honeybee_radiance_command.options.psign module

class honeybee_radiance_command.options.psign.PsignOptions[source]

Bases: honeybee_radiance_command.options.optionbase.OptionCollection

psign command options.

Also see: https://floyd.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/psign.1.html

to_file(folder, file_name, mkdir=False)

Write options to a file.


Translate options to Radiance format.


Update options from a standard radiance string.

If the option is not currently part of the collection, it will be added to additional_options.

property a



Character aspect ratio (height/width) - default

property cb

(1, 1, 1) for white


Background RGB color - default

property cf

(0, 0, 0) for black


Foreground RGB color - default

property command

Command name.

property dd



Text reads downwards - default

property dl



Text reads to the left - default

property dr



Text reads to the right - default

property du



Text reads upwards - default

property f

Font file - default lib/helvet.fnt

property h

32 pixels


Character height - default

property options

Print out list of options.

property s


The magnitude of this value is multiplied by the character height over the aspect ratio (ie. the character width) to compute the desired distance between characters in the output. The sign of the value, positive or negative, determines how this ideal spacing is used in the actual placement of characters. If spacing is positive, then the overall width of the line will not be affected, nor will indentation of textual elements. Thus, the text format will be mostly unaffected. However, spacing between characters will reflect their relative size for a more natural appearance. If spacing is negative, characters will be squeezed together to meet the spacing criterion, regardless of how it might affect the format of the output. The default value for spacing is zero, which is interpreted as uniformly spaced characters.


Character spacing - default

property slots

Return slots including the ones from the baseclass if any.

property x

Horizontal image size in pixels

Use with −y option in place of the −h specification to control output image size directly. If the character aspect ratio (−a option, above) is non-zero, then one of the specified x or y output dimensions may be reduced to maintain this ratio. If direction is right (−dr) or left (−dl), then it is not necessary to give the −y option, since it can be computed from the character height (−h).

property y

Vertical image size in pixels

Use with the −x option. If direction is up (−du) or down (−dd), then it is not necessary to give the −x option, since it can be computed from the character height (−h).