ladybug_display.extension.windrose module

Method to draw a WindRose as a VisualizationSet.

ladybug_display.extension.windrose.wind_rose_to_vis_set(windrose, z=0, frequency_labels=True)[source]

Get a Ladybug WindRose represented as a VisualizationSet.

  • windrose – A Ladybug WindRose object.

  • z – A number for the Z-coordinate to be used in translation. (Default: 0).

  • frequency_labels – A boolean to note whether frequency labels should be included in the output visualization. (Default: True).


A VisualizationSet with the wind rose represented several ContextGeometries and an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects in the following order.

  • Compass – A ContextGeometry for the Compass at the base of the wind rose.

  • Orientation_Lines – A ContextGeometry with lines representing the

    edges (or “spokes”) of the wind rose directions.

  • Frequency_Lines – A ContextGeometry with polygons representing

    the frequency intervals of the wind rose.

  • Analysis_Data – An AnalysisGeometry for the wind rose data.