honeybee_plus.radiance.scene module

Radiance scene.

class honeybee_plus.radiance.scene.Scene(opaque_surfaces=None, non_opaque_surfaces=None, dynamic_surfaces=None, static_scene=None)[source]

Bases: object

Radiance scene.

A scene includes all the surfaces and modifiers in a radiance model. Sky is not included in the scene and should be added to the secne for simulation based on the recipe.

  • opaque_surfaces – A list of surfaces with opaque modifiers.

  • non_opaque_surfaces – A list of non_opaque surfaces like glass and tranlucent surfaces.

  • dynamic_surfaces – A list of dynamic surfaces. Dynamic surfaces are surfaces like window groups which have more than one state.

  • static_scene – A honeybee StaticScene which inludes radiance files which will be included in simulations as part of the octree.


Overwrite ToString .NET method.

property analemma_folder

Folder to write analemma files.

property aperture_folder

Folder to write aperture surfaces.

property bsdf_folder

Folder to write bsdf materials.

create_folder_structure(folder, remove_content=False, include_readme=False)[source]

Create folder structure for honeybee daylight study.

  • folder – Target folder to write the scene.

  • remove_content – Set to True to remove current content (default: False).

  • included_readme – Include readme.md files in each folder which includes a brief description of files inside each folder (default: False)

dynamic_aperture_file(surface, state=0)[source]

Path to file for a dynamic aperture aka window-group.

  • surface – Name of dynamic aperture.

  • state – Current state of dynamic aperture. -2 > glowed, -1 > blacked, 0 > default material, 1 > first state, …

property dynamic_surfaces
property electric_lighting_folder

Folder to write electric lighting IES files.

classmethod from_folder(folder)[source]

Create scene from a project folder.

The folder should be strutured as a standard Honeybee folder for daylight. Use create_folder_structure method to create empty folders with README files.

classmethod from_surfaces(surfaces=None, static_scene=None)[source]

Create scene from a list of honeybee surfaces.

This method separates opaque, non_opaque and dynamic surfaces based on modifiers.

property grid_folder

Folder to write analysis grid files.

property light_source_folder

Folder to write light sourcesself.

light sources include sky, enalemma and lighting fixture files.

property matrix_folder

Folder to write daylight coeff matrices files.

property mixed_folder

Folder to write surfaces with mixed materials.

property non_opaque_surfaces

List of input files for creating octree of the scene.


List of input files for a blackedout octree.

target_dynamic_surface is the dynamic surface which should not be blacked out.

property octree_folder

Folder to write octree files.


List of files for opaque surfaces.

property opaque_folder

Folder to write opaque surfaces.

property opaque_geometry_file

Full path to opaque geometry file.

property opaque_geometry_file_balckedout

Full path to blackedout opaque geometry file.

property opaque_material_file

Full path to material file for opaque geometries.

property opaque_material_file_balckedout

Full path to material file for blackedout opaque geometries.

property opaque_surfaces

List of surfaces with opaque modifiers.

property options_folder

Folder to write radiance options for radiance commands.

property output_folder

Folder to write output files.

property result_folder

Folder to write final result files.

property sky_folder

Folder to write sky files.

property static_aperture_file

Path to file for static aperture in scene.

This file includes all non-opa

property static_scene_non_opaque_folder

Folder to write static radiance files added as StaticScene.

property static_scene_opaque_folder

Folder to write static radiance files added as StaticScene.

property temp_folder

Folder to write temporary files.

The content inside this folder will be removed once the simulation is over.

property view_folder

Folder to write view files.

property wea_folder

Folder to write wea file.


Write all geometries to folder.


Write files to dynamic folder.

Files will be written to folder/self.non_opaque_folder. Use non_opaque_files method to see the list of files which will be written to opaque folder.


Write files to non_opaque folder.

Files will be written to folder/self.non_opaque_folder. Use non_opaque_files method to see the list of files which will be written to opaque folder.


Write files to opaque_folder.

Files will be written to folder/self.opaque_folder. Use opaque_files method to see the list of files which will be written to opaque folder.


Write static_scene to folder.

Files will be written to folder/self.static_scene_folder.