ladybug_rhino.light module

Functions for setting lights within the Rhino scene.


Disable all suns in the Rhino scene so it does not interfere with other lights.

ladybug_rhino.light.set_sun(location, hoy, north=0)[source]

Set the sun in the Rhino scene to correspond to a given location and DateTime.

The resulting sun objects will have color rendering that mimics the sun at the particular hoy specified.

  • location – A Ladybug Location object to set the latitude, longitude and time zone of the Rhino sun path.

  • hoy – A number between 0 and 8760 that represent the hour of the year at which to evaluate the sun position. Note that this does not need to be an integer and decimal values can be used to specify date times that are not on the hour mark.

  • north – A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. (Default: 0).


The Rhino sun object.

ladybug_rhino.light.set_suns(location, hoys, north=0)[source]

Setup multiple light objects for several sun positions.

Note that the resulting lights will not have any color rendering associated with them and all lights will be white.

  • location – A Ladybug Location object to set the latitude, longitude and time zone of the Rhino sun path.

  • hoys – A list of numbers between 0 and 8760 that represent the hours of the year at which to evaluate the sun position. Note that this does not need to be an integer and decimal values can be used to specify date times that are not on the hour mark.

  • north – A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. (Default: 0).


An array of lights representing sun positions.