub_folder – Relative path for a subfolder to write the output. If None, the files will not be written. Defaults to None.


  • summary: Summary of all grids combined.

  • summary_grid: Summary of each grid individually.

  • da_grids: List of daylight autonomy values for each grid. Each item

    in the list is a NumPy array of DA values.

  • hours_above: List of hours above 1000 direct illuminance (with

    default states) for each grid. Each item in the list is a NumPy array of hours above 1000 lux.

  • states_schedule: A dictionary of annual shading schedules for each

    aperture group.

  • grids_info: Grid information.

Return type


honeybee_radiance_postprocess.leed.leed_states_schedule(results: Union[str, AnnualDaylight], grids_filter: str = '*', shade_transmittance: Union[float, dict] = 0.05) Tuple[dict, dict][source]

Calculate a schedule of each aperture group for LEED compliant sDA.

This function calculates an annual shading schedule of each aperture group. Hour by hour it will select the least shaded aperture group configuration, so that no more than 2% of the sensors points receive direct illuminance of 1000 lux or more.

  • results – Path to results folder or a Results class object.

  • grids_filter – The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. Defaults to ‘*’.

  • shade_transmittance – A value to use as a multiplier in place of solar shading. This input can be either a single value that will be used for all aperture groups, or a dictionary where aperture groups are keys, and the value for each key is the shade transmittance. Values for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0. Defaults to 0.05.


A tuple with a dictionary of the annual schedule and a

dictionary of hours where no shading configuration comply with the 2% rule.

Return type


honeybee_radiance_postprocess.leed.shade_transmittance_per_light_path(light_paths: list, shade_transmittance: Union[float, dict], shd_trans_dict: dict) dict[source]

Filter shade_transmittance by light paths and add default multiplier.

  • light_paths – A list of light paths.

  • shade_transmittance – A value to use as a multiplier in place of solar shading. This input can be either a single value that will be used for all aperture groups, or a dictionary where aperture groups are keys, and the value for each key is the shade transmittance. Values for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0.

  • shd_trans_dict – A dictionary used to store shade transmittance value for each aperture group.


A dictionary with filtered light paths.