Source code for honeybee.extensionutil

# coding: utf-8
"""A series of utility functions that are useful across several honeybee extensions."""

[docs]def model_extension_dicts(data, extension_key, room_ext_dicts, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts): """Get all Model property dictionaries of an extension organized by geometry type. Note that the order in which dictionaries appear in the output lists is the same order as the geometry objects appear when requested from the model. For example, the shade_ext_dicts align with the model.shades. Args: data: A dictionary representation of an entire honeybee-core Model. extension_key: Text for the key of the extension (eg. "energy", "radiance"). Returns: A tuple with five elements - room_ext_dicts: A list of Room extension property dictionaries that align with the serialized model.rooms. - face_ext_dicts: A list of Face extension property dictionaries that align with the serialized model.faces. - shade_ext_dicts: A list of Shade extension property dictionaries that align with the serialized model.shades plus the model.shade_meshes. - aperture_ext_dicts: A list of Aperture extension property dictionaries that align with the serialized model.apertures. - door_ext_dicts: A list of Door extension property dictionaries that align with the serialized model.doors. """ assert data['type'] == 'Model', \ 'Expected Model dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) # loop through the model dictionary using the same logic that the # model does when you request rooms, faces, shades, apertures and doors. if 'rooms' in data and data['rooms'] is not None: room_extension_dicts(data['rooms'], extension_key, room_ext_dicts, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts) if 'orphaned_faces' in data and data['orphaned_faces'] is not None: face_extension_dicts(data['orphaned_faces'], extension_key, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts) if 'orphaned_apertures' in data and data['orphaned_apertures'] is not None: aperture_extension_dicts(data['orphaned_apertures'], extension_key, aperture_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts) if 'orphaned_doors' in data and data['orphaned_doors'] is not None: door_extension_dicts(data['orphaned_doors'], extension_key, door_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts) if 'orphaned_shades' in data and data['orphaned_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(data['orphaned_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) if 'shade_meshes' in data and data['shade_meshes'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(data['shade_meshes'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) return room_ext_dicts, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, \ aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts
[docs]def room_extension_dicts(room_list, extension_key, room_ext_dicts, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts): """Get all Room property dictionaries of an extension organized by geometry type. Args: room_list: A list of Room dictionaries. extension_key: Text for the key of the extension (eg. "energy", "radiance"). Returns: A tuple with five elements - room_ext_dicts: A list with the Room extension property dictionaries. - face_ext_dicts: A list with Face extension property dictionaries. - shade_ext_dicts: A list with Shade extension property dictionaries. - aperture_ext_dicts: A list with Aperture extension property dictionaries. - door_ext_dicts: A list with Door extension property dictionaries. """ for room_dict in room_list: try: room_ext_dicts.append(room_dict['properties'][extension_key]) except KeyError: room_ext_dicts.append(None) if 'outdoor_shades' in room_dict and room_dict['outdoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(room_dict['outdoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) if 'indoor_shades' in room_dict and room_dict['indoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(room_dict['indoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) face_extension_dicts(room_dict['faces'], extension_key, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts) return room_ext_dicts, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, \ aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts
[docs]def face_extension_dicts(face_list, extension_key, face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts): """Get all Face property dictionaries of an extension organized by geometry type. Args: face_list: A list of Room dictionaries. extension_key: Text for the key of the extension (eg. "energy", "radiance"). Returns: A tuple with four elements - face_ext_dicts: A list with Face extension property dictionaries. - shade_ext_dicts: A list with Shade extension property dictionaries. - aperture_ext_dicts: A list with Aperture extension property dictionaries. - door_ext_dicts: A list with Door extension property dictionaries. """ for face_dict in face_list: try: face_ext_dicts.append(face_dict['properties'][extension_key]) except KeyError: face_ext_dicts.append(None) if 'outdoor_shades' in face_dict and face_dict['outdoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(face_dict['outdoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) if 'indoor_shades' in face_dict and face_dict['indoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(face_dict['indoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) if 'apertures' in face_dict and face_dict['apertures'] is not None: aperture_extension_dicts(face_dict['apertures'], extension_key, aperture_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts) if 'doors' in face_dict and face_dict['doors'] is not None: door_extension_dicts(face_dict['doors'], extension_key, door_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts) return face_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts, aperture_ext_dicts, door_ext_dicts
[docs]def shade_extension_dicts(shade_list, extension_key, shade_ext_dicts): """Get all Shade property dictionaries of an extension organized by geometry type. Args: shade_list: A list of Shade dictionaries. extension_key: Text for the key of the extension (eg. "energy", "radiance"). Returns: shade_ext_dicts -- A list with Shade extension property dictionaries. """ for shd_dict in shade_list: try: shade_ext_dicts.append(shd_dict['properties'][extension_key]) except KeyError: shade_ext_dicts.append(None) return shade_ext_dicts
[docs]def aperture_extension_dicts(aperture_list, extension_key, aperture_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts): """Get all Aperture property dictionaries of an extension organized by geometry type. Args: aperture_list: A list of Aperture dictionaries. extension_key: Text for the key of the extension (eg. "energy", "radiance"). Returns: A tuple with two elements - aperture_ext_dicts: A list with Aperture extension property dictionaries. - shade_ext_dicts: A list with Shade extension property dictionaries. """ for ap_dict in aperture_list: try: aperture_ext_dicts.append(ap_dict['properties'][extension_key]) except KeyError: aperture_ext_dicts.append(None) if 'outdoor_shades' in ap_dict and ap_dict['outdoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(ap_dict['outdoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) if 'indoor_shades' in ap_dict and ap_dict['indoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(ap_dict['indoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) return aperture_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts
[docs]def door_extension_dicts(door_list, extension_key, door_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts): """Get all Door property dictionaries of an extension organized by geometry type. Args: door_list: A list of Door dictionaries. extension_key: Text for the key of the extension (eg. "energy", "radiance"). Returns: A tuple with two elements - door_ext_dicts: A list with Door extension property dictionaries. - shade_ext_dicts: A list with Shade extension property dictionaries. """ for dr_dict in door_list: try: door_ext_dicts.append(dr_dict['properties'][extension_key]) except KeyError: door_ext_dicts.append(None) if 'outdoor_shades' in dr_dict and dr_dict['outdoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(dr_dict['outdoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) if 'indoor_shades' in dr_dict and dr_dict['indoor_shades'] is not None: shade_extension_dicts(dr_dict['indoor_shades'], extension_key, shade_ext_dicts) return door_ext_dicts, shade_ext_dicts