Source code for ladybug_display.extension.viewsphere

"""Method to draw a ViewSphere as a VisualizationSet."""
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Point3D, Ray3D, Mesh3D
from ladybug.legend import LegendParameters
from ladybug.color import Colorset
from ladybug.datatype.distance import Distance

from ..geometry3d.ray import DisplayRay3D
from ..visualization import VisualizationSet, AnalysisGeometry, VisualizationData, \

[docs]def view_sphere_to_vis_set( view_sphere, view_type='HorizontalRadial', resolution=1, center_point=Point3D(0, 0, 0), context_intersect_dist=None, dist_units='m', radius=1, legend_parameters=None, draw_view_rays=True): """Translate a Ladybug ViewSphere object into Display geometry. Args: view_sphere: A Ladybug ViewSphere object to be converted to display geometry. view_type: Text for the type of view analysis to conduct. Choose from the following options. (Default: HorizontalRadial) * HorizontalRadial - The percentage of the 360 horizontal view plane that is not blocked by the context geometry. * Horizontal30DegreeOffset - The percentage of the 360 horizontal view band bounded on top and bottom by a 30 degree offset from the horizontal plane. 30 degrees corresponds roughly to the vertical limit of human peripheral vision. * Spherical - The percentage of the sphere surrounding each of the test points that is not blocked by context geometry. This is equivalent to a solid angle and gives equal weight to all portions of the sphere. * SkyExposure - The percentage of the sky that is visible from each of the the test points. resolution: A positive integer for the number of times that the original view vectors are subdivided. For a circle, 1 indicates that 72 evenly-spaced vectors are used to describe a circle, 2 indicates that 144 vectors describe a circle, and each successive value will roughly double the number of view vectors used. For a dome, 1 indicates that 1225 are used to describe the dome, 2 indicates that 5040 view vectors describe the some and each successive value will roughly quadruple the number of view vectors used. Setting this to a high value will result in a more accurate analysis but will take longer to run. (Default: 1). center_point: Point3D for the center of the view Sphere. (Default: (0, 0, 0)). context_intersect_dist: An optional list of positive numbers that align with the number of view vectors in the View Sphere, given the input view_type and resolution. If supplied, these will be used to color the view sphere with the distances to context geometry surrounding the center_point. This produces a graphic showing how open the view is around the center point. If None, the view sphere will have all one color and it will be assumed that the view sphere is being displayed primarily as a way to illustrate the view_type. (Default: None). dist_units: Text for the abbreviation of the units to be used in the view sphere visualization. (Default: m). radius: A number for the radius of the view sphere in Rhino model units. When a context_intersect_dist is supplied, this should be the maximum value of this list or the distance at which context is no longer able to block the view from the center point. (Default: 1). legend_parameters: Optional legend parameters that will be used to customize the display of the context_intersect_dist. (Default: None). draw_view_rays: Boolean to note whether a ContextGeometry should be included with the rays that are used to evaluate the view. (Default: True). Returns: A VisualizationSet with the ViewSphere represented as an AnalysisGeometry (and optionally a ContextGeometry if draw_view_rays is True). This includes these objects in the following order. - View_Analysis -- A AnalysisGeometry for the View Sphere geometry. This will be colored with distances if context_intersect_dist is supplied. - View_Rays -- A ContextGeometry for the rays used to evaluate view if draw_view_rays is True. """ # get the view method from the view type center_types = ('HorizontalRadial', 'Horizontal30DegreeOffset') if view_type == 'HorizontalRadial': view_method = view_sphere.horizontal_circle_view_mesh elif view_type == 'Horizontal30DegreeOffset': view_method = view_sphere.horizontal_radial_view_mesh elif view_type == 'Spherical': view_method = view_sphere.sphere_view_mesh elif view_type in ('SkyExposure', 'SkyView'): view_method = view_sphere.dome_view_mesh else: raise ValueError('"{}" is not a recognized view type'.format(view_type)) # compute the altitude and azimuth count from the resolution az_count = 72 * resolution alt_count = 6 * resolution if view_type == 'Horizontal30DegreeOffset' \ else 18 * resolution # get the view vectors and mesh based on the inputs if view_type == 'HorizontalRadial': study_mesh, view_vecs = view_method( center_point=center_point, radius=radius, azimuth_count=az_count) else: study_mesh, view_vecs = view_method( center_point=center_point, radius=radius, azimuth_count=az_count, altitude_count=alt_count) # if a context_intersect_dist is supplied, adjust the mesh based on the distance if context_intersect_dist is not None: results = context_intersect_dist move_vecs = [vec * -(radius - dist) for vec, dist, in zip(view_vecs, results)] new_verts = [center_point] if view_type in center_types else [] iter_verts = study_mesh.vertices[1:] if view_type in center_types \ else study_mesh.vertices for pt, mv in zip(iter_verts, move_vecs): new_verts.append(pt.move(mv)) study_mesh = Mesh3D(new_verts, study_mesh.faces) else: results = [radius] * len(view_vecs) # add a value at the start to align with the vertices if view_type in center_types: avg_val = sum(results) / len(results) results.insert(0, avg_val) # create the AnalysisGeometry with the view sphere mesh l_par = LegendParameters() if legend_parameters is None else legend_parameters if l_par.are_colors_default: base_colors = Colorset.view_study() l_par.colors = base_colors if context_intersect_dist is not None else \ [base_colors[-1], base_colors[-1]] vis_data = VisualizationData(results, l_par, Distance(), dist_units) mesh_geo = AnalysisGeometry('View_Analysis', [study_mesh], [vis_data]) mesh_geo.display_name = 'View Analysis' vis_set = VisualizationSet('View_Rose', [mesh_geo]) vis_set.display_name = 'View Rose' # add a context geometry for the view rays if requested if draw_view_rays: mesh_geo.display_mode = 'SurfaceWithEdges' base_pts = study_mesh.vertices[1:] if view_type in center_types \ else study_mesh.vertices ray_len = radius / 10 rays = [] for pt, vec in zip(base_pts, view_vecs): rays.append(DisplayRay3D(Ray3D(pt, vec * ray_len))) ray_geo = ContextGeometry('View_Rays', rays) ray_geo.display_name = 'View Rays' vis_set.add_geometry(ray_geo) return vis_set