Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.command.oconv

# coding=utf-8
"""oconv-create an octree from a RADIANCE scene description."""
from ._commandbase import RadianceCommand
from ..datatype import RadiancePath
from ..parameters.oconv import OconvParameters

import os

[docs]class Oconv(RadianceCommand): u"""Create a Radiance octree. Read more at: Attributes: output_name: Output oct file which is usually the same as the project name (Default: untitled) scene_files: A list of radiance files (e.g. sky files, material files, geometry files) in the order that they should show up in oconv command. Make sure to put files with modifiers (e.g materials, sources) before the files that are using them (e.g geometry files). oconv_parameters: Radiance parameters for oconv. If None Default parameters will be set. You can use self.oconv_parameters to view, add or remove the parameters before executing the command. Usage: from honeybee_plus.radiance.parameters.oconv import OconvParameters from honeybee_plus.radiance.command.oconv import Oconv # generate oconv parameters rcp = OconvParameters() # trun off turn off warnings rcp.turn_off_warns = True # create an oconv command oconv = Oconv(output_name="C:/ladybug/test3/gridbased/test3.oct", scene_files=((r"C:/ladybug/test3/gridbased/test3.mat", r"c:/ladybug/test3/gridbased/test3.rad")), oconv_parameters=rcp ) # print command line to check print(oconv.to_rad_string()) > c:/radiance/bin/oconv -f C:/ladybug/test3/gridbased/test3.mat c:/ladybug/test3/gridbased/test3.rad > test3.oct # execute the command output_file_path = oconv.execute() print(output_filePath) > C:/ladybug/test3/gridbased/test3.oct """ output_file = RadiancePath("oct", "octree file", extension=".oct") def __init__(self, output_name="untitled", scene_files=[], oconv_parameters=None): """Initialize the class.""" # Initialize base class to make sure path to radiance is set correctly RadianceCommand.__init__(self) self.output_file = output_name if output_name.lower().endswith(".oct") \ else output_name + ".oct" """results file for coefficients (Default: untitled)""" self.scene_files = scene_files """Sorted list of full path to input rad files (Default: [])""" self.oconv_parameters = oconv_parameters """Radiance parameters for oconv. If None Default parameters will be set. You can use self.oconv_parameters to view, add or remove the parameters before executing the command. """ @property def oconv_parameters(self): """Get and set gendaymtx_parameters.""" return self.__oconv_parameters @oconv_parameters.setter def oconv_parameters(self, parameters): self.__oconv_parameters = parameters if parameters is not None \ else OconvParameters() assert hasattr(self.oconv_parameters, "isRadianceParameters"), \ "input oconv_parameters is not a valid parameters type." @property def scene_files(self): """Get and set scene files.""" return self.__scene_files @scene_files.setter def scene_files(self, files): self.__scene_files = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in files]
[docs] def add_file_to_scene(self, file_path): """Add a new file to the scene.""" self.scene_files.append(os.path.normpath(file_path))
[docs] def to_rad_string(self, relative_path=False): """Return full command as a string.""" rad_string = "%s %s %s > %s" % ( self.normspace(os.path.join(self.radbin_path, "oconv")), self.oconv_parameters.to_rad_string(), " ".join([self.normspace(f) for f in self.scene_files]), self.normspace(self.output_file.to_rad_string()) ) # make sure input files are set by user self.check_input_files(rad_string) return rad_string
@property def input_files(self): """Return input files by user.""" return self.scene_files