Source code for ladybug_rhino.bakegeometry

"""Functions to bake from Ladybug geometries into a Rhino document."""
from .fromgeometry import from_point2d, from_arc2d, from_polyline2d, from_mesh2d, \
    from_point3d, from_plane, from_arc3d, from_polyline3d, \
    from_mesh3d, from_face3d, from_polyface3d, from_sphere, from_cone, from_cylinder
from .color import color_to_color, gray

    from System.Drawing import Color
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError("Failed to import Windows/.NET libraries\n{}".format(e))

    import Rhino.Geometry as rg
    from Rhino import RhinoMath
    import Rhino.DocObjects as docobj
    from Rhino import RhinoDoc as rhdoc
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError("Failed to import Rhino document attributes.\n{}".format(e))

"""____________BAKE 2D GEOMETRY TO THE RHINO SCENE____________"""

[docs]def bake_vector2d(vector, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Ray2D to the Rhino scene as a Line with an Arrowhead.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc seg = (rg.Point3d(0, 0, z), rg.Point3d(vector.x, vector.y, z)) attrib = _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes) attrib.ObjectDecoration = docobj.ObjectDecoration.EndArrowhead return doc.Objects.AddLine(seg[0], seg[1], attrib)
[docs]def bake_point2d(point, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Point2D to the Rhino scene as a Point.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc pt = from_point2d(point, z) return doc.Objects.AddPoint(pt, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_ray2d(ray, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Ray2D to the Rhino scene as a Line with an Arrowhead.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc seg = (from_point2d(ray.p, z), from_point2d(ray.p + ray.v, z)) attrib = _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes) attrib.ObjectDecoration = docobj.ObjectDecoration.EndArrowhead return doc.Objects.AddLine(seg[0], seg[1], attrib)
[docs]def bake_linesegment2d(line, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug LineSegment2D to the Rhino scene as a Line.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc seg = (from_point2d(line.p1, z), from_point2d(line.p2, z)) return doc.Objects.AddLine(seg[0], seg[1], _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_polygon2d(polygon, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Polygon2D to the Rhino scene as a Polyline.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc pgon = [from_point2d(pt, z) for pt in polygon.vertices] + \ [from_point2d(polygon[0], z)] return doc.Objects.AddPolyline(pgon, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_arc2d(arc, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Arc2D to the Rhino scene as an Arc or a Circle.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_arc = from_arc2d(arc, z) if arc.is_circle: return doc.Objects.AddCircle(rh_arc, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes)) else: return doc.Objects.AddArc(rh_arc, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_polyline2d(polyline, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Polyline2D to the Rhino scene as a Curve.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_crv = from_polyline2d(polyline, z) return doc.Objects.AddCurve(rh_crv, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_mesh2d(mesh, z=0, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Mesh2D to the Rhino scene as a Mesh.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc _mesh = from_mesh2d(mesh, z) return doc.Objects.AddMesh(_mesh, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
"""____________BAKE 3D GEOMETRY TO THE RHINO SCENE____________"""
[docs]def bake_vector3d(vector, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Ray2D to the Rhino scene as a Line with an Arrowhead.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc seg = (rg.Point3d(0, 0, 0), rg.Point3d(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z)) attrib = _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes) attrib.ObjectDecoration = docobj.ObjectDecoration.EndArrowhead return doc.Objects.AddLine(seg[0], seg[1], attrib)
[docs]def bake_point3d(point, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Point3D to the Rhino scene as a Point.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc pt = from_point3d(point) return doc.Objects.AddPoint(pt, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_ray3d(ray, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Ray2D to the Rhino scene as a Line with an Arrowhead.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc seg = (from_point3d(ray.p), from_point3d(ray.p + ray.v)) attrib = _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes) attrib.ObjectDecoration = docobj.ObjectDecoration.EndArrowhead return doc.Objects.AddLine(seg[0], seg[1], attrib)
[docs]def bake_plane(plane, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Plane to the Rhino scene as a Rectangle.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_pln = from_plane(plane) r = 10 # default radius for a plane object in rhino model units interval = rg.Interval(-r / 2, r / 2) rect = rg.Rectangle3d(rh_pln, interval, interval) return doc.Objects.AddRectangle(rect, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_linesegment3d(line, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug LineSegment3D to the Rhino scene as a Line.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc seg = (from_point3d(line.p1), from_point3d(line.p2)) return doc.Objects.AddLine(seg[0], seg[1], _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_arc3d(arc, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Arc3D to the Rhino scene as an Arc or Circle.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_arc = from_arc3d(arc) if arc.is_circle: return doc.Objects.AddCircle(rh_arc, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes)) else: return doc.Objects.AddArc(rh_arc, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_polyline3d(polyline, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Polyline3D to the Rhino scene as a Curve.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_crv = from_polyline3d(polyline) return doc.Objects.AddCurve(rh_crv, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_mesh3d(mesh, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Mesh3D to the Rhino scene as a Mesh.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc _mesh = from_mesh3d(mesh) return doc.Objects.AddMesh(_mesh, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_face3d(face, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Face3D to the Rhino scene as a Brep.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc _face = from_face3d(face) return doc.Objects.AddBrep(_face, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_polyface3d(polyface, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Polyface3D to the Rhino scene as a Brep.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_polyface = from_polyface3d(polyface) return doc.Objects.AddBrep(rh_polyface, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_sphere(sphere, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Sphere to the Rhino scene as a Brep.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_sphere = from_sphere(sphere).ToBrep() return doc.Objects.AddBrep(rh_sphere, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_cone(cone, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Cone to the Rhino scene as a Brep.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_cone = from_cone(cone).ToBrep() return doc.Objects.AddBrep(rh_cone, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_cylinder(cylinder, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Cylinder to the Rhino scene as a Brep.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc rh_cylinder = from_cylinder(cylinder).ToBrep() return doc.Objects.AddBrep(rh_cylinder, _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes))
[docs]def bake_mesh3d_as_hatch(mesh, layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Add ladybug Mesh3D to the Rhino scene as a colored hatch.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc # get a list of colors that align with the mesh faces if mesh.colors is not None: if mesh.is_color_by_face: colors = [color_to_color(col) for col in mesh.colors] else: # compute the average color across the vertices colors, v_cols = [], mesh.colors for face in mesh.faces: red = int(sum(v_cols[f].r for f in face) / len(face)) green = int(sum(v_cols[f].g for f in face) / len(face)) blue = int(sum(v_cols[f].b for f in face) / len(face)) colors.append(Color.FromArgb(255, red, green, blue)) else: colors = [gray()] * len(mesh.faces) # create hatches from each of the faces and get an aligned list of colors hatches, hatch_colors = [], [] vertices = mesh.vertices for face, color in zip(mesh.faces, colors): f_verts = [from_point3d(vertices[f]) for f in face] f_verts.append(f_verts[0]) p_line = rg.PolylineCurve(f_verts) if p_line.IsPlanar(): hatches.append(rg.Hatch.Create(p_line, 0, 0, 0)[0]) hatch_colors.append(color) elif len(face) == 4: p_line_1 = rg.PolylineCurve(f_verts[:3] + [f_verts[0]]) p_line_2 = rg.PolylineCurve(f_verts[-3:] + [f_verts[-3]]) hatches.append(rg.Hatch.Create(p_line_1, 0, 0, 0)[0]) hatches.append(rg.Hatch.Create(p_line_2, 0, 0, 0)[0]) hatch_colors.extend((color, color)) # bake the hatches into the scene guids = [] for hatch, color in zip(hatches, hatch_colors): attribs = _get_attributes(layer_name, attributes) attribs.ColorSource = docobj.ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject attribs.ObjectColor = color guids.append(doc.Objects.AddHatch(hatch, attribs)) # group the hatches so that they are easy to handle in the Rhino scene group_t = doc.Groups docobj.Tables.GroupTable.Add(group_t, guids) return guids
"""________________EXTRA HELPER FUNCTIONS________________""" def _get_attributes(layer_name=None, attributes=None): """Get Rhino object attributes.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc attributes = doc.CreateDefaultAttributes() if attributes is None else attributes if layer_name is None: return attributes elif isinstance(layer_name, int): attributes.LayerIndex = layer_name elif layer_name is not None: attributes.LayerIndex = _get_layer(layer_name) return attributes def _get_layer(layer_name): """Get a layer index from the Rhino document from the layer name.""" doc = rhdoc.ActiveDoc layer_table = doc.Layers # layer table layer_index = layer_table.FindByFullPath(layer_name, RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex) if layer_index == RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex: all_layers = layer_name.split('::') parent_name = all_layers[0] layer_index = layer_table.FindByFullPath(parent_name, RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex) if layer_index == RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex: parent_layer = docobj.Layer() parent_layer.Name = parent_name layer_index = layer_table.Add(parent_layer) for lay in all_layers[1:]: parent_name = '{}::{}'.format(parent_name, lay) parent_index = layer_index layer_index = layer_table.FindByFullPath( parent_name, RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex) if layer_index == RhinoMath.UnsetIntIndex: parent_layer = docobj.Layer() parent_layer.Name = lay parent_layer.ParentLayerId = layer_table[parent_index].Id layer_index = layer_table.Add(parent_layer) return layer_index