dragonfly_energy.opendss.result module

Module for parsing OpenDSS results to data collections.

class dragonfly_energy.opendss.result.OpenDSSResult(file_paths)[source]

Bases: object

Object for parsing OpenDSS CSV result files into Ladybug DataCollections.


file_paths – A list of file paths to CSV files that were generated by OpenDSS.

  • file_paths

  • factor_data

  • condition_data

  • peak_factors

  • average_factors


Overwrite .NET ToString.

IS_OVERLOADED = Is Overloaded
VOLTAGE_CONDITION = Voltage Condition
property average_factors

Get a list of numbers for the average factors across the data.

property condition_data

Get a tuple of conditions associated with the input file paths.

property factor_data

Get a tuple of loading factors associated with the input file paths.

property file_paths

Get a tuple of file paths to CSV files.

property peak_factors

Get a list of numbers for the peak factors across the data.