honeybee.facetype module

Face Types.

class honeybee.facetype.AirBoundary[source]

Bases: _FaceType

Type for air boundaries (aka. virtual partitions) between Rooms.

property name
class honeybee.facetype.Floor[source]

Bases: _FaceType

Type for floors.

property name
class honeybee.facetype.RoofCeiling[source]

Bases: _FaceType

Type for roofs and ceilings.

property name
class honeybee.facetype.Wall[source]

Bases: _FaceType

Type for walls.

property name
honeybee.facetype.get_type_from_normal(normal_vector, roof_angle=60, floor_angle=130)[source]

Return face type based on the angle between Z axis and normal vector.

Angles between 0 and roof_angle will be set to roof_ceiling. Angles between roof_angle and floor_angle will be set to wall. Angles larger than floor angle will be set to floor.

  • normal_vector – Normal vector as a ladybug_geometry Vector3D.

  • roof_angle – A number between 0 and 90 to set the angle from the horizontal plane below which faces will be considered roofs instead of walls. 90 indicates that all vertical faces are roofs and 0 indicates that all horizontal faces are walls. (Default: 60, recommended by the ASHRAE 90.1 standard).

  • floor_angle – A number between 90 and 180 to set the angle from the horizontal plane above which faces will be considered floors instead of walls. 180 indicates that all vertical faces are floors and 0 indicates that all horizontal faces are walls. (Default: 130, recommended by the ASHRAE 90.1 standard).


Face type instance.