honeybee_radiance_command.dctimestep module

Dctimestep command.

class honeybee_radiance_command.dctimestep.Dctimestep(options=None, output=None, sky_vector=None, sun_vector=None, day_coef_matrix=None, sun_coef_matrix=None, view_matrix=None, t_matrix=None, daylight_matrix=None, facade_matrix=None, study_type=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee_radiance_command._command.Command

“Dctimestep command.

This class should ideally be accessed through one of the four classmethods defined for it. Accessing through class method ensures that the _study_type variable is appropriately set and all the tests in the validation method are run properly.

Dctimestep computes annual simulation time steps via matrix-multiplication. Dctimestep has two invocation forms. In the first form, dctimestep is given a daylight coefficient specification and an optional sky vector or matrix, which may be read from the standard input if unspecified. The daylight coefficients are multiplied against these sky values and the results are written to the standard output. This may be a list of color values or a combined Radiance image, as explained below. In the second form, dctimestep takes four input files, forming a matrix expression. The first argument is the View matrix file that specifies how window output directions are related to some set of measured values, such as an array of illuminance points or images.

  • options – Dctimestep options. It will be set to Radiance default values if unspecified.

  • output – Path to the output matrix file. This should not be set if the output file(s) has already been defined through the -o option in DctimestepOptions.

  • sky_vector – Path to the input sky_vector file, generated by gendaymtx or genskyvec that is required for daylight coefficient, direct-daylight-coefficient three-phase, three-phase-direct and four-phase-direct simulations.

  • sun_vector – Path to the input sun_vector file, generated by gendaymtx or genskyvec that is required for daylight coefficient, direct-daylight-coefficient three-phase, three-phase-direct and four-phase-direct simulations.

  • day_coef_matrix – Path to the input daylight coefficient matrix file, generated by rfluxmtx.

  • sun_coef_matrix – Path to the input sun_coefficient matrix file, generated by rcontrib or rfluxmtx.

  • view_matrix – Path to the input view matrix, created by rfluxmtx, for three-phase, four-phase, three-phase-direct and four-phase-direct simulations.

  • t_matrix – Path to the input t (transmission matrix) BSDF file in xml format.

  • daylight_matrix – Path to the input daylight matrix, created by rfluxmtx, for three-phase, four-phase, three-phase-direct and four-phase-direct + simulations.

  • facade_matrix – Path to the input facade matrix, created by rfluxmtx, for four-phase and four-phase-direct simulations.

  • options

  • output

  • sky_vector

  • sun_vector

  • day_coef_matrix

  • sun_coef_matrix

  • facade_matrix

  • view_matrix

  • daylight_matrix

  • t_matrix


After run script.

Overwrite this method to add extra tasks that runs right after run method.

classmethod daylight_coef_calc(options=None, output=None, sky_vector=None, day_coef_matrix=None)[source]

Return a class instance explicitly for daylight coefficient calcs

classmethod direct_sun_calc(options=None, output=None, sun_vector=None, sun_coef_matrix=None)[source]

Return a class instance explicitly for sun coefficient calcs


Enclose command in quotes and exclamation point (‘!’). This method should be used when reading the input of a command from another Radiance command.

Example: rmtxop -c 47.4 119.9 11.6 “!rmtxop view transmission daylight sky” > output

classmethod four_phase_calc(options=None, output=None, sky_vector=None, view_matrix=None, t_matrix=None, facade_matrix=None, daylight_matrix=None)[source]

Return a class instance explicitly for three phase calcs

run(env=None, cwd=None)

Run command as a subprocess.

  • env – Environmental variables (default: None).

  • cwd – Working directory (Default: ‘.’).


Command return code.

Return type

  • int

classmethod three_phase_calc(options=None, output=None, sky_vector=None, view_matrix=None, t_matrix=None, daylight_matrix=None)[source]

Return a class instance explicitly for three phase calcs


Command in Radiance format.


Overwrite this method to add extra specific checks for the command. For instance for rcontrib you want to make sure there is at least one modifier set in the command.

This method will be executed right before running the command.

property command
property day_coef_matrix

Daylight coefficient matrix file

property daylight_matrix

Daylight matrix file that is meant for three or four phase simulations.

property facade_matrix

Facade matrix file that is meant for four phase simulations.

property options

dctimestep options.

property output

output file.

property pipe_to

Second command to pipe the outputs from this command.

property sky_vector

Sky vector file that is meant for daylight coefficient and three phase simulations. This is typically generated by gendaymtx or genskyvec

property sun_coef_matrix

Sun matrix file that is meant for direct sun calculations

property sun_vector

Sun vector file that is meant for direct sun calculations. This is typically generated by gendaymtx or genskyvec

property t_matrix

Transmission matrix file that is a data-driven BSDF. Typical format is xml

property view_matrix

View matrix file used for three phase and four phase simulations. Generated by rfluxmtx.