

ladybug-rhino [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...



Show the version and exit.


Check if ladybug_rhino is flying!

ladybug-rhino viz [OPTIONS]


Set up the entire environment for the current user.

This includes setting the IronPython search path, copying the components to the user-specific folders, and creating any user resource folders if they do not already exist. Note that setting the IronPython search path won’t work well if Rhino is open while running this command.

ladybug-rhino setup-user-environment [OPTIONS]


--component-directory <component_directory>

The path to a directory that contains all of the Ladybug Tools Grasshopper python packages to be copied (both user object packages and dotnet gha packages). If unspecified, this command will search for the site-packages folder in the ladybug_tools folder. If they are not found, no user objects will be copied.

--python-package-dir <python_package_dir>

Path to the directory with the python packages, which will be added to the search path. If unspecified, this command will search for the site-packages folder in the ladybug_tools folder.

--setup-resources, -o, --overwrite-resources

Flag to note whether the user resources should be overwritten or they should only be set up if they do not exist, in which case existing resources will be preserved.


Copy all component packages to the UserObjects and Libraries folder.

component_directory: The path to a directory that contains all of the Ladybug
Tools Grasshopper python packages to be copied (both user object
packages and dotnet gha packages).
ladybug-rhino copy-gh-components [OPTIONS] COMPONENT_DIRECTORY



Required argument


Remove all component packages to the UserObjects and Libraries folder.

ladybug-rhino remove-gh-components [OPTIONS]


Set up user resource folders in their respective locations.

ladybug-rhino setup-resources [OPTIONS]


--setup-only, -o, --overwrite

Flag to note whether the user resources should be overwritten or they should only be set up if they do not exist, in which case existing resources will be preserved.


Change the currently installed version of Ladybug Tools.

This requires an internet connection and will update all core libraries and Grasshopper components to the specified version_to_install.

ladybug-rhino change-installed-version [OPTIONS]


-v, --version <version>

An optional text string for the version of the LBT plugin to be installed. The input should contain only integers separated by two periods (eg. 1.0.0). If unspecified, the Ladybug Tools plugin shall be updated to the latest available version. The version specified here does not need to be newer than the current installation and can be older but grasshopper plugin versions less than 0.3.0 are not supported.


Get a JSON object with all configuration information.

ladybug-rhino config [OPTIONS]


--output-file <output_file>

Optional file to output the JSON string of the config object. By default, it will be printed out to stdout

