ladybug_display.extension.radrose module

Method to draw a RadiationRose as a VisualizationSet.

ladybug_display.extension.radrose.radiation_rose_to_vis_set(radiation_rose, max_rad=None, show_components=False, include_title=True)[source]

Translate radiation rose geometry into a format suitable for Rhino.

  • radiation_rose – A Ladybug-Radiance RadiationRose object.

  • max_rad – An optional number to set the level of radiation or irradiance associated with the full radius of the rose. If None, this is determined by the maximum level of radiation in the input data but a number can be specified here to fix this at a specific value. This is particularly useful when comparing different roses to one another. (Default: None).

  • show_components – Boolean to indicate whether only one rose with total radiation should be displayed (False) or three roses with the solar radiation components (total, direct, and diffuse) should be shown. (Default: False).

  • include_title – Boolean to note whether the title should be included in the output visualization. (Default: True).


A VisualizationSet with the radiation rose represented as ContextGeometries and an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects in the following order.

  • Compass – A ContextGeometry for the Compass at the base of the rose.

  • Orientation_Lines – A ContextGeometry with lines representing the

    edges (or “spokes”) of the wind rose directions.

  • Title – A ContextGeometry with text for the title of the rose.

    This layer will be excluded if include_title is False.

  • Radiation_Data – An AnalysisGeometry for the radiation rose data.