Source code for

"""Method to draw a RadiationDome as a VisualizationSet."""
from ladybug_geometry.bounding import bounding_box
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Mesh3D
from ladybug.color import Colorset, Color
from ladybug.legend import LegendParameters
from ladybug.graphic import GraphicContainer
from ladybug.datatype.time import Time

from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayText3D, DisplayMesh3D, DisplayFace3D
from ladybug_display.visualization import VisualizationSet, AnalysisGeometry, \
    VisualizationData, ContextGeometry

[docs]def direct_sun_study_to_vis_set( direct_sun_study, legend_parameters=None, include_title=True, include_context=False): """Translate direct sun study into a VisualizationSet. Args: direct_sun_study: A Ladybug-Radiance DirectSunStudy object. legend_parameters: An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the direct sun study. If None, default legend parameters will be used. (Default: None). include_title: Boolean to note whether the title should be included in the output visualization. (Default: True). include_context: Boolean to note whether the context geometry should be included in the output visualization. (Default: False). Returns: A VisualizationSet with the direct sun study represented as an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects in the following order. - Direct_Sun_Data -- An AnalysisGeometry for the direct sun data. - Title -- A ContextGeometry with text for the title of the study. This layer will be excluded if include_title is False. - Context_Geometry -- A ContextGeometry with the shading context used in the study. This layer will be excluded when include_context is False. """ # process the legend parameters and override the legend colors if legend_parameters is not None: assert isinstance(legend_parameters, LegendParameters), \ 'Expected LegendParameters. Got {}.'.format(type(legend_parameters)) l_par = legend_parameters.duplicate() else: l_par = LegendParameters() if l_par.are_colors_default: l_par.colors = Colorset.ecotect() # create the visualization set object vis_set = VisualizationSet('DirectSunStudy', ()) vis_set.display_name = 'Direct Sun Study' d_type, unit = Time(), 'hr' sun_data = direct_sun_study.direct_sun_hours # create the AnalysisGeometry vis_data = VisualizationData(sun_data, l_par, d_type, unit) mesh_geo = AnalysisGeometry( 'Direct_Sun_Data', [direct_sun_study.study_mesh], [vis_data]) mesh_geo.display_name = 'Direct Sun Data' mesh_geo.display_mode = 'Surface' vis_set.add_geometry(mesh_geo) # create the ContextGeometry for the title if include_title: all_geo = (direct_sun_study.study_mesh,) + direct_sun_study.context_geometry min_pt, max_pt = bounding_box(all_geo) graphic = GraphicContainer( sun_data, min_pt, max_pt, l_par, d_type, unit) study_title = DisplayText3D( 'Direct Sun Hours', graphic.lower_title_location, graphic.legend_parameters.text_height, None, graphic.legend_parameters.font, 'Left', 'Top') title_geo = ContextGeometry('Title', [study_title]) vis_set.add_geometry(title_geo) # create the ContextGeometry for the context if include_context: con_color = Color(125, 125, 125, 125) con_geos = [] for geo in direct_sun_study.context_geometry: if isinstance(geo, Mesh3D): con_geos.append(DisplayMesh3D(geo, con_color)) else: # it's a Face3D con_geos.append(DisplayFace3D(geo, con_color)) context_geo = ContextGeometry('Context_Geometry', con_geos) context_geo.display_name = 'Context Geometry' vis_set.add_geometry(context_geo) return vis_set