dragonfly.room2d module¶
Dragonfly Room2D.
- class dragonfly.room2d.Room2D(identifier, floor_geometry, floor_to_ceiling_height, boundary_conditions=None, window_parameters=None, shading_parameters=None, is_ground_contact=False, is_top_exposed=False, tolerance=0)[source]¶
A volume defined by an extruded floor plate, representing a single room or space.
- Parameters:
identifier – Text string for a unique Room2D ID. Must be < 100 characters and not contain any spaces or special characters.
floor_geometry – A single horizontal Face3D object representing the floor plate of the Room. Note that this Face3D must be horizontal to be valid.
floor_to_ceiling_height – A number for the height above the floor where the ceiling begins. This should be in the same units system as the input floor_geometry. Typical values range from 3 to 5 meters.
boundary_conditions – A list of boundary conditions that match the number of segments in the input floor_geometry. These will be used to assign boundary conditions to each of the walls of the Room in the resulting model. If None, all boundary conditions will be Outdoors or Ground depending on whether ceiling of the room is below 0 (the assumed ground plane). Default: None.
window_parameters – A list of WindowParameter objects that dictate how the window geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, no windows will exist over the entire Room2D. Default: None.
shading_parameters – A list of ShadingParameter objects that dictate how the shade geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, no shades will exist over the entire Room2D. Default: None.
is_ground_contact – A boolean noting whether this Room2D has its floor in contact with the ground. Default: False.
is_top_exposed – A boolean noting whether this Room2D has its ceiling exposed to the outdoors. Default: False.
tolerance – The maximum difference between z values at which point vertices are considered to be in the same horizontal plane. This is used to check that all vertices of the input floor_geometry lie in the same horizontal floor plane. Default is 0, which will not perform any check.
- Properties:
- ToString()¶
Overwrite .NET ToString.
- add_prefix(prefix)[source]¶
Change the identifier of this object by inserting a prefix.
This is particularly useful in workflows where you duplicate and edit a starting object and then want to combine it with the original object into one Model (like making a model of repeated rooms) since all objects within a Model must have unique identifiers.
- Parameters:
prefix – Text that will be inserted at the start of this object’s (and child segments’) identifier and display_name. It is recommended that this prefix be short to avoid maxing out the 100 allowable characters for dragonfly identifiers.
- align(line_ray, distance)[source]¶
Move any Room2D vertices within a given distance of a line to be on that line.
This is useful to clean up cases where wall segments have a lot of zig zags in them.
All properties assigned to the Room2D will be preserved and the number of vertices will remain constant. This means that this method can often create duplicate vertices and it might be desirable to run the remove_duplicate_vertices method after running this one.
- Parameters:
line_ray – A ladybug_geometry Ray2D or LineSegment2D to which the Room2D vertices will be aligned. Ray2Ds will be interpreted as being infinite in both directions while LineSegment2Ds will be interpreted as only existing between two points.
distance – The maximum distance between a vertex and the line_ray where the vertex will be moved to lie on the line_ray. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
- apply_vertex_map(vertex_map)[source]¶
Apply a vertex map to this Room2D’s vertices.
Vertex maps are helpful for restoring vertices in Room2D geometry after performing a series of complex operations. For example, when performing a series of operations that edit the geometry in relation to a plane, a Room2D.unconforming_vertex_map() can be generated to put back the vertices that did not relate to the plane of the grid.
- Parameters:
vertex_map – A list of lists where each sub-list represents a loop of the Room2D floor_geometry. The first sub-list represents the boundary and subsequent sub-lists represent holes. Each item in each sub-list represents a vertex. If a given vertex on this Room2D is to be left as it is, it should be represented as None in the sub-list. Otherwise, the Point3D to replace the vertex on this Room2D should appear in the sub-list.
- assign_sub_faces(sub_faces, projection_distance=0, tolerance=0.01, angle_tolerance=1.0)[source]¶
Assign a list of orphaned SubFaces (Apertures and Doors) to this Room2D.
The geometry of the SubFaces will automatically be converted to WindowParameters in the plane of each wall segment and appropriate is_door properties will be used to denote whether the projected SubFace is an Aperture vs. a Door.
- Parameters:
sub_faces – A list of orphaned Honeybee Apertures and/or Doors to be assigned to this Room2D as WindowParameters and/or SkylightParameters. Large lists of all Apertures/Doors in a building can be plugged in here since fast bounding box checks are used to rule out any un-applicable geometries.
projection_distance – An optional number to be used to project the Aperture/Door geometry onto parent wall segments. If specified, then SubFaces within this distance of the parent wall will be projected and added. Otherwise, Apertures/Doors will only be added if they are coplanar with the parent wall segment.
tolerance – The minimum difference in coordinate values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
angle_tolerance – The max angle difference in degrees that wall segments and sub-faces can differ from one another in order for the sub-face to be projected onto the geometry. (Default: 1).
- check_degenerate(tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True, detailed=False)[source]¶
Check whether the Room2D’s floor geometry is degenerate with zero area.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
raise_exception – If True, a ValueError will be raised if the object intersects with itself. (Default: True).
detailed – Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
- Returns:
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
- check_horizontal(tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True)[source]¶
Check whether the Room2D’s floor geometry is horizontal within a tolerance.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The maximum difference between z values at which face vertices are considered at different heights. Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters.
raise_exception – Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised if the room floor geometry is not horizontal.
- check_plenum_depths(tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True, detailed=False)[source]¶
Check plenum depths do not exceed floor-to-ceiling or contradict has_floor.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
raise_exception – If True, a ValueError will be raised if invalid plenum depths are discovered. (Default: True).
detailed – Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
- Returns:
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
- check_self_intersecting(tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True, detailed=False)[source]¶
Check whether the Room2D’s floor geometry intersects itself (like a bowtie).
Note that objects that have duplicate vertices will not be considered self-intersecting and are valid.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
raise_exception – If True, a ValueError will be raised if the object intersects with itself. (Default: True).
detailed – Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
- Returns:
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
- check_window_parameters_valid(tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True, detailed=False)[source]¶
Check whether the window and skylight parameters produce valid apertures.
This means that this Room’s windows do not overlap with one another and, in the case of detailed windows, the polygons do not self-intersect. It also means that skylights do not extend past the boundary of the room.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
raise_exception – Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised if the window parameters are not valid.
detailed – Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
- Returns:
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
- coordinate_room_2d_vertices(room_2d, distance, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Insert vertices to this Room2D to coordinate this Room2D with another Room2D.
This is sometimes a useful operation to run after using the pull_to_room_2d method in order to address the case that the Room2D to which this one was pulled has more vertices along the adjacency boundary than this Room2D. In this case, the adjacency between the two Room2Ds will not be clean and extra vertices must be inserted into this Room2D so that geometry matches along the room adjacency.
Any vertices of the neighboring input room_2d that are within the specified distance but cannot be matched to a vertex on this Room2D within the tolerance will be inserted into this Room2D, splitting the wall segment in the process.
- Parameters:
room_2d – A Room2D with which the vertices of this Room2D will be coordinated.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the other Room2D where the vertex will be moved to lie on the other Room2D. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- duplicate()¶
Get a copy of this object.
- static find_adjacency(room_2ds, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get a list with all adjacent pairs of segments between input Room2Ds.
Note that this method does not change any boundary conditions of the input Room2Ds or mutate them in any way. It’s purely a geometric analysis of the segments between Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which adjacencies will be evaluated.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two faces at which they can be considered adjacent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- Returns:
A list of tuples for each discovered adjacency. Each tuple contains 2 sub-tuples with two elements. The first element is the Room2D and the second is the index of the wall segment that is adjacent.
- static find_adjacency_by_guide_lines(room_2ds, lines, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get adjacent pairs of Room2Ds segments that lie along specified guide lines.
Note that this method does not change any boundary conditions of the input Room2Ds or mutate them in any way. It’s purely a geometric analysis of the segments between Room2Ds and the input lines.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which adjacencies will be solved.
lines – A list of LineSegment2D objects to note which adjacencies along all of the room_2ds should be returned.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two faces at which they can be considered adjacent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- Returns:
A list of tuples for each discovered adjacency that lies along the input lines. Each tuple contains 2 sub-tuples with two elements. The first element is the Room2D and the second is the index of the wall segment that is adjacent.
- static find_adjacency_gaps(room_2ds, gap_distance=0.1, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Identify gaps between a list of Room2Ds that are smaller than a gap_distance.
This is useful for identifying cases where gaps can result in failed intersections between Room2Ds of adjacent stories or failed adjacency solving within each story.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which adjacency gaps will be identified.
gap_distance – The maximum distance between two Room2Ds that is considered an adjacency gap. Differences between Room2Ds that are higher than this distance are considered meaningful gaps to be preserved. This value should be higher than the tolerance to be meaningful. (Default: 0.1, suitable for objects in meters).
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which point they are considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- Returns:
A list of Point2Ds that note the location of any gaps between the input room_2ds, which are larger than the tolerance but less than the gap_distance.
- find_segment_adjacency(room_2ds, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Evaluate each of the segment of this Room2D for adjacency with other Room2Ds.
This is purely a geometric analysis and is separate from any boundary conditions that may or may not be assigned to the Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which adjacencies with this Room2D will be evaluated.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two faces at which they can be considered adjacent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- Returns:
A list with one item for each of this Room2D’s floor_segments. If a given segment isn’t adjacent to anything, the corresponding item in this list will be None. Otherwise, it will be a tuple with two items. The first is the adjacent Room2D to the segment and the second is the index of the wall segment that is adjacent.
- static floor_segment_by_index(geometry, segment_index)[source]¶
Get a particular LineSegment3D from a Face3D object.
The logic applied by this method to select the segment is the same that is used to assign lists of values to the floor_geometry (eg. boundary conditions).
- Parameters:
geometry – A Face3D representing floor geometry.
segment_index – An integer for the index of the segment to return.
- classmethod from_dict(data, tolerance=0, persist_abridged=False)[source]¶
Initialize a Room2D from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
data – A dictionary representation of a Room2D object.
tolerance – The maximum difference between z values at which point vertices are considered to be in the same horizontal plane. This is used to check that all vertices of the input floor_geometry lie in the same horizontal floor plane. Default is 0, which will not perform any check.
persist_abridged – Set to True when the properties of the Room2D dictionary are abridged and you want to ensure that these exact same abridged properties persist into the output of Room2D.to_dict(abridged=True). It is useful when trying to edit the Room2D independently of a Model and there are no plans to edit any extension properties of the Room2D. THIS IS AN ADVANCED OPTION. (Default: False).
- classmethod from_honeybee(room, tolerance)[source]¶
Initialize a Room2D from a Honeybee Room.
Note that Dragonfly Room2Ds are abstractions of Honeybee Rooms and there will be loss of information if the Honeybee Room is not an extruded floor plate or if extension properties are assigned to individual Faces or Apertures instead of at the Room level.
If the Honeybee Room contains no Floor Faces, None will be returned.
- Parameters:
room – A Honeybee Room object.
tolerance – The maximum difference between values at which point vertices are considered to be the same.
- classmethod from_polygon(identifier, polygon, floor_height, floor_to_ceiling_height, boundary_conditions=None, window_parameters=None, shading_parameters=None, is_ground_contact=False, is_top_exposed=False)[source]¶
Create a Room2D from a ladybug-geometry Polygon2D and a floor_height.
Note that this method is not recommended for a Room with one or more holes (like a courtyard) since polygons cannot have holes within them.
- Parameters:
identifier – Text string for a unique Room2D ID. Must be < 100 characters and not contain any spaces or special characters.
polygon – A single Polygon2D object representing the floor plate of the Room.
floor_height – A float value to place the polygon within 3D space.
floor_to_ceiling_height – A number for the height above the floor where the ceiling begins. Typical values range from 3 to 5 meters.
boundary_conditions – A list of boundary conditions that match the number of segments in the input floor_geometry. These will be used to assign boundary conditions to each of the walls of the Room in the resulting model. If None, all boundary conditions will be Outdoors or Ground depending on whether ceiling of the room is below 0 (the assumed ground plane). Default: None.
window_parameters – A list of WindowParameter objects that dictate how the window geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, no windows will exist over the entire Room2D. Default: None.
shading_parameters – A list of ShadingParameter objects that dictate how the shade geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, no shades will exist over the entire Room2D. Default: None.
is_ground_contact – A boolean to note whether this Room2D has its floor in contact with the ground. Default: False.
is_top_exposed – A boolean to note whether this Room2D has its ceiling exposed to the outdoors. Default: False.
- classmethod from_vertices(identifier, vertices, floor_height, floor_to_ceiling_height, boundary_conditions=None, window_parameters=None, shading_parameters=None, is_ground_contact=False, is_top_exposed=False)[source]¶
Create a Room2D from 2D vertices with each vertex as an iterable of 2 floats.
Note that this method is not recommended for a Room with one or more holes (like a courtyard) since the distinction between hole vertices and boundary vertices cannot be derived from a single list of vertices.
- Parameters:
identifier – Text string for a unique Room2D ID. Must be < 100 characters and not contain any spaces or special characters.
vertices – A flattened list of 2 or more vertices as (x, y) that trace the outline of the floor plate.
floor_height – A float value to place the polygon within 3D space.
floor_to_ceiling_height – A number for the height above the floor where the ceiling begins. Typical values range from 3 to 5 meters.
boundary_conditions – A list of boundary conditions that match the number of segments in the input floor_geometry. These will be used to assign boundary conditions to each of the walls of the Room in the resulting model. If None, all boundary conditions will be Outdoors or Ground depending on whether ceiling of the room is below 0 (the assumed ground plane). Default: None.
window_parameters – A list of WindowParameter objects that dictate how the window geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, no windows will exist over the entire Room2D. Default: None.
shading_parameters – A list of ShadingParameter objects that dictate how the shade geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, no shades will exist over the entire Room2D. Default: None.
is_ground_contact – A boolean to note whether this Room2D has its floor in contact with the ground. Default: False.
is_top_exposed – A boolean to note whether this Room2D has its ceiling exposed to the outdoors. Default: False.
- static generate_alignment_axes(room_2ds, distance, direction=Vector2D(0.00, 1.00), angle_tolerance=1.0, filter_tolerance=0)[source]¶
Get suggested LineSegment2Ds for the Room2D.align method.
This method will return the most common axes across the input Room2D geometry along with the number of Room2D segments that correspond to each axis. The latter can be used to filter the suggested alignment axes to get only the most common ones across the input Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2D objects for which common axes will be evaluated.
distance – A number for the distance that will be used in the alignment operation. This will be used to determine the resolution at which alignment axes are generated and evaluated. Smaller alignment distances will result in the generation of more common_axes since a finer resolution can differentiate common that would typically be grouped together. For typical building geometry, an alignment distance of 0.3 meters or 1 foot is typically suitable for eliminating unwanted details while not changing the geometry too much from its original location.
direction – A Vector2D object to represent the direction in which the common axes will be evaluated and generated.
angle_tolerance – The max angle difference in degrees that the Room2D segment direction can differ from the input direction before the segments are not factored into this calculation of common axes.
filter_tolerance – A number that can be used to filter out axes in the result, which are already perfectly aligned with the input polygon segments. Setting this to zero wil guarantee that no axes are filtered out no matter how close they are to the existing polygon segments. (Default: 0).
Returns – A tuple with two elements.
common_axes (-) – A list of LineSegment2D objects for the common axes across the input Room2Ds.
axis_values (-) – A list of integers that aligns with the common_axes and denotes how many segments of the input Room2D each axis relates to. Higher numbers indicate that that the axis is more commonly aligned across the Room2Ds.
- generate_grid(x_dim, y_dim=None, offset=1.0)[source]¶
Get a gridded Mesh3D object offset from the floor of this room.
Note that the x_dim and y_dim refer to dimensions within the XY coordinate system of the floor Faces’s plane. So rotating the planes of the floor geometry will result in rotated grid cells.
- Parameters:
x_dim – The x dimension of the grid cells as a number.
y_dim – The y dimension of the grid cells as a number. Default is None, which will assume the same cell dimension for y as is set for x.
offset – A number for how far to offset the grid from the base face. Default is 1.0, which will not offset the grid to be 1 unit above the floor.
- static group_by_adjacency(rooms)[source]¶
Group Room2Ds together that are connected by adjacencies.
This is useful for separating rooms in the case where a Story contains multiple towers or sections that are separated by outdoor boundary conditions.
- Parameters:
rooms – A list of Room2Ds to be grouped by their adjacency.
- Returns:
A list of list with each sub-list containing rooms that share adjacencies.
- static group_by_air_boundary_adjacency(rooms)[source]¶
Group Room2Ds together that share air boundaries.
This is useful for understanding the radiant enclosures that will exist when a model is exported to EnergyPlus.
- Parameters:
rooms – A list of Room2Ds to be grouped by their air boundary adjacency.
- Returns:
A list of list with each sub-list containing Room2Ds that share adjacent air boundaries. If a Room has no air boundaries it will the the only item within its sub-list.
- static grouped_horizontal_boundary(room_2ds, min_separation=0, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get a list of Face3D for the horizontal boundary around several Room2Ds.
This method will attempt to produce a boundary that follows along the walls of the Room2Ds and it is not suitable for groups of Room2Ds that overlap one another in plan. This method may return an empty list if the min_separation is so large that a continuous boundary could not be determined or if overlaps between input Room2Ds result in failure.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which the horizontal boundary will be computed.
min_separation – A number for the minimum distance between Room2Ds that is considered a meaningful separation. Gaps between Room2Ds that are less than this distance will be ignored and the boundary will continue across the gap. When the input Room2Ds have floor_geometry representing the boundaries defined by the interior wall finishes, this input can be thought of as the maximum interior wall thickness, which should be ignored in the calculation of the overall boundary of the Room2Ds. When Room2Ds are touching one another (with Room2D floor_geometry drawn to the center lines of interior walls), this value can be set to zero or anything less than or equal to the tolerance. Doing so will yield a cleaner result for the boundary, which will be faster. Note that care should be taken not to set this value higher than the length of any meaningful exterior wall segments. Otherwise, the exterior segments will be ignored in the result. This can be particularly dangerous around curved exterior walls that have been planarized through subdivision into small segments. (Default: 0).
tolerance – The maximum difference between coordinate values of two vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- static intersect_adjacency(room_2ds, tolerance=0.01, preserve_wall_props=True)[source]¶
Intersect the line segments of an array of Room2Ds to ensure matching walls.
Also note that this method does not actually set the walls that are next to one another to be adjacent. The solve_adjacency method must be used for this after running this method.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which adjacent segments will be intersected.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two faces at which they can be considered adjacent. Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters.
preserve_wall_props – Boolean to note whether existing window parameters, shading parameters and boundary conditions should be preserved as vertices are added during intersection. If False, all boundary conditions are replaced with Outdoors, all window parameters are erased, and this method will execute quickly. If True, an attempt will be made to split window parameters new across colinear segments. Existing boundary conditions will also be kept. (Default: True).
- Returns:
An array of Room2Ds that have been intersected with one another.
- static join_by_boundary(room_2ds, polygon, hole_polygons=None, floor_to_ceiling_height=None, identifier=None, display_name=None, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Join several Room2D together using a boundary Polygon as a guide.
All properties of segments along the boundary polygon will be preserved. The largest Room2D that is identified within the boundary polygon will determine the extension properties of the resulting Room unless the supplied identifier matches an existing Room2D inside the polygon. Skylights will be merged if they are of the same type or if they are None.
It is recommended that the Room2Ds be aligned to the boundaries of the polygon and duplicate vertices be removed before passing them through this method. However, colinear vertices should not be removed where possible. This helps ensure that relevant Room2D segments are colinear with the polygon and so they can influence the result.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds which will be joined together using the polygon.
polygon – A ladybug_geometry Polygon2D which will become the boundary of the output joined Room2D.
hole_polygons – An optional list of hole polygons, which will add holes into the output joined Room2D polygon. (Default: None).
floor_to_ceiling_height – An optional number to set the floor-to-ceiling height of the resulting Room2D. If None, it will be the maximum of the Room2Ds that are found inside the polygon, which ensures that all window geometries are included in the output. If specified and it is lower than the maximum Room2D height, any detailed windows will be automatically trimmed to accommodate the new floor-to-ceiling height. (Default: None).
identifier – An optional text string for the identifier of the new joined Room2D. If this matches an existing Room2D inside of the polygon, the existing Room2D will be used to set the extension properties of the output Room2D. If None, the identifier and extension properties of the output Room2D will be those of the largest Room2D found inside of the polygon. (Default: None).
display_name – An optional text string for the display_name of the new joined Room2D. If None, the display_name will be taken from the largest existing Room2D inside the polygon or the existing Room2D matching the identifier above. (Default: None).
tolerance – The minimum distance between a vertex and the polygon boundary at which point the vertex is considered to lie on the polygon. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- static join_room_2ds(room_2ds, min_separation=0, tolerance=0.01, identifier=None)[source]¶
Join Room2Ds together that are touching one another within a min_separation.
When the min_separation is less than or equal to the tolerance, all properties of segments for the input Room2Ds will be preserved. When the min_separation is larger than the tolerance, an attempt is made to preserve all wall properties but there is a risk of losing some windows just in the region where two Room2Ds are joined together across a gap between them. This risk can be overcome by inserting Room2D vertices around where the gap will be crossed between that Room2D and the other Room2D.
The largest Room2D that is identified within each connected group will determine the extension properties of the resulting Room2D. Skylights will be merged across rooms if they are of the same type or if they are None.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds which will be joined together where they touch one another.
min_separation – A number for the minimum distance between Room2Ds that is considered a meaningful separation. Gaps between Room2Ds that are less than this distance will result in the Room2Ds being joined across the gap. When the input Room2Ds have floor_geometry representing the boundaries defined by the interior wall finishes, this input can be thought of as the maximum interior wall thickness. When Room2Ds are perfectly touching one another within the tolerance (with Room2D floor_geometry drawn to the center lines of interior walls), this value can be set to zero or anything less than or equal to the tolerance. Doing so will yield a cleaner result for the boundary, which will be faster and more reliable. Note that care should be taken not to set this value higher than the length of any meaningful exterior wall segments. Otherwise, the exterior segments will be ignored in the result. This can be particularly dangerous around curved exterior walls that have been planarized through subdivision into small segments. (Default: 0).
tolerance – The minimum distance between a vertex and the polygon boundary at which point the vertex is considered to lie on the polygon. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
identifier – An optional text string for the identifier of the new joined Room2D. If this matches an existing Room2D inside of the polygon, the existing Room2D will be used to set the extension properties of the output Room2D. If None, the identifier and extension properties of the output Room2D will be those of the largest Room2D found inside of the polygon. (Default: None).
- static join_to_neighbor(base_room_2ds, merge_room_2ds, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Merge a set of Room2Ds into base Room2Ds that are adjacent to them.
The merge_rooms will always be merged into the base_room with which they share the longest total perimeter length.
This is a useful way of eliminating small rooms in a Story without compromising the overall adjacency across Story. It can be also used in conjunction with the Story.fill_holes method to fill holes in a manner that expands existing rooms to fill the holes rather than adding new rooms.
- Parameters:
base_room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds into which other Room2Ds will be merged.
merge_room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds to be merged into the base_rooms.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two faces at which they can be considered adjacent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2Ds with the merge_rooms incorporated into the base_rooms where possible.
- label_point(tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get a Point3D to label this Room2D in 3D space.
This point will always lie within the polygon formed by the floor_geometry regardless of whether this geometry is concave or has holes.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The tolerance to which the pole_of_inaccessibility will be computed in the event that the floor_geometry is concave or has holes. Note that this does not need to be equal to the Model tolerance and should usually be larger than the Model tolerance to avoid long calculation times. (Default: 0.01).
- move(moving_vec)[source]¶
Move this Room2D along a vector.
- Parameters:
moving_vec – A ladybug_geometry Vector3D with the direction and distance to move the room.
- offset_skylights(offset_distance, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Offset detailed skylights by a certain distance.
This is useful for translating between interfaces that expect the window frame to be included within or excluded from the geometry.
- Parameters:
offset_distance – Distance with which the edges of each window will be offset from the original geometry. Positive values will offset the geometry outwards and negative values will offset the geometries inwards.
tolerance – The minimum difference between point values for them to be considered the distinct. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- offset_skylights_from_edges(offset_distance=0.05, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Offset detailed skylights so all vertices lie inside the Room2D boundary.
- Parameters:
offset_distance – Distance from the edge of the room that the polygons will be offset to. (Default: 0.05, suitable for objects in meters).
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- offset_windows(offset_distance, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Offset detailed windows by a certain distance.
This is useful for translating between interfaces that expect the window frame to be included within or excluded from the geometry.
- Parameters:
offset_distance – Distance with which the edges of each window will be offset from the original geometry. Positive values will offset the geometry outwards and negative values will offset the geometries inwards.
tolerance – The minimum difference between point values for them to be considered the distinct. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- overlap_area(other_room2d, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get the area of this Room2D that overlaps with another Room2D.
This is useful for helping identify cases where a given Room2D might be an updated version of this Room2D (in the same location within a larger Story) and should therefore replace this Room2D. This method first performs a bounding rectangle check between the Room2Ds to evaluate whether an overlap is possible before computing the percentage, making it efficient to run with large groups of Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
other_room_2d – Another Room2D object to be checked for overlap with this one.
tolerance – The maximum difference in coordinate values that the room vertices must have for them to be considered overlapping. (Default: 0.01).
- pull_to_polygon(polygon, distance, snap_vertices=True, constrain_edges=False, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Pull this Room2D’s vertices to a Polygon2D.
This includes both an alignment to the polygon’s segments as well as an optional snapping to the polygon’s vertices.
All properties assigned to this Room2D will be preserved.
Note that this method can often create duplicate vertices and degenerate geometry. So it might be desirable to run the remove_colinear_vertices or the remove_degenerate_holes method after running this one.
- Parameters:
polygon – A ladybug_geometry Polygon2D to which this Room2D’s vertices will be pulled.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the polygon where the vertex will be moved to lie on the polygon. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
snap_vertices – A boolean to note whether Room2D vertices that are close to the polygon vertices within the distance should be snapped to the polygon vertex instead of simply being aligned to the nearest polygon segment. (Default: True).
constrain_edges – A boolean to note whether all axes of the edges that were not pulled to the Room2D should be preserved. This is accomplished by evaluating the changed vertices after all pulling operations are performed and identifying stretches of vertices that changed. For each stretch of changed vertices, the start and end points of this stretch will be moved to the intersection between the new pulled room segment and the adjacent original room segment whose axis is to be preserved. (Default: False).
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- pull_to_polyline(polyline, distance, snap_vertices=True, constrain_edges=False, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Pull this Room2D’s vertices to a Polyline2D.
This includes both an alignment to the polyline’s segments as well as an optional snapping to the polyline’s vertices.
All properties assigned to this Room2D will be preserved.
Note that this method can often create duplicate vertices and degenerate geometry. So it might be desirable to run the remove_colinear_vertices or the remove_degenerate_holes method after running this one.
- Parameters:
polyline – A ladybug_geometry Polyline2D to which this Room2D’s vertices will be pulled.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the polyline where the vertex will be moved to lie on the polyline. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
snap_vertices – A boolean to note whether Room2D vertices that are close to the polyline vertices within the distance should be snapped to the polyline vertex instead of simply being aligned to the nearest polyline segment. (Default: True).
constrain_edges – A boolean to note whether all axes of the edges that were not pulled to the Room2D should be preserved. This is accomplished by evaluating the changed vertices after all pulling operations are performed and identifying stretches of vertices that changed. For each stretch of changed vertices, the start and end points of this stretch will be moved to the intersection between the new pulled room segment and the adjacent original room segment whose axis is to be preserved. (Default: False).
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- pull_to_room_2d(room_2d, distance, coordinate_vertices=True, constrain_edges=False, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Pull this Room2D’s vertices to another Room2D.
This includes both an alignment to the other Room2D’s segments as well as an optional snapping to the Room2D’s vertices. Furthermore, if coordinate_vertices is True, any vertices of the neighboring input room_2d that are within the specified distance but cannot be matched to a vertex on this Room2D within the tolerance will be inserted into this Room2D, splitting the wall segment in the process.
All properties assigned to this Room2D will be preserved.
Note that this method can often create duplicate vertices and degenerate geometry. So it might be desirable to run the remove_colinear_vertices or the remove_degenerate_holes method after running this one.
- Parameters:
room_2d – A Room2D to which this Room2D’s vertices will be pulled.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the other Room2D where the vertex will be moved to lie on the other Room2D. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
coordinate_vertices – A boolean to note whether Room2D vertices that are close to the other Room2D vertices within the distance should be snapped to the Room2D vertex instead of simply being aligned to the nearest Room2D segment. Additionally, any vertices of the neighboring room_2d that are within the specified distance but cannot be matched to a vertex on this Room2D within the tolerance will be inserted into this Room2D, splitting the wall segment in the process. (Default: True).
constrain_edges – A boolean to note whether all axes of the edges that were not pulled to the Room2D should be preserved. This is accomplished by evaluating the changed vertices after all pulling operations are performed and identifying stretches of vertices that changed. For each stretch of changed vertices, the start and end points of this stretch will be moved to the intersection between the new pulled room segment and the adjacent original room segment whose axis is to be preserved. (Default: False).
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- pull_to_segments(line_segments, distance, snap_vertices=True, constrain_edges=False, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Pull this Room2D’s vertices to several LineSegment2D.
This includes both an alignment to the line segments as well as an optional snapping to the line end points.
All properties assigned to this Room2D will be preserved.
The benefit of calling this method as opposed to iterating over the segments and calling align (and snap_to_line_end_points) is that this method will only align (and snap) to the closest segment across all of the input line_segments. This often helps avoid snapping to undesirable line segments, particularly when there are two ore more segments that are within the distance.
- Parameters:
line_segments – A list of ladybug_geometry LineSegment2D to which this Room2D’s vertices will be pulled.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the line_segments where the vertex will be moved to lie on the segments. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
snap_vertices – A boolean to note whether Room2D vertices that are close to the segment end points within the distance should be snapped to the end point instead of simply being aligned to the nearest segment. (Default: True).
constrain_edges – A boolean to note whether all axes of the edges that were not pulled to the Room2D should be preserved. This is accomplished by evaluating the changed vertices after all pulling operations are performed and identifying stretches of vertices that changed. For each stretch of changed vertices, the start and end points of this stretch will be moved to the intersection between the new pulled room segment and the adjacent original room segment whose axis is to be preserved. (Default: False).
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- reflect(plane)[source]¶
Reflect this Room2D across a plane.
- Parameters:
plane – A ladybug_geometry Plane across which the object will be reflected.
- relevant_roof_geometry(tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get a list of Face3D for roof geometries that are relevant for this Room2D.
This will be an empty list if the room has not parent Story, the parent Story has no roof or the roof of the parent story has no geometries that lie above the Room2D.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The maximum difference in coordinate values that the room vertices must have for them to be considered overlapping. (Default: 0.01).
- remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance=0.01, preserve_wall_props=True)[source]¶
Get a version of this Room2D without colinear or duplicate vertices.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum distance between a vertex and the line it lies upon at which point the vertex is considered colinear. Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters.
preserve_wall_props – Boolean to note whether existing window parameters and Ground boundary conditions should be preserved as vertices are removed. If False, all boundary conditions are replaced with Outdoors, all window parameters are erased, and this method will execute quickly. If True, an attempt will be made to merge window parameters together across colinear segments, translating simple window parameters to rectangular ones if necessary. Also, existing Ground boundary conditions will be kept. (Default: True).
- Returns:
A new Room2D derived from this one with its colinear vertices removed.
- remove_degenerate_holes(tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Remove any holes in this Room2D with an area that evaluates to zero.
All properties assigned to the Room2D will be preserved.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- remove_duplicate_vertices(tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Remove duplicate vertices from this Room2D.
All properties assigned to the Room2D will be preserved.
- Parameters:
tolerance – The minimum distance between a vertex and the line it lies upon at which point the vertex is considered colinear. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
- Returns:
A list of integers for the indices of segments that have been removed.
- remove_short_segments(distance, angle_tolerance=1.0)[source]¶
Get a version of this Room2D with consecutive short segments removed.
To patch over the segments, an attempt will first be made to find the intersection of the two neighboring segments. If these two lines are parallel, they will simply be connected with a segment.
Properties assigned to the Room2D will be preserved for the segments that are not removed.
- Parameters:
distance – The maximum length of a segment below which the segment will be considered for removal.
angle_tolerance – The max angle difference in degrees that vertices are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them colinear. (Default: 1).
- remove_small_holes(area_threshold)[source]¶
Remove any holes in this Room2D that are below a certain area threshold.
All properties assigned to the Room2D will be preserved.
- Parameters:
area_threshold – A number for the area below which holes will be removed.
- static room_orientation_plane(room_2ds, angle_tolerance=1.0)[source]¶
Get a Plane from the most frequently-occuring right angle across Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds which will have their right-angles analyzed to determine an orientation plane from the most common right angle.
angle_tolerance – A number in degrees for the maximum difference that a pair of Room2D segments can differ from a true right angle for it to be counted towards the computation of the orientation plane. (Default: 1 degree).
- Returns:
A ladybug-geometry Plane object derived from the input Room2Ds. If there were not enough right angles among the input Room2Ds to determine a plane, the Wolrd XY will be returned.
- rotate_xy(angle, origin)[source]¶
Rotate this Room2D counterclockwise in the XY plane by a certain angle.
- Parameters:
angle – An angle in degrees.
origin – A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated.
- scale(factor, origin=None)[source]¶
Scale this Room2D by a factor from an origin point.
Note that this will scale both the Room2D geometry and the WindowParameters and FacadeParameters assigned to this Room2D.
- Parameters:
factor – A number representing how much the object should be scaled.
origin – A ladybug_geometry Point3D representing the origin from which to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0).
- segment_indices_by_guide_lines(lines, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get the indices of segments in this Room2D that lie along given guide lines.
The resulting indices can be used to set boundary conditions, windows, adjacencies, etc. for segments on this Room2D.
- Parameters:
lines – A list of LineSegment2D objects to note which segment indices should be returned.
tolerance – The maximum difference in coordinate values for them to be considered touching. (Default: 0.01).
- segment_orientations(north_vector=Vector2D(0.00, 1.00))[source]¶
A list of numbers between 0 and 360 for the orientation of the segments.
0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
- Parameters:
north_vector – A ladybug_geometry Vector2D for the north direction. Default is the Y-axis (0, 1).
- separate_plenum(target_floor_to_ceiling, floor_plenum=False, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Separate a section of this Room2D into a ceiling (or floor) plenum.
Note that this method is completely distinct from the Room2D properties for ceiling_plenum_depth and floor_plenum_depth and is intended for the case of working with plenums as explicit Room2Ds rather than as numerical properties of base Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
target_floor_to_ceiling – A number in model units for the desired floor-to-ceiling height of the final room (assuming that this Room2D’s current floor-to-ceiling height is actually the floor-to-floor height). If the current Room2D’s floor-to-ceiling height is less than the input value, the floor-to-ceiling height of this Room2D will be reduced and a new ceiling or floor plenum Rooms2D will be returned from this method.
floor_plenum – A boolean to note whether the plenum to be separated is a floor plenum for this current Room2D (in which case it is subtracted from the bottom) or it is a ceiling plenum (in which case it is subtracted from the top). (Default: False).
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A new Room2D for the plenum. Will be None if the target_floor_to_ceiling is greater than the current Room2D’s floor_to_ceiling_height.
- set_adjacency(other_room_2d, self_seg_index, other_seg_index, resolve_window_conflicts=True)[source]¶
Set a segment of this Room2D to be adjacent to another and vice versa.
Note that, adjacent segments must possess matching WindowParameters in order to be valid.
- Parameters:
other_room_2d – Another Room2D object to be set adjacent to this one.
self_seg_index – An integer for the wall segment of this Room2D that will be set adjacent to the other_room_2d.
other_seg_index – An integer for the wall segment of the other_room_2d that will be set adjacent to this Room2D.
resolve_window_conflicts – Boolean to note whether conflicts between window parameters of adjacent segments should be resolved during adjacency setting or an error should be raised about the mismatch. Resolving conflicts will default to the window parameters with the larger are and assign them to the other segment. (Default: True).
- set_air_boundary(seg_index)[source]¶
Set a single segment of this Room2D to have an air boundary type.
- Parameters:
seg_index – An integer for the wall segment of this Room2D for which the boundary condition will be set.
- set_boundary_condition(seg_index, boundary_condition)[source]¶
Set a single segment of this Room2D to have a certain boundary condition.
- Parameters:
seg_index – An integer for the wall segment of this Room2D for which the boundary condition will be set.
boundary_condition – A boundary condition object.
- set_outdoor_shading_parameters(shading_parameter)[source]¶
Set all of the outdoor walls to have the same shading parameters.
- set_outdoor_window_parameters(window_parameter)[source]¶
Set all of the outdoor walls to have the same window parameters.
- set_window_parameter(seg_index, window_parameter=None)[source]¶
Set a single segment of this Room2D to have a certain window parameter.
- Parameters:
seg_index – An integer for the wall segment of this Room2D for which the window parameter will be set.
window_parameter – A window parameter object to be assigned to the segment. If None, any existing WindowParameters assigned to the segment will be removed. (Default: None).
- snap_to_grid(grid_increment, base_plane=None)[source]¶
Snap this Room2D’s vertices to the nearest grid node defined by an increment.
All properties assigned to the Room2D will be preserved and the number of vertices will remain constant. This means that this method can often create duplicate vertices and it might be desirable to run the remove_duplicate_vertices method after running this one.
- Parameters:
grid_increment – A positive number for dimension of each grid cell. This typically should be equal to the tolerance or larger but should not be larger than the smallest detail of the Room2D that you wish to resolve.
base_plane – An optional ladybug-geometry Plane object to set the coordinate system of the grid in which this Room will be snapped. If None, the World XY coordinate system will be used. (Default: None).
- snap_to_line_end_points(line, distance)[source]¶
Snap this Room2D’s vertices to the endpoints of a line segment.
All properties assigned to this Room2D will be preserved and the number of vertices will remain constant. This means that this method can often create duplicate vertices and it might be desirable to run the remove_duplicate_vertices method after running this one.
- Parameters:
line – A ladybug_geometry LineSegment2D to which the Room2D vertices will be snapped if they are near the end points.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the polyline where the vertex will be moved to lie on the polyline. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
- snap_to_points(points, distance)[source]¶
Snap this Room2D’s vertices to a list of points.
All properties assigned to this Room2D will be preserved and the number of vertices will remain constant. This means that this method can often create duplicate vertices and it might be desirable to run the remove_duplicate_vertices method after running this one.
- Parameters:
points – A list of ladybug_geometry Point2Ds to which the Room2D vertices will be snapped if they are near.
distance – The maximum distance between a Room2D vertex and the input point where the vertex will be moved to lie on the polyline. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are.
- static solve_adjacency(room_2ds, tolerance=0.01, resolve_window_conflicts=True)[source]¶
Solve for all adjacencies between a list of input Room2Ds.
- Parameters:
room_2ds – A list of Room2Ds for which adjacencies will be solved.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two faces at which they can be considered adjacent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters).
resolve_window_conflicts – Boolean to note whether conflicts between window parameters of adjacent segments should be resolved during adjacency setting or an error should be raised about the mismatch. Resolving conflicts will default to the window parameters with the larger are and assign them to the other segment. (Default: True).
- Returns:
A list of tuples with each tuple containing 2 sub-tuples for wall segments paired in the process of solving adjacency. Sub-tuples have the Room2D as the first item and the index of the adjacent wall as the second item. This data can be used to assign custom properties to the new adjacent walls (like assigning custom window parameters for interior windows, assigning air boundaries, or custom boundary conditions).
- split_through_self_intersection(overlap_room=None, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get a list of non-intersecting Room2Ds if this Room2D intersects itself.
If the Room2D does not intersect itself, a list with only the current Room2D instance will be returned.
- Parameters:
overlap_room – An optional Room2D, which will be used to ensure that the output list includes only the split Room2D with the highest overlap with this Room2D. This is useful when this method is being used as a cleanup operation for another method that accidentally created a self-intersecting shape (eg. remove_short_segments). If None, the output will include all Room2Ds resulting from the splitting of this shape through self-intersection. (Default: None).
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for the result of splitting this Room2D. Will be a list with only the current Room2D instance if the Room2D does not intersect itself
- split_with_line(line, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get this Room2D split by a line.
If the input line does not intersect this Room2D in a manner that splits it into two or more pieces, a list with only the current room will be returned.
- Parameters:
line – A LineSegment2D object that will be used to split this Room2D into two or more pieces.
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for the result of splitting this Room2D with the input line. Will be a list with only the current Room2D if the line does not split it into two or more pieces.
- split_with_lines(lines, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get this Room2D split by multiple line segments together.
Using this method is distinct from looping over the Room2D.split_with_line in that this method will resolve cases where multiple segments branch out from nodes in a network of input lines. So, if three line segments meet at a point in the middle of this Room2D and each extend past the edges of this Room2D, this method can split the Room2D in 3 parts whereas looping over the Room2D.split_with_line will not do this given that each individual segment cannot split the Room2D.
If the input lines together do not intersect this Room2D in a manner that splits it into two or more pieces, a list with only the current room will be returned.
- Parameters:
lines – A list of LineSegment2D objects that will be used to split this Room2D into two or more pieces.
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for the result of splitting this Room2D with the input line. Will be a list with only the current Room2D if the line does not split it into two or more pieces.
- split_with_polygon(polygon, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get this Room2D split into two or more Room2Ds by a polygon.
If the input polygon does not intersect this Room2D in a manner that splits it into two or more pieces, a list with only the current room will be returned.
- Parameters:
polygon – A Polygon2D object that will be used to split this Room2D into two or more pieces.
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for the result of splitting this Room2D with the input polygon. Will be a list with only the current Room2D if the polygon does not split it into two or more pieces.
- split_with_polyline(polyline, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get this Room2D split into two or more Room2Ds by a polyline.
If the input polyline does not intersect this Room2D in a manner that splits it into two or more pieces, a list with only the current room will be returned.
- Parameters:
polyline – A Polyline2D object that will be used to split this Room2D into two or more pieces.
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for the result of splitting this Room2D with the input polyline. Will be a list with only the current Room2D if the polyline does not split it into two or more pieces.
- subtract_room_2ds(room_2ds, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Get (a) version(s) of this Room2D with other Room2Ds subtracted from it.
This is useful for resolving overlaps between Room2Ds of the same Story.
- Parameters:
room_2d – A Room2D that will be subtracted from this Room2D.
tolerance – The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters).
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for the result of splitting this Room2D with the input line. Will be a list with only the current Room2D if the line does not split it into two or more pieces.
- to_core_perimeter(perimeter_offset, air_boundary=False, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Translate this Room2D into a list of Room2Ds separated by core and perimeter.
All of the resulting Room2Ds will have the same properties as this initial Room2D with all windows and boundary conditions conserved. All of the newly-created interior walls between the core and perimeter Room2Ds will have Surface boundary conditions.
- Parameters:
perimeter_offset – An optional positive number that will be used to offset the perimeter of the all_story_geometry to create core/perimeter zones. If this value is 0, no offset will occur and each story will be represented with a single Room2D per polygon.
air_boundary – A boolean to note whether all of the new wall adjacencies should be set to an AirBoundary type. (Default: False).
tolerance – The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which point vertices are considered to be the same. This is also needed as a means to determine which floor geometries are equivalent to one another and should be a part the same Story. Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters.
- Returns:
A list of Room2D for core Room2Ds followed by perimeter Room2Ds. If the current Room2D cannot be converted into core and perimeter Room2Ds, a list with the current Room2D instance will be returned.
- to_detailed_windows()[source]¶
Convert all of the windows of the Room2D to the DetailedWindows format.
- to_dict(abridged=False, included_prop=None)[source]¶
Return Room2D as a dictionary.
- Parameters:
abridged – Boolean to note whether the extension properties of the object (ie. program_type, construction_set) should be included in detail (False) or just referenced by identifier (True). Default: False.
included_prop – List of properties to filter keys that must be included in output dictionary. For example [‘energy’] will include ‘energy’ key if available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
- to_honeybee(multiplier=1, tolerance=0.01, enforce_bc=True, enforce_solid=True)[source]¶
Convert Dragonfly Room2D to a Honeybee Room.
- Parameters:
multiplier – An integer greater than 0 that denotes the number of times the room is repeated. You may want to set this differently depending on whether you are exporting each room as its own geometry (in which case, this should be 1) or you only want to simulate the “unique” room once and have the results multiplied. (Default: 1).
tolerance – The minimum distance in z values of floor_height and floor_to_ceiling_height at which adjacent Faces will be split. This is also used in the generation of Windows, and to check if the Room ceiling is adjacent to the upper floor of the Story before generating a plenum. Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters.
enforce_bc – Boolean to note whether an exception should be raised if apertures are assigned to Wall with an illegal boundary conditions (True) or if the invalid boundary condition should be replaced with an Outdoor boundary condition (False). (Default: True).
enforce_solid – Boolean to note whether the room should be translated as a solid extrusion whenever translating the room with custom roof geometry produces a non-solid result (True) or the non-solid room geometry should be allowed to remain in the result (False). The latter is useful for understanding why a particular roof geometry has produced a non-solid result. (Default: True).
- Returns:
A tuple with the two items below.
hb_room – A honeybee-core Room representing the dragonfly Room2D.
- adjacencies – A list of tuples that record any adjacencies that
should be set on the level of the Story to which the Room2D belongs. Each tuple will have a honeybee Face as the first item and a tuple of Surface.boundary_condition_objects as the second item.
- to_rectangular_windows()[source]¶
Convert all of the windows of the Room2D to the RectangularWindows format.
- unconforming_vertex_map(plane, angle_tolerance=1.0, min_length=0)[source]¶
Analyze this Room2D’s vertices for conformity with a plane’s XY axes.
Vertices of this Room2D that do not conform to the plane will be highted in the result.
- Parameters:
plane – A ladybug-geometry Plane that will be used to evaluate whether each Room2D vertex conforms to the plane or not.
angle_tolerance – A number for the maximum difference in degrees that the Room2D segments can differ from the XY axes of the plane for it to be considered non-conforming. (Default: 1.0).
min_length – A number for the minimum length that a Room2D segment must be for it to be considered for non-conformity. Setting this to zero will evaluate all Room2D segments. (Default: 0).
- Returns:
A list of lists where each sub-list represents a loop of the Room2D floor_geometry. The first sub-list represents the boundary and subsequent sub-lists represent holes. Each item in each sub-list represents a vertex. If a given vertex is conforming to the plane, it will show up as None in the sub-list. Otherwise, the Point3D for the non-conforming vertex will appear in the sub-list.
- update_floor_geometry(new_floor_geometry, edit_code, tolerance=0.01)[source]¶
Change the floor_geometry of the Room2D with segment-altering specifications.
This method is intended to be used when the floor geometry has been edited by some external means and this Room2D should be updated for coordination.
The method tries to infer whether an removed floor segment means that an original segment has been merged into another or removed completely using the colinearity of the original segments. A removed segment that is colinear with its neighbor will be merged into it while a removed segment that was not colinear will simply be deleted. Similarly, the method will infer if an added segment indicates a split in an original segment using colinearity. When the result in the new_floor_geometry is two colinear segments, properties of the original segment will be split across the new segments. Otherwise the new segment will receive default properties.
- Parameters:
new_floor_geometry – A Face3D for the new floor_geometry of this Room2D. Note that this method expects the plane of this Face3D to match the original floor_geometry Face3D and for the counter-clockwise vertex ordering of the segments to be the same as the original floor geometry (though segments can obviously be added or removed).
edit_code –
A text string that indicates the operations that were performed on the original floor_geometry segments to yield the new_floor_geometry. The following letters are used in this code to indicate the following:
K = a segment that has been kept (possibly moved but not removed)
X = a segment that has been removed
A = a segment that has been added
For example, KXKAKKA means that the first segment was kept, the next removed, the next kept, the next added, followed by two kept segments and ending in an added segment.
tolerance – The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located, used to determine colinearity. Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters.
- property air_boundaries¶
Get or set a tuple of booleans for whether each wall has an air boundary type.
False values indicate a standard opaque type while True values indicate an AirBoundary type. All walls will be False by default. Note that any walls with a True air boundary must have a Surface boundary condition without any windows.
- property boundary_conditions¶
Get or set a tuple of boundary conditions for the wall boundary conditions.
- property ceiling_height¶
Get a number for the height of the ceiling above the ground.
- property ceiling_plenum_depth¶
Get or set a number for the depth that a ceiling plenum extends into the room.
Setting this to a positive value will result in a separate plenum room being split off of the Room2D volume during translation from Dragonfly to Honeybee. The bottom of this ceiling plenum will always be at this Room2D’s ceiling_height minus the ceiling_plenum_depth specified here. Setting this to zero indicates that the room has no ceiling plenum.
- property center¶
Get a Point2D for the center bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane.
This is useful in calculations to determine if this Room2D is inside other polygons.
- property display_name¶
Get or set a string for the object name without any character restrictions.
If not set, this will be equal to the identifier.
- property exterior_aperture_area¶
Get the total Aperture area of the Room with an Outdoors boundary condition.
- property exterior_wall_area¶
Get the total area of the Room walls with an Outdoors boundary condition.
- property exterior_window_area¶
Get the total area of the Room Apertures in walls with an Outdoors BC.
This only refers to Apertures and excludes Doors.
- property floor_area¶
Get a number for the floor area of the Room.
- property floor_geometry¶
A horizontal Face3D object representing the floor plate of the Room.
- property floor_height¶
Get a number for the height of the floor above the ground.
- property floor_plenum_depth¶
Get or set a number for the depth that a floor plenum extends into the room.
Setting this to a positive value will result in a separate plenum room being split off of the Room2D volume during translation from Dragonfly to Honeybee. The top of this floor plenum will always be at this Room2D’s floor_height plus the floor_plenum_depth specified here. Setting this to zero indicates that the room has no floor plenum.
- property floor_segments¶
Get a list of LineSegment3D objects for each wall of the Room.
- property floor_segments_2d¶
Get a list of LineSegment2D objects for each wall of the Room.
- property floor_to_ceiling_height¶
Get or set a number for the distance between the floor and the ceiling.
- property full_id¶
Get a string with both the object display_name and identifier.
This is formatted as display_name[identifier].
This is useful in error messages to give users an easy means of finding invalid objects within models. If there is no display_name assigned, only the identifier will be returned.
- property has_ceiling¶
Get or set a boolean for whether the room has a RoofCeiling or an AirBoundary.
If False (for AirBoundary), this property will only be meaningful if the model is translated to Honeybee with ceiling adjacency solved and there is a Room2D above this one with a has_floor property set to False.
- property has_floor¶
Get or set a boolean for whether the room has a Floor or an AirBoundary.
If False (for AirBoundary), this property will only be meaningful if the model is translated to Honeybee with ceiling adjacency solved and there is a Room2D below this one with a has_ceiling property set to False.
- property has_parent¶
Get a boolean noting whether this Room2D has a parent Story.
- property highest_plenum_floor_height¶
Get a number for the highest floor height in the Room2D including plenums.
When the Room2D has a ceiling plenum, this will be the floor height of the plenum. Otherwise, it is the floor height of the base room. This property is useful for checking that roof geometries do not collide with a room floor.
- property identifier¶
Get or set a text string for the unique object identifier.
This identifier remains constant as the object is mutated, copied, and serialized to different formats (eg. dict, idf, rad). This property is also used to reference the object across a Model.
- property interior_wall_area¶
Get the total area of the Room walls without an Outdoors or Ground BC.
- property is_core¶
Get a boolean for whether the Room2D is in the core of a story.
Core Room2Ds have no walls exposed to the outdoors.
- property is_ground_contact¶
Get or set a boolean noting whether the floor is in contact with the ground.
- property is_perimeter¶
Get a boolean for whether the Room2D is on the perimeter of a story.
Perimeter Room2Ds have walls exposed to the outdoors.
- property is_top_exposed¶
Get or set a boolean noting whether the ceiling is exposed to the outdoors.
- property max¶
Get a Point2D for the max bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane.
This is useful in calculations to determine if this Room2D is in proximity to other Room2Ds.
- property min¶
Get a Point2D for the min bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane.
This is useful in calculations to determine if this Room2D is in proximity to other Room2Ds.
- property parent¶
Get the parent Story if it is assigned. None if it is not assigned.
- property properties¶
Object properties, including Radiance, Energy and other properties.
- property roof_sub_face_area¶
Get a the total sub-face area of the Room’s roofs.
This includes both Apertures and overhead Doors.
- property segment_count¶
Get the number of segments making up the floor geometry.
This is equal to the number of walls making up the Room.
- property segment_normals¶
Get a list of Vector2D objects for the normal of each segment.
- property shading_parameters¶
Get or set a tuple of ShadingParameters describing how to generate shades.
- property skylight_area¶
Get the total aperture area of Room’s skylights.
This only refers to Apertures and excludes overhead Doors.
- property skylight_parameters¶
Get or set SkylightParameters describing how to generate skylights.
- property sub_face_area¶
Get a the total sub-face area of the Room.
This includes both Apertures and Doors in both walls and roofs for all accepted boundary conditions.
- property to¶
Room2D writer object.
Use this method to access Writer class to write the room2d in other formats.
- property user_data¶
Get or set an optional dictionary for additional meta data for this object.
This will be None until it has been set. All keys and values of this dictionary should be of a standard Python type to ensure correct serialization of the object to/from JSON (eg. str, float, int, list dict)
- property volume¶
Get a number for the volume of the Room.
- property wall_sub_face_area¶
Get a the total sub-face area of the Room’s walls.
This includes both Apertures and Doors in both interior and exterior walls.
- property window_parameters¶
Get or set a tuple of WindowParameters describing how to generate windows.