honeybee_radiance_command.options.falsecolor module

class honeybee_radiance_command.options.falsecolor.FalsecolorOptions[source]

Bases: honeybee_radiance_command.options.optionbase.OptionCollection

falsecolor options.

Also see: https://floyd.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/falsecolor.1.html

to_file(folder, file_name, mkdir=False)

Write options to a file.


Translate options to Radiance format.


Update options from a standard radiance string.

If the option is not currently part of the collection, it will be added to additional_options.

property b

Blue channel mapping as an expression of ‘v’

The expression must be of the variable v, where v varies from 0 to 1. This option is not recommended for the casual user.

property cb


The thickness of the bands is related to the rate of change in the image. Note that contour bands are used instead of creating a falsecolor image.


Draw contour bands - default

property cl


Note that contour lines are used instead of creating a falsecolor image.


Draw contour lines - default

property command

Command name.

property e


Extrema are the brightest and darkest pixels of the input picture.


Print extrema min/max pixels - default

property g

Green channel mapping as an expression of ‘v’

The expression must be of the variable v, where v varies from 0 to 1. This option is not recommended for the casual user.

property l


The default label of “Nits” is appropriate for standard Radiance images. If the -i option of rpict was used to produce the image, then the appropriate label would be “Lux”.


Text for the legend label - default

property lh


A value of zero in either eliminates the legend in the output.


Legend height in pixels - default

property log

Number of decades to use with a logarithmic legend scale

Decades are the number of intervale of 10 below the maximum scale. If unspecified, a linear scale is used.

property lw


A value of zero in either eliminates the legend in the output.


Legend width in pixels - default

property m


The default multiplier is 179, which converts from radiance or irradiance to luminance or illuminance, respectively.


Legend multiplier (integer) - default

property n


Note that this also changes the corresponding legend entries.


Number of contours - default

property odim

“X and Y grid dimensions for value overlay.

The expression must be a tuple with two integer values.

property options

Print out list of options.

property p

Picture file path over which contour lines will be placed

property pal


  • ‘def’ sets default colors.

  • ‘pm3d’ sets a variation of the default colors.

  • ‘spec’ sets the old spectral mapping.

  • ‘hot’ sets a thermal scale.


Image and legend color palette - default

property r

Red channel mapping as an expression of ‘v’

The expression must be of the variable v, where v varies from 0 to 1. This option is not recommended for the casual user.

property s


If the argument given begins with an “a” for “auto,” then the maximum is used for scaling the result.


Legend scale - default

property slots

Return slots including the ones from the baseclass if any.