honeybee_plus.radiance.sky.certainIlluminance module

class honeybee_plus.radiance.sky.certainIlluminance.CertainIlluminanceLevel(illuminance_value=10000, sky_type=0, suffix=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.radiance.sky.cie.CIE

Uniform CIE sky based on illuminance value.


Desired illuminance value in lux


An integer between 0..1 to indicate CIE Sky Type. [0] cloudy sky, [1] uniform sky (default: 0)


An optional suffix for sky name. The suffix will be added at the end of the standard name. Use this input to customize the new and avoid sky being overwritten by other skymatrix components.


sky = CertainIlluminanceLevel(1000) sky.execute(“c:/ladybug/1000luxsky.sky”)


Gensky command.


Duplicate class.

classmethod from_json(rec_json)[source]

Create sky from json file {

“sky_type”: int // CIE Sky Type [0] cloudy sky, [1] uniform sky “illuminance_value”: int // Illuminance value of sky


property illuminance_value

Desired Illuminace value.

property is_climate_based

Return True if the sky is generated from values from weather file.

property name

Sky default name.


Create json from sky {

“sky_type”: int // CIE Sky Type [0] cloudy sky, [1] uniform sky “illuminance_value”: int // Illuminance value of sky
