Source code for ladybug.psychchart

# coding=utf-8
"""Object for calculating PMV comfort from DataCollections."""
from __future__ import division

from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.pointvector import Point2D, Vector2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.line import LineSegment2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.polyline import Polyline2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.mesh import Mesh2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.pointvector import Point3D

from .epw import EPW
from .datacollection import DailyCollection, HourlyContinuousCollection, \
from .psychrometrics import humid_ratio_from_db_rh, db_temp_from_enth_hr, \
    db_temp_from_rh_hr, db_temp_and_hr_from_wb_rh
from .legend import LegendParameters
from .graphic import GraphicContainer

from .datatype.time import Time
from .datatype.temperature import Temperature
from .datatype.fraction import Fraction
from .datatype.specificenergy import Enthalpy

[docs]class PsychrometricChart(object): """Class for constructing psychrometric charts and plotting data on them. Args: temperature: Hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of temperature values in Celsius or a single temperature value to be used for the whole analysis. relative_humidity: Hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of relative humidity values in % or a single relative humidity value to be used for the whole analysis. average_pressure: Number for the average air pressure across the data plotted on the chart (Pa). (Default: 101325 Pa; pressure at sea level). legend_parameters: An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the PsychrometricChart. (Default: None). base_point: A Point2D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry of the plot. (Default: (0, 0)). x_dim: A number to set the X dimension of each degree of temperature on the chart. (Default: 1). y_dim: A number to set the Y dimension of a unity humidity ratio on the chart. Note that most maximum humidity ratios are around 0.03. (Default: 1500). min_temperature: An integer for the minimum temperature on the chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True. (Default: -20; suitable for celsius). max_temperature: An integer for the maximum temperature on the chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True. (Default: 50; suitable for celsius). max_humidity_ratio: A value for the maximum humidity ratio in kg water / kg air. (Default: 0.03). use_ip: Boolean to note whether temperature values should be plotted in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. (Default: False). Properties: * temperature * relative_humidity * average_pressure * legend_parameters * base_point * x_dim * y_dim * min_temperature * max_temperature * max_humidity_ratio * use_ip * saturation_line * chart_border * temperature_labels * temperature_label_points * temperature_lines * rh_labels * rh_label_points * rh_lines * hr_labels * hr_label_points * hr_lines * enthalpy_labels * enthalpy_label_points * enthalpy_lines * wb_labels * wb_label_points * wb_lines * title_text * title_location * x_axis_text * x_axis_location * y_axis_text * y_axis_location * data_points * time_matrix * hour_values * colored_mesh * legend * container """ ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS = (DailyCollection, HourlyContinuousCollection, HourlyDiscontinuousCollection) TEMP_TYPE = Temperature() ENTH_TYPE = Enthalpy() def __init__(self, temperature, relative_humidity, average_pressure=101325, legend_parameters=None, base_point=Point2D(), x_dim=1, y_dim=1500, min_temperature=-20, max_temperature=50, max_humidity_ratio=0.03, use_ip=False): """Initialize Psychrometric Chart.""" # check and assign the temperature and humidity self._use_ip = bool(use_ip) self._calc_length = 1 self._time_multiplier = 1 self._temperature = temperature self._relative_humidity = relative_humidity self._t_values = self._t_values_c = self._check_input( temperature, Temperature, 'C', 'temperature') self._rh_values = self._check_input( relative_humidity, Fraction, '%', 'relative_humidity') if len(self._t_values) == 1: self._t_values = self._t_values_c = self._t_values * self._calc_length if self._use_ip: # convert everything to Fahrenheit self._t_values = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(self._t_values, 'F', 'C') assert len(self._t_values) == len(self._rh_values), \ 'Number of temperature and humidity values must match.' # assign the inputs as properties of the chart self._average_pressure = self._check_number(average_pressure, 'average_pressure') assert isinstance(base_point, Point2D), 'Expected Point2D for ' \ 'PsychrometricChart base point. Got {}.'.format(type(base_point)) self._base_point = base_point self._x_dim = self._check_number(x_dim, 'x_dim') self._y_dim = self._check_number(y_dim, 'y_dim') assert max_temperature - min_temperature >= 10, 'Psychrometric chart ' \ 'max_temperature and min_temperature difference must be at least 10.' self._max_temperature = int(max_temperature) self._min_temperature = int(min_temperature) self._max_humidity_ratio = float(max_humidity_ratio) assert self._max_humidity_ratio >= 0.005, 'Psychrometric chart ' \ 'max_humidity_ratio must be at least 0.005.' # create the graphic container if self._use_ip: # categorize based on every 1.66 fahrenheit self._t_category = [] current_t, max_t = self._min_temperature, self._max_temperature + 1.75 while current_t < max_t: current_t += (5 / 3) self._t_category.append(current_t) else: # categorize based on every degree celsius self._t_category = list(range(self._min_temperature + 1, self._max_temperature + 1)) self._rh_category = list(range(5, 105, 5)) self._time_matrix, self._hour_values, self._remove_pattern = \ self._compute_hour_values() assert len(self._hour_values) > 0, \ 'No data was found to lie on the psychrometric chart.' max_x = base_point.x + (self._max_temperature - self._min_temperature + 5) \ * self._x_dim max_pt = Point3D(max_x, self.hr_y_value(self.max_humidity_ratio), 0) min_pt = Point3D(base_point.x, base_point.y, 0) self._container = GraphicContainer( self._hour_values, min_pt, max_pt, legend_parameters, Time(), 'hr') self._process_legend_default(self._container.legend_parameters) # create global attributes used by several of the geometry properties self._temp_range = list(range(self._min_temperature, self._max_temperature, 5)) \ + [self._max_temperature] self._x_range = [self.t_x_value(t) for t in self._temp_range] if use_ip: # ensure that _temp_range is always in celsius self._temp_range = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(self._temp_range, 'C', 'F') rh_range = range(10, 110, 10) self._rh_lines = tuple(self.relative_humidity_polyline(rh) for rh in rh_range) self._saturation_line = self.relative_humidity_polyline(100, 2) max_hr_thnd = int(self._max_humidity_ratio * 1000) base_hr_range = list(range(5, max_hr_thnd, 5)) + [max_hr_thnd] max_db_hr = 1000 * humid_ratio_from_db_rh( self._temp_range[-1], 100, self._average_pressure) base_hr_range = [val for val in base_hr_range if val <= max_db_hr] self._hr_range = tuple(round(val / 1000, 3) for val in base_hr_range) self._y_range = [self._y_dim * hr + self._base_point.y for hr in self._hr_range] # set null values for properties that are optional self._chart_border = None self._enth_range = None self._enth_lines = None self._wb_range = None self._wb_lines = None self._data_points = None self._colored_mesh = None # check to be sure we don't have conditions above the boiling point assert self._temp_range[-1] < 100, \ 'Temperatures above the boiling point of water are not plot-able.'
[docs] @classmethod def from_epw(cls, epw_file, legend_parameters=None, base_point=Point2D(), x_dim=1, y_dim=1500, min_temperature=-20, max_temperature=50, max_humidity_ratio=0.03, use_ip=False): """Create a psychrometric chart object using the data in an epw file. Args: epw_file: Full path to epw weather file. legend_parameters: An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the PsychrometricChart. (Default: None). base_point: A Point2D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry of the plot. (Default: (0, 0)). x_dim: A number to set the X dimension of each degree of temperature on the chart. (Default: 1). y_dim: A number to set the Y dimension of unity humidity ratio on the chart. Note that most maximum humidity ratios are around 0.03. (Default: 1500). min_temperature: An integer for the minimum temperature on the chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True. (Default: -20; suitable for celsius). max_temperature: An integer for the maximum temperature on the chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True. (Default: 50; suitable for celsius). max_humidity_ratio: A value for the maximum humidity ratio in kg water / kg air. (Default: 0.03). use_ip: Boolean to note whether temperature values should be plotted in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. (Default: False). """ epw = EPW(epw_file) pressure = epw.atmospheric_station_pressure.average return cls( epw.dry_bulb_temperature, epw.relative_humidity, pressure, legend_parameters, base_point, x_dim, y_dim, min_temperature, max_temperature, max_humidity_ratio, use_ip)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """ Create PsychrometricChart from a dictionary Args: data: A python dictionary in the following format .. code-block:: python { 'type': 'PsychrometricChart', 'temperature': {}, # data collection or value for temperature [C] 'relative_humidity': {}, # data collection or value for humidity [%] 'average_pressure': 101325, # average atmospheric pressure [Pa] 'legend_parameters': {}, # legend parameters dictionary 'base_point': {}, # Point2D dictionary 'x_dim': 1.0, # value for X dimension per degree 'y_dim': 1500.0, # value for Y dimension for unity humidity ratio 'min_temperature': -20.0, # value for minimum temperature 'max_temperature': 50.0, # value for maximum temperature 'max_humidity_ratio': 0.03, # value for maximum humidity ratio 'use_ip': False, # boolean for whether to use IP values } """ # process the optional inputs p = data['average_pressure'] if 'average_pressure' in data else 101325 lp = LegendParameters.from_dict(data['legend_parameters']) \ if 'legend_parameters' in data else None bpt = Point2D.from_dict(data['base_point']) if 'base_point' in data \ else Point2D() xd = data['x_dim'] if 'x_dim' in data else 1 yd = data['y_dim'] if 'y_dim' in data else 1500 tmin = data['min_temperature'] if 'min_temperature' in data else -20 tmax = data['max_temperature'] if 'max_temperature' in data else 50 hrmax = data['max_humidity_ratio'] if 'max_humidity_ratio' in data else 0.03 ip = data['use_ip'] if 'use_ip' in data else False # process the data collections class_mapper = { 'DailyCollection': DailyCollection, 'HourlyContinuousCollection': HourlyContinuousCollection, 'HourlyDiscontinuousCollection': HourlyDiscontinuousCollection} t_data, rh_data = data['temperature'], data['relative_humidity'] temp = class_mapper[t_data['type']].from_dict(t_data) \ if isinstance(t_data, dict) else t_data rh = class_mapper[rh_data['type']].from_dict(rh_data) \ if isinstance(rh_data, dict) else rh_data return cls(temp, rh, p, lp, bpt, xd, yd, tmin, tmax, hrmax, ip)
@property def temperature(self): """The temperature assigned to this psychrometric chart [C].""" return self._temperature @property def relative_humidity(self): """The relative humidity assigned to this psychrometric chart.""" return self._relative_humidity @property def average_pressure(self): """the average air pressure across the data plotted on the chart (Pa).""" return self._average_pressure @property def legend_parameters(self): """The legend parameters customizing this psychrometric chart.""" return self._container.legend_parameters @property def base_point(self): """Point3D for the base point of this psychrometric chart.""" return self._base_point @property def x_dim(self): """The X dimension of each degree of temperature on the chart.""" return self._x_dim @property def y_dim(self): """The Y dimension of a unity humidity ratio on the chart.""" return self._y_dim @property def min_temperature(self): """An integer for the minimum temperature on the chart. Will be in celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True. """ return self._min_temperature @property def max_temperature(self): """An integer for the maximum temperature on the chart. Will be in celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True. """ return self._max_temperature @property def max_humidity_ratio(self): """A value for the maximum humidity ratio in kg water / kg air.""" return self._max_humidity_ratio @property def use_ip(self): """Boolean for whether temperature should be in Fahrenheit or Celsius.""" return self._use_ip @property def saturation_line(self): """Get a Polyline2D for the saturation line of the chart.""" return self._saturation_line @property def chart_border(self): """Get a Polyline2D for the border of the chart (excluding saturation line).""" if self._chart_border is None: self._chart_border = self._compute_border() return self._chart_border @property def temperature_labels(self): """Get a tuple of text for the temperature labels on the chart.""" if self.use_ip: temp_range = tuple(range(self._min_temperature, self._max_temperature, 5)) \ + (self._max_temperature,) return tuple(str(val) for val in temp_range) return tuple(str(val) for val in self._temp_range) @property def temperature_label_points(self): """Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the temperature labels on the chart.""" y_val = self._base_point.y - self.legend_parameters.text_height * 0.5 return tuple(Point2D(x_val, y_val) for x_val in self._x_range) @property def temperature_lines(self): """Get a tuple of LineSegment2Ds for the temperature labels on the chart.""" # get the Y-values for the top of the temperature lines hr_vals = (humid_ratio_from_db_rh(t, 100, self.average_pressure) for t in self._temp_range) top_y = [] for hr in hr_vals: y_val = self.hr_y_value(hr) if hr < self._max_humidity_ratio \ else self.hr_y_value(self._max_humidity_ratio) top_y.append(y_val) t_lines = [] # create the array of line segments for x_val, y_val in zip(self._x_range, top_y): l_seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points( Point2D(x_val, self._base_point.y), Point2D(x_val, y_val)) t_lines.append(l_seg) return t_lines @property def rh_labels(self): """Get a tuple of text for the relative humidity labels on the chart.""" return tuple('{}%'.format(val) for val in range(10, 110, 10)) @property def rh_label_points(self): """Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the relative humidity labels on the chart.""" last_sgs = (LineSegment2D.from_end_points(p[-2], p[-1]) for p in self._rh_lines) last_dirs = (seg.v.reverse().normalize() * (self._x_dim * 2) for seg in last_sgs) move_vec = (Vector2D(vec.x - (self._x_dim * 0.4), vec.y) for vec in last_dirs) return tuple(pl[-1].move(vec) for pl, vec in zip(self._rh_lines, move_vec)) @property def rh_lines(self): """Get a tuple of Polyline2Ds for the relative humidity labels on the chart.""" return self._rh_lines @property def hr_labels(self): """Get a tuple of text for the humidity ratio labels on the chart.""" return tuple(str(val) for val in self._hr_range) @property def hr_label_points(self): """Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the humidity ratio labels on the chart.""" x_val = self._x_range[-1] + self.legend_parameters.text_height * 0.5 return tuple(Point2D(x_val, y_val) for y_val in self._y_range) @property def hr_lines(self): """Get a tuple of LineSegment2Ds for the humidity ratio labels on the chart.""" hr_lines, xmax = [], self._x_range[-1] for hr, y in zip(self._hr_range, self._y_range): tmin = db_temp_from_rh_hr(100, hr, self.average_pressure) tmin = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([tmin], 'F', 'C')[0] if self.use_ip else tmin xmin = self.t_x_value(tmin) xmin = xmin if xmin > self.base_point.x else self.base_point.x l_seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(Point2D(xmax, y), Point2D(xmin, y)) hr_lines.append(l_seg) return hr_lines @property def enthalpy_labels(self): """Get a tuple of text for the enthalpy labels on the chart.""" if self._enth_range is None: self._compute_enthalpy_range() return tuple('{} kJ/kg'.format(val) for val in self._enth_range) if not \ self.use_ip else tuple('{} Btu/lb'.format(val) for val in self._enth_range) @property def enthalpy_label_points(self): """Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the humidity ratio labels on the chart.""" if self._enth_lines is None: self._compute_enthalpy_range() return self._labels_points_from_lines(self._enth_lines) @property def enthalpy_lines(self): """Get a tuple of LineSegment2Ds for the humidity ratio labels on the chart.""" if self._enth_lines is None: self._compute_enthalpy_range() return self._enth_lines @property def wb_labels(self): """Get a tuple of text for the wet bulb labels on the chart.""" if self._wb_range is None: self._compute_wb_range() return tuple('{} C'.format(val) for val in self._wb_range) if not \ self.use_ip else tuple('{} F'.format(val) for val in self._wb_range) @property def wb_label_points(self): """Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the wet bulb labels on the chart.""" if self._wb_lines is None: self._compute_wb_range() return self._labels_points_from_lines(self._wb_lines) @property def wb_lines(self): """Get a tuple of LineSegment2Ds for the wet bulb temp labels on the chart.""" if self._wb_lines is None: self._compute_wb_range() return self._wb_lines @property def title_text(self): """Get text for the title of the chart.""" title_items = ['Time [hr]'] extra_data = [] if isinstance(self.temperature, self.ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS): extra_data = self.temperature.header.metadata.items() elif isinstance(self.relative_humidity, self.ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS): extra_data = self.relative_humidity.header.metadata.items() return '\n'.join(title_items + ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in extra_data]) @property def title_location(self): """Get a Point2D for the title of the chart.""" origin = self.container.upper_title_location.o return Point2D(origin.x, origin.y) @property def x_axis_text(self): """Get text for the X-axis label of the chart.""" unit = 'C' if not self.use_ip else 'F' if isinstance(self.temperature, self.ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS): if 'type' in self.temperature.header.metadata: return '{} [{}]'.format(self.temperature.header.metadata['type'], unit) else: return '{} [{}]'.format(self.temperature.header.data_type, unit) return 'Temperature [{}]'.format(unit) @property def x_axis_location(self): """Get a Point2D for the X-axis label of the chart.""" y_val = self._base_point.y - self.legend_parameters.text_height * 2.5 return Point2D(self.base_point.x, y_val) @property def y_axis_text(self): """Get text for the Y-axis label of the chart.""" unit = 'kg' if not self.use_ip else 'lb' return 'Humidity Ratio\n[{0} water / {0} air]'.format(unit) @property def y_axis_location(self): """Get a Point2D for the Y-axis label of the chart.""" x_val = self._container.max_point.x + self.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5 return Point2D(x_val, self._container.max_point.y) @property def data_points(self): """Get a tuple of Point2Ds for each of the temperature and humidity values.""" if self._data_points is None: p = self._average_pressure self._data_points = tuple( Point2D( self.t_x_value(t), self.hr_y_value(humid_ratio_from_db_rh(c, r, p))) for t, c, r in zip(self._t_values, self._t_values_c, self._rh_values)) return self._data_points @property def time_matrix(self): """Get a tuple of of tuples where each sub-tuple is a row of the mesh. Each value in the resulting matrix corresponds to the number of temperature/ humidity points in a given cell of the mesh. """ return tuple(tuple(row) for row in self._time_matrix) @property def hour_values(self): """Get a tuple for the number of hours associated with each colored_mesh face.""" return self._hour_values @property def colored_mesh(self): """Get a colored mesh for the number of hours for each part of the chart.""" if self._colored_mesh is None: self._colored_mesh = self._generate_mesh() return self._colored_mesh @property def legend(self): """The legend assigned to this graphic.""" return self._container._legend @property def container(self): """Get the GraphicContainer for the colored mesh.""" return self._container
[docs] def plot_point(self, temperature, relative_humidity): """Get a Point2D for a given temperature and relative humidity on the chart. Args: temperature: A temperature value, which should be in Celsius if use_ip is False and Fahrenheit is use_ip is True. relative_humidity: A relative humidity value in % (from 0 to 100). """ tc = temperature if not self.use_ip else \ self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([temperature], 'C', 'F')[0] hr = humid_ratio_from_db_rh(tc, relative_humidity, self.average_pressure) return Point2D(self.t_x_value(temperature), self.hr_y_value(hr))
[docs] def data_mesh(self, data_collection, legend_parameters=None): """Get a colored mesh for a data_collection aligned with the chart's data. Args: data_collection: A data collection that is aligned with the temperature and humidity values of the chart. legend_parameters: Optional legend parameters to customize the legend and look of the resulting mesh. Returns: A tuple with two values. - mesh: A colored Mesh2D similar to the chart's colored_mesh property but where each face is colored with the average value of the input data_collection. - container: A GraphicContainer object for the mesh, which possesses a legend that corresponds to the mesh. """ # check to be sure the data collection aligns data_vals = data_collection.values assert len(data_vals) == self._calc_length, 'Number of data collection values ' \ 'must match those of the psychometric chart temperature and humidity.' # create a matrix with a tally of the hours for all the data base_mtx = [[[] for val in self._t_category] for rh in self._rh_category] for t, rh, val in zip(self._t_values, self._rh_values, data_vals): if t < self._min_temperature or t > self._max_temperature: continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart for y, rh_cat in enumerate(self._rh_category): if rh < rh_cat: break for x, t_cat in enumerate(self._t_category): if t < t_cat: break base_mtx[y][x].append(val) # compute average values avg_values = [sum(val_list) / len(val_list) for rh_l in base_mtx for val_list in rh_l if len(val_list) != 0] # create the colored mesh and graphic container base_contain = self.container container = GraphicContainer( avg_values, base_contain.min_point, base_contain.max_point, legend_parameters, data_collection.header.data_type, data_collection.header.unit) self._process_legend_default(container.legend_parameters) mesh = self.colored_mesh.duplicate() # start with hour mesh as a base mesh.colors = container.value_colors return mesh, container
[docs] def relative_humidity_polyline(self, rh, subdivisions=1): """Get a Polyline2D for a given relative humidity value. Args: rh: A number between 0 and 100 for the relative humidity line to draw. subdivisions: Integer for the number of subdivisions for every 5 degrees. (Default: 1). """ # get the HR values and temperatures prs = self.average_pressure if subdivisions == 1: hr_vals = [humid_ratio_from_db_rh(t, rh, prs) for t in self._temp_range] x_vals = self._x_range else: # build up custom temperatures and HRs hr_vals = [humid_ratio_from_db_rh(self._temp_range[0], rh, prs)] x_vals = [self._x_range[0]] t_diff = (self._temp_range[1] - self._temp_range[0]) / subdivisions x_diff = (self._x_range[1] - self._x_range[0]) / subdivisions for i in range(len(self._temp_range) - 1): st_t, st_x = self._temp_range[i], self._x_range[i] for j in range(subdivisions): t = st_t + (j + 1) * t_diff hr_vals.append(humid_ratio_from_db_rh(t, rh, prs)) x_vals.append(st_x + (j + 1) * x_diff) # loop through the values and create the points pts = [] for i, (x, hr) in enumerate(zip(x_vals, hr_vals)): if hr < self._max_humidity_ratio: pts.append(Point2D(x, self.hr_y_value(hr))) else: # we're at the top of the chart; cut it off if abs(self._max_humidity_ratio - hr_vals[i - 1]) < 0.001: del pts[-1] # avoid the case of a bad interpolation last_db = db_temp_from_rh_hr( rh, self._max_humidity_ratio, self.average_pressure) last_db = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([last_db], 'F', 'C')[0] \ if self.use_ip else last_db x_val = self.t_x_value(last_db) pts.append(Point2D(x_val, self.hr_y_value(self._max_humidity_ratio))) break return Polyline2D(pts, interpolated=True)
[docs] def hr_y_value(self, humidity_ratio): """Get the Y-coordinate associated with a certain HR on the chart. Args: humidity_ratio: A humidity ratio value in kg water / kg air. """ return self.base_point.y + humidity_ratio * self._y_dim
[docs] def t_x_value(self, temperature): """Get the X-coordinate associated with a certain temperature on the chart. Args: temperature: A temperature value, which should be in Celsius if use_ip is False and Fahrenheit is use_ip is True. """ return self._base_point.x + self._x_dim * (temperature - self._min_temperature)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Get psychrometric chart as a dictionary.""" temp = self.temperature temp = temp.to_dict() if isinstance(temp, self.ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS) else temp rh = self.relative_humidity rh = rh.to_dict() if isinstance(rh, self.ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS) else rh return { 'temperature': temp, 'relative_humidity': rh, 'average_pressure': self.average_pressure, 'legend_parameters': self.legend_parameters.to_dict(), 'base_point': self.base_point.to_dict(), 'x_dim': self.x_dim, 'y_dim': self.y_dim, 'min_temperature': self.min_temperature, 'max_temperature': self.max_temperature, 'max_humidity_ratio': self.max_humidity_ratio, 'use_ip': self.use_ip, 'type': 'PsychrometricChart' }
def _compute_hour_values(self): """Compute the matrix of binned time values based on the chart inputs. Returns: A tuple with three values. - base_mtx: A full matrix with counts of values for each degree temperature and 5% RH of the chart. - mesh_values: A list of numbers for the values of the mesh. - remove_pattern: A list of booleans for which faces of the full mesh should be removed. """ # create a matrix with a tally of the hours for all the data base_mtx = [[0 for val in self._t_category] for rh in self._rh_category] for t, rh in zip(self._t_values, self._rh_values): if t < self._min_temperature or t > self._max_temperature: continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart for y, rh_cat in enumerate(self._rh_category): if rh < rh_cat: break for x, t_cat in enumerate(self._t_category): if t < t_cat: break base_mtx[y][x] += 1 # flatten the matrix and create a pattern to remove faces flat_values = [tc * self._time_multiplier for rh_l in base_mtx for tc in rh_l] remove_pattern = [val != 0 for val in flat_values] mesh_values = tuple(val for val in flat_values if val != 0) return base_mtx, mesh_values, remove_pattern def _generate_mesh(self): """Get the colored mesh from this object's hour values.""" # global properties used in the generation of the mesh prs = self.average_pressure t_per_row = [self._min_temperature] + self._t_category x_per_row = [self.t_x_value(t) for t in t_per_row] temp_in_c = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(t_per_row, 'C', 'F') \ if self.use_ip else t_per_row # loop through RH rows and create mesh vertices and faces vertices = [Point2D(x, self._base_point.y) for x in x_per_row] faces, vert_count, row_len = [], 0, len(t_per_row) for rh in self._rh_category: vert_count += row_len y1 = self.hr_y_value(humid_ratio_from_db_rh(temp_in_c[0], rh, prs)) vertices.append(Point2D(x_per_row[0], y1)) for i, t in enumerate(temp_in_c[1:]): y = self.hr_y_value(humid_ratio_from_db_rh(t, rh, prs)) vertices.append(Point2D(x_per_row[i + 1], y)) v1 = vert_count - row_len + i v2 = v1 + 1 v3 = vert_count + i + 1 v4 = v3 - 1 faces.append((v1, v2, v3, v4)) # create the Mesh2D, remove unused faces, and assign the colors mesh = Mesh2D(vertices, faces) mesh = mesh.remove_faces_only(self._remove_pattern) mesh.colors = self._container.value_colors return mesh def _compute_border(self): """Compute a Polyline2D for the outer border of the chart.""" # get properties used to establish the border of the chart prs, bpt, hmax = self.average_pressure, self.base_point, self.max_humidity_ratio max_hr = humid_ratio_from_db_rh(self._temp_range[-1], 100, prs) y_left = self.hr_y_value(humid_ratio_from_db_rh(self._temp_range[0], 100, prs)) y_right = self.hr_y_value(hmax) if max_hr > hmax else self.hr_y_value(max_hr) x_max = bpt.x + (self.max_temperature - self.min_temperature) * self._x_dim # get the points and build the polyline pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 = \ Point2D(bpt.x, y_left), bpt, Point2D(x_max, bpt.y), Point2D(x_max, y_right) if max_hr > hmax: return Polyline2D((pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, self._saturation_line[-1])) return Polyline2D((pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)) def _compute_enthalpy_range(self): """Compute the values for enthalpy range and lines.""" # constants used throughout the calculation low_y = self.base_point.y + 1e-6 up_y = self.hr_y_value(self._max_humidity_ratio) border, sat_line = self.chart_border, self._saturation_line all_enthalpies, ref_temp = tuple(range(0, 160, 10)), 0 enth_lbl = all_enthalpies if self.use_ip: enth_lbl = tuple(range(0, 65, 5)) all_enthalpies = self.ENTH_TYPE.to_unit(enth_lbl, 'kJ/kg', 'Btu/lb') ref_temp = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([0], 'C', 'F')[0] # loop through the enthalpies and compute the lines of constant enthalpy enth_range, enth_lines = [], [] for i, enthalpy in enumerate(all_enthalpies): st_db = db_temp_from_enth_hr(enthalpy, 0.0, ref_temp) end_db = db_temp_from_enth_hr(enthalpy, 0.03, ref_temp) if self.use_ip: st_db, end_db = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit((st_db, end_db), 'F', 'C') enth_line = LineSegment2D.from_end_points( Point2D(self.t_x_value(st_db), low_y), Point2D(self.t_x_value(end_db), up_y)) border_ints = border.intersect_line_ray(enth_line) if len(border_ints) == 2: enth_range.append(enth_lbl[i]) seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(border_ints[0], border_ints[1]) enth_lines.append(seg) else: sat_ints = sat_line.intersect_line_ray(enth_line) if len(sat_ints) != 0: enth_range.append(enth_lbl[i]) if len(border_ints) == 1: seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(border_ints[0], sat_ints[0]) else: seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(enth_line.p, sat_ints[0]) enth_lines.append(seg) # set the properties on this class self._enth_range = enth_range self._enth_lines = enth_lines def _compute_wb_range(self): """Compute the values for wet bulb range and lines.""" # constants used throughout the calculation low_y, border = self.base_point.y - 1e-6, self.chart_border all_wbs = wb_c = tuple(range(self._min_temperature, self._max_temperature, 5)) if self.use_ip: wb_c = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(wb_c, 'C', 'F') # loop through the wet bulb and compute the lines of constant wet bulb wb_range, wb_lines = [], [] for i, wb in enumerate(wb_c): st_db = db_temp_and_hr_from_wb_rh(wb, 0, self._average_pressure)[0] end_db, end_hr = db_temp_and_hr_from_wb_rh(wb, 100, self._average_pressure) if self.use_ip: st_db, end_db = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit((st_db, end_db), 'F', 'C') enth_line = LineSegment2D.from_end_points( Point2D(self.t_x_value(st_db), low_y), Point2D(self.t_x_value(end_db), self.hr_y_value(end_hr))) border_ints = border.intersect_line_ray(enth_line) if len(border_ints) == 2: wb_range.append(all_wbs[i]) seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(border_ints[0], border_ints[1]) wb_lines.append(seg) elif len(border_ints) == 1: wb_range.append(all_wbs[i]) seg = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(border_ints[0], enth_line.p2) wb_lines.append(seg) # set the properties on this class self._wb_range = wb_range self._wb_lines = wb_lines def _labels_points_from_lines(self, label_lines): """Extract label points from lines.""" move_vec = [] base_pts = [] for seg in label_lines: if seg.v.y < 0: move_vec.append(seg.v.reverse().normalize() * self._x_dim * 1.5) base_pts.append(seg.p1) else: move_vec.append(seg.v.normalize() * self._x_dim * 1.5) base_pts.append(seg.p2) return tuple(pt.move(vec) for pt, vec in zip(base_pts, move_vec)) def _process_legend_default(self, l_par): """Override the dimensions of the legend to ensure it fits the chart.""" min_pt, max_pt = self.container.min_point, self.container.max_point if l_par.vertical and l_par.is_segment_height_default: l_par.properties_3d.segment_height = (max_pt.y - min_pt.y) / 20 l_par.properties_3d._is_segment_height_default = True elif l_par.vertical and l_par.is_segment_height_default: l_par.properties_3d.segment_width = (max_pt.x - min_pt.x) / 20 l_par.properties_3d._is_segment_width_default = True def _check_input(self, data_coll, dat_type, unit, name): """Check an input that can be either a number or a Data Collection.""" if isinstance(data_coll, self.ACCEPTABLE_COLLECTIONS): self._check_datacoll(data_coll, dat_type, unit, name) return data_coll.values else: try: # assume that it's a single number value = float(data_coll) return [value] * self._calc_length except (ValueError, TypeError): raise TypeError('{} must be either a number or a hourly/daily data ' 'collection. Got {}'.format(name, type(data_coll))) def _check_datacoll(self, data_coll, dat_type, unit, name): """Check the data type and units of a Data Collection.""" assert isinstance(data_coll.header.data_type, dat_type) and \ data_coll.header.unit == unit, '{} must be {} in {}. ' \ 'Got {} in {}'.format(name, dat_type().name, unit,, data_coll.header.unit) if isinstance(data_coll, DailyCollection): self._time_multiplier = 24 else: # it's an hourly or sub-hourly collection self._time_multiplier = 1 / data_coll.header.analysis_period.timestep self._calc_length = len(data_coll) @staticmethod def _check_number(value, value_name): """Check a given value for a dimension input.""" try: value = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise TypeError('Expected number for Psychrometric Chart {}. ' 'Got {}.'.format(value_name, type(value))) assert value > 0, 'Psychrometric Chart {} must be greater than 0. ' \ 'Got {}.'.format(value_name, value) return value def __len__(self): """Return length of values on the object.""" return len(self._t_values) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a tuple of temperature and humidity.""" return self._t_values[key], self._rh_values[key] def __iter__(self): """Iterate through the values.""" return zip(self._t_values, self._rh_values)
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Psychrometric Chart representation.""" return 'Psychrometric Chart: {} values'.format(len(self._t_values))