honeybee_plus.room module

Honeybee test room.

This class generates prototype rooms.

class honeybee_plus.room.Room(name=None, origin=(0, 0, 0), width=3.0, depth=6.0, height=3.2, rotation_angle=0)[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.hbzone.HBZone

Honeybee room.


origin: Origin of the room as a tuple (default: (0, 0, 0)). width: Room width. depth: Room depth. height: Room height. rotation_angle: Clock-wise rotation angle of the room from YAxis.

add_fenestration_surface(wall_name, width, height, sill_height, window_name=None, radiance_material=None)[source]

Add rectangular fenestration surface to surface.

  • wall_name – Target wall name (back, right, front, left)

  • width – Opening width. Opening will be centered in HBSurface.

  • height – Opening height.

  • sill_height – Sill height (default: 1).

  • radiance_material – Optional radiance material for this fenestration.


r = Room() for pt in r.generate_test_points():


r.add_fenestration_surface(‘back’, 2, 2, .7) r.add_fenestration_surface(‘right’, 4, 1.5, .5) r.add_fenestration_surface(‘right’, 4, 0.5, 2.2) with open(‘c:/ladybug/room.rad’, ‘wb’) as outf:


property depth

Room depth.

generate_interior_view(u=0.5, v=0.5, z=0.5, angle=0, view_up_vector=(0, 0, 1), view_type=0, view_h_size=60, view_v_size=60, x_resolution=64, y_resolution=64, view_shift=0, view_lift=0)[source]

Generate an inetrior view.

  • u – u value between 0 and 1.

  • v – v value between 0 and 1.

  • z – z value between 0 and 1.

  • angle – Rotation angle from back wall.

  • view_up_vector – Set the view up (-vu) vector (vertical direction) to (x, y, z).cDefault: (0, 0, 1)

  • view_type

    Set view type (-vt) to one of the choices below.

    0: Perspective (v) 1: Hemispherical fisheye (h) 2: Parallel (l) 3: Cylindrical panorma (c) 4: Angular fisheye (a) 5: Planisphere [stereographic] projection (s)

    For more detailed description about view types check rpict manual page: (http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/rpict.1.html)

  • view_h_size – Set the view horizontal size (-vs). For a perspective projection (including fisheye views), val is the horizontal field of view (in degrees). For a parallel projection, val is the view width in world coordinates.

  • view_v_size – Set the view vertical size (-vv). For a perspective projection (including fisheye views), val is the horizontal field of view (in degrees). For a parallel projection, val is the view width in world coordinates.

  • x_resolution – Set the maximum x resolution (-x) to an integer.

  • y_resolution – Set the maximum y resolution (-y) to an integer.

  • view_shift – Set the view shift (-vs). This is the amount the actual image will be shifted to the right of the specified view. This option is useful for generating skewed perspectives or rendering an image a piece at a time. A value of 1 means that the rendered image starts just to the right of the normal view. A value of −1 would be to the left. Larger or fractional values are permitted as well.

  • view_lift – Set the view lift (-vl) to a value. This is the amount the actual image will be lifted up from the specified view.

generate_test_points(grid_size=1, height=0.75)[source]

Generate a grid of test points in the room.

  • grid_size – Size of test grid.

  • height – Test points height.

get_location(u=0.5, v=0.5, z=0.5)[source]

Get location as a point based on u, v, z.

u, v, z must be between 0..1.

property height

Room height.

property origin

origin of the room.

property rotation_angle

Room rotation_angle.

property surfaces

Return room surfaces.

property vertices

Return the room vertices.

property width

Room width.