Source code for ladybug_rhino.openstudio

"""Functions for importing OpenStudio into the Python environment."""
import os
import shutil
import sys

    import clr
except ImportError as e:  # No .NET being used
    print('Failed to import CLR. OpenStudio SDK is unavailable.\n{}'.format(e))

    from honeybee_energy.config import folders
except ImportError as e:
    print('Failed to import honeybee_energy. '
          'OpenStudio SDK is unavailable.\n{}'.format(e))

[docs]def load_osm(osm_path): """Load an OSM file to an OpenStudio SDK Model object in the Python environment. Args: osm_path: The path to an OSM file to be loaded an an OpenStudio Model. Returns: An OpenStudio Model object derived from the input osm_path. Usage: .. code-block:: python from ladybug_rhino.openstudio import load_osm # load an OpenStudio model from an OSM file osm_path = 'C:/path/to/model.osm' os_model = load_osm(osm_path) # get the space types from the model os_space_types = os_model.getSpaceTypes() for spt in os_space_types: print(spt) """ # check that the file exists and OpenStudio is installed assert os.path.isfile(osm_path), 'No OSM file was found at "{}".'.format(osm_path) ops = import_openstudio() # load the model object and return it os_path = ops.OpenStudioUtilitiesCore.toPath(osm_path) osm_path_obj = ops.Path(os_path) exist_os_model = ops.Model.load(osm_path_obj) if exist_os_model.is_initialized(): return exist_os_model.get() else: raise ValueError( 'The file at "{}" does not appear to be an OpenStudio model.'.format( osm_path ))
[docs]def dump_osm(model, osm_path): """Dump an OpenStudio Model object to an OSM file. Args: model: An OpenStudio Model to be written to a file. osm_path: The path of the .osm file where the OpenStudio Model will be saved. Returns: The path to the .osm file as a string. Usage: .. code-block:: python from ladybug_rhino.openstudio import load_osm, dump_osm # load an OpenStudio model from an OSM file osm_path = 'C:/path/to/model.osm' model = load_osm(osm_path) # get all of the SetpointManagers and set their properties setpt_managers = model.getSetpointManagerOutdoorAirResets() for setpt in setpt_managers: setpt.setSetpointatOutdoorLowTemperature(19) setpt.setOutdoorLowTemperature(12) setpt.setSetpointatOutdoorHighTemperature(16) setpt.setOutdoorHighTemperature(22) # save the edited OSM over the original one osm = dump_osm(model, osm_path) """ # check that the model is the correct object type ops = import_openstudio() assert isinstance(model, ops.Model), \ 'Expected OpenStudio Model. Got {}.'.format(type(model)) # load the model object and return it os_path = ops.OpenStudioUtilitiesCore.toPath(osm_path) osm_path_obj = ops.Path(os_path), True) return osm_path
[docs]def import_openstudio(): """Import the OpenStudio SDK into the Python environment. Returns: The OpenStudio NameSpace with all of the modules, classes and methods of the OpenStudio SDK. Usage: .. code-block:: python from ladybug_rhino.openstudio import import_openstudio, dump_osm OpenStudio = import_openstudio() # create a new OpenStudio model from scratch os_model = OpenStudio.Model() space_type = OpenStudio.SpaceType(os_model) # save the Model to an OSM osm_path = 'C:/path/to/model.osm' osm = dump_osm(os_model, osm_path) """ try: # first see if OpenStudio has already been loaded import OpenStudio return OpenStudio except ImportError: # check to be sure that the OpenStudio CSharp folder has been installed compatibility_url = '' \ '1.4-Compatibility-Matrix' in_msg = 'Download and install the version of OpenStudio listed in the ' \ 'Ladybug Tools compatibility matrix\n{}.'.format(compatibility_url) assert folders.openstudio_path is not None, \ 'No OpenStudio installation was found on this machine.\n{}'.format(in_msg) assert folders.openstudio_csharp_path is not None, \ 'No OpenStudio CSharp folder was found in the OpenStudio installation ' \ 'at:\n{}'.format(os.path.dirname(folders.openstudio_path)) _copy_openstudio_lib() # add the OpenStudio DLL to the Common Language Runtime (CLR) os_dll = os.path.join(folders.openstudio_csharp_path, 'OpenStudio.dll') clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath(os_dll) if folders.openstudio_csharp_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(folders.openstudio_csharp_path) import OpenStudio return OpenStudio
def _copy_openstudio_lib(): """Copy the openstudiolib.dll into the CSharp folder. This is a workaround that is necessary because the OpenStudio installer does not install the CSharp bindings correctly. """ # see if the CSharp folder already has everything it needs dest_file = os.path.join(folders.openstudio_csharp_path, 'openstudiolib.dll') if os.path.isfile(dest_file): return None # if not, see if the openstudio_lib_path has the file that needs to be copied base_msg = 'The OpenStudio CSharp path at "{}" lacks the openstudiolib.dll'.format( folders.openstudio_csharp_path) assert os.path.isdir(folders.openstudio_lib_path), \ '{}\nand there is no OpenStudio Lib installed.'.format(base_msg) src_file = os.path.join(folders.openstudio_lib_path, 'openstudiolib.dll') assert os.path.isfile(src_file), \ '{}\nand this file was not found at "{}".'.format(base_msg, src_file) # copy the DLL if it exists shutil.copy(src_file, dest_file)