ladybug_display.extension.windprofile module

Method to draw a WindProfile as a VisualizationSet.

ladybug_display.extension.windprofile.wind_profile_to_vis_set(profile, meteorological_wind_speed=5, direction=None, legend_parameters=None, base_point=Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), max_height=30, vector_spacing=2, vector_length_dimension=5, vector_height_dimension=1, max_speed=None, scale_factor=1, feet_labels=False)[source]

Get a Ladybug WindProfile represented as a VisualizationSet.

  • profile – A Ladybug WindProfile object.

  • meteorological_wind_speed – A number for the meteorological wind speed [m/s]. This is usually for a point in time or it is the average wind speed over a range of times. (Default: 5).

  • direction – An optional number between 0 and 360 that represents the cardinal direction that the wind profile is facing in the XY plane. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West. Note that this should already account for any difference between true North and project North, which simply involves subtracting the counterclockwise north angle from the wind direction. If None, the wind profile will simply be placed in the XY plane. (Default: None).

  • legend_parameters – Optional LegendParameters to change the display of the wind profile arrows.

  • base_point – A ladybug-geometry Point3D that represents the ground location of the wind profile. (Default, (0, 0, 0)).

  • max_height – A number in meters to specify the maximum height of the wind profile curve. (Default: 30 meters).

  • vector_spacing – A number in meters to specify the difference in height between each of the mesh arrows. (Default 2 meters).

  • vector_length_dimension – A number to denote the length dimension of a 1 m/s wind vector in meters. (Default: 5).

  • vector_height_dimension – A number to denote the height dimension of the wind vector in meters. (Default: 1).

  • max_speed – A number for the maximum wind speed along the speed axis in [m/s]. If None, it will be set automatically by the wind profile maximum value. (Default: None).

  • scale_factor – An optional number that will be multiplied by all dimensions to account for the fact that the wind profile may be displaying in a units system other than meters. (Default: 1).

  • feet_labels – A boolean to note whether the text labels on the height axis should be in feet (True) or meters (False). (Default: False).


A VisualizationSet with the wind profile represented several ContextGeometries and an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects in the following order.

  • Arrows – An AnalysisGeometry of colored mesh objects that represent

    the wind speeds along the height of the wind profile.

  • Profile – A Polyline outlining the wind speed as it changes

    with height.

  • Speed_Axis – A ContextGeometry of line segments and text objects

    that mark the X axis, which relates to the wind speed in (m/s).

  • Height_Axis – A ContextGeometry of line segments and text objects

    that mark the Y axis, which relates to the the height above the ground.