Source code for honeybee_radiance_command.options.gendaymtx

"""Gendaymtx parameters."""
from .optionbase import NumericOption, OptionCollection, FileOption, \
    StringOptionJoined, TupleOption, IntegerOption, BoolOption
import honeybee_radiance_command._exception as exceptions

[docs]class GendaymtxOptions(OptionCollection): """ [-v][-h][-A][-d|-s|-n][-u][-D file [-M modfile]][-r deg][-m N][-g r g b][-c r g b] [-o{f|d}][-O{0|1}] Also see: """ __slots__ = ( '_v', '_h', '_A', '_d', '_s', '_n', '_u', '_D', '_M', '_r', '_m', '_g', '_c', '_o', '_O' ) def __init__(self): """gendaymtx command options.""" OptionCollection.__init__(self) self._on_setattr_check = False self._v = BoolOption('v', 'verbose reporting - default: off') self._h = BoolOption( 'h', 'prevents the output of the usual header information - default: off' ) self._A = BoolOption( 'A', 'tells gendaymtx to generate a single column corresponding to an ' 'average sky computed over all the input time steps, rather than one ' 'column per time step. - default: off' ) self._m = IntegerOption('m', 'Set sky resolution - default: 1', min_value=1) self._d = BoolOption( 'd', 'produce a sun-only matrix, with no sky contributions, and the ground ' 'patch also set to zero.' ) self._s = BoolOption( 's', 'exclude any direct solar component from the output, with the rest of ' 'the sky and ground patch unaffected.' ) self._n = BoolOption( 'n', 'may be used if no matrix output is desired at all. This may be used ' 'to merely check the input, or in combination with the -D option.' ) self._u = BoolOption( 'u', 'ignores input times when the sun is below the horizon. This is a ' 'convenient way to average daylight hours only with the -A option or to ' 'ensure that matrix entries correspond to solar positions produced with ' 'the -D option' ) self._c = TupleOption( 'c', 'may be used to specify a color for the sky. The gray value should ' 'equal 1 for proper energy balance. The default sky color is -c 0.960 ' '1.004 1.118', length=3, numtype=float ) self._g = TupleOption( 'g', 'may be used to specify a ground color. The default value is -g 0.2 ' '0.2 0.2 corresponding to a 20 percent gray', length=3, numtype=float ) self._D = FileOption( 'D', 'may be used to specify an output file to contain a list of solar ' 'positions and intensities corresponding to time steps in the weather tape ' 'where the sun has any portion above the horizon. Sun radiance values may ' 'be zero if the direct amount is zero on the input. Sun modifiers and names ' 'will be indexed by the minute, numbered from midnight, January 1st.' ) self._M = FileOption( 'M', 'may be used to specify an output file to contain a list of sun ' 'modifiers.' ) self._r = NumericOption( 'r', 'rotates the sky the specified number of degrees counter-clockwise' 'about the zenith, i.e., west of north.', min_value=-360, max_value=360 ) self._o = StringOptionJoined( 'o', 'The -of or -od option may be used to specify binary float or double ' 'output, respectively. This is much faster to write and to read, and is ' 'therefore preferred on systems that support it.', valid_values=['f', 'd'], whole=False ) self._O = StringOptionJoined( 'O', 'The -O1 option specifies that output should be total solar radiance ' 'rather than visible radiance - default O0', valid_values=['0', '1'], whole=False ) self._on_setattr_check = True def _on_setattr(self): """This method executes after setting each new attribute.""" if self.s.is_set and self.d.is_set: raise exceptions.ExclusiveOptionsError(self.command, 's', 'd') if self.s.is_set and self.n.is_set: raise exceptions.ExclusiveOptionsError(self.command, 's', 'n') if self.n.is_set and self.d.is_set: raise exceptions.ExclusiveOptionsError(self.command, 'n', 'd') @property def v(self): """Verbose reporting.""" return self._v @v.setter def v(self, value): self._v.value = value @property def h(self): """Remove header.""" return self._h @h.setter def h(self, value): self._h.value = value @property def A(self): """Average sky calculated over all the timesteps.""" return self._A @A.setter def A(self, value): self._A.value = value @property def m(self): """Sky resolution -- default: 1""" return self._m @m.setter def m(self, value): self._m.value = value @property def d(self): """Produce a sun only matrix.""" return self._d @d.setter def d(self, value): self._d.value = value @property def s(self): """Exclude direct solar.""" return self._s @s.setter def s(self, value): self._s.value = value @property def n(self): """No output to stdout.""" return self._n @n.setter def n(self, value): self._n.value = value @property def u(self): """A boolean for sun up hours.""" return self._u @u.setter def u(self, value): self._u.value = value @property def c(self): """Sky color.""" return self._c @c.setter def c(self, value): self._c.value = value @property def g(self): """Ground color.""" return self._g @g.setter def g(self, value): self._g.value = value @property def D(self): """Output file for list of solar positions.""" return self._D @D.setter def D(self, value): self._D.value = value @property def M(self): """Output file for list of solar modifiers.""" return self._M @M.setter def M(self, value): self._M.value = value @property def r(self): """Rotation from north.""" return self._r @r.setter def r(self, value): self._r.value = value @property def o(self): """Output type.""" return self._o @o.setter def o(self, value): self._o.value = value @property def O(self): """Output format -- default: 0 The -O1 option specifies that output should be total solar radiance rather than ' 'visible radiance - default O0 """ return self._O @O.setter def O(self, value): self._O.value = value