honeybee_plus.radiance.command.rmtxop module

class honeybee_plus.radiance.command.rmtxop.Rmtxop(matrix_files=None, rmtxop_matrices=None, output_file=None, rmtxop_parameters=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.radiance.command._commandbase.RadianceCommand

rmtxop - concatenate, add, transpose, scale, and convert matrices

rmtxop [ -v ][ -f[afdc] ][ -t ][ -s sf .. ][ -c ce .. ] m1 [ + ] ..

#Simple usage (for just adding stuff): mtx = Rmtxop() mtx.matrix_files = [matrix_filePath1, matrix_filePath2] mtx.output_file = output_matrixFilePath #Then to_rad_string will be:

‘rmtxop matrix_filesPath1 + matrix_filePath2 > output_matrixFilePath’

#Advanced usage with transformations and such. In this case I am subtracting one # matrix and adding another. final_matrix = Rmtxop()

#std. dc matrix. dc_matrix = RmtxopMatrix() dc_matrix.matrix_file = x.ill

#direct dc matrix. -1 indicates that this one is being subtracted from dc matrix. dc_direct_matrix = RmtxopMatrix() dc_direct_matrix.matrix_file = y.ill dc_direct_matrix.scalar_factors = [-1]

#Sun coefficient matrix. sun_coeff_matrix = RmtxopMatrix() sun_coeff_matrix.matrix_file = z.ill

#combine the matrices together. Sequence is extremely important final_matrix.rmtxop_matrices = [dc_matrix,dc_direct_matrix,sun_coeff_matrix] final_matrix.output_file = res.ill

#Then the to_rad_string will be:

c:/radiance/bin/rmtxop x.ill + -s -1 y.ill + z.ill > res.ill

property input_files

Input files.

For this command are actually None as the files are specified as inputs using the matrices input

property matrix_files

Get and set scene files.

output_file = None
property rmtxop_matrices
property rmtxop_parameters

Get and set rmtxop_parameters.


Return full command as string.

class honeybee_plus.radiance.command.rmtxop.RmtxopMatrix(transpose=None, scalar_factors=None, transform_coefficients=None, matrix_file=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.radiance.command._commandbase.RadianceCommand


Execute the command.


Return fullpath to the result file if any as a string.

property input_files

Return list of input files for this command.

matrix_file = None
property radbin_path

Get and set path to radiance binaries. If you set a new value the value will be changed globally.

scalar_factors = None

Scalar values for resizing the elements of the matrix. If a single value is specified then it will be applied across the board.


Return full command as a string.

transform_coefficients = None
transpose = None

Set this to true to transpose the matrix